HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-2-9, Page 88---Tbal•day. Tsbr>Asey a Ifs. • TOWN OF GODERICH PUBLIC NOTICE RE FIRE ALARM The three fire -alarm boxes are located as follows: 1. in front of Town Hall on East street. 2. On West side of Court House building in the Square. 3 Inside of Waterworks building at harbor In cost' telephone is usecei, call the Town Hail fir and if no answer. then call the 11'aterworlcs plant to gke tie :Ilene )) sure to give the definite location of the tire, , Citizens are requested to become acquainted with the -waken-- 117 Hsn-- 137 order of the ConnedL L. L. KNOX, Town Clerk Euchre and Dance under the• auspices of the ('anaii:tn Legion in ODDFELLOWS' HALL un Friday, February 17 Miss McKinnon at the Fiddle Keep this date open St. George's Churchwoman's Guild will hold their annual High Tea and Bazaar I\ 1111. 1'\I:Ir1l li \1.1.. uN St. Valentine's Day Tuesday, February 14 TPA w•re,.l fromilin R o'clock sale ..11'..tAy and Fancy Work Tea Tickets, 5o cents Did You Get a Signal Calendar? PLAY "WANTED A WIFE" to be presented at NILE on Thursday Ems., .under auspices of rheedrle'-4iuildl Clara rte thweil Andeers•n's plays are known from coast tri coast as being full of 'menet. maim' ae l refine( fun. Thi- is les -West. Ix) NOT MISS IT_ ADMISSION: Adults 35c; Children 20c. • MEN, WOMEN, CHILDREN, by thousands, use Mrs. 'Italia Spahr's Toneilitis for heal odds, catarrh. brunchtal astlkpia. bron- chitis, cough. en•np, solo?... wore throat and tonsil troubles. ' Try it. I i s guar:, Irte•d. 1 e slerich Druggists ANNOUNCEMENT TO THE RADIO -PUBLIC s After much ieremasi"n: I Lae.. decided to enter the field for radio ,ervice. Fifteen years' experience on all type. ed receiving .reel. Endoreel by the Na tiooal Radio Institute, Washington. D.C. Expert servtct• at a reasonable price.. FRANK RILEY Newgate Street Goderkh Telephone 54tt THE SIGNAL, — GODERICH, ONT. WILLIAM LANE THE GUEST OF HONOR AT NOTABLE BANQUET Many Speeches in Eulogy of the Well Loved Ex -Treasurer I of Huron County I Au ec,•nt a filch will Tung be r.'uwm- bervl wag the "send.•ff" to Mr \CII - Ilam lank which took place at hotel Belford on the evening of Thursday. .January ;Jtith. Having retired from the nMeo of monis tren+mree after t hirty- elz year. In the service of the county -twenty-six as clerk and ten as treat- I ThePresent Mining Market is wonderful for buying. Wourown fears are holding down prices. l'rice is determined by demand and sup- ply. When your faith risen prices will rise'. Intrinsic mine values have not changed. Don't play into the claws of the bears. loll have nothing to fear if von don't buy on margin. Call and ser me. NORMAN LEWIS Corner Hamilton ami Ne*gate1ts. Phone 4715 ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE ' W. C. SNAZEL tl:tls•rdnsher and Ivry ('leaner Steen' Laundry Ill Connection Wrest !Street Telephone 339 Some Bargat'ls in Second-hand Machinery and Buggies and Cutters at the'Massey-Harris Shop Gue 7 -ft. Binder: leo metal drills; -tato sleighs; three cutters; three top bttggiea; two pullers;o no J j,1'rte dray seen; two manor• spreaders; two -tdi-n r pk►wsT t:r, _ige_ti-IInrMt'wt•r rias engineew; -le- secondhand ,ear 1'1111 E AND SEE. ROBERT WILSON, Hamilton St. AUCTION SALE OF A CARLOAD OF Heavy Draft Horses, Farm Chunks and Draft Colts MR. R. L. REED will selt by public auction at the KING EDWARD HOTEL STABLES, GODERICH, orf Monday, February 13th 1\I\I M:N('1N(1 AT 1 (1'1.4,1)( h 18 Good Quality Horses Weighing from 1300 to 1700 lbs I . Among them are several matched team 3, including matched grey fillies and several grey geldings. This is an ex- ceptionally good lot of horses. Not a Cull in the Lot TERMS: Cash; or eight months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes bearing interest at 6 per cent. per annum. R. L. REED, T. GUNDRY & SON, Proprietor Auctioneers • oak") gale an eloquent and touching tribute to :ue guest of the evening. "If ever then was a dear, lovable man," he declare,.. "Mr. lane is that man." The lunger he knew him the more he admired :.•m. Not Horny men heti lived .o I, _ and dour hie wort: au well as Mr. 1.. had dune. lie probably bad not u single eneAty In the world. He wee the Mark Twain of Huruu county. Ile bad shown remarkable Christian f,.rtltutie in his atrllctiou ; never a .::.'c word of complaint had anyone 4,,,,:.4 from him. •'(sod bless Mr. Lune. • xclalmed Mr. Reynolds in keen and hi, eye was airbbrtght an SCHOOL REPORT ever. lie hoped the Creftor w�uld -•--- grant hem still a long lease of life. • S. S. NO. 9, COLBORNE Mr. Hugh H111, Reeve of Colborne, The f'tdlowlog le the report for 8. S. ' poke briefly, extending his good .No. ll ,(Dunlop) for the month of Jan - wishes for Mr. Lane in poetic measure, nary. The pupils have lieu tested to Sheriff ]flddlPt,n, County Engineer gec'gru .II), congw'sltion, 1ltereture, grawwar and reading: 28. SIGNAL OFFICE. 4t Patterson and Ex -Warden Klo{,p all Sr. IV. --Erle Quaid 07 per cent., - __ spoke briefly. Mr. G. L. Parsons was Phyllis Hortee 35. Frank Horton 42.' — called upon and gave A song and told Sr. 111.-Imuis Flaltord S7 per cent• NOTICE T .CREDITORS some stories that were received with $r. 11.- Duet Ilortuu 07 I,er cv'nt' TIIF M.t7"1`F.It (►F' TIIF FST ITV t applause. inose. Ferenc!, Llnklater 66, Fred Jewell 50, gfE'(t t P *Billie Farrleh 37, •Verne Jewell 2't. OF PAIL 9 le OF F:it. LATE (1F Mr. Lane, on being called upon, Wag Sr. 1. --+Rubble Fxrrleh 70 per cent. THE TOWN 1►F (;lH►F;ItICfI t\ THE greeted with -9.'0r li<•'s a jolly god fel- Pr., --Walter Chisholm, Harry Chir• (Y)i'NTY Gr S 11( 1105. RFTlIREI► low," gun heartily by the entire Kettle holm. FARMER. DECEASED. concludiug,:ue address wbh'ji expressed -WANTED WANTED. - COMPETENT MAID for general housework; must be a good cook. Apply BOX 36, Godericb• Ea1VE1.(1L•EO AND CIRCULARS addrewed. Prompt service. BOX ! erint. Ills speech was a characteristic Nuntler on roll, 12; average attend-. NOTICE; Is hereby given, pursuant ' Hero 10.2. to Section 'ft of the Trustees Art, the setinaetel of all peeeent.I one. h After herring all the good things ,t ;,--Mar'INtNA1.11. Teacher. f lar+ J. M. Field said Mr. Lane was I that had been said of him be had began R.S.O., 1914. Chap. 121. thot all credi- one of the first men whom he dud wet' to 'believe. he said, that there was not BORN fors alt,! others having clnlms or 411, one • man like hint in the edunty. MESSEIt.-At "Riverside." Bluevale, utaads against the estate of the said neer,--Mr. Ione WA. leaving town to en coming to Guderich. Mr. Lane had Paul Rmettzer, who Bled on or aimed visit hi" .•:n. 1►r. Charles Tane. at Ile- 'Lown film 6luduesv and huspitallty The Por had said, "]fan's Inhumanity Out.. On $uudny, February 5th, 1928. the Oth day or December, A.D. 1927. at trait, and the Lion+ elnh took the lead and their friendship had grown deeper to cool makes enmflecs thournnds lu �I r. ,old \less A. \\'. Messer, the the town of (7oderirh. are respei red. en from that :.tun. He was Jur mourn." but from his own experlenre gift of a danglater• or before the '23rd .day of February. In providing an opportunity to some glut! to know he could any. "Man's humanity to man DIED. A.D. 10_'x, h' send by post prepaid or f )tees Lane's many friends to demon- I �• Lane w,euld be In (lodrrlch again (1.•11.19 to 1111 end utrlx t the '!tote Orate their afeetlnn for him. Besides 1n the summer and be hoped be would makes countless thowi'tnds gkut." Ile KILL(JIY;I1.- In Ashfhkl township, on of •the wild detrtaa'd th1lr he ,'stlan corroders of. (1,. Lions Club and mem- have a g. -•i time spending his days had served the enmity a long time: he Sunday. February 5th. Agnes ('ath• Prhae s carting• widow• of the late natnem and snrnanres, addre'.se. and tars of the county eonnoil, whk'h was among did not suppose he byre had nuu'h 1 deseripHnn, the full particulars, to g thy," who loved film, ahlltty, but what ]le did finer he had I year.Willlam J. K111ough. in her *kb writing, of their claims. a statement of in is ugh tl that week.: o number of The chtai:u:nn at thin juncture readtheir accounts, nod the nature of the used In searing tl c county as well ee rtel►rte>entenivo eitiztms were present, and pres'a. to Mr_7.iiut• -*--0°01-11--- he knew how. He bed found the mute_ - -- ^'" urItS. if, any. h !d by them. umtnat,•4. ..5, - .tXD TAKE NOTICE that after bens of Or Lot's Club. It was *slot- w k"'nuc urs e 1 — worked to he gentlemen. ThP T.Intw nth ase meutlouec date the sold "y; a. KIL1.1b1'G11 AN'D FAMILY . „ecutrir will proceed to distribute "Win. IA lo. L�pt te. Goderkh. also were gentlemen. He was not go - • take this opportunity of el:Kees- th,• as -et. of the said deei'Sasd among '•I tear 1...: Dana:. It 1.. with oro. Ing to sac good -bre. HP expected to log their h,.artfelt gratitude to neigh- the lw,rli.- entitled thereto, billing { 1•»r, sad fat.rt4,t frt.-intent.;�• k4A,.ty;Arrt only to Ihe'-inlet,' ,,.f whkh she- le hark forJulc Hud August and hoped found reser chat we bid you farewell renthrv.l iu their Iwreeaveweut shalltlp•u bnit•notMr.uud that tbesnid to our den. W. shall cola' you greatly' he wand meet his dear friende egatn., by the' death ,R their before(' mother executrix will not be 1lrtble for the at our m,. but the hippy meso- "Auld Tana Syne and "(Ind Save and graudmuther. , said assets nr tiny_part_thereof to any ries of old 1: lane. of his cher tip- the King" brought tete successful event .T_---_--_ _ _ ls're.n nr persons of who -e claim no- 1 to A Nose. tire than tint bare been rt•e•Ite,l be timism an., ., imsical humor, will re- TE\1)ERS WANTED her at the elm,• of such dlstrlbntton. main with 11 . green s14 fragrant --for pttNose. ttlon by CountyOlarlalm — -- man aye We Ifo ['melons! t. Mr. LIMP'S departure .TTNDF7RS WILL BE RECEIVED BY' - PRANCES McNEVIN y pe Son will bk'' for Detroit he WAS cannel upon at his the undersigtte I for the purehaste ' F.zeeutrlx. rooms at the Tt.•tlfnrd hotel by 9 num- of the swth •smarter e. tut Numhe•r $tx Ry DI'i/i,F:Y E. HOLMES. (ter in the fourth cone esiou. E. T . of Solleltor for the raid F:xe•tttrix. Mer of the comms nRldals And was the township of Ashtteld. until the DATED at (:oderleh this 23rd dry presi'nteod with a doh nag. A Thmh111'eighteentlt day of Fehnmry, 1MR. 'Sete- of January.\.1►. 1922. --- 111 pipe and a box of cigars. Sheriff Rey- highest er nuc other tenger not neves nolds read the following address': sari?. eeeepfetl' AI'r"11/INRRRitIYG G,derieh, Jnnunry. no. 1,1r.'R. - DUDLEY M(H,MES- --- F.xeentor. THOMAS GUNDRY, GODER1CH. -- - LITE STOCK ANL GENERAL' e. _- . ,AUCTIONEER - _-_ .-_- Telept • No. 119. e arm e. :r.. n,l amidst • A sale. attended to anywhere and ever,_ warm apphn,•,• waw presented on la'• to you our heartfelt And genuine feel• . \f R. R`. G. lir\feT.LAN effort made to give satisfaction 1'ermen' sale note' dlaeounted. halt of th� Lions Club with a bunch of thew of regret at year retirement from will well by puddle auction at lot 4, con - the ofk•e, the duties .%f which you have cession 9. Morris township, on ' - iter. R: e• afelvermtd,-Atho *poke' most efficiently performed for so 01x)17 SATCRIDAY: FFIttt'ART Beth. ROBT. ROBERTSON. next. reminded his hearers that they' Serves . _ ' - tnmmeneirtg at 1 oeloek: The Auctlnneer, We Khali else your }ocinl ',researe will conduct and arrange any sale as 1 A full line of farm stock, Inie•e- were very near to the amafversrtn of the latest methods to get the best to both in the evyurt Louse and in the meats and grain. including good heavy Bobbie Burns, whose worts: 'The .alts. Sere him or drop a card and M town generally, and we earoestlp Lope hntt4•s. purebred shorthorn lull and will give it immediate attenttoa. WILLIAM LANE, Ex -Treasurer of Huron County the gathering about the banquet tables numbering about one hundred. Chief Lion Brown was in the chair and pre- sided over the $ext part of the pro- gram. Singtllot- popular airs was rank is but the guinea stamp: a man's that relief from active work will result -fid, cattle, . het. at Intervai.,.b7 Lion A•.F. Sturdy. it mon forla' that." were applicable to in a general improvement in your T. OT'NDRY ! SON Farm sols a specialty. Eldon St. ' with Mr. Major at�tIe piano. the guest of the evening. One of the h<+tlth. 1'onr lndomltabte spirit. under Atxetk*neers Gt►derteb. Atter !error appropriate remarks by flnr•st memnrrs they all would cherish )balnftil dliabttlty, Las been the admin- - wnnld he t11A: of the -tton of everybody i. _. :- __ CT,F..lIt1NG ATTTiON SALE OF DRCGLE8t3 PRACTITIONER the chairman, Mayor H. J. /C. 'Afac- IapTPndld tirafiit(! bii In mncluwlon, we ark yon to accept v FARTf STOCR. TTfi'T,EM1ICT9 Ewan was sated to glue the address a conn Yr. Ione find shown emonast i thea small token of air regard. AND HOUSEHOLD FVRN'TTTTRE. them. A. N. ATKINSON of welcome . to the countycouncil, I £. N. Lewis;LewI.,' County Judge. ! CHIROPRACTOR AND DBIIti- wbltfi he did In capable and happy (hlef Lion Brown then handed over L L. a Reynolds Ex ' . , • i:1Rv ty LIS9 THIERAPI/T the remainder of the t R. C. Hare, Ootmty Solldtor• will sell public Anrtlon at W lot manner. He congratulated Wallen program to War-, try Ta , GODERICH den Hayes!, who Acct �n!11d n Itobt• Johnston. County Court Cleat. 11. cnneetadrm 2. A.hfleld, nn Equipped with electro -t a npieU• Hayes upon his election to that high upon Mr: I Dudley Holmes. Crown Attorney. office, and also took the opportunity to C. A. Robertson, M.P.P. )e r. Robert- I T. g, Patterson, Cbantp I+rtgineer. WPJIYN(FCD'lY. FF)1rltf'.1RY 23rd; batba, Electronic electric treatments welcome to Ooderlch the new court son spoke of *Ir. Tare as typical of a \tem ri`o'ts, ('Doors Regtstrar. commencing at 1 ocltxk: and chiropractic. Chronic organic and hoose officials: Mr. Dudley Holmes, generstlan that Lad passed and that ,James B. Reynolds, County Gaoler. • Hor4es-One good drnnght horse. nervous disease'. Lady in attendance H. H. RPM. Manager Standard Bank. rising i years' 1 driving mare; 1 aged Office hours 2 to 5, and 7 to 9 p.m.. R.C., Crown attorney -en old Rohe h uphrlrl rhe Ane traditl1,' of those who f more: 1 Srtarling Plrrhlmn colt. excepting Monday and Thursday at - boy returning to town : Mr. Robert had cone before us. He doubted If tete Ii A. J. MacKay, Manager Bank of Com- Cows -One mw. 4 rare old, rine to ternewna and evenings and by ap ' Johnston. Surrogate Court clerk; Sher- Present _'-nrr:,tlon appreciated what Thnwm(,t nary, High Constable. April; 1 ens, 0 Sears .old, due -in pointment. 1R Middleton: and Mr. Gordon Young. men of 1-'. stamp had done for the I Gordon Young. County Ttmetrrer. March ; 1 cow. "0 yenrs old, supposed to who mtttrevrls Mr. Ione as coantS county. The gored enndiriome that now Mrs. J. R. Reynolds. Deputy Regrtr r he in calf: 1 cow, 7 year. old. fresh: ffeitsnren -- - ptrail cane• hr�PRht xl,awt-T }ne C C 1 cow. 9 years old, doe In April : 1 cow. F.4rlr n Sears old. due 10 Jnly: 7 ndft'r. Mrs. Oakley fAvomf the gafhrt4eg men of the peat. and t11r mnnh emu"- 1' It+xrkie r' CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT RoMna NaegelP, nt►arepher. riming 3 sloe.. rine to .lone: rnlro+. with a violin solo, which was received tillers of the present day had a Ane (;, ,fie .1Amfs, Caretaker. • rising 1 year; 1 young calf. . with much appreciation. Mr. Wllkln• PzamplP to follow. Mr. • Lane acknowledged the preset"- . rewn Pigs --dine sow and litter; 12 ehunks son played the piano accompaniment. Mr. Jac e'Onnnl?c. n former niemhPr ration in his usual bright and happy Paltry' -Tse heves: 1 gander; 1 Warden Hayes! expressed his plea- ^f the county rnanell. spnl P firiefly, ex- manner. e.hlte Pekin dark And drnki';'t1N► RAs- e,trre in naaln enjoying the h wpitellty preterite.. b;. Errrrtl vrlsh+'s for Mr. Tnnr, -_-_ -_-- -- red Rork pullets; 30 1 -year-old Barred of the T,ions filth and declared that he nal orae f•.lJowaj by Mr. Tho.. 1 ¢lis The PiLM We Like Rock hens. b MEDICAL - implewlent. - One MassP,41arrl' Reeve of 1lowlrli. W /TYrke of the From Dobe. -Ii, -\i uoroe�_ Letl,hridge.. hinder, r.. -ft cut_-1n.lona ahapa.:lltwa, _DR, t_', J. Lt. FO11S_Ti U. _ __. _- - kfndlc Intr ♦ Alberta fi ri ETh kAK \l►$E THROAT 1by C 11th f1F' TN %NES signed111e Diem 111 Irl whom he had sistnri to tl •.t+' o1,i age to enjoy the rest that t ' ::V.. no•fully�alent has s• richly eri'led 'cou to, ''Your si: 1;o'lerieh friends." Acmmpit' 1,;; the nddres. was a Jif,-ntemtr•r-' ; at large In the L1uus Club. )ire. H. t '»•:aeker was introduced and 'ang ren 'weedy and effectively "The Frlen.. .i' Yeete-•'-••• " flet tie an IleOne •K I I William Lane. Esq.. Treasurer, Comity of Huron. - --- —• Dear me. We:-OD--this!:-tbe-a- , AUCTION, SAIL - to.ion of your relinquishing the office - of treasurer of the county of Huron. AUCTION SALE. t we. the undersigned, join'1 preening Residence and once --Corner ad Southastreet and Britannia road. 'RANK P. GiBB$, CHARTERED Accountant. 102 (infant, sore. Stratford. Phone 15A0. Res. 1330J. , had formed so high an epiatta-of the - caw nal qualities; of the people of God- erleh thntTielad" rTeel(Teh fnTiec'cc� a • citizen of this town in the near fnhtre :I tl nnte'u,l/rtlk'nt that weds re''elvel with hearty applause. Mr. hays went en to speak nppreei',tivelc of Mr. TA/11W. who, be wild. would be very mn.h miselced fu sonntr eouncil nfrnir.. Mr. A. J. MacKay. manager of -the - an old etr•.•seh. and to14 a story hires- ! Runk of rommurec. was the next' trnting 1114 remarks. The swot of the Ispeaker. Hr !std in fits negnelnt- evrnln¢. ,.r eonr*e. iho.rnnitltlS at)t;►r•- ance with Mr. Lane, now extending .fatal Mr Flays' Jfe^*r wprr'ch. over a good many years'. be had found Mr. 1')mlley Holmes K.C., county him to he a man of high prineiplew. a Crown attorney, said he mnM not man of honor: anything he meld he Interest sir. lane had taken In wy-Harrt. mower: 1 Meseey• ar s . him- wtwn-he nest minerttrttrtr. 193tinxy- flh,1 tvtc:,, gLmoner oiler rake: 1 Maw'y-Thief• 41.0-1. 4 _Chat- Late --House Strrgene Nrw Tork Oyf- - Ti file subscription iW Sighal nnt11 ham mill ncd bngg,•r: 1 McCormm k thalmir and .\ural Ilea nal, ■sslsWl mnneti ii.' find mar to like G.“1- Jedr. 11120. drill: 1 Frost h Wood ettltivat0r• 1 'et at Monrefeld Eye lioseltal and filch and if he sholl10 retire he would -The weather in Southern Alberta Iron harrow.: 1 wcuffler: 1 Veritr Golden Square Throat Hospital, Los • like to e• 110 to this town to lire. bas been very mild 'thee the New plow.: 1 light wagon: 1 "tock ruck: 1 don, Eng. Mr. R. ('. Ray.. Ir.. Monty selieitor. Year." crave! hox : 1 wngnn : 1 finggy : 1 cut - 5.9 Waterloo $t. N., Stretford. Tel - 'Poke in nnMrrits view. He refused - - - ter: 1 sleigh; 1 we double harness: 1 ephone 267. to err -id.- Mr. Lune ns nnything but ST. AIJGUS'tINE ;rt. single harness: 1 liar -fork and At Fluted Bedford. Goderlch, on the rope: 1 De -Laval cream separator: 1 --- TI50-egg. hot swine i en- evening of third Monday of a eb ST. AUG1't1'riNE. Ft'D T. -life' V. I h t.w: sCn asunth till the following day, Tuesday, Welch. of Toronto. spent the week -end fiator• 1 portable luny bonne: gnen- at 1 p.m. nt her borne here. ttty bay and straw: gnnntlty borer- __ Mew Wt Mery (l-tvaves apeiit--las--- = t week Jtokl-frtenlinre---wIttf leteses : ?leek = with Goslerich friends. yoke. chains. and other nrtieles ton Mr. and Mrs. Macon McAlllnter were numerous to mention the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Gardner, TERMS-- .\11 slims of 110 and tender. PUNEST M. LEE, of- Zion, one day this week. rash: over thnt ammint. 0 mnnther err- ! Barrister and Solicitor Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilson attended Aft will he glren nn fnrnl.hing ape I 10 King street east, Toronto 2. the funeral of Mrs. T. Kirkland. of proved joint rfites. A dlecennt of 4 I Telephones Elgin 8419-8417. Teerwater. on Tuesday of this week. ________ --------- fUDLEY Z. HOLMES would do was as good as done. Sheriff Reynolds (as he la still called. in spite of hlst retirement from that understand why Mr. Lane was retiring He had rat (tanned of all ',thee he ((4* apenkrr) had Tarn nb.arvtng him the lard year or two. hi. mind wow ns LEGAL per rant. straight allowed for earth on emelt 'tont*. - - S. E. GIRVi'N, T. GTexDRY & RON. Proprietor. Anctloneera. R. R. 1. Sht'ppa sltm,. NEW ADVENTURES OF OLD FRIENDS By Peggy Harvey c....._, ;:,✓ I .rU� T CAUSE Y'RE / A rria 'IA ALYVAYS •T.-IINK YA SHOULD HAVE EVERYTHING THREE CHILDREN N A suMnER DAY Three children and one lemon -ice Upon 0 summer's dos, l✓hf le quarreling ot/tr t,)hich ,Should hove the ice, It ran away ., �k WHY CAN'T YOU BE P'UTE JUST FOrf IT BE "UOIESLET 'FOrE GENTLEMEN? ,y fl �r ea 9,' • /301 0 I III 'fl -n' I ►JII1IItlh1111 Nola hod these children but cost Tots, Or shored the ice together, it hod not thus escaped turn oN in The warm summer feather. : (' .'9 u. ... �,f I />iLLl& ('u /#1- 11ej't( 11 Ye children oho odore ice-cream. If you have but one `dime And there ore three or you, shore up, But don't— don't lose much lime. TO RENT TO RENT. -STORE SUITABLE FOR grocery or office. Also apart- ment. five rooms with hath. Tomei'. ate poweseloo given. Apply to AIEX. SAVNIDERS.OoderIch. FOR.SALE e Mt HAL -- noon 100'ACRPI a farnt, clay ktem. lot 21. cent/4'- 100n ent/•'-Sinn 2, West Watennowh, ft% miles INSURANCE.. LOANS. RTC. from Auburn. (keel brick house Barrister, Ete. Once -Hamilton street,. Goderlcb Phone 27. L" R. DARt1OW, RARRTBTES, arc. Successor to J. L. Killoran. Phone 97. ORlce-The Square. Ooderld. Naps a Raps 6ARArwrett', En-. R.O,HAYS-R.C.HAYS ta.. Ii. A. Hamilton St.. (todericn :111ie.0.4tiy, ten rooms, gond cellar. Bank barn SSx)Ct, strew shed Mao gnrag,'. Nererfn'ling well: good bearing orehnrd; 12 acres hard- wood b1.11. Apply tr. MRS NIA t• GAIRET iwIBIR. ,Administrator. Phone Goderieh Roral 1119. GOOD MiXED MAi'LE AND BEECH U wood for male. BAXTER & TUR- TO\i R R A Gal I h Phone174 McK11.I.Or MUTUAL FIRE IN- SURANCE CO. -Farm and las betel town property Insured- om.,ers-.Ian. Connolly, Pres, Goa Ptir'h P. 0.; Jas. Evans, Vice -Pres. Reechwood 1'. 0.; D. F'. McGregor. See.-Treas.. Seaford' P. O. nirectora-A. Rroadfoot, R. 8. No. 3, Seafortb ; John O. Grieve, Na 4, Walton ; William Rion, R. R. No. cr c 2, Aeaforth ; John Rennewies, Brod- Carinw. tt hagen; Geo. McCartney, R. R. No. R 8raforth; Robert Ferri., Harlock; HPRiOIIT PIANO (RELL) FOS Mttrny GIMon, Rrnc.APld; Jame. SALE. -In first-ctaaa condition. w..,. tt.wrhwnr.A: Jame+' Cnenolty. Apply to DONALD Boz 467, Roderick. 11E81RARLE RESIDENCE PROPER. TT FOR RATE -At corner of Bri- tannia road and William street. Ten rooms h.slden bathroom, closet,, Pte. Rood htrneee. All ennrenla,ees. Tor term. and farther partienlsra apply to DONALD MaeKA'1, P 4). Boz 467, Ooderleb. tt Agents -J. W. Yeo. Godericb ; /OPT. Leitch, R. R. No. 1, Cllatoe: John Murray. Seaforth : a. Hlnehtsy, Seaforth. Polley-hoblera ran make all payments and get their cards receipt - ed at R. J. ltetrtsh's Clothing Store, CHutoa ; R. H. (lutes Grocery. King- aton street, Goderleh, or J. 11. R.10"s Gemmel Etat* Dayfeld