HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-03-03, Page 17It's time to spring into action, and we're
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Saturday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
selected to achrance to 'the finals,
j, ' 4 'or 5 the speakers
"were Carol MacKay 1 Body
Language; , Cheryl • McGarvey -
Mononucleosis; 'Heather Boyle -
Farm Vacationers; and Kevin Cook
-Clearwater, Fibrilla. In this group
Carol MacKay, Cheryl McGarvey.
and Heather Boyle were selected' to
avance to the finals.
The finals will be held, on
Wednesday, March 3 in the Legion
Hall, Ripley beginning' at 7 p.m:
They are sponsored by the. Ripley
branch Of the Royal Canadian
Legion. Parents and friends are
invited to attend.
The Ripley Lions' Club are
holding , an Effective Speaking
Contest for 'Secondary students at
their meeting Wednesday, March
Ripley District High School held
our annual' Science Fair on
Monday, February 1,6 from 7:00 -
.9.00. The winners of each division
were announced at 8.45. The fair
had over 40 exhibits displayed this
year. In the senior division the first
place winner was Donna Huber on
her display "Beauty lies within
nature and we have destroyed it".
She had different samples of water
from streams and she explained
how we could rid our streams -of
pollution: Second place was Denise
Huber and 'Jane Messenger's
exhibit on Nuclear Energy. Third
was Nadine Woods on Uses ,of
Electricity. Other exhibits in • the
senior division were Chrystal Radio
by Greg Roue and Erroll Lindy, A
Project on- Weather by Mark
Stewart. '
In the Grades 7 anc1.8 division the
first place winners were Nancy
MacDonald and Debbie Lowry's
exhibit oh Rockets, Their, exhibit
featured • a Rocket blast-off every
halt hour when, they would record
all kinds of information on length of
flight, times , of flight and the
successfulness of the flight.
Second place was won by Larry
Needham' and Murray Scott with
their display on Molds. • T.hird was
,Mike Lamb and John MOIntosh's
display on' Conductors' and non
conductors. Other exhibits were
Jenny Reiger and Linda MacDon-
ald's on "testing for things that
dissolve in water, salt water and
vinegar", Properties: of Air by,
Janice Elliott and Sandra Stewart;
Earthquake Proof Bbildings by
David, Ingard; Heather MacDonald
and Ann Courtney had an exhibit
entitled Let's Conserve , our Ener-
gy; Sarah Lee Stewart and Susan
Dawson 'had a project on plants;
Paul Culbert's project was "Get off
the Ground"; Joan 'Osborne and
Jane Farrell had a project on
"What is• Colour"; Different Liquid
Absorbing Papers by, Shelley
Farrell and Michele MacTavish;
Electricity by Robbie Farrell; The
Telegraph by Geoff Farrell; A
Simple Water Filter by , Kirk
Nicholsdn; Doug. Graham's project
of the principle of ,a thermostat;
VolcanOs by Ronald Harris and
Gerbals by- Amanda Ball.
In the Grades 3 to 6• section the
winner was. Danny Lamb's , display
on Magnetism. Second was . Mike.
Nicholson's Terrarium, Third was
Brent 'Hodge's Simple Electric
Motor. Other exhibits. were Ann
Marie Clever's project on, We Cher;
Dave, Mej,ean's project on Fahren-
heit - Celsius; Fruit Flys by Paul
Keelen; Marty Guikema1 s Flash-.
light; The Light Bulb by Janice
In the Kindergarten td Grade 3
the ' first place winner was Ian
Culbert with his terrarium; second
was Electricity by Debbie Lamb
and :Leslie Baxter;. third was A
Dairy , Farm by Robert Campbell.
Other projects were My Bird- House
by Danny Wood's; Dennis Germ-
an's Periscope; Leaves byTheresa
Cote;' Christine Cover '.and Beth
Thompson's project on Mystery
Powders;, Gregor Peebles' Bird
House; Randy Collins! Bird Feed-
er; Doug Harris' Rabbits; Dwayne
Carnochan's' Paddle Boat.
The Primary Class had a display
on Seeds; Flowers and Leaves.
There were many very interest-
ing and worthwhile exhibits, on
display. It was deemed quite
successfnl. The judges, were Sam
Malhotra and Brian Caslick from
Kincardine. Let's hope we haVe •
even more exhibits On display next
year: Congratulations to those who
won and to those who didn't. The
science fair was successful' because
of yon all so . keep it Up!!
WeiliieSdiST,February 25 th e
Public Speaking •Contest W,as held.
Representing Grades 7 and 8 were:
Debbie 'Lowry' - Olympics; Linda
MacDonald Ripley Huron Re-
..union; Michele MacTavish - Care-.
ers; Corinne Boyle - 9lympics;
Malry Kempton - ' Conserving En-
ergy; Tom Wilson - 7 Natural
Wonders of; the , World; 'David
Ingard Brace's. The winners were
Davidi Ingard, Tom Wilson, and
Debbie Lowry.
• 'On Friday, February 27 the
photographer came to take pictures
for the yearbook.
The Floor hockey houseleague is
over. The winners are Orange
Girls and Red Boys. .
We had Monday, February 23 off
from school as it was a Professional
Mr., and Mrs. Roy Shaw Visited
with friends at Woodville and
Mrs. Gertrude Walsh visited in
the village on Monday.
Mr. and. Mrs. Walter , Breckles
are vacationing' in Florida.
The Junior Girls travelled to
B.I.A. (Bruce InterSchool Associa-
-tion) finals in Walkerton On
Saturday. We played our first
game at 10.00. We played. Wiarton
and won by a score of ;46-21. The
star player for this game was our'
own Debbie Zipfel when she scored
her first basket of the season. The
team was so excited , they% almost
forgot to go on playing! We played .
our second game against Sacred
Heart of Walkerton. We won a
closely fought game by 'a score of
26-21. When we won this it gave us
the B.I.A. Junior Girls Champion-
Ship for the second year in .a row
but it is only the third time Ripley
has won it. We hope to do even
better in the future. The girls team
who will go on to C.W.O.S.S.A. in
Shelbourne next Saturday are
Laurie Coiling, Janice _Farrell,
Donna Gallant,, Denise Huber,
Jane Messenger, Alice Steininger,
Shelly Hackett, Debbie Zipfel and
Mary Margaret Smith,, Good luck
next week at C.W.O.S.S.A. girls!
On Thursday /the Junior Girls
travelled to Port Elgin to play
against Saugeen. The final score
ended 'up 33-10 for Ripley. You did
it again girls!
'While that game 'was going on
the, Saugeen _teatn came down 16
beat our junior boys by a score Of
61-29. Good try boys!
The regular season of basketball
has drawn to '.a close. The Junior,
and Senior boy's have had a busy
season. Mr. Brown was the coach
of this year's teams. Members of
. the Senior boys team were Mike
Gallant, Kevin Cook, Ken MacKay.,
Mark Stanley, Larry' Farrell, Jeff
Rouse, • Wray Thompson, Bob
Campbell, Mike Peebles and
Randy Ackert.
• Members of the Junior boys
team were Chris McGarvey,
Robert Reiger, Brian Huston, Rick
Clampitt, Glenn Grubb, •' Dave
Linde, Greg Rouse, Brian Coiling,
Jamie Gallant. Congratulations
boys, you put up a good fight!
On Friday the school was
buzzing with activity as the
yearbook pictures were being
taken. All team pictures were
taken; club pictures and class,
pictures. The yearbook is well on
the way now and the Grade 12s 'are
still busy working.. So keep it up!
Semi-finals were conducted in
Ripley District School on Wednes-
day, Febniary 25. The judges were
Mrs. Francis Gemthell, Rev. Cecil
Carnochan and Rev. Allan Mac-
Dowell. They selected the top 3
. speeches in each division. The
grades . 7 and 8 competition was
held hi the gym with Mr. Stanley as.
chairman. Speakers were Mary
Kempton = Conservation of Energy;
Michelle MacTavish - Careers;
Corinne Boyle 4.01ympics; Tom
Wilson - Seven Wonders of the
World; Debbie Lowry - Olympics;
David Ingard - Railroad Track
Braces; Linda MacDonald - Ripley
Reunion. The; judges seleeted the
speeches of Tom VVilion, Debbie
Lowry and David Ingard to proceed
to the finals.
The Secondary Competition was
held in, the cafeteria with Mrs.
Collins as chairman. The speakerS.
were Heather Boyd - Pet Rocks;
Marlene' 'Huston - Baby Sitters;
Donna Huber - Sharks; Joyce
Osborne'- Deafness; Denise Huber
Bermuda Triangle; Ann Drzazga
eans; and Shelley 'Hackett -
eenagers. Donna Huber, Denise
uber and Ann Drzazga were
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