The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-02-11, Page 147 '
Fot."Farni, Town and Country
Can You the 4.1,600 tO $20;000
If you can effOrd menthty paymeete of '
$2146 you may borrow
$40.60 you May..borrow
$67.67 you, may borrow
$94.73 you' may borrOvi.
'The above leant based on 16% per annum
year. term 20. year amortijation
Borrow for
any worthibile . purpose: To conselidate your.
'debts, fix the car, buy cattle, or a cottage! -
Gerald H. Wolfe
Representing ,
Arnold Highfft011 Realty Lid.
Kitchener, 1-519-744-6251
Member of Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association
01 X600;
market and free enterpriie situa-
In conclusion, as an answer to
some of the reaction expressed
Over the Prime' Minister's New
Years: statements, may I borrow, a
few words ,from Geoff Stevens, a
noted columnist of the . Globe and
"The Prime Minister was talking
of the Canada of the 21st Century.,
His opposition seems intent on
reviving the 19th century. Honest-
ly don't you think we have taken
too many great and forward steps
• as' a nation in this the 20th century' -
to want to go backwards now:
After all 'the ultimate answer rests
with each one of us." • '
Until next time, so long for now
from Parliament Hill.
Here's the answer for starting feeders
safely„ and smoothly onto full feed
with a minimum of problems.
ur • Gain Peedlot Startpr(140)8vvt.GAurco 8-700
This is the progiam to start cattle
onto full feed silage, hay, or grain finishing ration.
Feed at 5 lb. per head .per d y for 28 days.
Fortified' with ideal levels of Aureomyciti and Sulphamethazine
to treat respiratory diseases and minimize effects of stress':
ISHUR•GAIN Contains good balance of essential mi nerals, vitainins and
energy levels. All natural protein sources for easy digestibility.
Economical, to use. This pelleted starter will move cattle'
onto full 'feed without the 'expensive set-batks
of "shipping fever" and itress-induced health .problems.
• Available in bulk or bag's. Extra high molasses level
assures excellent palatability.
76 .
c.Iw1111M/1 wow%
:Greetings once again from
' Parliament Hill. Following the
long and costly, and to my way of
thinking, in many ,ways unneces-
sary, postal strike, it is certainly a
jay toile able to communicate with
`you once again • through. the
MediuMof our weekly newspapers.
Well the Prime Minister certain-
ly-04"a 1975 with, a' bang. Not
sinire the electioii campaign in • 1974
has there been. as much attention
given to Pierre Trudeau by the
news media and Canadians in
general. • According to some
reporters, newscasters and politic-
ians, the Prime Minister sounded,
the death, blow to the free
enterprise system. This statement
has been repeated many times in
private con;fersation, in political
' speeches and on the air during the
past feW weeks.
To my mind, such a statement is
as unfair as it is inaccurate. It is
inaccurate because the Prime
Minister. at no time advocated the
destruction of the free enterprise
system and I challenRe anyone to
find any statement made by the
Prime Minister that does actually
advocate the dismantling of , free
enterprise. Quite on the contrary,
the Government has regularly
introduced legislation to encourage
free enterprise by increasing
competition, by assisting small
businesses' and by encouraging
investment by. individual Canad-
ians in Canadian companies where-
ver Possible. As examples,. there
are the Government's Competition
• Policy as , implimented by amend-
ments to the Combines Investiga-
tion Act, 'the creation of the
Federal Business Development
Bank, the creation of the Canadian
Development Corporat ion
with •an invitation, to he Canadian
public to investin the Canadian
company operating . in the free'
marketplace. °.
Could it be that , some People
have jumped the gun and condern-
. ned the Prime Minister? Perhaps
some did not hear nor see the
interview in question or having
done so, relied more on the
uninformed and misleading state-
'ments made by the press than on
the answers made to 'the particular
Perhaps it would do us well to
remember that back in 1972 the
Government' was accused by the
N.D.P. of favouring the "Corporate
Welfare Bums" ' by providing
/ private enterprise in Canada, tax
incentives to increase their capital
investment and plant expansion:,
On October 13, • 1975, economic
controls were iniposed on the
Canadian ,marketplace. • This was
done by the Government with great
reluctance. The Prime Minister
never hid the fact that he disliked
controls but when he was forced by,
economic circumstances to take
that reluctant Step, he did so. •
However, in my view, what was on
the Prime Minister's mind during
this, period of decision • has been on,
all of our minds in recent times. In
a complex, society such as ours, --
when things go wrong -- Wen
uneMployment is on the rise as a
result of a slowdown in .economrc.
activity -- When prices Still continue
to climb, how to you react?, What
do yon • ,
Yet here in 1975, we eXPerienced
in Canada and in fact throughout
the Western World, zero growth
and still nFices, are going pup = in
Canada more than' 11 percent And
in other, industrialized' countries Pp
to 28. percent. One explanation for
this phenomenon, is that since the
1930's; there- has been a growth in'
tlie size. of the corporate entities, a'
reduction in the number of these
CompanieS engaged in any* given'
sector of the economy as well as an
increase /in the number and Size of
labour unions..
As ,a result of these, relatively
new structures, the marketplace
has changed. The law of supply
and demand has lost some of its
predominance. Corporations are
able to maintain their prices' and in
some instances, . are' able to.
increase them although there is a
reduction in demand. Wages and
salaries have also increased even -
though there • are more people
unemployed. .Just recently you had
the example of the teacher's strike.
Teachers asked for substantial
increases in salaries even though
there are a growing number .of
teachers looking for work. In •
addition, I have' to admit .that
Government • at all 'levels has
increased its demand on national
What does all this, mean? Well,
it simply means that the market- ,
place has been put out of joint, and
therefore, controls were .put • in
place -- controls aimed at those
powerful corporate entities and big ,
'unions, who could determine what
prices they would charge And what
wages they would demand, indep-
endently of the conditions affecting
the marketplace. To avoid
economic chaos unparalleled since
thelgreat depression, certain action
on the part of all Canadians was
demanded, thus the government
has instituted controls. The'
purpose Of these controls and the
goal of this Government is to regain
economic stability, It requires the
cooperation of each and every one
How, long will these controls
have• to, stay, 'in, place and, will the
nature of the. se controls, change?
On this ' questiqn,_ there was
speculation on the, Prime, Minist-
er's part. However, there was no
statement that controls were to be
maintained indefinitely nor that our'
economic ofpolitical .systems were
about to be.transformed in.'. any
way. I would also point out that at
no time has the Prime Minister, nor
Cabinet, ever shown any tendency
toward the nationalization of any
company or interest in the private
sector nor have they manifested a
penchant for experimentation at
the expense of national', institu-
To my way of thinking, many of
the questions put forth in the New
Year are best answered by
ourselves. It is only when we
accept the premise that our min
and our economy is, on a cbllision
course with disaster if inflation is
permitted to -continue, and if
demands by any segment of the
economy are allowed to outstrip
productivity, that we must return to
the basic concepts of the free
enterprise system, of an honest
days wages for 'an honest days work
and similarly,, honest competition
means' honest value for produce, In '
this way, Canada as a nation may
return ence. again to its rightful
place as a world leader in a free