HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-3-1, Page 5• ummaisimmisammovit Toilet Articles We endeavor to give you the best the world's offering CAMPBELL'S DRUG STOR Phone 90 WONDERFUL VALUES IN New Stamped Gads • Ilt•rnwtitehed Stauip.l Pil- low Caws $1 OU pair Beautilui Bedspreads . 21 '0, Luncheon Sets Aprons 311c and ilh• Buffet Set-, white Or 2Se $ntbroidery T li r tou c1 s _skeins (sir All tiUnthers in white *and colere 1 ('m•het Cot t on'. U : 4 Smith's Art and Gift Store 1n 1)1l$$,,44•r $II• Goderich BEN MILLER 141INS1111.11.E11. t'eb. 211, -We ere storri to khow that Mr. Fred Schein. ley hats Issm re .esIgto .;,• hospital ..11 at -v.111111 of LI -health. I,er daughter. Mrs. W. H. Nile of lien- sall. for a few weeks. Thr on,rk paid a visit 1.. the home Mrs. 1Sadit. ri.her, of NI ohigaio. is ;siting U: the home of • r mellter. Mrs. M31411,1.1 of Bement, who hus AtinUIP I., report that Miss Jis-;ifiine %/I Illallation.111 Toronto r...401 w.4.1. -end at his home A.--�„•.,�.�y_r w..`-�+w qM. t. r1 • • THE SIGNAL,' GODERICH, ONT. have a social evening Wednesday of to the ground. Ills leg was broken a few day.. Mrs. Smith is a *laugh- / this week. Alter the social half-hour and he was very much shaken up. 1 ter of Mr. George Campbell. an old the ladies dispersed with the firm de- Other tuen who wetle drawing hay Kew : resident of, the 121 h 4.0mateston. termination that Hubby must help him fall and were soon on hand to ! Mrs. Morris has returned .to her. eart• for him. It lain a Out like•this ' 41.4111A. at Hinters after ifyeatditic a with the housework. - 1111A11, Ella SowerlO, Of We111ite'''. more important factor for I:4.A in the , ,,, from 'thirty to fifty years ago was u wI.1 he held 0.1 Friday evening. Mrs. "Resolved, that the rural ,Imrcli of People't Society of lobe United ...hutch Gordon. Mr. McKlnite., and Mr. liar- GODERICH TOWNSHIP, Feb. 29. event tile pitst wes•k-end with her sts- community life than it is t..lay," Wag . vey Weld) 11111.4. charge of the subject : Mrs. (Dr.) Stevenston, of London, both a pleasure and a profit to now ' "Ilonie Missions." who were brave enough to ro out OD , MIS:: )eato M..lienxio. front Latossitte. ter. Mrs. Reg. Johnston. . • ' was a %A eel, -end, visitor will* her 111 aid tl:e library fun, Wawolosh to *r. Chu- Ilan that the true rountiy .4141111 Isianicests *output of months with her dater. IsTs. GODERICH TOWNSHIP jos. 11/411111• visited at the home of her father, Mr.,i such a night. ilie a Thos. Cox, the lima week. me„..srs. rmia tv„i Eni,,,,t ' frleial, Mise Nizogilret ThOW. liluke, who told or the 9rIlyer Meet- l' like )I•11 Effle1141111.-Tile 11111111111 °- church will meet in the church on lugs, camp meetings and wen -tilled •11,10.me. of the Womett's Institute waa Viday evening. elotin•hes of those days atsi deelaresi ,111'"1"1 "Iv euillun"litY hail laSt "11"Y Semler will be held as usual an , , , ; '4. . .. evening. In spite of the unioleasant rear The tueu had (+arm, Of 111141 pro- p/01i crowd. l'his I inion eloureh next Sunday at 11 Pam tont toe prem•ders 471 that 11114. Wer, Children's Aid 844elety. Iler. M. C. .4,111.4r,-%k.enr.s.daStInKrs.4.111t.itirattondelitt::ct all,tr-1.1 .it.i. tratu anti they Iola OD a 'mple41411.1 mitt - t rel show. Choruses. 41..ets and trio*, • ofleetion will be taken 111 aid of the Tile 1.01114.14. Aid 411' .r..on Van rural places W1114 tile cause of etturch.,,, violin, Jewsiturp, mouth organ and earl. will preach. • • ra will hold t f I lays tiller* 4114,•& on monthly meeting at the hueli of 1!Ella living this life well than he E.A.4 als.let Isola lbstijes. Ilttron road, (111 'VI ed- dying and going to heaven. Tim 1111ra- 1 4••41.1y. Ilan(' ith. at 2 o'clock. llon was well debated' on ;•,tt, sides. The Late James Rests. -An old awl , Three 'Trail itangto•re" wilt were net- 'los-. passed is at'efillly away on Fele 1 nory 14. I ns•aosed was in his eighty- announced their decision : favor of -i ti ear and loud been in failing the aMrnuttive '1•11,- jiad%-. Mr N. o 1:th for •o,to t• tithe. Ile was Ismai simelrietett Mr.. Penner ki'patrick bronght the entertainment to tit close. 'Lis IfivilIshill JIB his 116'. Iln"ring 1° oision in favor of the nexive fade PRESBYTERY OF HURON eompatii.t. "The numbers were liber :11'; int, rsi ersol with jokes. At 111,e eonelnsion of tile program several sautthe a...1 ...sliest,. were tried and a h 44as a bapl* Lobe., A vote of thanks, from the ,, gr,..4,,.r s, ., ,. is budget cipport‘ Woitteto's Institute anti the singing o' The shit,- 41 sad Sul.,_ii sehools. augur; of res• ,,rue When 1, Ira sed for bountiful! lunch WaS 4.4.11'VAN1 by the were itress . • by the comelier. Re, 144i- ative nUli '...c -Mild work n..... done ta Thursday. ilareb 1. 1925.-5 Annu Will U17 111.1 BOOTS February Shoe Sale AT HERN'S ntinue Until March 3rd V X. '1111111 • 111114 174 your opportunity. SHOES TRAVELLING GOODS • of fIrtwelich: no though the SD!. A-4 erly, 11111111111.,1 4-111 Exeter, whim, ex ins lame emend' sativu, which. 41 witheut prop - to lib portion in C111811 church. its allocatioo, sail ad Clinton s for r4.tueintion MEETS AT CLINT nliere_At lived until 'llis _11,4. Lime in,muangug uv Ita,.1 II/11 'tit, 44 144'11 he is :14 three. yt 214--117 .thr111.11111. 11.111 1111. nil 1.1 111•. 111 ...;14.0.1 WS. a 17171111111 111.41141er of St. ; Goderielt.. met -the ea r7-17-Prilmrtfoft, tot 1110C111 1 W81122? Strir kV. 412424 '441 Rev. it. 4' MeDermid in e‘ciy Curiadian Home Why? Because it is Canadian; and _ '1:::111t:itit.T...,,,:titnelid • 4:4.14.111 janannw,s1 .,,I,::,•,,,,i,u :tozt,;i1rititatao ikautl'ir iNufattori:noaall 111.• ,I of articles on ranadiar , year arts at NItstern Uni• 24 is•sues in, a year, all for Send 3our order. to: A Sweeping Sale of Brooms S String, heavy 5 String, heavy 4 String, medium 79c 59c 39c . file Old time Religion." too . mop:tooled "...II.' iol» riii,"11` iti seelduS rel. filing to -a, re '34, Ilsteoned was the hist sur- , ' AV. member of his frmill. Lis bro. rs and skiers 1..risl.'• 41.1 ••• 4 formerly Avon Jetnina Nft•Keel 2IAL lona. lie is siorvivol. -by • • wo•k TIPP re %A 41:4 ft la r_ 111111111114'e :III instrumental by -• Yung.. !Tient Of ItillillgrOOtil Stliti.% at real , .00 married s sloe; •,1 have you inspoet our itttods. 11141 upheld Ity-Mrot.-117-F -war M-ra. ‘. 41. 'Cuilot: 'lie negative MI-. Mor - ST. HEI,ENS ',mord to de n forty y 141,::111 117:11 1141- DININGROOM SUITES Furniture Funeral Director -11 COME EARLY and get the best choice 41 71V 141- , Into the istrv oo• Pre. • Lwolimillialw. •Www-smow-wwwlsownwiawwwWw. - _ A N S !k:Trifyl HELD BACK' !I COLLOWI!vG our big sale pay you well to buy now if you want to BUY RIGH! Ci.613 BAGS Features wodh noting in .the -3-piece styles, %vith welted seams. Good heavy brass fittings and ..1 ;11,4 iiii tc.4`cf ;') Tr 4. GODERICI Highest Prices I' aid 411 Ertfrt-t Furs Beef Hides and - -dome- Feathers DAVID BROWN 2711 zit .. irg:cr FontWear, We nous offer our entire rfock of Tray, ng C -rods ot these pricev, Tor, with the ra;.iclly orkoncing tecther rn. ••et, prices o:, 5 only Genuine Cowhide Bags, I8 -inch and 20-incli. Good full bodied bags, in black 7 only good Leather Bags in black and hiewn, smoo:h anti grained leathers. Every one is a splendid value a: the following $c 7- 2 only Leatherette Bags, I8 -inch 2 only Real Leaiher Boston Bags, black and brewti- pairs of each. Per pair • , • .A. $1 00 l Lumbermen's Rubbers -leather tope). While they last. Pair $1•50 11 Lumbermen's Robbers 1 All men's heavy black (not including All boys' and youths' $1.00 Goloshes -nt.'s. b°Y8'. ladies' and misses' NOW IS WTI? CHANCE IF WE HAVE YOUR SIZE, BUT THEY ARE NEARLY ALL ! ND SIZES THAT ARE LEFT Sale Commences AT ONCE \\ SIAARMAN'S SHOE STORE GODERICH, ONTAIFt10 LThese Prices of Course CASH 1 $2.85 • lac A co :orable advance. „SUIT CASES ati411)4wk,e1- it; lid atol $4 3 - leather eoriirrs , orlor the pair together $8.25 Tau lentlier,l.inTiTio.r. :ill root -I 0- 11f1 out for' floe pan ss Trunk and 'uit Case Straps TRUNKS 1 only eanvas coverod Trunk, ea on and protected with hardwood $9 00 Iteg. 812.00, for 1 :Steamer Trunk, metal covered heavy fitting,. Nieely finished in 111tle and Nark. Reg. 810.00, 4416 1 real I: atio.r fotIol Stormier Trunk. tuotal '1 $7.50 i 34 -inch Veneer Fibre Trunk A strap - Br st With -Iran- fliE I 26-incli Stilt OP., $3.25 _ with strap. • • • •