The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-02-11, Page 1$6.00.A Year In Advance — $2.00 Extra To U.S.A. .WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1976 *Single Copy. 2.0c 20 Paps Barry McDonagh of Lucknow is sporting a cast on his leg which he fractured playing "bush league" hockey on Thursday of last week. He plays for Lucknow. - Barry is getting about on crutches and will wear the cast for eight weeks. Most advice is,worn. out by be- ing* passed alorig—not used. Gaunt MoveFI As Front Bencher Ontario's new Liberal leader in the Legislature, Dr. Stuart Smith,, has rearranged the seating plan for, his supporters in the House. Murray Gaunt of Wingham, MPP for. Huron-Bruce, along with • John Eakins (Victoria-Haliburton) has been asked to leave his front row Seat in order to make way for David Peterson, who lost the leadership race by only 45 votes and for Dr. Smith.. Front bench pPsitions are re- garded as important, for their occupants would be strong "prob- ables" for cabinet posts should, the party win a forthcoming election. Died At Pinecrest... Mrs: Roderick Campbell • of Lucknow passed away at Pinecrest Manor Nursing Hoine on Monday, February 9th in her 93rd year. The funeral service will be held at MacKenzie Memorial Chapel; Lucknow, on Wednesday, February 11th,,at 2 p.m. • Temporary entombment will be 'at South Kinloss Mausoleum. Trailers Burn In Barn Fire Art Purney and Rev. Glenn Noble of Lucknow both lost their house . trailers in a fire near Milverton on Monday Of last week,, Art and Glenn had their 17 foot and 18 foot• trailers stored for the winter ' in the barn of Egbert Jacobs, known to many in this area as a square dance instructor, Both trailers were insured. Mr, Jacobs lost the barn, some machinery . and an antique. truck. Other machinery; stored in the barn, Was also lost. hOrrie and were staying . with neighbours, . Mr. and Mrs. John Dadson, .jut across the road. ' Mr.. Dadson. and Mr. Wafters have been friends for many years. ' Both are elhPloyed. at Douglas Point and the Dadsons- were instrumental in having Wafters family come to this area to reside. They noticed flames in the upper portion of the home and phoned Ripley ,Fire Department who redir- ected them to Lucknow Fire Department. • • Weather conditions at the time were poor with high winds, drifting snow and poop visibility.. LucknOw Fire Truck dade it. to the' Scene with 2 firemen, but the fire cafand, water tanker truck were held up About 37 interested young people attended an organization and information meeting for the formation of a Leo Club for this community. . The meeting was held on Sell Store At Riversdale Alter 221/2 (ears Mr. and Mrs.• Stan Stevenson of Riversdale have: sold their general store in that community to•Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hughes of Kitchen- er. The transaction' becomes effective about the end of Febru- ary. , Mr., and. Mrs. Stevenson bought the business : from Stan Letteau, now of Teeswater, about 22% years ago. :The store, at that time, was close 'to the highway and about . 6 years ago the Department of Highways expropriated land where the store was .situated because it was too Close to the road allowance, The building was moved and expanded and the business was closed during that period of about a year in 1969 and 1970: Stan came from the London area where he had farmed all his life and worked for fiye yearS With •A•and P, Stores before coming to Riversdale. Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson will live in, the Hanover area following the completion of the' store sale. The Lucknovv District Co-opera- tive recently held its annual fkieeting and banquet at whiCh it named its Board of Directors. near*Holyrood by a car, which had been following the fire truck froni Lucknow,, and which had become stuck on the roadway in their path. One-half to three quarters of an hour was lost due to this fact- David Eadie came to their , rescue with a tractor and blower to untangle the mess. While they were not completely moved into the house, the Wafters family did lose most . of their clothing, beds, chairs, frig and stove, dressers, a rug and other items. A very few things* were saved. Donations of any clothing and furniture are being sought for the Wednesday evening of last week at. the Mayfair Restaurant 'in Luck now. The Lucknow Lions ClUb is backing 'the new, group but it has • Heart Fui4 Is Heritage Project Your flag, Your future, Heritage Day, February 16th. ' The Association 'of Kinsinen' Clubs, Canada's Young Men's Service Club, is presently promot- •ing Heritage Day. Clubs across Canada are holding 'special events , and projects in support of the proposed National holiday. Lucknow Kinsmen and Kinertes are going to conduct a canvass on -Sunday afternoon, February 15th, in support of the Heart Fund. Fehruary is Heart month and the Kinsmen look for your support. Died In Walkerton -Alexander (Sandy) Hackett, a former resident of Lucknow, pas- sed away at County' of Bruce Hospital, Walkerton, on Thursday, February 5ih, in his 92nd year. The funeral was held at MacKen- zie Memorial Chapel, Lucknow, on Saturday, February 7. Temporary entombment was at South Kinloss' Mausoleum. . Seated, left to right, are Direct- ors Doug * Martyn, Jack Alton, Merle 'Giinhy, AuStin Martin and Doug Catileron. faMily. Phone Mrs. John Dadson at 395-5728 and these will he picked up. The home,' which is owned by Lorne Eadie, was a complete loss. Only a small amount of insurance. was carried on the building,* The' horne .'had been tenanted by "Dr.- Donald HOdgins until last Fall when -he moved to Ripley. ,' • Firemen were on the scene for about 4 hours keeping an eye on a barn about 300 feet to the north of the house Which contained 152 cattle belonging to Lorne Eadie. The Bruce County Highway plow was called to plow a road to the scene of the fire to allow firemen and the equipment , to return to Lucknow about 4' a.m. been emphasized that, the club will Operate strictly on its own and is open to any Youth in the corrimunity who might wish to join. It is anticipated that the number of interested young people will grow,— Because of winter road ConditiOris„ ino-st of those,. present last week were towri residents , With many from the country expected to CONTINUED ON PAGE '20 Area People Work On Plowing Match Committees A. number of area people are involved as committee chairmen .for the upcoming International Plow- ing Match to be Iftild near. Walkerton from September 28. to October 2 of this year.. Lord Elgin from Scotland will open the event Presently working on plans • for the event are Jim Powers, Chep- stow, publicity; Cliff Hewitt, R. 2 Kincardine, health and sanitation; Mrs. Oliver McCharles, Lochalsh, crafts and demonstrations for ladies; 'Donald McTavish, R. 1 Ripley,' trailer park; Burton Hod- gins, R. 2 Kincardine, farmstead iniproyement; Orville Elliott, .Luck- now,. gates. * Many others are in/involved in planning the event and these members, will grow as the Match date approaches. FireDestroys . • Workshop 0f Diekmccosh. BY AB WYLD About three 'fast Friday after- noon, the fire whistle sounded in Ripley calling the firemen to the farm of Dick McCosh .at Purple Grove. 'The farm is the second one past the Purple Grove corner, two blocks east of the 15th on the 12th concession of Huron Township. The fire destroyed a railway 'box car which was used as a second workshop and itsconients includ-t ing a brand new snowmobile. Dick had some of his clothing burned in' trying to remove the contents. The fire'was believed to have started from the heating system. Ripley firemen saved the main work shop, just a few feet away, and also took care of any threat to the house and barn. Driving the fire truck from .Riplev was Doug Liddle and with hi ere firemen Clarence Polio and Johnny Dodds. Fireinen. John D. MacKay and 'Ted Rouse fbllowed by car and then the water tanker was driven out by Donnie Peter- baugh and with it also were Harvey Pollock • and George McLean. Fireman Bob -Johnston was at •• Dungannon at the time a the alarm and when, he returned to Ripley he remained in charge of the firehall,• making ready for the return of the fire department. The cloud of dense black smoke rising in the clear afternoon sky Was visible at the farm Of Donald Gillies, one block north of Ripley., In its use on the railway, the wooden interior had become soak- ed with spilled oil. NEVER MISSED A' DAY DUE TO ILLNESS. ROtiOs..After.4,0.- Tears Employmer.t. With 110ilroad Bruce McKenzie of Lucknow, has retired after 40 years of service with the Canadian NatiOnal . Rail- way. During those 40 year's he never missed one day of work because of illness. The official retirement date was December 31st and previous to that; he had been on accuthulated vacation since October 7th, Bruce worked with' 'the Section': crews in.various communities. He started with in Malton. in 1935 and has worked out of Malton. Brampton, Georgetown, Guelph, Simcoe, LucknoW and for the past 4'/2 years out of Palmerston. On January 30th, iyir. and 'Mrs. McKenzie, and family were honour- ed at a dinner• at the Holiday Inn in London. Attending the dinner, with Mr. McKenzie were his daughter and ' son-in-law, Marguerite and Elino Sandeyson of Lucknow.. Mrs. McKenzie, who Underwent. the amputation of her leg a number of years ago and finds it difficult in getting around during. 'the winter Weather, decided against attending • the dinner. Unable to attend were*, their Other daughter•Beverley and her husband Roy ,Mosher of Oshawa. • Bruce was presented with a Silver ,engraVed tray and his wife Edythe with an , orchid corsage, along with Many good wishes,. Bruce and Edythe hope to take a trip in the Spring, House Destroyed By Fire 110.:„.100y Morning Storm A family of five lost many of their possessions •in an early. morning fire in ' Kinloss . Township on• Sunday. Breaking Put "shortly, after mid- night Saturday, fire completely levelled, a 2-storeyd frame' home belonging to Lorne Eadie on the 8th of Kinloss. The farm home is known to many as the "Bob MacDonald place" and is located on the ,8th, about midway between ' Holyrood and Ripley. A family of five, which had been.'. living in the Springfield area, near Aylmer, moved into the home last week end. They .were` Mr. and Mrs.. Jerry Wafters and Linda 15, Ronnie 13, and Troy 5. The family • were not coMpletely settled. n the Form LEO 'pub For community. Youth Standing., - left to right, are / Directors Har;,/ey Culbert and Terry Dalton, Manager. Lloyd Crawford, Directors Albert Taylor and Bill Andrew. ' I •