The Signal, 1928-3-1, Page 2Aatdtetu Mtedkal Ilatk.
The m *['diet}
once 1s an C.3FIan Papyrus t f 1tc90
B.C., which 11-4 been tra,.lated Iota
a book
otda( shoot 60 , -_
{ 1Mti• bliss Ma,
i.Ittlt MIM ea, of Chinese parent-
age, who was •hrtstened the other
day in 8t. Paul'' Cathedral, Loudon,
will have little difficulty some day in
learning to frit - per own name, but.
She must sett imagine the brevity of
hname k
Ottawa. fnfeni(ue,nce, instawas founded
by a Col. Bel Melbourne still boasts
} tradesman whose narnt is "John
Ny"; the C e4 Staten boo a faintly
of Some ds retina named Ek; and
a few years a successful business
was ,•stables .d in London by a Mr.
S. Be. All 'ye, however, have to
yield the psi et brevity to a worthy
dame who f :Many years presided
over a wind 9 in a Paris bye-•tr•el-
She enuld J her name In one let.
ter -0
Lam R Oldest !Statue.
A 1latue Queen Elizabeth. bear -
frog the date rota, ns said to be the
oldest /other tatu• ht London. It
was orlainall set up at Ludgate Hill,
hut Pint..' 1t it has stood outstd•
81. t)ttnstars church.
*; 1itiways.
idly now n,1l Halls In th• I•ad in (lis
Dwuays•mber of ''a of electrified raA-
Will display a complete line .1
ladies' and gents'
i,t I t Iihe I':tt,.nt -1 nu 111.•
Advice on MI Scalp Ailments and
the Use of Inert• Rapid
11 11,1.1 fi,r Appointment
') 1 -siege St., Toronto, Qgtario
$- trivana•7, > ►�-'�
larch 1, 1928.
P ,.
uthe hill teavaadnratit*, tlx• t ilhige '
tei„-of Wroxeter, the balance
.il will he apes °•red and ent•h
STAHL1 U D 'INS'the rid.* w111 idelle carl+t Iowa-
Member of carates Weekly News-
Published a tt•ryA TTbuurtruyay morning.
Subscription price $2.00 per )ear
strictly iu advauae.
Telephone 33 Goderl h, Ont.
W. 11. Itohrrtaon, Editor and 4lauager
Thurwiay, Mun•h 1, 1928.
stale. tm0, dllaw•:euro two, towns.
• •
The nett ilia v Grit Meta 1'
Tindal Wept r'.` lytna await. ! .
would better ha :in be, if h.
Dot w''ut to be tr.ttA as if he e
a e'ituindtt.
• •
The -beer by i .las" I r.1. 'al it ;
not being encour, by ti .• ,; .ton:
mens. Anyway, Ilhuul . „ .
hanker for beer dies. •t _e,• L.
can get It by tete .•' ?
The election that will be necessary
to tilt the seat to the town council
made vaavnt by the lamented death of
Robert H. Cutt provides a glorious
opportunity for someone to tent the
popularity of a progressive civic pro- I
Here area f•'w planks that might
form part of sueh a platform:
Thorough reorganization of the fire
Agelesslve [effort to revive the
industrial prospects of the town.
A plan to place else fall fair upon its
Measures to keep Ooderieh more
deflnttlely to the front as a tourist re-
ps, including leadership In 11 move -
anent to have the Rine Water Highway
created a Provincial highway.
Other plank,: might be suggested :
but these. would keep a good man
busy for a while.
• •
The way some ,.thy chapn talk.
one might 'maxiu. .,t. not cul) du
they want the in. ' tax at.. i+bed.
but they would Goterutueat
to guarantee the inures.
• • •
A Pitt shur*.wolwuRafta to go over
Niagara Falls in a brat Rad the ail'
tboritiey say they t. not allow it.
• ,'ugh 'last toll rose unusually inthe
likelihood : tly lotpuht great i ci ea
1 f • corn harvest and fall•
Hoa. J. A. Robb. Minister of Fin-
ance, has again presented a budget
that conteirla much of encouragement
to the Canadian people. During the
Only teas grown 4,000 to 7,000 feet above sea lewd
are used in "SALAC'A" Orange Pei',oe Blend -
the flavone' therefore richer, more fragrant and
much more delicious than other teas. Only 43c
per -Ib. Buy it at a:ty grocery store.
1!111glir • 1/
The Weekly Farm Bulletin
lasting please tweed epeethe
'antic .ewhard taller
rituatleu of 1914. I ,�urty rauuW glrtr to tulalutulu thadr.
Trees by the 1MiWoa• ' • : 1It•nla, uuu lith fact, to`rther wild
'Thirty million torvet seedlings have frYw!II• 'f. B. tarot anti tu•
been d Breath
by the Ontario Fur '17:: ug 1jt.i end dor mUk auel ere tml
catty llrauch. elute it la'guu to Mud . tucker Ipnl,+e uerreeurp'. 'Phlr do-
t material it 1'a17 •taxi the de- wood fur rt•lae..uaeut av,wa 1r going
�hb, )ear tltik'lais expect. to ship ten ,rrrhy at SIN H•ewlathlrt cell
wtlliuti. Tjtrw•+pturla•r. "f tlxre• :111 be mer$ 1u \e'lteru New F:ugluuej uud
used fur yAvute pbtttUug, the nest fur adjatrnt c,."Deis have a good uwtrLttt
wuulelpwl tolerate. Nicety -live per for surplus .'4 if they breed and de-
ue of vas- owe The danger, he
stat, u( thyme treys ore hl cch,p
loos torts, with the white and red adds, is :: high prima may tempt
mow must in demuud, the Tar ; sell iris beat fututdalluu
in 1921 about '2_5 applied etotk and „ve hint nothing worth
for trams.. and 22.10x1,000 were diatribe while to bus: upoou for the future. ,
Meed. lust )tar 4,000 applk'atiour ..Bristol rao."
we're received.
Drawing on the :Ur.
Nitrogen in fertilizers costs Wooley•
With u well ,biloculated legume crop,•
however, the bacteria may "do down"
trait• I whole mita 'o New ttinglaud and At-
ttitl du out n+tica
snit t uw t• that wri,.s a member of Ual-
aunixl tats grow'u Io such 11 dt'aree to•atrutluac R. e•Far-
Ever e:: •r the Brutal Fairy? NO.
11'8 not a ettherweight prize tighter.
It's a new 'arm of the old flower
garden futaite, baby's breath or
,thiht, 'iCh double flowers two
as mutt as 100 pounds per acre 0f to three tin's as large as the older
thla valuable eletut•t+t• lka1iulou form, It '.otitis to flower earlier
Chemist F. T. Shutt, In experlutentr than the ,'r tIWry baby's breath, and
at the Central Experimental Farm at after the r.'st burst of bloom is over
Ottawa. found that Held Bull which rhoob a,Ii. p1, from the bane and
had grown real clover fur two )ears• .tear fiuw.•:- ttuvugh until toll. It's
with the stat turned under at the end a perennia.. and utter favorable eon_
of that time: gained 175 poundx, per ditioua ea. reach a height awl spread
acre. an average per year of over tel• of terve fat.
Spuds Ate, --gel, Ft Frosttrtr.
true r•etm.tni why potatoes front Ute Where -••eatery have had their
coast fn,z.•u, nabbing
laam w••;; n.ta gl)certue in which two
per te1.1..:t I),a,t hu. hero mixed helve
to pretcut ±weillug uud dls,oloratlon,
corms ., bet from Alaska cla :3usk-
atehewau i'i* eta utlxture, rubbed
on coir... :uta wattles before a cold
snap, hell., 10 prevent frostbite in the
Nest 1«a•e T •.ler' iu Alaska are re-
ported ta• t' tiring tale mixture dor
feoet},+�.- *a,•l is kt,aµ_tbelt_ dogs feet
iu g"..1 t'hin's.
Why shouldn't au> I• who is crux) ! fnvonb r e r ),lxrltimes are finding tr!aaiy sale
enough to want •ver Niagara uorwal pair t,u one.
slowing. for carious reastnts there i In Britain $roda the cutting off Of Ontario may be found in this Mary:
Plana in :: barrel ta• ....yid to do ass': 1 An Ontario grower consigned a car
who are many IMIM. of stubble -orounplowed fr.-ti pork iron. Netherlands has We even knowneon a do ft. • resulted in the • erston of many 1 of what he describe(' as extra quality
/Mould he etteour,41.• to ft. and an occasional fits u( corn sth I ale It la excal grade A potatoes to the t'. F. Cooper-
. 1 trent
farmlug uta ut, lu tient. carte, the I frogs that
tll•t t o ;r and Irish hogs alive. Without tieing tnapeeterl It was
�f:arnMer can lays much time uud hubs 1 Peeled that �i,'ciu t)tir.demand en- I sold to a dealer as grade A. He
The Toronto '1'clrxn. ID .the c•11- 1 over t� lwUl ws'u be npp,, t turned It back, and it wet, resold
talar[ nc:t-{.r1+Mr.-J►f.:u Peng torte. column of it+ jaw of ]d••u tap nuttier as grade It. 1iP also objected
last had moo of its haeacten•; •. field with a railroad [.mil or heavy roes mull sold no
sharp trigs and ubblr- k to 1•]+tirl. snd1_ w'he'n the car J
Hailer with a 1 World live sta.i holdings, according nue was �ntlsfletl.
slams" at the King ;overrun ut's Ing off the 4andiug torn or stubble.
tariff ladiry,' with it' uuat..,u . - to recent Go nt shalt+tics, are Two Queens.
lawsru t'a.aar, roc the lecrL
that thin vol. was Ceding up the „Etat, point. out- f e lug 'Cattle and steel- : •• rather above the
to•1 1' medal teuttlm
TI t i best uud now back to n. pre-war
\ new derelopnent new at least to
the writer, who is not a beekeeper -ala
l'nit,rt Statile. On the tier side ..f wort lastly .haw oda trust)' mute are somewhere the tat• buthnrsa is the employment -0f
the same attest was a :.lure •how-- I when the ground is bare, and 1f Von- 1914 base Ilue; I Itt.two gneeet+s to me hive. The brood
1 a >;r-. • gamont, °tart• with tits ditions are'rght u teu-ucre deld tan near it.
t►g la •broken off la a
few• hear. In North Amen.. beef. cattle have chamber is dicidtN, into two by a
wool.: -Seen In the Bowery and \\.Iwll stllbbie is brokcen uiI iu tIIts' fallen ore I. o„r ••t+t 4uail1'r during ; dicitluu board. and each latlf given a
East 3rd Stdeet. New '•irk, where ,say it is .a,•i1y burieel by vareful 111e lest st'e'm : ••.tit but the dr.p, is quw•u, Insumd of working oc lays a
foot) Is doled out to jtlefe•sa men at plowing. The .stalks, of tourve, have counter -balanced t:, s,etue extent by • and wearing herstelf out 1n egg
the Holy Nate Militant The great to be gathered uud burned, as tt is one-quarter last •:est• in Argentina. the quw•u ht►es ft comparatively easy.
1 n European bolsi am now practically i ,y.tnailta in g,ual 4•ondition. and the
ramie's ..0
not speak a'a
last fiscal rear, ending Match 31. 1927. of the atilt
the national debt was ,reduced by
nearly $42,000.000, and the e,rthnatrd Male •Im
',eduction of dont for the year 1927.28 levej•hc:tded
is $38.000,000. Over a five-year period I Ieyegunhas ••d
tbe net reduction of debt has been
As In former budgets submitted by
the present Minister of Finance, re-
duction of taxation marches along
with re,fuetioa of debt. A ten per
tent. reduction 1s made 1n the per-
sonal income tax. the tax rate on cor-
porations 1s cut to eight per cent., and
the sales tax ie reduced by one-fourth is, from four per rent- to three
per cent.
There are a number of tariff mine -
Conn affecting principally cotton and
woollen goods. Another tariff change
Of local interest is a drawback (or re-
bate) of ninety-nine per cent. of the
duty oa bituminous .raft when used In.
the manufacture of salt.
"A spirit of hopefulness has been
developed " Paid Mr. Robb, "and as we
entered the present calendar year one
lulq„>rible to uwke u c ea
tib in the iue-up sacs practically back to normal Iris t.o not build queen ee11a to re -
welt for cromliriou job of torous; thew oases.
. i , tate I . K.. is
Sheep are .lather to estimate. platy her. The result. a,eording to
leers swarm -
States Ube morket.•• A Bae5R *Mel. Europe is beck t.. the prewar figure. reports. front rt" '
it he brood comb- filled corse- platin r.: early wtortng, tate abaorplve
e cm
L'cth, the apehie and Iwe•un to_Britain that they were ium.- tot countries, as t; is now. .\u -,salla honey i"
ie sarin the winter retmv- Gnat MiaRhr t Nater
el shipped more bacon lulu the water supply. The l S and Argen ing the,u 1 1 n withinCoe
d than did tete United loaf and 1n sheep of e J P ad, ^ferentr of•he World he Irish Free ow• recovering some- is mule u trifle less t t n
Dinner Sets
We have just received u
new shipment of
English Dinnerware
You will Is' delighted with
the patterns
Sets ranging in price
from $-19.75 to $39.50
for 97 pieces .
See Our 1Vindow Display
Cole's Book Store.
No 1 . S. Eggs.
A f,•.run• of -the Canadian egg mar-
ket &Lanait•� is that no U. 13. eggs
have 1..••n intyirtcil. {teary' eblpments
from n .' -h Qdumt.ia have been the
weaker:.a: factor at. Parooto and
Mout°•. Nee, if we -only had a tar-
Pr.ltW'-ion i• in. -nosing all acme
the „sorry. Mt vitt' Lent opening.
Itwul.:r:••❑ witlidrae id from •trade
grew -i,.:. stowage st:.•ki not as heavy.
raj. te.t :and B. C. dealers
"Ot"h"'V�e�r���e�.,, uutril% _those which 4111- I and Russian sta'.'tirs indicate a ver) Int. o t ,nae sow. r.e.f the market also b rising.
111a-eut1de oLaelirs Mae seat ee little marked rise is t .,t country. or group qul•nt'y sttenger ar.lortics and larger I _�_
Fnrthl'r•mltre, If a gnarn
In•r of Th Mlllverton ed together in the trade swusti th I maces .. and chain.,e- S.
with the ,throes d g
- dlvi,dnn board re -greens the Ii. er.K'iesrea ot
lel invIt+iun to at- oat year tar
tight little island t a t tine have ground see colon and resent- loss.• • "rth country, lege than fifty
teed the next ntata5, Cuuada. and t year-• but are u fl 1 R I ide hive roll• • out theiu11 ,[Tint tradleg post
State of e:wutlon .►-..dates. to State put togttber. There. in brier, 1s what.
eh at c�t twitu'rlm� 1n Au u mitt rt of p Rfill stoct L•�!dht_.
bei I � K W e
Ample Refrigeration
Keeps Our Foods
Right for You
Silverwood's Ice Cream
Brick or Bulk
Sparr's Grocery
"The Store of Sat isfaet ion"
Hamilton St. Goderich
Phone 146
What People SayAbout
Goitre Remover
dart, lfr-,iJ. Ir Mfacelteth ;nae for ia•r:issue weak[+ces.o( the British ba -
about the pre -ear state, the market
.years taken se o.tive Intere• in edu. con market. during the pasta)tar. ;unwt to expert. react in the same
stb and h 1 t in the twelve months to December, manner. crest `,•l .•f new countries
catlouat question-.
a set ptesrrl -e oil with its 01
Denmark aipvtd over o,UW. nftt•r the war•
a member of the executive the Ott hundredweights aloud) to Britain • the wall u genently Poor icon°mac si
lash. W•houl Trusses, and }tat,•i,ayers , p s Canada •and Irish •Free State ,Itlou w Europe.
ri ff
-+::.1 •hanging density
Ams -fatten. Vieintbeeribi-e. to bis; ost- 1.Ut11-Uu0a'anti "other court- I mutation h. r.trh•us parte of the
wellsrltteed paper might ^i. him a' tries"-.11o1i+u+d, Poland. Ituasht and •1
woe d, all interaeue to upset any
testimonial of their esteem by ut ttedlc ! the state's aloud the deltic --atmos
offering to tit -without their r for
o i expected to
six weeks, sea. in ond•r.t,::t11ow him I Ifarrish 1., 4
are er:px '
drop tiff to ease extent ; but lien -
to take the tt4o t•, iiwitserl.nd. s I mark' 1s -Use ams tountry which may
• s • I be esprrteri .,-hold on-lulrle eon'dnt-
atly regardless of the iris's for the
The pr
here-hn'u en
ever the pr
leader. Mfr.
ballot paper:
months ak:,
g. of tjl�e te•glsl ours tv
tune lasing, The C. S. expert has
encs by series "f t'1It4 berm dropping steadily, and is now '
etion by the 1.1e. ral less than on, -half wI at it *1144 two
lair, of a number •:f )eat•+ 1141». Ireland 1s i1 .slug up ba-
e•,•n output, and at the sauce tittle Mtap-
etfoetid n few
our, iMsit Ileus.
streets lit Ottawa. 'which ng a re-iltof the ami rgu ou
could not help but note that leaders of Th• se ballot+ app. If- 1.1 have leen fresh pork shipments from the e,ntin-
Industry and finance emjsttastz.d that printed for use In the Lost Provineta' cut of Europe went heatily into the
the present preatierons c°nditions elect.on In the elty tK Ottawa, and bacon bjt-iuess, ,stems to have had
sprang from the solid growth and Mr. 8lorlalr naturally wants to knee `'1"144111 ••,f 41+ut venture, and ds n`
_, duedug I,i041ut•tton, at tt,e-sarne time
solvency of the basic Industries of hos they intuit to be where 'hey V. '• acltching much of Ile outlet to the
Canada. With revenues wow buoyant-. foend. The -matter un, rt feieed ?:_ _p'r f. .i. 1.;r•1c trede. in+teado of
the privilege. and •1n ' .Dee t �.mmitte• bacon. Manua Is also reporter to be
of the floosie. where n lively row a- cutting down bacon prid1ucUun. As
veltpe-.I members -et the, Governmet t Europe. at a whole, has•not yet got
epevinnding that Yr. Sinclair h: n: Lack t„ pre- %ar grain pnaluetiun, and
governments are trying to Trance fm -
there 1s a tendency to have the Domin-_
ion embark on many new ventures• as
well as n tendency indiscrb
minate private ,peculation. We should
not, lt°wever, forget our national debt:: arts to the ,• mmltt c !'le ballots '.r ta.rtsk"f. cereal KTuint, then• i+ not
Work and' -thrift. are the only trite ha, been fauns. aid Mfr. Sinclair .4e -
roads to Rome5. The g.-ntrtthm that tentinedly ranging to do this
spent the money should not shirk its the ballot hetes Wed In the O'
respnalhilltiers. Further to'ntlon r•- .•lelen were misfired for ex:!' ' ,
•inns wl} #F-4'�H1---i}rnr fir. 9,11u -b** mute net r•. .-.e•
ads prngrestts, Inst unthmnl progre-s , of nny trregml. rity im m�retl.). •1,
is dependent on the wholesome good- the matter, and probably n0 one i
X111 we ,practise towards. one lin . irate rmsprctPll anytII _ was Re
. v -ether." wrong iut for the e, vernm,et
Mr. Rohb'a budget. has' been goner Inetnnee to pn•1tiCe a ballot • ':•'
ally well receival tliroughrntt the In which the '. or'I of the •Ierti m
-r'mrntry. 'Phar - Weirtern Progressives-olr.a--sfrnn',I tee fnnn'F Nn.v Rncb err At n10- . at
sere not satisfied with -what they con- sp14 r - of myatets 5nrr:nnds tb•• whole
aider the irxengrP rcechtetinns to tariff affair that the �,tsider hardly 1''tws
taxation. while on the other hand what to make it. Tbelate‘. ..,..1•14-
'. rel
8°nM of the manufacturers-.nfrevt'_pl--,^opmment_. lit Prader FerEmmt• '1n•'
are prolesting With more or less ee• nmm:•e'r*nt tin' the matter i• ,•ins
Item -nee that their l,usine•ss will la• rcferrd to a etumi'rslnn of
ruined. by the redrurtions. Another court judge*.
erltltkm from the Progressives 1s tht?t - -•
the int alu,uld not be neduce"1 Putting the !dlPnter M O'''K> e?
until the sales, enc is enmplrteiy wiped (1.00den Advertiser)
met. They mint nut that the inmate r. c,, :,• Sport. North Hurt,
tRx it mild by those who can well nf- I. r Varian' , has been TLored }_ _
ford it, while the wales Mt la a ltur- to hi- 'cadPr, MI- Bennett. hl ng ap -
den moot the mases of the people, I.,inl.•:I ehatrni" of loop part•. :spree--, --
Gal' , h Star. 1 hon-
ane. e+pad•in11y upon the fathers of d..n.,l effect . 'ty silenced.
families and acts RA n drag 11 tam
basin: ss
generally. TLe•.' vart"nv
mar -
mea r-
measurement, . nota and aloe soli
the explanation of the . ••e ore track to 1 ie a ry d socrpt Oren . la m I tl off
1 t wo that the tees on „n of HayRiver OA
sides 'ar the same odor an ve.Lke, hat ala c en y o
cavil other a- members of the same the r• :alar routes .( travel to have
colony. been visited by ort: a mete handful
Steady Sale? of white men, are- two of the most
The C. S. dc.nand for dairy cowl rooms rful.rataract, 1h the Dominion.
which bac 1a14•11 to nntab:e a factor in Thos are the Al. xandra Falls and
raising pri.'es this year. 1s likely to the Louise Falls situated wattle
continue. acrr,rdtng to Eastern States about a rade of each other on the
authorltleee. The dairymen supplying Hai *lose,
Hydro -Power Equipment.
During the y.•ar 1927 Lydro-power
..quipnte.nt was tkst 11I•d .in Canada
ready tor operation to the extent o
more than 221.000 tap. in addition
oth -r undertaktntI- •1r4 .advanced to
sae:a s► 3'a6•, that a further total of
1; 8 000 L p. will b• In place during
the ftrat ah or torten m••nth: of 1928,
.thus bringisgthe total by the middle 1
et the yearom more than 5 100.000 �
About (loltre' Reepover S. W. Huge -
...0u. 1t3 2k,udan Ave., Toronto, Ontario.:
Dear Sir. My wife weal ')0' and
one-itslf bottles of pour Goitre Ple-
tmover awl her net•k is completely well.
She is very thankful to you. having
gained from 103 pounds to 132 %Pounce.'
1nal now• feels fine. With heat wishes,
Hamilton Fidler, It -R No. 3, *Mil-
roy. Ontario
The ate ve is a fair sample of the
mer}- similar letter- we ane ,d.nttantly
receiving from those who have been
succesafull) treater. by I)r.W.J. flugb-
am'+ Fun1..114 1 .,i4r' IL. -raver- For
further pertleulai write it. W. liuel-
Artn. I lept. G,$ , 8R_ solution Ave.,' To-
ronto. -ronto.
llisanaane•nt in the 51ua tour Parkas
-ot-'.dations (loafer -
Ll v i r. -t- ( mien
ewe, Ott.: proposing
.\rmiet a:e abolldhtd
his return from tbe
immediate and total
: I turn you all into
Le Rite, Prame.
views are b'in1 advanced in 1'arlin-
ment as the :rebate opus the budget
NIA rob
• • •
Next door to spring.
• is •
The hn,it of the winter is broken
• • •
Jeal:•ng from the look of mnr-
rioae- wo far in thi,o year A 1). 1921.
leap )Par romwnee Is out of fashion as
completely as long skirls.
• • •
lint Vincent Ma -,.a y, s'anrndian
minister to Washington. defines a i
"Idghbmw" as "one whose learning
has ontstrilvncd hl.• Intelligente." A
p1ipnble bit
• • -
rtefort hayfield .easel to rte an
lneorporateed village. the two electoral
dneislnns of demur had, an [errant
number of mnnleltallties! thirteen
to molt riding -eight townthtps,
thew villages and two towns. When
tlutdoon of rldtx,n -
whateevor vnur ta.k-
Let WRICLir4 r.•fresh
you _allay toga thbv't, old
appetite and clIgestion-
Helps keep tffith cl''an•
After Every 1
Meal 1G ' rJ
:1'11 •�
.Our 1' ..tsl 1ystc*. ,
In ads'I'Inn le 12.370 post nmces
in Canada, th'•t• ar. 3.7(4 rt -,t1 mall
routes on whish `are 199,470 njIl
boxes. The Cat,ollan post ottice syr
tent etbbraces A territory more es-
tensiv.• than that of any othei system
in the worlds'.i:L+•t tbid_Unit:d States
__i and Russia.
The Present Mining fluid
b wonderful for buying. Yourown
fears are holding down prices. Prlc8
is determined by demand and sup-
ple. When your laitit Haw prices
will rise. intrinsic mine rallies
have not changed. Don't play into
the claw. of the beam. You have
nothing to fear -it you don't. buy on
margin. ('all 311.1 o -e 1111,.
Corner Hamilton an.i Newttate8ts.
t'hntte�Ttl - -
Inauguratifl. .teamahlp N. rroMes.
In an effort ‘o extend ,'anadlad
trade with the 1.,tin-American coun-
tries, the De•p:+"m' nt of Trade and
Commerce -hat in vi' w the possibility
of inauguratlnr st• unship te-rclres
between this a miry and the coun-
tries of Centra'. and Mouth America.
A Canadian Tr. i.' C o+nrnlsaioner's of
flee will be Nita:dialled at Lima, with
jerisdiction oy r Peru. Bolivia and
Fquador, and the Department will
furnish the ae*+papers of South and
festal/al ,Amer:' L with a constant
stream of nevi: from Canada. These
anaouncernent' were made by 1•'. 1'. T.
O'Hara, Deena lliinister .of Com-
merce-, who r.•-^ntly completed a 14.-
- 000 -mile trop eltouth Ennth and Cen-
tral America. Moller) and Cuba.
Developing (Ain* Clay Delimits.
Saskatchewan deposits of ehiaa
c'.ay at East E:hd are bring developed:'
a: cording to Hon. A. P. Striate The
• clay has prov••n Ideal for the manu-
facture of china he says. It Is ship-
ped to Medici!). !tat for nlnneactur•,
At Eatevan atria her clay suitable fee
manufacture "t floor 01., is utfder
on Thursday, March 15th
I'uLORFI'(, t(('F1\F:f4 AT OPF.\i:M'(1 O}✓r
With n'l the traditional pomp an.I elte91matance of 4Ptttnrlet, King George opened in .tate the fourth Regalon of
the Math Parliament of life reign 111 London. The nlga't picture shows the royal cnnrl) 411th Hoe Majesty arrivltM
for the t'PrMn,mles. left* The ltaroness iteaumont enter Ina the Horse lower centre • King I;t•etrge in the rage.
vehicle. Thl. was the firm time since the King aw.endeet to the throne tint Qtwen Mary 414 not amtmpaany Mm to
Parliament. She was coffering from a severe svold. The picture on the lower right shows tont and Lady Birkenhead
at the Hanoi. of lords.
Furniture Sale
Saturday, March 3rd,
and continuing until ,iold nut
Everything must he sold, as
Mr. Walker has leveed his
Rtfresan,l IR giving 1111 hal Rlnestt
Furniture and Naw' Forsitbiap
West Side of Square, Goderick