The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-03-17, Page 12INCOME TAX ow • BL . 19 VICTORIA ST. N., GODERICH • ON HIGHWAY 21 PERSONAL BUSINESS AND FARM RETURNS ' \ ALL RETURNS GUARANTEED ' PtION 524-8658. 111111111111.11.01111010111111111111111.101,1111.1111111.1.11.1.' WE HAVETHE BgsroomouRsELF POOKARQUIEL 975 income Tax Gvide has been written to mak your tax form less difficult than yon might ts; In most cases, all.) ou hate to do is follow the blue section starting at the front of The gtlide. It w ill lead you through 'the tax form and schedules step b,„1, step. When you finish, chick your calculation for accuracy and include all sour receipts v, ith'your retutir. no ilyoursell. See how ' difficult it isn't. 1216'ena Canada Imp& L hon. Bud Cutler) Ministre ego Revenue Canada Taxation Hon Bud Cullen 'Minister I 0111.LTWOLIII. • c:4.4- THE LUCK sit LUCKNOWf ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, MARCH .170:1914, 0terida.Aritoid: Is4HPrOdent , The second meeting of the; St. Helens Happy Handierafters was 'opened with the 4-H pledge. The roll: call was. answered by 10 Members.' Valerie Errington read the secretary's report for the first 'meeting, The • next "meeting is Monday, March 8 at 7.00 p.m. at Mrs, Humphrey's hopse. The treasurer found out about he covers and we decided on ',range with black letters. Every- one will embroider their own Picture on the front cover. For Achievement Day we decided to do' a skit. We continued our discussion on Colour Harmony; talking about similar and contrast- 'ng harmony. The demonstration was on how ) make a pattern. We divided into groups to do thiS. One group s orked on their learning stitches irticle 'and the other on their sampler. This included how to ranger the pattern from the brown. aper to the material once you got 1-ie pattern made. Officers elected at the first Meeting were:; president, Brenda • i,rnold; vice president, Marian taynard; secretary, rotation of all members; treasurer, Annette Kirk- land; press reporter, Dayle Mac- Donald. . The meeting closed with tbe 4-H creed. Fruity Five Whitechurch Fruitie. Five 441 club held their fourth meeting on Wednesday. evening at 7 p,m. at the home of Mrs. Archie Piirdon, • assistant leader, The president, Lori Anne Jamieson, opened the meeting with the 441 pledge repeated in unison. , The roll call was answered by the 3 members present telling one way' to use dried fruit. The minutes of the last meeting were read by 1,ori ,Jamieson. The next meeting is at Mrs, Walter Elliott's on *March 3.1.st at 7 prri. Designs for the „quilt block. were discussed. Mrs. Elliott discussed planning daily- meals, breakfast, luncheon. dinner and fruit Snacks, Kathy Purdon demonstrated fruit salad as an. acconipaniment. Lori Purdon showed hOW to prepare oriental. chicken. Mrs. Purdon demonstrat- ed how to make fruit salad as a main dish: In group work we helped make the fruit salad and tasted all the food we prepared. We closed with • the 4-H creed. Frsl Fryits r The 2ild meeting of the Lake Fresh' Fruits took place at Jean Lizmore's on' March 1st. We opened with the 41-H. pledge. Janice Stanley read the. minutes. Roll call. was, answered by ever- one. ',Each of the members read a • se,Ttic,t of the member's pamphlet On pages 2-5. • Jean LizniOre read pages 11.12 'which was about fresh 'fruits: inspection, grading,. Selection. and varieties of apples.. Kay Thacker read page .13 which was, on pears, piums• and other fruits. We tasted a fruit 'salad plate that Mrs, -Lizmore prepared, she alsoprepar- ed baked apples, whiCh we tasted. The members worked together to' make fruit cups. It Was served with orange 'sherbert and , wfiipped topping:: Everyone enjoyed it. .The 'Members each gave a dollar to help with the cat of the food. Cherry Blossoms The Holyrood 4-H Cherry Blos- SomS club met on. Saturday, March 6th at' Mrs. Hank Dniker's home fdr the: 4th meeting. • After opening with the pledge seven men3bees answered the roll call with "a methCad of serving dried fruits", • Mary Eadie read the ntinutes .a the previous meeting... Discussion followed with ideas and recipes fol. using fruit in daily meals as accoMpanitnents to ' the Main course, dessert, and snacks. These were main points. of the meeting. Mrs. Gerald Rhody showed a fruit salad plate consisting of finger portions of different frtiits cluster- ed around a jelly mould. This was sampled by all members. All enjoyed the oriental chicken as a main course item. This recipe uses a can of fruit cocktail in the sauce. Mrs. Rhody also mentioned the quilt patch,' which-is to bear the club emblem for a 4-H' project. The meeting closed with, the 4-H motto. Fruit Cups The Clover Valley Fruit Cups held their 5th meeting at the home of Charlene Elphick on Wednes- day, March 4th at 7.15. To start the Meeting off we repeated' the 4-H pledge followed by the roll call, "Fruit we freeze, can, or dry at home. State if any, of these fruits are grown at home". The' minutes of the last meeting were read '.by Johanna Van Deepen. . The next meeting is being held at the home of Donna. Elphick' on Thursday, • march 18th at 7.15. Both leaders discussed pastry making, fruit pies and dinner menus from the home assignment. The senior Members gave their reports on different fruits as their special study. • Mrs. 'Fran :Elphick made an apple pie from 'a recipe with fresh apples and Mrs, Joyce . Elphick made an apple pie from a mix with a canned apple pie filling. The members compared the two pies after they tasted them. We then closed the meeting with the 4-H creed followed by- a delicious lunch. Happy Hoopers The third meeting of the ''KaPPY Hoopers— was, held at the borne of Mrs. Edward Robinson on Satur- day. March 6. The next 'meeting. will be held on March 20. Jane Thompson read the minutes , and 'took the roll rail. At this meeting the twisted chain was demonstrated by the leaders. Miss Cathy Foran discitssed the creation and enlargement of de- signs. Ellen Thompson dosed the meeting. Zippy irinettes Meeting 02 was held at Mrs. Dona Campbell'S home on March '1 at 7,00 p.m. Barbara Hackett, president, opened the meeting. The roll call was answered by the "Learning Stitches" article I have :hosen Ito make andWhy". Cheryl. Hackett read the minutes for the last meeting. The .next Meeting will be held at 'Mrs. Dana Lirf-,p1,1:ell's on March 291h at 7.00 p.m. . Mrs. Campbell diScusseci "Col - our Harmony" and demonstrated "Pattern and Learning Article" also transferring a design 'to fabric: how to pull embroidery thread from skein, threading, the needle, start- ing and finishing thread on fabric. She then showed.e the girls their firSt stitch: which is called the Back Stitch. All, members participated in group workon article and starting "Learning 'S'titches" article, The Apple Dumpling Gang held their 6th -meeting on March 1, The Meeting , opened with the 4-H pledge, The tre'asurer's and secretary's 'report were read• by Kathy Brooks. Janice Londry and Debbie Bolt demonstrated how, to Make cookies. • Elaine Whitby and, Karen Elliott then demonstrated how to make ,pgaehrbaked 'Alaska. The meeting closed with a lunch that was enjoyed by , everyone. The. last meeting of the Apple Dumpling • Gang was held' ' on Wednesday, March 3 at 7.00 p.m. The meeting opeiied 'with the 4-H pledge followed by a recap of the last meeting.. The treasurer's, report was given by Kathy Brooks, The roll calf, "One fruit dessert my family , likes" 'was answered by everyone. The girls then reported on their fruits for Achievement Day. A fruit fondue followed by the 4-11 creed closed the meeting. Tooty Fruity Lucknow No. '1 .4-H club met in' the school on ThursdaY, March 4 at 7 p.m., for, their sixth meeting: They Opened the, meeting by repeating the 4-1-1 pledge. The minutes of the last Meeting were read by Nancy Ritchie. JOanne Ritchie gave the treasur- er's repott. .The next meeting will be on Tuesday:Mardi 23 af 7 p.m. at Mr's. Ritchie's home. Grace Alton will be the commentator for the, exhibit at Achievement Day. Mrs. Ritchie • went over fruit desserts and quickhreads. Grace Alton demonstrated' how to make Peach Baked Alaska while. Brenda Grubb demonstrated how to make Banana Bread. Everyone enjoyed them both •very Much. The meeting closed by repeating the 4-H Creed. lucknow W.I. Lucknow Women's Institute held their regular meeting in the assembly room in the Town Hall on Monday afternoon, March 8th. The Institute Grace was sung and the committee of Mrs. Eric Rice,' Mrs. Jack Wraith and• Mrs. N. J. MacKenzie served a lovely dessert and tea. Mrs. A. J. Wilson welcomed ,all. and the meeting was opened with the Institute Ode and Collect. Mrs. Bert Gammie gave the isecretary- treasurer 'report, and c'orrespond- ence. A thank you note was read from' Mrs. Joe MacMillan. We were reminded that the April' meeting will be the annual meeting and it was decided to have a dinner at 12.30 noon. The district director's meeting is to be held at Holyrood.on Tuesday, March 23rd. The roll call' was answered by telling "Something' we need in our Institute' There. were. 23 Mem- bers: and 1 visitor present. • Mrs. Jack Wraith was chairman for the program on, resolutions and opened with a reading "The legend of the Shamrock". Mrs. Wes. Ritchie at the piano led in an Irish. sing song. The Motto "What is a resolution" was well given by Mrs, N. J. MacKenzie. A resolution is a medium for an organization to present its views starting at the branch level through district area to provincial, to improve conditions that exist. Mrs. Eunice Dunsmuir sang a very lovely solo "Beautiful Isle of Somewhere". Mrs. Wes. Ritchie gave a humorous reading "A, Quilting We Will Go". Mrs., Eric Rice gave the topic , on welfare and had much information on • the home care services that are available to those who are, ill 'or need' help for any other reason. A homemaker is a mother' replacement in the home when there is illness. She also had information on help available for senior citizens from 'grants etc. Mrs.. Rice closed with, a poem "Try to spread a, little happiness". Mrs. Jack Wraith gave an appropriate poem "March! Who needs it". Mrs. Rice gave .2 piano numbers "Golway Bay" and "When Irish Eyes are Smiling". Mrs. Grace Campbell conducted , two contests and the meeting dosed with the Royal Anthein.