HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-03-03, Page 5CUSTODIAN CONTRACT TENDER PLAINLY marked sealed tenders will be received by the , un dersigned, up to' FRI. MARCH 12, 1976 for contracting, custodial services at. HOLMESV'ILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL ALL tenders must be . sub- mitted on the offical tender forms which are available at. the Huron .County Board of Educa.tion 103 Albert St. Clinton, Ont. NOM 1'LO. THE lowest or any tender• not necessarily accepted. R.B. Dunlop . Superintendent of Bus Affairs Huron County Board of EducatiOn H. Turkheim Chairman D.J. Cochrani Director NOTICE HILRAY FARMS 1-T13. ABATTOIR, HOLYROOP best in. itoine Grown, Dry reit Drug Free Beef, Try our Wresh nom Made Sausage. Cos- tein killing by appointment. Phone 528-2.132 A HEALING PRAYER Thy Name is my healing, 0 my God, and remembrance of Thee is my remedy. Nearness to Thee is my hope and love for Thee is my companion.. Thy mercy to me is my heating and my succour in both this world and world to come: Thou, verily, art the All-Bounti- ful, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise. Baha'u'llah WANTED WANTED TO BUY baled straW, Mark Rohrer, phOne 2868. No Sunday calls. • WANTED TO BUY parts fin': 8N Ford tractor. Phone Andy Bur gess, 395-5940. WANTED -- to rent land in Dun- gannon - Port Albert area suitable for cash crop. Phone Howard Cul- bert, 529-7339. WANTED — used 1/2 tou truck, good condition only. Write Box p, Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow, Ont- ario, stating particulars. WANTED — a lot in Lucknow. Please state: size, location and price to Box E, The Lucknow Sentinel. QUILTING WANTED — quilts ready for quilting at the home of Mary Stutzman, care of Daniel D. Stutzman, R.R. 2 Lucknow. NOTICE FAIRVIEW DAIRY Home delivery every Tuesday and Friday. Beatrice Quality Cheltd Prodbcts Deliclons Fruit Bottom Yogurt Creamed Cottage Cheese Sour Cream 100% Pure Orange Juice TOM ANDREW Phone 528-2001 Peter S. MacEwan Real Estate 38 ST. DAVID 'ST.. GODERICH.— 524,9531 WIN GRAM REPRESENTATIVES ROSS and PHYLLIS . HOGGART : 357.3692 The Workshop I WIB HARTIN and SON R.R. 1 'Dungannon ANY ITEM IN WOOD ':NEW FURNITURE BUILT OLD FURNITURE REPAIRED. PHONE 529-7205 I would like 'to sincerelr thank - the March of Dimes canvassers .who so willingly accepted and carried out this canvass in such ' inclement weather. To the busin- ess people who helped to tell of the March of Dimes work , and to all who contributed, Ontario's handicapped adults say thank you. Laura Lee Cayley Many thanks to all who contrib- uted and attended the card party and presentation held at Langside Hall, making 'the evening a mem- orable occasion for us. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Moffat I would like .to express my sin- cere thanks to my friends, neigh- bours and relative§ for cards, floWers and treats, while I was a. patient in Wingham: and. District Hospital. Special thanks to the nurses in intensive care and Drs. torrin, ,McKim and McGregor and Rev. W. Brown. Mrs. Dave Gibb APPLICATIONS APPLICATIONS. FOR ,, LIVESTOCK SHIPPER SEALED ' APPLIC- ATIONS for shipping livestock for the Farmer's Co-operative of Lucknow Ltd. will be receiveny the undersigned up to Friday, March 12. Applicants to state qualifications in, writing. Applications to be 'open- ed on Saturday, March 13th. ALVIN IRWIN BOX 241 LUCKNOW PHONE 528-2020 tOST LOST -- two brown, black and white beagles, white collars, 1 male, i 'female. Phone Collect 1-313-372-0162. Reward. TrTing to get more than you' Can pay 'for has always been a good way. to'wreck Credit. imoommon.r. SAND BLASTING BRICK BUILDINGS ALL: STEELWORK AIR HAMMER WORK BACK .HOEING ARNOLD STOTHERS PHONE 529.7403 FOR ESTIMATES . GINGHAM,' dose' to downtown, 3 bedroom,, one storey home. • • EAST WAWANOSH township, 100 • acres, 5 bedroom home, 2 full . baths, all convenienc0..s, barn 56' x 58'; 26 stanchion milk house and. silo, pole barn 44' x 110' and steel implement Shed 24' x 80', spring possession. GODERICH TOWNSIIIP, 240 acre dairy farm, 8 room brick home, free stalls for 56 cows, silos, herd and machinery can be purchased. 180 ACRE DAIRY FARM, Clinton area, 41 tie ups, stable cleaner and pipe line milking, silo unload- er, improved 8 room home. filiMn•mmmin•• 200 ACRES HIGHWAY FARM; Auburn area, 3 cam • home, large barns, two silos.' 4 BEDROOM Country home with all conveniences,' situated on ap- proximately 3 acres, of land, ad- ditional buildings include a far- rowing barn 24 x barn 40'x 60 plus a silo and grain storage. WE HAVE a family wishing to purchase a: 3 or 4 bedroom home in Lucknow this spring. All en- quiries confidential. If you have agricultural property, large or small acreage, and are thinking of selling, we would be pleased to talk to you. All en- quiries confidential. WARREN. ZINN Phone 529-7350 •••••-•-e-•-•-•-•-•4-1-.44÷•-•-•-•-•• CASH CROP LAND Situated in the, well knoWn cash crop *area north east of Goderich. 2900.. heat unit'.zone. 99 acres: Very early choice loamy 'soil, all level and tillable. Excellent. drainage. Only $89,000 full price. 200 acre parcel: 100• acres level and tillable, tilkrevery 3 rod. Plus 80 acres seeded to permanent pas- ture, natural. water supply, all new. fending. Full price $139,000. KEITH FITZSIMMONS, BROKER 176 'DIAGONAL RD., WINGHAlVi PH. 519.357-1117 •••••••••••••.•••••••••••• • • RIPLEY AND DISTRICT LIONS CLUB BINGO Wednesday, March 3rd at 8 p.m. in the Huron Township Hall, Ripley. One early bird game. 12 regular games. cpne share-the- wealth. One $20 special. Jackpot of $350 on 59 calls. 1•110•0001011MIMMIIIMIII/0 HOWICK BINGO Howick Lions', Bingo will be -held on Friday, March 5th, at 8:30 p.m. in Wroxeter Community Hall. Admisssion $1.00. 12 regular games for $10.00; 2 share the wealth; one $25.00 special; jackpot of '$95.00 on 58 calls; Purple ball of MOO; door and consolation prizes. " VARIETY NIGHT - At. St.. Mary's School Auditor- ium, Goderich on Friday„ April 2 at 8' p.m. Tickets available from Betty O'Donnell. Sponsored by the Goderich and District Pro Life Group. • SKATEATHON Lucknow Skating Club will hold a 24 hour • Skateathon from 10 a.m. Wednesday, March 24 to 10 a.m. Thursday, March 25. Pro- ceeds to assist with skating club expenses. Anyone is welcome to participate, providing they • are sponsored 'for a combined total of $1.00 per hour. Sponsor sheets must be turned in by March 19th to the schools or Mrs. Barry Mc- Donagh, Mrs. 'Art Gilmore, Mrs. Bob Struthers. BUS. TO FLOWER SHOW A bus will leave Lucknow on Wednesday, March 10th for the Spring Flower and Garden Show held at the CNE Grounds, Toronto, a few seats left. Call Mrs. Ray- mond Leddy 528-2582 or Mrs. Wm. Grant 528-3232 no later than March 6th. / ° ANNUAL MEETING The '65th Annual Meeting of the Children's Aid Society of Huron County will be held in the Board Room, County Assessment Build- ing, 46., Gloucester Terrace, God- erich, Ontario on THURSDAY, MARCH 4th, 1976 at 8:00 P.M:The Guest Speaker will be Helen Allen of "Today's Child". Memberships available at the door. The' public is cordially invited to. attend. iri`t NTEE * tr minsommlimiwinommiliu•iminimpa We would like to express. our sincere thanks to friends, neigh- bours and relatives for their Cards?, flowers, gifts, phone alls and visits on our 50th AnniverSary. Leslie and .Vera Purves I' wish , to 'thank my relatives and friends .for their visits,, cards and treats while I was a patient in St. Josephs Hospital, London. Special thanks to. Dr. Corrin and Dr. Marshall. ' Shawn McEwan WEDNESDAY; MARCH-3, *1910. COMING Elf ENTS ANNUALEETING Tbe. Annual Mee M ting of the sub- scribers ,of the Huron hp.d'Kinloss Municipa) Telephone System will be held in Huron Township Hall, Ripley, Wednesday, March 10, 1976. at 1:39 p:m., 'for the Purpose of receiving the Auditors Report for the year 1975 and discussing other business in. connection with the system, including the election of one Commissioner for a three' year term. BAHA't FIRE In order to observe orld Day of Prayer a discussion and shar- / ing of ideas on the topic of "Pray-• er" will be hosted by David. Rhody at the home of his 'parents, 13/4 miles nerth and 11/2 miles west of llolyrood on Friday, March 5, 1976 at 9:00 p.m. Everyone welcome. For further information phone 395-5287. - Many faUlty blueprints "have turned up hi a planned economy. The worst combination we know of is lots of initiative and. An offensive personality. t FOR THE BEST BUY IN Machinery MAX A. RIEGLING R.R. 3 LUCKNOW PHONE1954107 milimmiwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. 11 DONACH REAL ESTATE ill INSURANCE LTD. 183 acre dairy farm with 72 ties new addition. 40 x 60 for young stock, new silo with loader and.. automatic 'feeder, also nearly new implement shed. Excellent 2 storey cement hohse. Stock and implements can be -purchased with; farni. ,11,istorey insult brick 3 bedroom *bonne in Lucknow on corner• lot, 4 blocks from main , street. Good 'garage and work shop priced to sell. 2 storey frame building on main street Lucknow with 400 sq. ft. of store area' and large apartment. 125 acre beef and hog farm in Ripley area, large barn, silo and implement shed., 4 bedroom frame house. Robt. Campbell Bus. 528-2031 Res. 529.7417 HUTTON LUCKNOW' — Situated on one acre of land, a four bedroom house with 3 pc. bath. There is a 2 yr. old oil furnace a drilled' well; some fruit trees on property. Very reasonably priced. WINGHAM — One floor two bed- room house on 'a good sized lot. Close to schools and shopping, .in a good residential area. Electric heating throughout. WIIITECHURCH == two bedroom brick home on a l'83 x 115. ft. lot; living room, dining, kitchen with cupboards and 4 pc: 'bath. House tastefully decorated. Paved drive- way and small barn on property. -TWO TEESWATER HOMES, one three bedroom brick in excellent condition, the other a new two bedroom, almost completed. We need farm listings. 'MEL MATHERS .Winghain Phone 357-32081 Rep.' L. W. Hutton Real Estate / Kincardine Advertising helps good things happen. CANADIAN ADVERTISING ADVISORY SOARES' THE LUCKNOW swum, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO CARD OF THANKS _•., LARGE CONSIGNMENT Auction Sale of TRACTORS & MACHINERY Saturday, March 13 11 a.m. LAKEVIEW SALES & SERVICE 11/2 mile North, 1/2 mile East of-Carlow and 7 miles North East 4)1 Goderich, Ontario, Canada.' Consignments Welcome Telephone Lakeview Sales &Service 5244451 . Terms ash . Pick LP can be arranged Lunch Booth on Grounds R.G. "Gethke ' ' Gordon H. Brindley Richard Lobb Auctioneers Not respositible tor accidents day Of sale PAGE :44,• THE A,AN TO SEE IS . ? e,