HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-02-18, Page 5NOTICE ,HILRAY FARMS LTD.', ABATTOIR, HOLYROOD The best in Home Grown, Dry Fed, Drug Free 'Beef. Try our Fresh Home Made, Sausage. Cus7 tom, killing by appointment. Phone 528-2132, WIB MAR'T'IN and SON R.R. 1 Dungannon ANY ITEM IN 'WOOD NEW FURNITURE BUILT OLD FURNITURE REPAIRED PHONE 529-7205, Selling Your Bush,? FOR BEST PRICES PHONE CRAIG'S SAWMILL At Auburn ASK FOR AL OR BILL Al 526,7512 Bill 5264220 ' - • THE MAN TO. SEE IS . e 4 BEDROOM Country home with all conveniences, situated on ap- proximately 3 acres of land, ad- ditional' buildings include a far- rowing barn 24 x 64, barn 40 x 60 plus a silo and grain storage. WE HAVE a family wishing to purchase 'a, 3' or 4 bedroom home in Lucknow this spring. All en- quiries confidential. • COTTAGE located on Brindley Beach, lot' size 90 x 220, 3 bed- rooms, 800 sq. ft. plus patio, wall to wall carpet, electric heat and winterized. This is an, above av- erage property. Must be seen, to be appreciated. DAIRY FARM in kinloss Town- ship with large modern , dairy barn, new stabling and gutter cleaner, silo 20 x 60' with unloader, 4 bedroom home. . 40.110111 TRAILER HOME 34 x. 10 in good, condition, located in the Lucknow area. If you have agricultural property, large or small acreage, and are thinking of selling, we would be pleased to talk to you. All en- quiries Confidential.' WARREN ZINN ' Phone i29-7350 . / IN MEMORIAM HUNTER, in loving memory of our dear mother Georgina Hunter, who passed away 1 year ago, Feb- ruary 28; • 1975. • Though her smile • is gone forever, And her hand we cannot touch, Still 'we have so many memories, Of the one we loved so. much, Her memory is our keepsake, With which we'll never part, , God has her in his 'keeping, We have her in our hearts Sadly missed by family. CAMPBELL in loving 'Memory of Richard Albert Campbell. Memory is' one gift of God that death cannot destroy. Ever remembered by his wife and family. JOHNSTON — In loving memory of Mark L. Johnston who passed' away February 23rd, 1974., Resting where no shadews fall And peaceful sleep he.waits us all God will link the broken chain When one by • one we meet again Lovingly remembered by wife and family. HACKETT — In loving memory of Mrs. David.J. Hackett, who pass- ed away February 19, 1969. Seven years have gone but mem- ories stay, . As Inear-an5:1 dear as yesterday; To-dv, tomorrow, our whole life through, We will always love and remem- ber you. Ever remembered 'by her fam ily. • JOHNSTON — in loving memory of 1VIrs. Peter. Johnston, who pass- ed away February 16th, 1964. Loving and, kind in all her ways, Upright and just, to the end of her days; Sincere and true, in her heart and mind. Beautiful memories she 'left behind Ever remembered by her hus- band family and grandchildren. / WEBSTER' in loving memory of a dear Mother and Grand- mother, Mrs. Violet Webster, who passed away February 19th, 1973. To km* her was to love her. Both for family and friend And the sweetnessof her memory Time can neither, dim or end. Lovingly remembered by her children and grandchildren. Peter S. MacEwan Real Estate 38 ST. DAVID ST. GODERICH 524.9531 WINGHAM ) REPRESENTATIVES • ROSS and PHYLLIS HOGGART 357.3692 MORTGAGE MONEY RURAL . RESIDENTIAL COTTAGES 'FARMS If you can afford the following payments, you may borrow the corresponding amounts (if approved) $ 52.74 $ 4,000 105.48.---. 8,000 158.21.- 12,000 329.61 — 25,000 Based on second mortgage rate of 151/2%, 5'. year. term, 20 year amOrtization. - First mortgages arranged Existing mortgages bought / ALL ONTARIO FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS LTD. BOX 4 ARTHUR, 848,2510 BOX 309 'NEW HAMBURG 662,3110 EVENINGS 744.7507 7434681 AGENT WANTED DEPE CAN NDABLE PERSON WHO WORK. WITHOUT SUPERVISION . Contact customers` around Luck- now. Limited auto travel. We train. Write E. M. Dick, Pres., Southwestern Petroleum, Ft. Worth, Tx. 76101. WANTED TO BUY ,a second hand bicycle for a ' paper boy. Phone 528-2608. WANTED — used 12 inch band saw. Contact Ronald Wisser, Luck- now. WANTED — Young couple, in- terested in starting to farm, wish to purchase pasture farm with or, without buildings. Reply Box B, The Lucknow Sentinel. HELP WANTED SECRETARY " This is a Senior secretarial pos- ition requiring excellent secretar- ial skills (including shorthand) and the ability to communicate ef- fectively and to work independ- ently. Current' salary range $7,000 to $9,500 with placement according to experience. Excellent fringe benefits. Location Chesley, Ontario: Apply in, writing to the under- signed on r before February 26, 1976 giving details of qualifications and experience. THE BRUCE COUNTY BOARD "OF EDUCATION Box 190 Chesley, Ontario Attention: Superintendent Business and Finance • LOST 'LOST one, Western Polled An- gus cow last November from 2nd Concession, kinloss. Allan Mac- Intyre, phone 528-3519. - LOST — in Liicknow, a black 'borg hat, near post office or Virden Mowbray's home. Mrs. Allan Mac- Intyre, phone 528-3519. LOST — student's calculator bet- ween Warren's house, Gough St. .and Havelock St. or at bus stop, F. E. Madill . School. Nancy War- . ren, phone 528-2603. • • NOTICE . "No one truth can contradict another truth. Light is good whatsoever lamp it 'is burning! A rose is beautiful in whatsoever garden it may bloom! A Aar has the same radiance if it shines from the East or from the West! Be free from prejudice, so will you love the Sun of Truth from whatsoever point in the horizon it may arise!"- - from the 'Baha'i Writings NOTICE Donations to the Guatemala Fund to help earthquake -victims will be accepted at Elmer Um- bach Pharmacy. Receipts for tax purposes will be issued. NOTICE • RE HEART FUND Anyone missed in the Heart Fund Canvass held Sunday, Feb- ruary 15th, may leaye their' don- ation at Beckers Store. The Luck- now Kinsmen would like 'to thank ' everyone for their support. Young wife to husband: "If we miss two payments'on the washing machine and one on the refrigerat- or, we'll have a down payment on a TV set . Notice To Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF WILFRED LIVINGSTONE DRENNAN ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above- mentioned, late of the Township of. Ashfield, in • the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died on January 23, 1976, are required to .file proof of same with the undersigned on-or before the first day of March, .1976. After that date the Executors will proceed to distribute the Es- tate having regard only to the claims of which they shall there have had notice. DATED at' Wingham, "Ontario this 3rd 'day of February' A.D. 1976. • - CRAWFORD, MILL. & DAVIES Barristers and Solicitors WinghaM, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors _ NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF MARY EVELYN CORBETT Late of the Village of Ripley, in the County of Bruce,. Widow, de- ceased. . ALL PERSONS having claims against the , estate of the above named deceased who died on or about January 8, 1976, are' ereby notified to send to the undersign- ed on or before March 12, 1976, their names and full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the estate' will be ,distributed having regard only to the claims of which notice has been received. DATED at Ripley, Ontario this 3rd day pf February, 1976. CRAWFORD, MILL & DAVIES' Barristers Ripley, Ontario Solicitors for the Executrices THE HARD WAY It is by trial and error that we make progress totiv-;—dent, ek- peet to follow a blueprint. WEDNESDAY; FEBRUARY 18, 1976 simpoolow"'"" WANTED WANTED TO BUY baled straw;. Mark .Rolirer, phone 357- 2868. No Sunday calls. wANTED -J extension table with 6 chairs,. also enamel top table; Levi A. Miller, R.R. 1. Lucknow. WANTED a used set of show shoes, Amos Martin, R.R. 1 Luck- noW, phon6 57-1655. NOTICE „ FAIRVIEW DAIRY. Home delivery every Tuesday and. Friday. Beatrice Quality Chekd ' Products Delicious Fruit Bottom Yogurt Creamed Cottage Cheese Sour Cream ' • ' 100% Pure Orange Juice TOM AND,REW Phone 528-2001 CARD OF THANKS FORAN — John Foran family Would like to thank everyone who attempted to' attend the 30th An- niversary Dance. Due to weather conditions, it. is rescheduled for April 10th. ' I would like to thank those who visited me and sent cards while I was in the hospital and especially those who helped out at home. All was very much appreciated: George ErringtOn • The, family .of the late Mrs. Cath- erine Campbell wish to sincerely , thank relatives, friends and neigh- bours for the beautiful floral trib- utes, memorial donations, mes- sages of sympathy and the many kindnesses shown them during their.recent bereavement. Special thanks to Drs. Corrin and MclCim and the Management and Staff at Pinecrest Manor Nursing Home for their care and kindness. I wish lo thank friends and neighbours for cards and visits while. I was a patient in Wing- ham Hospital. Thanks to Drs. Corrin and McKim, and nurses. Gordon Lyons I wish to thank everyone for their concern and for. the flowers, gifts, letters, prayers and cards, while I was hospitalized in Uni- versity Hospitil, London. Special thanks to Dr. Corrin, Dr.. McKim. and Dr. Passi of London. Thanks to The Canadian Cancer Society. Eva Adamson The family 'of the late Ralph Adamson wish to express their sincere thanks to friends and rel- atives for flowers, cards, charit- able donations and - other acts of kindness during our recent be- reavement. Special thanks to the. pallbearers, Rev. Doug Kaufman, Kinettes and the ladies who help- ed at home during this time.' We' will never forget your kindness. We would also like 'to thank. Dr. Corrin and Dr. McKim for their help and decisions 'over the past few months. • The family of the late Mrs. Elsie Shaw wish to express their sincere thanks to friends for cards and donations to the Cancer. Society and" other acts of kindness during their recent bereavement. Special thanks to, Dr. .Corrin and Dr. Mc- Kim and thell.O.N., also the staff ,of Wingham Hospital. I would like to express my sin- cere thanks to friends ,and rela- tives for their visits; cards and phone calls, while I was a patient in St.. Josephs Hospital, London. Elizabeth MacMillan ticDONAGH 1•11• Al 'OAT* 11140hi {4 183 acre dairy farm with 72 ties; new' addition 40 x 60 'for young stock, new silo with loader aiiel, • automatic feeder, also nearly new implement shed. . Excellent 2 storey cement Muse. Stock and implements , can be purchased with farm. 11/2 storey insul brick ,3 bedroom house in Lucknow on corner lot, 4 blocks from main street. Good garage and work shop priced to, sell. 2 storey frame building, on main ' street Lucknow with 400 sq. ft. of store area and large apartment. Robt. Campbell Bus. 528.2031 Res. 529.7417 support the mentally retarded . SAND BLASTING ' PRICK BUILDINGS ALL STEELWORK , AIR HAMMER WORK BACK ,HOEING. ARNOLD ST0111,ER$ 0140,111i 529-740,1 FOR ESTIMATES t100..y94.r - :E:EART FUNaLoi 'The: VVorkshop 11.00 LOCKNOW SENTINE‘g 14.1C. KNOW,. ONTARIO. PAGE FIVE