The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-03-17, Page 5Peter S. MacEwan Real Estate TENDERS WANTED TENDERS LOT FOR SALE Part: of Lot 225, plan 232, more particularly being deicribed • as the east 62 feet of the'-south 52 feet of lot 225, plan 232 of the Cor- poration. of the Village. of Ripley. Highest or any -tender not nee: esarily aecepted. . „ Tenders received hy clerk Win. MacCreath, Ripley until March 23rd at 3 p.m. CARD-0F. THANKS I 'would like to' thank all my friends and neighbours who re- membered me with cards and treats on my 90th birthday. Alice McKenzie May we say a sincere thank you to everyone who visited us, phon- ed, sent flowers, cards, letters and treats, or helped in any way, while we were patients, in Kincar- dine Hospital. Also. a thank you to Drs. Gurbin, .Milne and Math- ieu and all the staff. Edbert and Dunedin Bushell We would like to thank everyone for'their cards and visits while we were in the hospital and since re- turning home. Special_ thanks to Dr. Clare and all the nurses on' the, maternity ward. Heather and Sarah Dauphin June Gilchrist and her family express their deepest gratitude to all those, who sent flowers, mem- orial donations, baking and mess- ages of sympathy in the passing of her father, Lawrence Stewart. These acts of kindness will always be remembered. I would like to express sincere thanks to 'my friends, neighbours and relatives for cards, letters, flowers and visits, while I was a patient in Alexandra Marine Hos- pital, Goderich; thanks also to Old Light Lodge, Dr. Deathe and hos- pital staff. Gordon Drennan I wish to thank my family and friends for • the kindness shown to me with visits, _cards and treats while I was a patient in Wingham Hospital; also Drs, Corrin and McKim and nurses of intensive care. Thomas O'Neill I would like to express my sin- cere thanks to my friends and rel- atives for their visits, cards,, let- ters and flowers while I was a patient in Wingham Hospital. Special thanks to Drs. Corrin and, McKim and the nurses on second floor. • Harry Hackett I would like to thank everyone for the cards, letters and flowers while in' University Hospital. Mrs. Ben 'McClenaghan Mrs, Wm. MacKenzids family wish to express their deep apprec- iation to 'Mr. and Mrs. G. Newbold and the staff of Pinecrest Manor Nursing Home for their splendid contribution to the success of the 100th birthday celebration. The happiness of the occasion was in- creased by the' good wishes of those who came to call and by all those who sent beautiful /flowers and , cards' with their kind mess- ages. • COMING EVENTS • VARIETY NIGHT At BrookSide Public School Mon, day, March 22 at 8:30 p,ni. Span, sored by the West Huron Jr. Par- mers. Silver Collection. Everyone welcome. • 19 HOCKEY GAME The '"49"ers, the Lucknow Pee •1Wee hockey team of 49 - 5q, will play in Goderich arena Saturday, March 27th against the 1949. Pee Wees of Goderich. This game is the la$t game of -tile Young Can- ada Pee Wee Hockey Tournament and sponsored by the Goderich Lions Club, OLD TIMERS HOCKEY The Lucknow Pee Wee Team of 49 - 50 will play the members' of Lucknow and District Lions Club, bolstered by some of their newly formed ,Leo Club, in Luck- now Arena, 2 pain. Sunday, March 28th. Proceeds for Community Services. ST. PATRICK'S CDNCERT ' A St. Patrick's Concert will be held , at Langside Hall, Friday, March 19 at 8:30 .p.m. Everyone welcome. Ladies please bring lunch. SHOOT PARTY • St. Helens W.I. will sponsor a Shoot Party in St. Helens Hall on Thursday, March 18th at 8:30 p.m. Lunch provided; VARIETY CONCERT The. Lucknow Agricultural Soc- iety will hold a Variety' Concert on Friday, April 9th at the Luck- noW Public School at 8:30 p.m. GARAGE OPENING , Opening. for business on'_ March 15, Nile Motors garage. General repair, welding, gas and oil. Pro- prietor, Rick Park, phone home, 529-7905, garage 5297800. RIPLEY AND DISTRICT LIONS CLUB BINGO Wednesday, March 17th at 8 p.m. in the Huron Township Hall, Ripley.' One early bird game. 12 regular games. One share-the- wealth. One $20 special. Jackpot of $400 on 60 calls, BAND CONCERT Lucknow School 'Band will hold a band concert on Saturday, May 15, 1976. o SKATETHON Everyone is welcome to view or participate in the Lucknow Skat- ing Club's Skateathon from 10 a.m. Wednesday, March, 24 to' 10 a.m. Thursday, March 25 at the Lucknow Arena. Proceeds to as- sist with Skating Club, expenses. Participants must be sponsored for a combined total of $1.00 per hour. Sponsor sheets must be turn- ed in by March 19th to the schools or Mrs. Barry McDonagh, Mrs. Art Gilmore or Mrs. Bob Struth- ers. Please phone the committee members if your sheet cannot be in by the 19th. IN MEMORIAM CRANSTON -- in loving Met:nary it of . Earl Cranston, who passed- away 'one year ago March-18th, 1975. Nothing can ever take away, The love' a heart holds dear Fond memories linger every day Remembrance keeps himmear. Ever remembered and sadly missed by his wife Gladys, family and grandchildren. GRAHAM — in loving memory of a dear mother, Matilda Graham, who passed away 5 years ago, March 17th, 1971, Today recalls sad memories • Of a dear mother gone to rest And the ones who think of her. today Are the ones who 'loved ,her best Sadly missed ,by daughter Irene and so1Wn-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Neabel, and grandchildren. The ability,to like 'people and make them like you, is a grand success j^ust in itself. NOTICE HILRAY FARMS. LTD, ABATTOIR„ HOLYROOD The lest .in Home Grown, Dry Fed,- Drug Free Beef. Try our Fresh Home 'Made Sausage. Cus- lom kitting by appointment. Phone 520-21,32 NOTICE RIE WHITECHUkH. LIBRARY Due' to drop in circulation at the WhiteeNreh Branch Huron Co. Library will 'remove the Huron County Library bOoks as of March 10. Persons unable to visit the Lucknow ,and Wingham branches may get books by mail by writing Huron County Library, ,60 Light- house Street, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 4A4, NOTICE CHANGE OF HOURS Silver Lake General Store will be open from 9 a.m. ,- 6 p.m. from March 18th to March 29th. NOTICE The Lucknow and District Kin- ette Club, sponsors of the, Candy Striper program at Pinecrest Man- or Nursing Home, find • it imposs- ible to continue with the program at this time, but hope to re-instate it in the future. The Kinettes would like to thank all girls who have served as Candy' Stripers. NOTICE A PRAYER FOR CHILDREN- .. 0.GOD! Educate these children. These children are the plants of Thine orchard, 'the flowers of Thy meadow, the roses of Thy garden. Let Thy rain fall upon them; let the Sun of Reality shine neon them with Thy love. Let. Thy breeze re- fresh them in order that they may be trained, grow and develop, and appear in the utmost beauty. Thou art the Giver! Thou art the' Com- passionate! Abd'l — Baba WANTED WANTED TO.. BUY — baled straw, Mark Rohrer, phone 357- 2868. No' Sunday calls. WANTED TO RENT -- a garden in the Point Clark area. Phone 395-5689 anytime. WANTED — to rent land in Dun- gannon - Port Albert area suitable for cash. crop. Phone Howard Ctd- bert, 529-7339. WANTED — delicing, white-wash- ing and 'scrubbing jobs. Benson. Shacideton, phone .529-7109. REWARD THE TORONTO STAR will pay a girl or boy in Lucknow $13:58 per week For delivering a route of 31 papers Monday to Friday and '45 on Saturdays.' This is tax free money and works out to $706. 16 per year We Will even drop the bundle at your door If you're interested PHONE HENRY LENNIPS 528-2032 or write - TORONTO STAR Box 191 Hanover, Ontario 0 LOST LOST — marmalade colored cat with white flea collar, answers to name Archie, if seen please call 528-2176. FOR RENT FOR RENT — ground floor apart- ment in ,Lucknow, suitable for re- tired people, available itnmed- lately. Contact 528-2339 or 529-7336. FOR RENT — 25 acres drained land. Apply Gordon Drennan, R.R. 3; Goderich. FOR RENT — bachelor apart- ment; furnished, bed sitting, car- peted, large kitchen and bath- room,. Utilities paid. Available im- mediately. Phone Ripley 395-2672, 38 ST. DAVID ST. GODERICH— 524.9531 WINGHAM REPRESENTATIVES ROSS and PHYLLIS HOGGART 357,36$2 WEDNESDAY, MARCH V:1976 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE FIVE • OFFICE WANTED FOR ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE' WORK APPLY TO 9 . Treleaven's Lucknow Feed Mill Phone 528-3000 Notice To Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of JOHN ROY MacKAY ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above- mentioned, late of the Village of Lucknow, in the County of Bruce, Retired Farmer, who died on Feb- ruary 14th, 1976, are required to file proof of same with the under- signed on or before the 3rd day of April, 1976. After that date the Executors will proceed to distribute the Es- tate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. RATED at Wingham, Ontario ' this 11th day of March, A.D. 1976. CRAWFORD, MILL & DAVIES Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for the ExecUtors NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter Of the Estate Of ALEXANDER (SANDY) HACKETT Late of the Town of Walkerton, in the County of Bruce, retired, de- ceased. • ALL PERSONS having claims against the' estate of Alexander (Sandy) Hackett, late of the Town of Walkerton, in the. County of Bruce,• retired, who died on ,or about the 5th day of February 1976 are hereby notified to send to the undersigned Executors 'of the Estate on or before the 30th day of April 1976, full particulars of their claims. - Immediately after the date last mentioned the executors will dis- tribute the assets of the estate having regard only to claim§ •of which' they shall then have notice. Dated at Lucknow this 8th' day of March 1976. Melvin Hackett and Clifford Hackett Executors for above estate P.O. Box 1123 Port Elgin, Ontario NOH 2C0 MORTGAGE MONEY RURAL RESIDENTIAL COTTAGES FARMS If you can afford the following payments, you may borrow the corresponding amounts (if approved) $ 52.74 — $ 4,000 105.48 — 8,000 158.21 — 12000 329.61 25,000 Based on second mortgage rate of 15%%, • 5 year term, 20 year amortization. First mortgages arranged Existing mortgages bought ALL ONTARIO FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS LTD BOX 4 ARTHUR, 848.2510 BOX 309 NEW HAMBURG 482-3110 EVENINGS 744-7507 743.1017 NTONAGII REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE LTD. • . FARMS FOR SALE 125 ACRES -- level hog and beef farm, Ripley area. 4 bedroom house, large barn and bunker silo. 183 ACRE DAIRY. FARM, 'stock and implements, 70 ties, milk house and 20 x 80 silo. Large ce- ment house ideal for two families. Excellent dairy set-up. 100 ACRE HOBBY FARM, 60 workable, stone house, hilly, lots of springs, large barn. Robt. Campbell o Bus. 528-2031 Res, 529.7417 1 -4H 4:••••••"4-*-4-t-••!-1 THE MAN TO SEE .IS . 100 ACRE DAIRY FARM in Dun- gannon area ; comfortable bed- . room 'home with all conveniences; barn, new stabling with gutter cleaners, milk house and bulk tank, new hydro and all steel im- plement shed 40,x 100. / 284 ACRES of cash crop lend loc- ated in Ashfield Township. - FIELD STONE HOME with 4 bed- rooms; large barn located on 77 acres of land, excellent spring fed stream crossing the' property; ap- proximately 10 acres' of mixed bush, EAST. WAWANOSH township, 100 acres, 5 bedroom home, 2 full baths, all conveniences, barn 56' x 58'; 26 stanchion 'milk house and silo, pole barn 44' x 110' and steel implement shed 24' x 60', spring possession. 4 BEDROOM Country home with all conveniences, situated on ap- proximately 3 acres of land, ad- ditional buildings include a far- rowing barn 24 x 64, barn 40 x 60 plus a silo and grain storage. ,016.1•••••••••• / WE HAVE a family wishing to pUrchase a 3 or 4 bedroom home in Lucknow this spring. WARREN mot Phone 529.7350 410-414-41-44+40t0-4-4- .-411".40÷4k",-*** • •