HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-01-28, Page 16PASO'Sorrel
TRACTOR PULL .= Those finishing
Second in the various Categories in.
;tits Western Ontario Tractor, Pull.
ers' Association for the year°were,.
from ,le t,. standing: Gary Schaus..of
Iifl'ord in r20PQQ0. stock, Duane.
harram.' of Gow;anstown in 9,000
open and; _,7,0001 open,; ,Murray,
McCracken 'of Listowel in '1,0,009,.
stock; Stu Reavie 'of Lucknow
8,000 stock; sitting, 6n. left, Murray..
Popp of Auburn in 12,000 stock, and '
aCliff Livingston of Dungannon in'
16,000 stock, •
tiblic. Meefing
istowel is.
In Series
The Royal. Commission on Elect- '.
ric Power Planning field its 35th
Jpublic meeting _at ' the : Listowel
Public School on January 22. •This
wa"s.. the last of.. the 'Preliminary.
Public Meetings which have been
—had across Ontario. Commission-
ers-present were Arthur, Porter,
chairman;, Robert E. Costello and
George A. McCague. Over -200
persons attended.
A •cozen written briefs were
presented.. .They :dealt 'primarily
with• the loss of productive farm
lanitdue to Hydro plants', transmis-
sion corridors and the accompaying
indu. striaiand urban development..
Therewas also concern over the
social impact •of large develop=
•ments in rural communities; A
Bruce Planning . Board member.
stated '. that the .Bruce generating
station had not. : been an unmixed
blessing and elabotated on this
theme. •There was also concern
: over ": the , impact on nuclear
developinent onhealth and crop
.production The question of the
marketability of crops and livestock
raised 'near "a nuclear plant was
raised... ` One brief called on the.
Commission • to recommend a
planning process which would •
involve' local communities inthe
decision making, process • so that
local people • could 'ensure that
projects: don't harts their-commun-
heir-commun-ities. •;
There was a discussion period
which followed the presentations.
Loyd : " Moore reported .on. the
progress .of the Food - Lands
Steering 'Committee which will
`represent farmers from across' the
province at the information hear-
ings. '• The Commission was asked
just what powers. it has. Dr. Porter
explained that. the present meet-
' ings were for gathering information
on the issues . which . should be
considered: in,: planning Ontario's
future. Hydro. system. The next
step will be to gather information
from Ontario Hydro on ,its plans.
Information related to questions
raised during the, preliminary
meetings will also be sought.
Finally recommendations will be
made based on this information. A
question, was raised regarding the
weight theserecommendations
carried: Dr. Porter said the
government' was npt required to
accept the Commissions recom-
mendations. This °.wasmet With
disappointment and .several per-
sons expressed concern that de-
spite the Commissioners' sincerety,
their efforts might'be an exercise in
futility because ofthe limits placed
upon them. • '
A newsletter "Contact" and the
report on the Commissions prelim-
inary public meetings are available
free from the Royal Commission on
electric ,Power Planning,. 7tfi floor,
14 Carlton Street,' Toronto,: Ontar-
ev ri rrriv.t
eeding Beef Cattle 7
Here.'s the answer for starti,ng feeders`
safely and smoothly onlo full feed
with a minimum .:of problems:
ur• Gain GFeedlot Starter •(140)$wt.6Aureo 8-7.00
This is the program.. to start cattle
onto full feed silage, hay,. or grain finishing ration..
'feed at S,:Ib. per head per day for 28 days.
Fort'i'fied with ideal levels of Aureomycin and Sulphamethazine
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Contains good balance of essential 'mine.ra�Is,v tamins and
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Economical to use This pelleted starter will move cattle
onto full,• feed without the expensive ~set=backs
of ,`shipping fever" and stress-induced health problem
Available in bulk or'bags. .Extra high molasses level
assures • excellent palatability. -.:
e •
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