The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-02-11, Page 5Peter S. - MocEiNan Real Estate 38 ST. DAVID ST. GODERICH — 524.9531 i • WINGHAM • REPRESENTATIVES ROSS and PHYLLIS HOGGART 357-3692 vygoNESDAT,. FEBRUARY 11, 1976 • THE: L,UCKNOW SENTINEL, LNCKNOWg - ONTARIO, WANTED ANYONE wishing knitting dime, phone Marjorie Thompson- 395- 5002. WANTED 'TO BUY baled straw, Mark Rohrer,/ phone 357- 2868. No Sunday calla/ ' HELP. WANTED 4th CLASS ENGINEER Required at. Huronview for shift work in boiler room and on build- ing maintenance. Apply to. Admin- istrator, Box 219, Clinton, or phone 482-3451. INTERNATIONAL, OIL COMPANY Offers opportunity for' high in- come plus regular cash and vac- ation bonuses, abundant fringe benefits to mature individual in Lucknow area. Airmail President Dept. Al, P.O. Box 70, Station R, Toronto, Ontario M4G 3Z6. HELP WANTED FULL TIME CUSTODIAN _ SAUGEEN DISTRICT SECONDARY SCHOOL PORT ELGIN, ONTARIO 40 hours per week, Monday through Friday inclusive. Duties. to commence March 1, 1976. Ap- plicants must be willing to do shift work it required and be able to provide medical certificate and proof, of satisfactory chest x-ray or Tuberculin Test. Apply on or be- fore February 19, 1976 using ap- plication form which can be ob- tained by writing or telephoning the employer below.. „THE BRUCE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION Box 190, Chesley, Ont. Tel. 363-2014 Atten. Mel Wedow, Supervisor. of Buildings and Maintenance WANTED — extension table with, 6 chairs, also enamel top table;' Levi A. Miller, R.R. 1 Lucknow. , WANTED-L.' a used set of snow shoes. Amos Martin, 1t.R. 1. Luck- now, phone 357-1655. WANTED --- nursing aides, part time, 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. and '3 p.m. 'to 11 p.m. Apply in person to Pine- crest, Manor, Lucknow. Call for appointment 528-2820. WANTED we're looking for some new bowlers on the Ladies' 6:30 League, Lucknow. Please contact 529-7651. NEED PAPER / For Your Duplicator? STENCILS? MASTERS? INK S THE SENTINEL Has Them . All PHONE 528-2822, Power is not to be regarded as Conferring privileges, but' by im- posing serious obligations. FOR THE BEST BUY IN J. lit M. Machinery MAX A. RItGLING • R.R. 3I.,UCKNOW `PHONE 395.5107 CARD OF THANKS I wish to sincerely thank every- one for their concern and for the flowers, gifts, letters and cords while I wai hospitalized in. St. Josephs, Lpdon due to my ac- cident. Thank you, Ruth.. 'Bus- iness as usual.' Jean Whitby The family of the late Alex (Sandy) Hackett wish to express their sincere thanks to friends and relatives for flowers, cards, char- itable donations and,-other acts of kindness during their recent be- reavement. Special thanks to the pallbearers, Rev. Doug Kaufman and the ladies of Lucknow United Church. All' was greatly apprec- iated. I` would like to express my thanks to friends and relatives for their visits, cards and phone calls; while I was a patient in Wingham and Victoria Hospitals. Special thanks to Dr. Corrin and Dr. McKim. Your thoughtfulness was appreciated. Warren Zinn We wish to express our heart- felt thanks and appreciation to Dr. J. B. Tindall, Kincardine; Dr. J. D. Hamilton; Hanover; Drs. Hes- sion, • Yehuda Eliezri, Warren, Erb, Ruby, Coyller and other Doc- tors; Mrs. L. Van Allen R.P., diet- ition*Sisters and_ Staff 'of St. Josephs Hospital, London; all the laboratory technologists in all x- ray departments; the two' Doctors in the University Hospital _where I spent several hours; patients on the 6th floor and in the South East Wing, where I was hospitalized; all Anglican ministers and the Priest at St. Josephs' Hospital;. neigh- bours, relatives, friends and fam- ily members for various things they have done; all who' gave flowers, cards and visited With Aileen while a patient for sixteen days in St. Josephs Hospital, Lon- don; all who prayed for my. re- covery; Dr. Cobean, Walkerton; One has to keep faith and trust all the treatments given to me in this month of January of this new year 1976 will', help other patients with all the knowledge of these Doctors, laboratory technicians, etc. God Bless All. Mr, & Mrs. Peter (Aileen) Carter. Edward St., Wingham We, would like to thank all our friends and neighbours and rela- tives for the flowers, gifts, cards and visits while we "were patients in Universityy Hospital, London. Your kindness will never be for- gotten. Mary Robinson 'and Steven Robinson MORTGAGE MONEY RURAL RESIDENTIAL ' • COTTAGES FARMS If you can afford the following payments, you may borrow the corresponding amounts (if approved) $ 52.74--- $ 4,000 105.48 — 8,000 158.21 — 12,000 329.61 — 25,009, Based on second mortgage rate of 151/2%, 5 year term, 20 year amortization. First mortgages arranged Existing mortgages bought ALL ONTARIO. FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS LTD. BOX 4 ARTHUR, 848.2510 BOX 309 NEW HAMBURG. / 662.3110 EVENINGS 7444507 743.1687 Notice To Creditors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF WILFRED. LIVINGSTONE DRENNAN ALL PERSONS having Claims against the 'Estate . Of the above mentioned, late 'Of the Township of Ashfield, in the County of Huron, ',Retired Farmer, who ,died on January 23, 1976, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the first day 'of March, 1976. After that date the Executors will proceed to distribute the Es- tate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 3rd day of February A.D. 1976. CRAWFORD, MILL '& DAVIES Barristers and Solicitors Wingham, Ontario Selicifirs for the Executors NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF MARY EVELYN CORBETT Late of the Village of Ripley, in the County of Bruce, Widow, de- ceased. , ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above named deceased who died' on or about January 8,, 1976, are hereby notified to send to the undersign- ed on or, before , March 12, 1976, their names .and full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the estate, will be diatributed having regard only 'to the\ claims of which notice has been.received,. DATED at Ripley,' Ontario this 3rd day of February, 1976. CRAWFORD, MILL & DAVIES Barristers Ripley, Ontarki Solicitors for the Executrices BRUCE COUNTY FARM REPORT A GOOD BUY. In these past few years of high prices, 'have you ever wondered where 'a real good buy could be found? I would' suggest 'at your nearest department store. • For between. $1.0 and $20 you can invest in a gadget which can change your 'whole structure of thought- What ;is it? -- an . electronic calculator. Not a fancy one - just a simple 4 or 5 function model. This has got to be one of the best buys, for the farmer today. If used, ifcan aid him in innumerable decisions day by day and, make their a lot easier at . the same time. For example: (1) How much grain do I have left for the animals I am feeding? A few buttons pressed gives you the volume in the bin; 'enter another figure and you get bushels and finally the weight - in pounds, tons, or whatever you like. OR (2) At the present rate ,of feedihg, when will I be out of feed and consequently when will I 'have to. ship the animals or be forced to , buy more feed? How much more? How-about' calculating rations? It , mire is a lot easier if you have a calculator. I know that from experience. 'How many head will you feed 'next year? How many acres of hay, grain, corn, etc. will you have to grow to do it? What will' be the profit at the present costs and- returns? Is it worth it? Would I be better to do something else? What is my yield per ,acre? How do, I compare with other farms? and.on and on. Figures are Useless unless they are, properly read and used; then they.. are invaluable. The electronic age has something to help you really see where you're at.- Use itto help you. ,The dollar you save may be your' own. Finally, how about 'adding up your costs, returns;, checking bank balances; trying to -see where you stand.' They surely do tell you in. a hurry. Save on pencils and an already ' tired brain - get. a THE MAN TO SEE IS . M NTEE (1-LLIAL:/ 4 BEDROOM Country home with all 'conveniences, situated on ap- proximately. 3 acres of land, ad- ditional buildings include a far- rowingu barn 24 x'64, barn 40 x 60 plus a silo and grain storage. WE' HAVE a family wishing to purchase a .3' or 4 bedroom home in Luclmow this spring. All en- quiries confidential. COTTAGE located on Brindley Beach, lot size 90 'x 220, 3 bed- rooms; 800 sq. ft. plus, patio, wall to wall carpet, electric heat and winterized. This •is an above av- erage , property. Must be seen' to be appreciated. DAIRY ,FARM 'in Kinloss Town- 'ship with large modern dairy barn, new stabling and gutter .cleaner, silo 20 x 60 with unloader, 4 bedroom home. TRAILER HOME 34 x,10 in good condition, located in the Lucknow area. If you have agricultural property, large or small acreage, and are thinking of selling, we would be pleased to talk to you. All en- quiries confidential.. WARREN ZINN Phone 529-7350 104-104-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-••••••••-•-•-•. calculator. Oh yes, most of the' calculators also give you a minus balance if after all of that work; you find that you are in the red. It's easy right to the very end. QUESTIONS How, are your feed supplies lasting? Have you got enough for the rest of the season or will you have to' buy some? Estimated harvest thiS past year of .flaxseed, rapeseed, corn, ,Wheat and soybeans are all at least 25% above 1974 in Canada with Cott and rapeseed more than 40% over a year ago. In Ontario grain corn production is- 46% more than one year ago; soybeans '30% higher; wheat and barley are also up; hay is' about the same and corn fodder is, up What does , this all mean?' Probably that' feeds will be in plentiful supply this year. Profit margins are getting smaller all the time. It will probably pay you to take a long look at your operation 4 re-evaluate your position. Don't shy away from the words. Or the idea. A person should look ahead and look at his' operation in the light of what. he sees, Can . he change for the better (that% being more net profit)? In addition to look at" the large things such as iminbet of acres/. ,PAGE FIVE. McDONAGH NI IN I ti11It i; • I 183 acre dairy farm with 72 ties, new addition .40 x 60 for young stock, new silo with loader and_ automatic feeder, also nearly new implement shed. Excellent 2 storey cement hou.se, Stock and implements can be purchased ' with farm. 1% storey insul brick 3 bedroom house in Lucknow on corner lot, 4 blocks from main street. Good garage and work shop priced to sell, 2 storey frame building on main street Lucknow with 400 sq. ft. of store area and large apartment. Robt. Campbell Bus. 528-2031 Res. 529-7417' MUTTON LUCKNOW — Situated on one acre of land, a four bedroom house with '3 pc. bath. There is 'a 2 yr. old oil furnace — a drilled well, some fruit trees on property. Very reasonably priced. WINGHAM — One floor two bed- room house on a good sized lot. Close to schools and, shopping, in a good residential area. Electric heating throughout. WHITECHIJRCH — two bedroom brick home on a 83 x '115 ft. lot, living room; dining, kitchen with cupboards and 4 pc., bath. House tastefully decorated. Paved drive- way and small barn on property. / MEL MATHERS Wingham `Phone 357-3208 Rep. L. W. Hutton Real Estate Kincardine It Pays To Advertise The codfish' lays a Million eggs; The helpful hen lays one; But the codfish never cackles, To tell us what she's done: And so we scorn the codfish, The helpful hen we prize - Which indicates to you -and me, That it pays to advertise: crop, number of head, machinery. 'buildings, etc., Took at the Smaller things., These make you a profit too. Examples; Can my animals gain more lbs/day? Can I get them Out of here sooner? ,Are they getting the right nutrients in' the feed? Is my milk'production up to the county average? DHI Average? ROP Average? If a few more' pounds of feed - will give 10 lbs. more milk, is it worth it? Is 'mastitis costing. me $50, $100 or • More/honth? Do. I have large. . enough litters? Am I getting them bred in good 'time? • • . If you are 'in the, 'business of • farming, it haS to make a profit or your busineSs will go broke: This is the time of year when you have a little more time to ponder things. Take an hour or even a half an hour, and think about it.' You may earn mote money in that, time than . you. have all day today. . — BILL GREXTON, Assistatit Agricultural Representative.