HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-04-14, Page 2• 20. YEARS AGO . . MARCH .1956 Harold Stanley's barn was badly damaged in a. cyclonic gale that hit this area. , Other destruction occurred but the major , damage reported was the Stanley barn and a highway shed at Kinloss Village, which was unroofed. Joseph Agnew, a lifelong resid- ent of the community and who had the unique distinction of having served as clerk of the Village of Lucknow for 45 years, passeu away at the age of 88. His service as secretary of the' Agricultural Soc- iety, equalled that of his municipal service. Work of renovating, rewiring and redecorating the Public Library was being carried out. , . WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 1976 Honoured With Surprise Po . Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cumming, Lucknow, were honoured on Satur- day evening, April 3rd, when their Rose Street neighbOurs staged a surprise party at: the Cumming home, ‘, An enjoyable social evening was spent' with music by the Clark family, Susan, Herb, Jim, Kevin and Doug and Harold. Campbell. . -On behalf of the gathering W. A. Porteous expressed' congratula- tions and best wishes• 'to Mr.'and Mrs. Cumming and Mrs. Herb Clark made the presentation of a wall clock. *CIL Crab Grass Doctor 18-6-9 . . - The famous "Golfgreen" formula plus 3.7% Chlorthal (Dacthal 01 Pro- vet) safe on the widest variety of established lawn gratses. prevents Der- • mination of crab. grasses plus some annual Weeds.,For crab grass con- -trol apply in very early spring or, late fall at '10 lb./1000 se. ft. and water „in. For Poe Annua control apply at 10 tb./1000 sq...tt. in late summer . and water in. ..• • • • . • *8.99 $1749. *CIL Golfgreen 187679 • • Non-burning double strength lawn food for established lawns. Safe, long lasting fertilizer correctly balanced to supply nutrients the way grass uses them. F6r , super wear and drought resistance. With 85% of the nitrogen from slowly avail- able S.C.U.,Tho for extra colour and vigor in lawns. Use spring and summer at 10 lb./1000 sq. ft.• 22 lb. (covers 2200-4400 sq. ft.) • 44 lb. (covers 4400-8800 sq., ft.) Easter Flowers GARDEN SEEDS J. GLADIOLUS BULBS DAHLIA BULBS LAWN SEEDS FERTILIZERS , 40 lb. 10-6-4 $4.49 40 lb. 7-7-7 $4.19 22 lb. gieats 2200 sq. na 44 lb. (treais"4400 aq• Itj $5.29 $9.99 COWAN'S GROCERY STORE LUCICNOW ,,PHONE 528-2903 • • • • WITH MARGARET,. THOMPSON , 0••••••••!• •••••••••••••••••••••••,•••••••+' ••••••4 . • OIL PAINTING Mrs. Annie Shiells, instructor; Marg. Bell, Donna Campbell, Eunice Cunningham, Ray 'Cunning- ham, Marj Dotibledee, Gladys Haldenby; Marie Hogan, Mary On Saturday, April 3, 1976 Mr. P. A. Murray of Holyrood celebrat- ed his 80th birthday. On. Sunday, April 4th a family. gather- ing was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Murray, R. R. 1 Holyrood. This was also, a quiet Open House for his many former, neighbours of the 10th Concession of Kinloss, when tea was served to the many happy callers. Family membett present for a buffet supper in the evening with Mr. and Mrs. Murray were: Mrs. Keith McCarter (Veronica) of Wallaceburg; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Murray of R. R. 1' Holyrood:, Mr. and Mrs, Leo Murray of R. R. 3 Holyrood; Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Kraemer (Eleanor) and Meline of Rexdale; Mr. • and Mrs. Alphonse Murray of Lucknow; Mr. and Mrs. Charlet Murray of • R. R. 1 Holyrood; Mr. and Mrs. John Murray, Debbie, Dianne, Nancy. Helen and • Alphonse of Drayton;' Mr, and ' Mrs. Gerald Murray, Steven, Bradley and Justin of R. R. 1 Rolyrood; Mr. and. Mrs. Doug Schmid (Barbara) of Toronto; Mr: and Mrs. Donald Fisher •(Elaine) of Barrie; Mr. and Mrs'. Jim Murray of R. R. 3 Holyrood. Absent for the birthday celebration was Mr. Keith McCarter of Wallaceburg and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dales (Margaret Ann) of Smith Falls. Hogan, Mary Ireland, Douglas Kaufman, Marg Mundell, Eliza- beth Ritchie, Mamie Roulston, Donalda Scott, Laura Scott, Rpse Seigrist, Mabel Smith, Mary Steff- ler, Mildred Thompson, Mamie Wilkins, Elsie Hardy, Beryl Mow- bray, Margaret Grant, Margaret Hildebrand, Lori McKim, Erma Cook. LIQUID EMBROIDERY Mrs. Ruby Bonnett, instructor;. Pearl Caldwell, Susan' Cooke, Judy . Gollan, Marg Hackett, Mary Hack- ett, Mae Hunter,' Myrtle Spivak. PHYSICAL FITNESS Mrs. Deirdre Graham, instruct- or; Bonnie Ackert, Joanne Agnew, Sharon Campbell., Marion 'Cook, Debbie Emberlin, Nancy Gibson, Barb Hawthorne, Barb Helm, Jean Kaufman, Bernice Kemp, Marlene MacDonald, Deanna Reavie, ploria Ritchie, Susan Stevenson, Sylvia Sutherland, Janice Rutherford, Gloria Murray, Helen Chisholm, Donna Staubfe, Nancy. Amman, Beatty Irwin, Rosalie Peterson, Shirley Colwell, Brenda .Smith, Susan Ritchie, Kay Collyer, Kay Crawford. 'Stuart Collyer was in charge of the night school program. " • • • 40% IN BRUCE CONTINUED FROM' PAGE 1 . made in the percentage rates of grant and this has resulted in ,a drastic reduction in the'percentage of the budget covered by Provincial grants. If the 1975 rates of grant had been maintained, 70% of the increase in budget or $1,600,00000 would have been covered by increased grants. The actual grants received will be $1,000,- 000.00 less than this and therefore the ratepayers of Bruce County will be required to pay 70% of the increase in budget. This will be an increase of 45% over the ,levy for 1975. 'New assessment will account for 5% of this so that the average levy for ratepayers in Bruce County will be 40% higher than that in 1975. • $20,000 Grant For Renovations, Total Cost $40,000 A. $20,000 grant towards capital improVements to the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority's administrative headquarters in Wroxeter has been approved. Natural Resources ' Minister Leo Bernier announced today. in addition to renovating the office : building's exterior, the Authority plans to.convert part of an existing garage into a year- round workshop. lin prove ments will also be made to the parking lot and driveway'. Total estimated cost of infprove- merits is. S40.000, • • that there was about fifty cases iii the village: 60 YEARS AGO MARCH 1?16` See what your dollars can do. Support Easter Seals. SHULIST - TAYLOR • Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Tayldr, R. R.- 2 Lucknow, are , pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Dorothy May Ann to Stanley Julian Francis Shulist, son of Mr. and Mrs. August Shtilist, Barry's Bay, Ontario., The wedding will take place Saturday, May 15th, 1976 in Lucknow / Presbyterian Church. • . . • ' •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• The LUCKNOW SENTINEL LucKNow,.ONTARIO • "The Sepoy Town"• — On the 'Huron-Bruee Boundary Second Class Mail Registration Number 9$47 Established.1873 — Published Wednesday, • 'Member of .fise C.C.N.A. and 0.W.N.A. Subscription Date, $8.00 a year in advance • $2 extra to U.S.A. and Foreign Donald C. Thompson, Publisher . • .•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Public School Open House And Night School Achievernent Night Combine •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••N LOOKING BACKWARDS . • "Ti' 'THE - SENTINEL - FILES-, 40 YEARS AGO MARCH 1936 ' The Women's Guild• or the Lucknow Anglican Church and members of the A.Y.P.A. Dramatic Society combined. their efforts in sponsoring a "Jigg's Supper" with beef and \cabbage in prominence. A three-act comedy followed' the supper entitled "All, A' Mistake". The four rooms of the Lucknow Public School were closed on account of scarlet fever and measles. Five cases of scarlet fever and twenty-one pupils absent with measles were reported from the four classrooms. It was estimated Open House at Lucknow Central °Public School on Wednesday of last week* was combined with the Achievement Night of Lucknow and District. Night School. , • The open house gave parents and friends an opportunity to visit the classrOoms, talk with the teachers, and view the work of the students. Video tape projects by the students, numbers by the school band and industrial arts and home economics displays were part of the evening. The .achievemehts of the night school classes were, on display.' Various night school classes, their teacher and class members are as follows: SEWING Mrs: Rose Ifobb, instructor; Rose Anger, Sharon Austin, Karen Flanagan, Rena Forster, Marg Hamilton, Mary Maclntyre, Mary Alice Smits, Isabel Burke, UPHOLSTERY • William Templeman, instructor; Delores Cross, Kathy Gibson, Irene Haldenby, Jean Hesch, Merle Hodgins, Alice Husk, Elleda Irwin, Greta Johnston, Cecelia Laidlaw, Marion Mowbray, Myrtle Percy, Evelyn Phillips, Jean Phillips, Susan, Petereit, June Wylds. A school report for S. S. No. 10, Kinloss named the following pupils - Flora Ross, Kathleen Terriff, Cora • Clubb, Maude Conn, Ernest Pen-v rose, Carl Lott, Ada Clubb, Irene . Taylor, Harold Sparling,, Ernest Casemore, Merle Wilson, Frank Paterson, Annie Kennedy, Isabel Fox, Addie Ross, Cassie ,•Purdon, Lettie Fox, Gordon McKay, Carl Casemore, Bob Conn, Beatrice Johnston, John Penrose,• Palmer . Pettipiece, Charles Spencer, Irene Moore, John Clubb,.: Wesley LOtt, Willie Garton, Jean Dawson, JaMes Wilson, Janet Mowbray, Vera Caseniore, Sadie Pettipiece, Mary Mowbray, Victor Casemore, Russel Taylor, Ernest Sparling, Bob Loft, Jean Moffatt, Augusta Spencer, Marjorie Stewart, Walter Penrose, Malcolm Ross, Tom ' Moffatt, Hugh • David Henderson, Wallace Conn. Teacher, Stella P. Kirke.' •• HliNTER - ROTTEAU Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rotteau of R. R. '1 Kincardine are happy to announce the, forthcoming niar- riage of their eldest daughter, Brenda Lee, to Mr. Dile Gordon Hunter, son 'of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. • R. Hunter of Lucknew. The wedding will take place on Satur- day, May 15, •1976 at 3.30 p.in. iii Pine River United ChurCh. • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO