HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-04-14, Page 13The Corporation of ihilogi:of Riple A Plebicite Will be 'held in the Village on . the nhieteentli day of May, 1976, under the Liquor. Licence Act 1975 of Ontario. Qualifications for voting are as follows: Canadian citizen or other British subject 18 years of age on polling day Be a resident of the municipality of the Village of Ripley for two (2) months up to and including polling day. TRELEAVM... LUcKNOVI FEED MILL tOcknow and FordwichBianch. JIM. ARMSTRONG R.R. 4 WiNGHAM PHONE 357.1651 HOME OF 1978 INTERNATIONAL „ PLOWING MATCH 111ACKETTI .FARM EQUIPMENT Lucknow Phone $284530 THE ockpoo.w. SENTINEL., LWOW, ONTARIO PAGE. THIRTEEN. WE/REPAY, APRIL 14, 190 Official 111011. Goes,To,Publk Bruce, The r County South Official Plan Program, 'which began in 1973, is now about to enter, the public participation phase.' The Planning area includes the 23 municipalities in Bruce County south of the Bruce. Peninsula. In 1975 Planning Board received the.first draft of the Official Plan and undertook an extensive review. As, a result, numerous modifica- tions and improvements were made and• incorporated into the second draft of the Plan. - ' Pi n king Board is now ready to expl; in and discuss this Plan with municipal councils and officials and the general public. • This will be undertaken by means,of a series of Information centres to 'be held in Walkerton, Teeswater, Kincardine, Paisley and. Port Elgin between April 14 and April 29. The closest local public meetings are Teeswat- er; April 20 and Kincardine, 'April Policies with respect to general development of town and villages, major land uses in townships, transportation and utility systems; social facilites and community services, as well as public imple- mentation, are outlined in the Plan. Representatives of the Ekuce County ,South Planning, Board and the con sulting firm 'of M. M. Dillon Limited will be on hand to answer any questions. Copies of the Plan Cheque out a aripplod child today. will be available for study at the .15 libraries in the Planning Area.. Copies of a summary report of the plan will also be available at .the information .centres. Comments and suggestions re-, ceived at the . information 'centres, as well as any written comments, will 'be reviewed by 'Planning . Board. Once suitable changes have, been made, the Plan . will • be "submitted for approval by County Council and subsennently. the Ontario Ministry of Housing.' Voters are requested to check the voters list for their names. Voters not on the list, may have their name added during the time set for revision of the said list. May 10th, 11th 12th and 13th,' 1976 during normal office hours at the Municipal Office, May 12th and 13th from, 7 to 9 p.m. 6 0 Voters lists will be available at the Municipal. Office, Ripley, Ontario. WM. McCREATH, Returning Officer Join OppoOtion .To 1*LeVel By Lynn P. Wall On April 7th, a meeting of the CPA Huron Chapter #1 was held at the home ' of Frank Heard in Wingham. The meeting was called to order. by Marvin Scott, The minutes of the last meeting were read by.ynn Wall. Romona Humphrey . report. B 'an Hallman moved that 2. gave the treasurer's Romona pay all outstanding bills. The . junior CPA members are going to hold a car wash. . This effort is in the charge of Miss Candy Rohn. Fifty bumper'stickers were left with Frank Heard to give Candy to 'be distributed at the car wash. Some of the members , were present on Sunday, April 4 for a meeting at Brantford, organized by Dave Mitchell of .Niagara Falls CPA. .The idea of raffles to raise money for CPA projects, was discussed and adopted at this meeting and was adopted, also by our own branch. On Thursday, April 8th, representatives for our' branch and others are meeting in Toronto with Mr. Snot/ They will present Mr. Snow with a list of . names- and let him inspect the petitions re seat belts. He will not. be allowed to keep , the signed petitions because some that were mailed to him from another branch conveniently got lost. The •new gun law legislation was discussed. and it was decided to have someone represent the organ- intim] at a meeting on gun control. to be held in 'the near' future in Wingham. . . the Goderich' Signal Stir concern. ing .teenagers and alcohol. The Lambton Board of Education has started to fight to try ,to have the legal age for, the' 'purchase and consumption of alcohol raised to 20. The Huron County Board of Education has voted to support them, After a' rather heated diScussion if was decided that the CPA, Huron Chapter #1, would add their support also. They' will recommend the age' of 21, as it used to be., Advertisers must cat out ,,the LANGSIDE Cold .wings and snow flurries Sunday,morning convinced us that spring is not •completely here yet. Service at Langside Presbyterian Church Sunday was capably con- ducted by the tatigside-White- church Young Peoples during the absence of Mr. Kay,, our student minister, who is writing exams in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Yining. of , Langside, Wallace Richardson atid Mrs. May Richardson of Wingham spent Friday in London. WELCOME TO COMMUNITY Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carere have rented the house on Bob Breg- nian's farm and moved in on April, 5th.. We would like to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Carere and their two children. to this community. Karen and Liane Young spent , Friday night with their grandpar- ents Mr. and 'Mrs. Clifford Young. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bonged- man visited on the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bongertman and Luanne of.Mount Forest. Laurie Johnston, Mary ,and Joanne' Bongertman spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert I3ongertrnan. "Good Life" 'advertising.. Alcohol is not all fun and games'. It is .not smart to drink 'any more ,than it is smart to take drugs. Teenagers must be shown the other side of the , alcohol story, • Pressure must be put on the police, retail outlets, hotels, tav- erns, restaurants.etc. to enforce the age limit regulations. It will make no difference what the age limit is, , whether MI, 20 or 21 if. it is not enforced. A ferw police raids on Saturday night to roust out the minors would let parents know' that their teenag- ers are. indulging. Some don't know. Some don't seem to care. Let's hear how you feel, It was decided to have a raffle. Ray' Hanna offered to donate an antique wash stand as, the prize. Two hundred tickets will be drawn up for this draw.. • The next meeting to be held on May 5th at the home of Rottona Humphrey at St. Helens. Y4) ddlik 104 uradan. 10 Granules SYSTEMIC - SYSTEMIQUE C,4fT0FURAN INSECTICIDE . Furadan 4