HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-03-17, Page 10The BrownieS opened their
meeting on Tuesday, March .9th
with skipping games.
Fairy Queen • was Helen. Macln-
tyre and she placed the toadstool,
for ' Brownie -Ring. The Sixers
collected Brownie Gold and Tawny
' Owl did inspection for a complete
uniform, The Brownies were
reminded that shoes count- as part
-of their uniform. Brown Owl
presented Helen Maclntyre with
her Golden Bar and the , girls that
joined Brownies last fall received
. their Brownie pins followed by 'the
Brownie Prayer.
At PoW Wow,• Donalda Thomp-
son showed the. Pack her • stamp
collection. Several. interest badge
••slips were given to Brownies that
are ready 'to have Mrs. Webster
• test them'.
During work period Brown . Owl
had the Golden Ladder Brownies
learning Finger Spelling. Tawny
Owl tested the. Golden Bar Brown-
ies for throwing and catching a" bill
arid skipping with Donalda Thomp-
. son, 'Heather MacIntyre, Dianne
Wilson and Mae Raynard passing
• these tests.
The meeting was brought to a
close with the Squeeze, Taps and
the Brownie Arch.
St. Peters A.C.W.
&nem MAL TL as _
int ',nay n With i• ne mOderator
Ashfield Presbyterian Church
Sunday March 21st
1.1,1C.1( NOW
Re*,. Stialduhiell,
- Services at
10 am. " A Farmer In the
Passion of our Lord"
' ' •
2:30 p.m.
"God Wants To Belong"
Listen to the
Thick to. God Hour
Message of Today
CHOK Sarnia, 8:30 a.m.
Radio dial 1070
CFOS Owen Sound, 1:30 p.m.
Radio dial 560
Mr. and Mrs. Gerrie Glenn,
Angela, Arletta and Andrew arriv-
ed home from a holiday in Texas on
Sunday night. The twins hid the
• flu before they came home and
Bernice was quite miserable With it '
for a day or two after their return.
There were .7 tables playing at
the Orange Lodge card, party on
Friday evening. High prize for
ladies went to Mrs. ,Evelyn.
Errington with Mrs. Kathy Rhody
second. Elmer Black and • Art
Stewart tied for first but Elmer
. Black won the high prize in a draw
so Art Stewart got second. Dicky
chair'prize was won by Mrs. Marie
Park. -Another card party will be
held' in two weeks, Friday, March
Thos Fowler and son Darrel,
Parkhill, visited Tom's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. • Chas. Fowler on
Sunday. . They reported more
damage around. Parkhill from the
ice Storm a week ago than we had
here. They were without, hydro for .'
three days and camped out with
friends who had a fireplace.
Mrs. Cecil Blake had a phone call
from' her , uncle, • Mr. Eugene
Hansen of East Tawas, Michigan
and he asked to, be remembered to
her neighbours.whom he has met:
He reports severe ice storms and.
much 'damage in Michigan.
Rick Park is opening the garage,
Nile Motors, at Nile, on Monday,
March 15 and will, do general
repair, welding' and sell gas. "
Kiniotigh A .c wi
The Anglican Church Women
met on ,Thurs,day--ifterndon at the'
home of Mrs. David Haldenby With
a good attendance:
'Miss May 'Boyle presided and •
the hymn "Jesus Master whom I
serve" was 'sung. Mrs. Ed Green,
read the scripture 'from St.
Matthew. Prayers• followed with
Mrs. Howard Thompson leading in
the prayer for our prayer partners.
Mrs. Rohr ald Thacker read the
thank you notes. Mrs. Roy
Schneller expressed thanks for the
cards that Roy had received since
his unfortunate accident. The roll
call was answered', with a verse
from the: Bible containing prayer,
which was also the theme of the
Mrs. Howard Thompson, pro-
gram convener, presided and the
hymn ."Lo God is here" was sung
and a reading "Ask and you will
receive". Mrs.' Ronald Thacker
• gave the meditation "Take time to
.pray" ending with a suitable poem.
Mrs. Midford. Wall gaire a reading.'
Mrs. Art- Haldenby read from the
Living Message and gave a poem
about an old lady. Mrs. Delbert
Hedley gave .a reading on "Pray- ,
er". and "Lord teach me to 'pray"
and finished with a prayer thought.
As' this was' the lenten quiet day
Miss May' BoYle gave a paper. on
"Lent" and Mrs. Eric Thacker read
"Sacraments of holy living".
Mrs. George 'Graham gave a
thought for the day•from Romans 5
and 6, "Living by faith".. , A
reading "Living Prayer" was given
by Mrs: 'Roy Collins and a reading
"A word of cheer and a' kindly
deed" was given by Mrs. Ed ,
Green, Mrs. Bert Nicholson read
"The Legend of the Raindrop",
Mrs. David Haldenby read "Great
.Thoughts", Mrs. George Haldenby
read ,the 23rd.. Psalm for busy
people and Mrs. Roy Schneller
read "Pray about it" and "For the
needs of others".
Mrs.' Art • Haldenby gave the
courtesy remarks and the hynin
"Stand up, stand up for Jesus"
was sung and all joined in the'
general , thanksgiving. Mrs. Bert
Nicholson was thanked for a
donation of material for two quilts
and Mrs. ' Art. Haldenby extended
an invitation to have a quilting at
her home on Monday afternoon.'
Grace was sung and delicious
refreshments "were served- by the
hostess, assisted ' "by Mrs. Bill
Haldenby and Mrs. Midford Wall.
Mrs. Bert Nicholson offered her
home for 'the April meeting.
Hostesses Mrs. George Graham
and Miss May Bosie. Conveners,
Mrs. Fred Page and Mrs. Ron
Trinity Pretent
Life Membership.
The March meeting of ' Trinity
United Church Women was held at
the home of Mrs. Allan Hackett on
Thin-Sday, March 11, with- an
• attendance 'of 23. The president,
Mts. Chester Hackett, called the
meeting to Order with a few words
of welcome' and. thanked the
hostess. She then gave ' a poem
"Spring Time Prayer". All joined
in singing a hymn and the Lord's
Prayer was repeated in unison.
The roll call was answered with
an article for the Craft Festival, and
these were later judged, with the
winners being: novelty article,
Mrs. Jerry Cranston; clothing,
Mrs. Allan Ritchie; and aprons,
Mrs. Alex Hackett and Mrs.
Wilfred Hackett.
On behalf of the members,. Mrs.
Alex Hackett. and Mrs. Frank
Ritchie presented Mrs. Charles
Wilkins with a Life Membership
and pin. Mrs.. Wilkins thanked the
ladies with a few well chosen
Mrs. Harvey Ritchie introduced
the devotions and hymn 77 was
sung. Mrs. Allan Ritchie read the
scripture from 'Mark, and then le'd .
in prayer. Mrs.' Harvey Ritchie'
gave the meditation, with the topic
"Tear Trap". All joined in singing
hymn 175, and Mrs. Ritchie closed
the devotions with prayer. Mrs.
Warren Zinn and Mrs., Charles .
Wilkins reported- fdr the History
Book committee. Mrs. Ken Alton
sang a solo, "If I' Can Help
Somebody". The church spoons,
which had, been ordered, were '
Mts. Bill Andrew prdsented the
study book, "Mission Profiles"
and told of the life of Robt.
Whitniore and ,;his wife in Japan.
The annual meeting of HuronPerth
Presbyterial has been re-scheduled
for March 17 at Brucefield. Mrs.
Donald Hackett reported that, a.
bale would be packed the middle of
March. It was moved that the
group -hold meetings at 1.30
instead of 2.00 o'clock. Hyrnn .199
was sung and 'the president closed
the meeting with prayer. A dainty
lunch was served by the committee
in charge'.
Presbyterian Church
Rini. Glenn Noble, B.A., B.D.
Phone 528-2740
10:00 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Morning Worship
St.,Augustine CWL
Nine ladies of St. Aiiguitine
Catholic Women's League attend-
ed the March meeting. There were
no meetings 'in January or Fel3ru-
ary. The meetings will be held on
the second Monday of each month'.
• 'The president, Mrs. Joe Hickey,
presided and opened the meeting.
Father Dentinger led in prayer.
Thank you notes were read. as
follows: donations to C.N.I.B., Joe
Finleon, who was hospitalized, also
Father Dentinger who was' ill in St.
Joseph's Hospital, London.
There will be a cleaning -of the
church basement in early spring.
The, president , thanked the ladies
who attended, and took part in the.
World Day of Prayer 'which was
held in the Christian ;Reformed
Church, Dungannon.
There will be a First Communion
class in May. Gifts for the children
were discussed. Also there will be
a class for Confirmation, April 27.
Confirmation service will be , in St.
Joseph's Church, Kingsbridge. A
donation to be ,sent to the "Msgr.
Mahoney bursary" was agreed.
This bursary hoped to be
completed this year, his 60th yearn
of ordination' to the priesthood.
There will be a membership drive
for Goderich Pro Life group on
(GlIbert Van Sligtonixorst
'10 a.m. :Sttliday School:
11 a.m. Woribip Service
7:30 p.m. Evening Seririce
Midweek Prayer Service
Wednegday at 8 o'clock ,
C.A. (YOung People)
Friday at 7:30 p.m.
Ord* Gingrich, Paster
10:00 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a,m. Morning Worship
sosoososdos'ososiosososose,osoiso rso
Rev. Doug Kaufman
MARCH 21st
10 a.m. Stmday School
11. a.m. Morning Worship
Nursery provided
for pre-school children
St. Helens U.C.W.
The St. Helen's United Church
Women met at the home of Mrs. A.
Cook on' Tuesday, March, 9th.
Miss. W. D. Rutherford was in
charge, of Wthe worship service, The
scripture was read by Miss Isobel
Miller. Miss Rutherford's theme
was "The Winning Power, of
Mrs. CoOk took the topic, the
Mindalo Ecumenical 'Foundation. '
The ladies answered the roll'call 'by
paying fees.
Mrs. Gordon MacPherson took
charge of the husiness. The
treasurer's report was given .by
Mrs. MacPherson.
.Mrs. John Cameron gave an
article on Missions.
Lunch was served by Mrs. Laura
McNeil and Mrs. MacPherson and
a social half hour followed.
Courtesy remarks were made by
Mrs. John Cameron.
Mrs. Harold Cooper presided for.
the regular meeting of St. Peter's
Anglican Church Women and Mrs,
devotions. otioPnhs.
Phillips was . in charge of
Mrs. Cliff Roulston read the.
scripture, Matthew 6: 25-36 and
Mrs. Phillips took the meditation
"Consider the Lilies" followed by a
suitable prayer. Mrs. Harvey Mole •
gave a .yery interesting reading.
It was decided to send:money to
the Living Message magazine to
help send it to, .wives of Northern
clergy. Plans for the annual Spring
Thankoffering April meeting were
made Mrs; Les Hazelden will be
in charge of arrangements. Mrs.
H. Mole and Mrs. ,T. Phillips will
be tie
Lo n don
d e ega
y 6. e i •th e annual meeting
wittAh ra. Ggraarcreattalictids.j eud hnethea n d t.szotel agi
The March meeting of Donny-
brook United Church Women was
held at the home of 'Mrs. Sam
Thompson on Wednesday evening
with 14 members present and 2
Mrs. Charles Jefferson had
charge of the meeting. The theme
was Jesus the Light of the World..
Mrs. Charles Jefferson gave the
call to worship and hymn 117 was
sung. Mrs. John Hildebrand read
the scripture from 'Matthew 5,
verses 14-17. Mri. WITL Hardy
gave the Meditations - "Light 'of
• C • W •
the World" followed with prayer. •'• Sunday after church .serviCe.
Hymn 124 was then sung. Ellen , • Father Dentinger gave. an inter-
Tboinpson gave ,a piano solo. esting talk of his experience during
his recent sickness, and convales- .
Mrs. Ernest Snowden and Mrs. cence, making reference, also, for
Jai Leddy "gave the study book on our needs for spiritual health.
—Scr..**c•is that 'save marriages in Lunch was served, by the
Z.---"tn 7:12 -• Mrs, Harriet Mubanga hostesses in charge.
:.s tAr.m.tipal. Cooking, sewing and
study and English are taught
-ceng married women: 'They try
ma.rntm the gap • between
educated add uneducated. then took over the business.
Hymn 21 followed with prayer by
Mrs. Otto Weber gave a reading Mrs. C. Jefferson brought the
on "Light",.- ..ti Mrs. H. Jefferson meeting to a close. A social time
sang a solo accompanied by Mrs, , was enjoyed with Mrs. J.
Robt. Jeff6son on the piano. Mrs. Hildebrand and 'Mrs. Jas. Leddy
Ernest Snowden gave' a reading assisting the hostess.
• •