HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-01-28, Page 12Scarborough •
London, for the
Counties of Middlesex,
Oxford, Elgin, Lambton,
Perth, and Huron
Owen Sound, for the
Counties of Grey and
Windsor, for the
Counties of Essex and Kent
dritarin Rent Review
Box 5101
LonObn N6A 416
Ontario Rent Review
Box 625 .
Owen Sound N4K 5R4
° Ontario Rent RevieW
BOx 1605 .
Windsor N9A 6F2
Belleville, for the
Counties of Hastings'
and Prince, Edward
Cornwall, for the
Counties of,Stermont,
Dundas & Glengarry,,and.
Prescott Si
Ontario Rent Review
Box 4300
Belleville K8N 5149
Ontario Rent Review
Box 607.
Cornwall K6H 6G2
Bairie, for the
County of Simcoe and
the District Municipality
. of Muskoka ,
Mississauga, for the
Regional Municipality of
Wawa, for the -
Regional Municipality
of Durham
Peterborough, for the
Counties of Peterborough,
Northumberland, VictOria,
and Haliburton,
Richmond Hill, for the
Regional,Municipality of.
Ontario Rent Review
Box 985 .
Barrie L4M 5E,1
Ontirio Rept Review
Box 126
PoStaT Station A. •
Mississauga L5A 2Z7
Ontario Rent Review
Box 618
Oshawa • L1H 7R2
'Ontario Rent Review
Box 1586
Peterborough K9J 7S2
Ontario Rent RevieW
Box 391
Richmond Hill L40 4Y6
. Tlig.14MCK14.0„W SENTINEL., • WEDNESDAY, JANUARY, 20,194
Key rent review deadlines for LANDLORDS and TEN-
ANTS have been extended as of January 16, 1976. Here
are the new dates:
• FOr tenancy agreements taking effect on or after July 30,
19754nd tip to and including December 31, 1975. TEN-
ANTS wishing to dispute increases up to eight per cent
for that period must =make application on-the appropriate
form by February 29, 1976.
• For tenancy agreements•taking effect on or after Ally 30,
• : 1975 and up to and including Deceinber 31; 1975.
LANDLORDS wishing to charge more than eight per sent
over the rent charged during the last full month prior to
August 1, 1975, for the above Period, must make.applica-
tion on the appropriate form • by February 29, 1976.
• If the LANDLORD and TENANT do not agree on a, rent
increase above the eight per cent gdideline, and'do not
apply to have the rent for that periOd reviewed, the
•• TENANT is entitled to. a rebate of any rent, paid, in
excess of eight per cent by Fetlruary 29, 1976.
• The' maximum rent. LANDLORDS may charge tenants
after January 1, 1976 for all tenancy, agreements which
became effective on or after July 30, 1975 is eight per
cent,-more. than the rent charged during the last full
month prior to, Augut 1, 1975. A :landlord colleCting
more than this contravenes the .rent review. legislation
and 'may, on summary conviction be fined up to $2,000.
• In respect to tenancy agreements taking effect on or.
after July 30, 1975 and • up to and including April 30,
1976, LANDLORDS wishing 'to charge .more than eight
per cent for any .period after January 1, 1976 .must make
al -9761i.cation on the appropriate
., form by February' 29,
• For tenancy agreements taking effect on ,Or after,January
1, 1976, TENANTS wishing to dispute any increase-must
make application on the appropriate form by February 29,,
.1976, or ;60 days after receiving a notice of increase,'
whichever •comes last, -
•.Until the rent review offices are in operation, TENANTS
. and •LANDLORDS may obtain forms from• offices of the
Ministry of HoUsing, 'Ministry of Natural Resources
(northern affairs brand offices only), Ministry, of Beve7,
nue assessment offices; Ministry of Consumer and-
Comrnercial Relations and Ontario Hotising Corpora-.
• tion branch:,offices in Sudbury, Thunder Bay, Ottawa,'
Cambridge, Hamilton and London. Check your tele-
phone directory for the local address.
• Mail the COMPLETED forms to Rent Review at the postal •
box designated for the/ municipality in which your
aCcomniodation is located.
East York
North. York
City of Toronto ' Ontario Rent Review
Box 5370 ' •
Postal Station Al
Toronto M5W 1N6
Ontario Rent Review
Box 511
Etobicoke M9C 4115'
Ontario Rent Review
Box 1013
Postal Station 0
• East York M4A 2N4 •
Ontario Rent Review
Box 234 ,
Postal Station A
Willowdale M2N 5S8
Ontario Rent Review.
B-ox 940 •
Postal Station A
Scarborough MIK 5E4
Ontario Rept Review
Box 23
Postal Station A.
Weston M9N 3M6
Hamilton, for the -
Regional Municipalities
of Hamilton-Wentworth,
Halton; Haldimand-Norfolk,
and the County of Brant •
Kitchener, for the
Regional Municipality of
Waterloo and.the Counties •
of Wellington .and Dufferin
St. Catharines, for the
Regional Municipality of
Ontario Rent RevieW
Kitchener N26 4J3
• Ontario Rent Review
Box 3021
St. Catharines
L2R 7E3
Ontario Rent Review
.Box 2006
Hamilton 18N 3R5
Kingston, for the Ontario Rent Review
Counties of Frontenac, Box 5500 •
Lennox & Addington, Leeds & Kingston 1(71564
.Grenville, and that portion ,
of Lanark' County lying west '
of Highway 29, excluding
the towns of Carleton Place.
(see Ottawa) and Smiths
Falls (see Ottawa)
Ottawa, for the
Regional Municipality of
Ottawa-Carleton plus that •
portion of,Lanark County
lying'easr of Highway 29,
including the towns of
Carleton Place and
SMithS Falls
Pembroke, for the
County of Renfrew
'North Bay, for the •
Districts of Nipissing
and Parry Sound
Sault Ste. Marie, for the
District of Algoma
Sudbury, for the
,'RegiOnal Municipality of
Sudbury and Districts of
Sudbury and Manitoulin
Timmins, for the
• Districts of Cochrane and
Timiskarning ,
Kenora, for the
Districts of Kenora and
Rainy River
ThundefBay, for the ,
District of Thunder Bay
Ontario RentReview
Box 9800 •
Ottawa K16 3Y2
Ontario Rent Review
Box 1010
Pembroke 'K8A 7T3
Ontario Rent Review,
Box 884
North Bay' P1B 8K1
On6iio Rent Review
Box 627
Sault Ste, Marie
P6A 5N2
Ontario Rent Review
Box 1059
Sudbury P3E' 4S6
Ontario Rent Review
.Box 1130
/Timmins P4N 7149
Ontario Rept Review
Biix 2440
Kenora• P9N 3X8
Ontario gent Review
Box 5000
Postal Station .F
Thunder Bay P7C 566
Telephone numbers and locations of the rent review offices
be published shortly. .
If you wish a booklet or further information; please write
Rent Review, Box 580, Postal Station F, Toronto M4Y 2L8.
Or, if you live"Within the Metro Toronto toll-free calling
area, please telephone 923-1199.
Province of °MOO.