HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-03-03, Page 4N ..TENDERS WANTED, TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF HURON Tenders will be received by the Township of Huron for the follow- ing: - 1. Loading and hauling of pit run gravel with a minimum of 1,000 yards per day. Contrac- tor to state price for first mile and each additional mile. 2. •Crushing and hauling approx-.. imately 15,000 cu. yds. of gravel anywhere in the Town- ship,' also price for stock piling. Contractor to supply 'a min- imum of 1,000 cu. yd.& per day. . Bulldozers and scrapers. Con- tractOLto state price per hour,, number) available, size and model of machines. All above contractors shall be available on one week's notice. Bidders must ,use-Towpship Ten- der forms for graVel. Tenders will be placed in Tender box in the office of the undersigned by 1:30 ',p.m. Monday, March 15th, 1976. Lowest or any tender' not !Ice= essarily accepted. Dave Moore Road Superintendent Box 38 Ripely, Ontario 1.7.7=.•ZIO • ' • •• • .1/04161 POUR WEDNESDAY, MARCH• 19i6' 5, THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • NR.w.mi:oxps:ex ,:zmmi:i:MOIMWe $,:t.••••1,;;:s•iti's$^.••::'''''',••••••••••,••••;••••:•••••••.., •• •••• ••••,:...4,:••••z•kxs•Ig•••••••••:••••::::•••••' , • • '; FOR SALE FOR U . - 1 PTO transport Gem .hammermill with' attachment 'for corn, good condition, $525.00, • (not noxmill); Keith Carter, phone 395-2852. HOUSE FOR SALE in St. Helens. Phone 528-68.51: FOR SALE - bagged' sawdust and shavings. Phone 357=3507. FOR SALE - Louse powder, 50 lb. bag $18.95 per "bag. Lual Farms, rt.R.. 5 Lucknow 528-2299. PICTURE' FRAMING - choose from' 500 samples, also an array of coloured matting. Snyder Studio, Wingham, phone 357-185L HELLO BADGES -- for meetings, parties, etc.; stick to clothing for simple application, The Lucknow" Sentinel. LOWRY FARM SYSTEMS AMBERLEY, PHONE 395-S2$ Complete line of equipment for grain handling, • processIng and storage; plus manure handling and stabling' for • beef, dairy and hog set-ups. AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace Ballagh, • Teeswater Licensed. Auctioneers Sales of all types Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater 392-6170 FOR' SALE - Tower King Press- - ed Stave ,-Silos with cement Plas- ter lining.' Area 'representative Francis Boyle, R.R. 3 Ripley, phone 395-5088. GESTETNER STENCILS - paper, ink; duplicating paper and masters all in stock 'at The Luck- now Sentinel, phone 528-2822. REYNOLDS REFRIGERATION AND. APPLIANCE SERVICE Repairs to all makes and models, call 357-1085 Wingham. EXCAVATING AND TRUCKING sand apd gravel. Phone , Robert Syines, Lucknow 528-3047, FOR SALE - 1971 Boa Ski 295 c.c., new track, new belt, new skis, new seat, new starting spring,' and cord, fresh paint (red), car- borator cornpletly overhauled. Priced for immediate sale. Her- man Rieg,ling, phone 528-3536 or 529-7427, TABLE PAPER - white or col- oured designs, for covering ban- quet or picnic tables, The Luck- now Sentinel. . -BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT Cleaners, Bunk ,Feeders, Silo Unloaders, . Farrowing Crates, Water Bowls, Cow Stalls and Hog Paneling. Contact Lloyd Johnston, R.R. 3 Holyrood, phone. 395-5390: FOR SALE nearly new pair of snow tires with one rim, size 8I/4 x 15. Phone Ripley 395-2421. OFFICE ' SUPPLIES Onionskin paper in packages of 250 sheets, graph paper; erasable typewriter paper now available at The Lucknow Sentinel,, phone 528-2822. ' ALL OCCASION CARDS The Lucknow 'Sentinel has a good selection of boxed cards, get well, birthday, all occasion, baby, anniversary, sympathy, If you are unable to get down town to shop, we Will gladly, send a selection of cards, writing paper, etc. to your hoMe from whica you Can choose. Call .528-2822. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL'--- is for sale in Lucknow at Mont- goinery's Sunoco, UmbAch's Phu- Macy, H. and B. Discount,' Luck- now Service Centre and Sepoy Drive-In. FOR SALE FOR SALE -- used: Electrohome console colon!. TV re-conditioned, $250. .Greer TV , and• Electric, phone 528;3112.. • ANIMAL. HEALTH PRODUCTS We carry a large stock at the farm, 'also TrOjan seed corn.e Lual Farms, -Langside,.R.R. 5 Luck- now, phone'528-2299. FOR SALE - purebred Scotch Collie pups, Lassie type, colour sable. Phone.528-3016. HAY FOR SALE -1200 bales first cut Red Clover, Phone 529-7220 after 6 p.m. FOR SALE - 66 Rambler Ameri- can 2 door, 6 cylinder, standard, body in 'good condition, radio, $400.00, 529-7774. PRINTING NOW AVAILABLE Norman Robertson's History of Bruce County, first , published in 1906, second printing in 1960. PRICE $7.00 Add $1 for shipping• and handling We also have available the sequel of this book, The History of•The County of 13ruce 1907 - 1968 written 'by Norman McLeod same price. ' THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL FOR SALE - large lot in Luck, now, on Main Street. Phone 529- 7427. WRAPPING PAPER - Kraft roll, for home or office, 40e. The' Imcknow Sentinel. WINTARIO • Ontario Lottery Tickets ' $1.00 Each On Sale At LUCKNOW SENTINEL FOR SALE - pure Maple syrup products. For information, phone Robinson Maple Products, R.R. 2 Auburn. 357-3149. AWES• BROS. CONSTRUCTION Homes, Cottages, Parini Build- ings, General Carpentry, interior and exterior. Phone 528-2726, Lucknow, Ontario. BRICK, AND STONE CONSTRUCTION WORK • New or Repair Helmut Reitknecht Phone 528-5801 FOR SALE - 30" Range in good condition, with light, clock and automatic oven. Phone 528-2423 after 6 p.m. GETTING MARRIED ONLY HOME 'WEEK-ENDS Call The Lucknow Sentinel, 528-2822 and reserve the Wedding Stationery Order Books for Home Viewing on the Week-end. Viewing in the home on any meek night may also be arranged or the books may be seen •at the office daily, Monday to Saturday , noon. NEW NEW NEW Personal "Presson" labels with your name and address, no mois- ture needed, with coloured illus- tration of Canadian flag. at' left side of label, use for your corres- pondence or 'as a means of ident- ification, 200 labels for $3.50. We also still have the regular labels, which need moistening, at 300 for $L. '7% sales tax additional. Ala so add 50e for any mail orders.' The Lucknow Sentinel , phone 528-2822 BEEF By the Quartera and Halves CUSTOM KILLING • On Tuedday . and Thursday Cut and wrapped to your specifications BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET LUCKNOW , Phone 528-3009 Res. 582119 FOR SALE `WINTARIO Ontario Lottery- Tickets $1.00 Each ' • On Sale At , LUCKNOW SENTINEL COURT WHIST AND EUCHRE Tallies available 'at The Wet- now Sentinel. METRIC CONVERTERS Convert weights and measures1 in seconds with a metric con- verter, priced at $1.89 and $2.98 at The Lucknow Sentinel, phone' 528-2822. TYPEWRITER RIBBONS Most makes in stock at The Lucknow Sentinel, phone 528-2822. ONE FREE PEN Buy 2 Bic Clic. Pens and Set the third one free. $L77 Value for $1.18. The Lucknow Sentinel, phone 528-2822. ADMISSION TICKETS -- in rolls of 1000 and 2000, singles, doubles, all in stock at The Lucknow Sent- inel, 528-2822. • 4, FILING CABINETS 2 drawer and 4 drawer letter size , In stock for immediate. delivery THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL TAX R ETU RNS Financial Statements. Book-keeping M. C. McDONALD Belgrave, Ontario 357-1418 BINGO PLAYERS "Jumbo Dot" bingo markers can be purchased at The Lucknow Sentinel, phone 528-2822. NOW SELLING at the. LuCknow Sales Barns, apples, potatoes, onions, fresh cider and. No. .2 Macs at $3.00 bushel!. Art Bell's Fruit Farm, Gocierich. BROPHY, TAXI WINGHAM AU Passengers Fully Insured 24 Hr. Service PHONE 357-1234 OLYMPIC LOTTERY TICKETS $10 TEACH May 16 Drnw Now On Sale THREE SERIES FOR SALE. SIX ONE, MILLION DOLLAR PRIZES Total prize money to be more than $29 million 14 numbers will be. drawn LUCKNOW SENTINEL , 25% OFF ALL BOXED STATIONERY THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL SWIMMING POOL SACRIFICE Leading manufacturer and dis- tributor has above- ground alum- inum pools: left over from 1975 season, x price, guaranteed in- stallation and terms. Call Credit Manager collect, Mississauga 416- 625-8819 dayS or evenings. HAND SAWS 'and saw blades, machine sharpened. Phone Roy Schneller, 357-1291. FOR SALE - 13 run Int. fertilizer seed , drill on 'steel, good con- dition, tractor hitch or, horse tongue; also one 14 month old Polled Hereford 'bull (grade) sired by A,I. Anxiety Bull. Wilfred Hac- kett, Lucknow,- phone 529-7546. FOR SALE - a quantity of choice hay and straw, large 'bales.' Con tact etoe King 357-2459, FOR SALE - 8'7 acres good crop land partially drained, 25 acres ploughed, balance alfalfa and tre- foil, lot 10, Concession 8, Huron; also 50 acres with stream running through, 32 acres ploughed, bal- ance pasture and bush, Walter Forster, Ripley 3955232. FOR SALE SPECIALS • FARM. EQUIPMENT 45 sets of double discs, all with new 7 or 9, gauge 18,inch blades, all different makes, models and widths. 30 sets of vibra shank cultiv- ators, all with, new points and shanks from 12 to 24, feet. 10 corn planters, International and John Deere. 3 seed,drills. Also 930 and 1030 Case tractors and several late model combines. VAN EYL BROS., CLIFFORD Phone 327-8045 FOR SALE --18.4 x 38. T-rail dual tires; Artsway Denald Curran, 529-7459. FOR SALE - 60 x 12, 2 bedroom unfurnished mobile home;lwith or without fig and stove, carpeted living-room and bedroom, 'curtains included. Asking price $8,500 or best offer. Phone 529-7890. FOR SALE oil furnace, 3 years old, 72000 B.T.U. hours. Ideal for cottage or small- shop. Phone 395-.2389. FOR SALE solid Wallaceburg bath tub • fixture, $15.00; white toilet, $25.00; white sink with taps, set in vanity top. All in A71 con- dition. Phone' 395-5488. FOR SALE - 10 cu. ft. frigidaire fig and Gilson 24 inch range. Don 'Bell, phone 528-5804. T.V. ANTENNA SERVICE Repairs and Installation. Free Estimates. Year Round Service, Doug Harker, Phone 363-2833 Col- lect; R.R. 1 Elmwood, Ontario. CASH for your -old Canadian, U.S.A. and foreign coins. Send $2.00 today for our official illus- trated coin catalog of what we will pay. It may reward you with thousands of dollars. Money back, if not delighted. Coin buyer, P.O. Box 1199, Station '.Q", Toronto, Ontario'. FOR RENT . FOR RENT - small furnished up- stairs apartment on Main St. in Lucknow, available immediately. Phone 528-3134. COMING EVENTS° SUPER CASH BINGO Legion Hall, Lucknow, every Thursday, 8:30 p.m. Pot of Gold game - winner take .all. 14 reg- ular games $10 each. 2 Sharethe Wealth. games. A $30 Special. Jackpot game for $130 on 62 calls or $25 consolation prize. BLYTH LIONS BINGO Blyth Lions Club Saturday Night Bingos, 8:30 p.m. tlyth Memorial Hall. Jackpot $150 on 60 calls, 'regular and share the wealth games. Everyone wel• come. 100th BIRTHDAY In honour of Mrs. Win. • Mac- Kenzie, wile will be celebrating' her 100th birthday, afternoon tea will be servednn Saturday, March 13th from 2 - 4 p.m., at Pinecrest Manor. Her family will be happy to welcome her many friends on this occasion. MI.1.1.1..1!••• POKER RALLY The St.' Helen's Snowmobile Club are sponsoring a "Poker" Rally on Sunday, March 7th. Reg- istration' $2,09 at St. Helens W.I. Hall 12:30 to .1:30. This is not a race, so come ' out and enjoy the fun. Cash, prizes for 'the winners. 2 IN 1 The Dungannon Agricultural , Society is sponsoring a' Snow- mobile Marathon' in conjunction with the St.. Helen's - "Poker Rally" on. Sunday, March 7th. Pro- Ceeds • from the Marathon are 'to help rebuild the Dungannon .Ag- ricultural Society. Registration $2.00 for the' Poker 'Rally and Pledges "for the Marathon , at' St. Helens' W.I. Hall 12:30 to 1:30. , SEAT BELTS Public Meeting will be held at F., E. Madill Secondary School, Wingham, Thursday, March 4th at 8:30 p.ni. Come and express your opinion re the Mandatory Seat Belt Legislation. BLUE TONES , Blue Tones coming to the Ripley District School, Saturday, March, 13th, dancing 10. to • 1, sponsored by Ripley Agricultural Society. Admission $5.00 per couple.. • PUBLIC SPEAKING Junior and Senor representa- tives of Lucknow and area schools 'will compete in a ,public speak- ing contest on Friday, March 5th' at 8 p.m. in the Lucknow Legion Hall.. Everyone is welcome to come out and • hear thesp . young j. people.. No admission. , • WIN ' A WEEK FOR TWO IN rTHE BAHAMAS Tickets Available.From 'Any Lucknow Kinsmen Member Draw to be made March 15, 1976 Tickets $1.00 , • Proceeds For Community Service Work BUS TO .ICE CAPADES Sunday, March 14th, leaving ,Lucknow 4:30 p.m. Program .,itarts 6:30 p.m. Tickets available Montgomery Motors, phone 528- 3007. SHOOT 'PARTY A shoot party will be held in St. Helens 'Hall on Thursday, March 4 at 8:30 p.m, sharp. Lunch provided. WORLD DAY OF PRAYER The 'World Day of prayer will be held at Lucknow United Church, at 2 p.m.., Friday, March • 5th. To succeed 'in life, first by sure you're right - then AO what 'your wife tells you,