HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-01-28, Page 9CRAWFORD MOTORS CHRYSLER - DODGE 'PLYMOUTH WINGHAM ONTARIO PHONE .357-3862 25 "ars of Service , to the Motoring Public 1974,C'HEV IMPALA, .2 door 1974 DODGE DART SPORT 1974 CHRYSLER, 4 door .1974 DODGE C'ORONET, 4. door, 6 automatic 2 door hardtOp 4 door door with radio 2 door hardtop • 2 door hardtop • equipped 1973 CHRYSLER,. 1973 JAVLIN, 2 1973 CHRYSLER, 1973 DUSTER, 6 1972 p,T,MOUTH r 1972 TOYOTA,- 4 1971 CHRYSLER, 1968 CHRYSLER, door 4 door hardtop, fully automatic 01)FineyBuilding POrchasOd13y. Lorne Humphrey . ArrangeMents have been com- pleted for the sale of the Kent and Morton Blocks owned by W. W. Gurney and situated on the corner of Josephine and.Victoria Streets in Wingham to Lorne Humphrey of Cambridge, formerly of St. Helens. The mannfacture of gloves and Good banking .for good living—after sixty. If you're sixty years old or better,„you're entitled to Sixty-Plus, The Royal Bank's new bundle of special banking privileges. Free. Some of these privileges.are: —No service charge for checiuing, bill payment services, or ' traveller's cheques. —A specially designed cheque book that gives you a permanent copy. ' —A $5 annual discount on a Saf,e Deposit Box or Safekeeping Service. - • " —A special Bonus Savings 'Deposit Service with interest linked to the Consumer Price Index. Special term deposit that, pays high interest monthly with flexible redemption privileges. ' So come on in and see me or one of my stafftoday. Or,' if you:d prefer, give me a call. Joe Hilverda Bill Verlaati Jene• Sellers., 'Manager Manager ' ' Manager Liicknow Kincardine Ripley 528-2826 396-3441 395-2995 •N ROYAL BANK serving Ontario O hoip-; expansion yet PARK GODERICRI 30 THE S QUARE PHONE 524.111 I I AIR CONDITIVID NOW PLAYING TILL SAT. %.ant1,9 P M EACH,AlIGH( IPM MA71NIF E SAT the MYSTERIOUS MONSTERS G loc, Neu • laniminable PROOF! THERE ARE MONSTERS LIVING AMONG US. Pert. G1.1•14“,,,Iltn ..a e..toroa bo.Creitml Au. st woe, tmom.t 5 f SILL I. AI • DAVID SOS PI111..... • on SUN: FEB. 1 st. ONE NITS ONLY ONE SHOWING AT 8 PM MAGNIFICENT OBSESSION AND LANA TDRNFB IN LANA TURNER 101IN CAIN SANDRA OEE IAN OHER111# SUSAN AMER RQBER1 AIDA _MAIO MOORE MASIA t••11.00. . n • TUES. FEB. 2nd. & WED. Pd. M ONLY r- "GOLD" -d STEVE McOUEEN ADVENTURE IN "PAPILLION" WED. FEB. 4 to SAT. FEB. 7' tafiAllatZ DOUBLE THRILLER' it14.Rp .7i...mies1 ONE SHOW NIGHT L. V B V AA • • RotAiiiinontied !Ulla EAlerlamirioAi • AND o o a ff. T 4 ' All Orti.1.M.M4 'Sublet' 16 than*, ham and. District Hospital Auxili- ary on Jan. 26, when a new presi- dent will be elected, at the auxili- ary's annual meeting. TOTAL, ,LOSS Most any man 'can be. proud of making his mark in the world except when it's in red , ink. • SHOWING 4 BIG DAYS! • • WED., JAN. 28 to SAT., JAN. 31 • 2 SHOWINGS. DAILY AT 7:00 and 9:00 p.m, • • •19. • • • • • • • • • MENT •• • •• • • • •••••••••••••••• • • • • — • 3 DAYS ONLY! • • , *SUN.,. FEB..1, MON. 2, TUES. 3rd • , • "THE' 411°` • ' MYSTERIOUS . • • o • MONSTERS" , • • Show times - Sunday:'• 0 • • do • , 2:00 - 4:00 - 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. • X Show times Monday and Tuesday: • 5 7:00 and 9:00 p.m, only, • 0 • i000•OoompooirooO000• • • • • • • • • • • • • • COluaRriasets • , A LAWRENCE GORDON Productoo HAND TIMES WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 284, 197i PAGE NINE THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LAKK,NoWoONTARIO, Pro life Meet With R, .E, McKinley The first executive meeting in the new year of Voice of the Unborn, Wingham", was held on. Tuesday, January '6. President Adrian Keet reported that the South Western Ontario Pro-Life Conference will be held in 'Woodstock on January 24, 1976. The accent of this conference is on. youth and therefore the. Youth Pro-Life group of the Wipgham and Goderich area' will be encouraged to attend: . • , A fund-raiSing dance will be held on Friday, February 27 at the Armouries in Wingham with music by the Moran Brothers. Tickets will be $3.00 per person and a. free lunch will be • served. The public are invited to attend. The second annual meeting for Voice of the Unborn will be held' at St, Paul's Anglican Church on Wednesday, May 5, 1976. It was suggested that the speaker be Mrs. Diane , .Buchanan, Goderich, a volunteer worker with Birthright, an organization which gives free, confidential counselling ,and,pract- ical aid to any distressed pregnant w'oman, married or single. It was felt by the executive that it is important to. stress the alternatives to abortion and that Members of otir society, should . be aware, of them. Advance tickets will be sold to anyone interested in attending. . "A nomination • committee was named to • find nominees . to' the • Board of: DireCtors. • • The treasurer: is now issuing income tax receipts for all dona- tichis including Membership dona- tions. • • The subject of Birthright ads in the local . papers was brought °up and will be looked into further. New radio ads' will be aired on CKNX radio very soon. Memberships in' Voice of the Unborn ,to • (late number 160. A report was made on a visit to A. E. McKinley, M.P. during the Christmas vacation. Mr. Adrian Keet and Mr. Ben Malda repres, 'ented the Wingham Pro-life group. - They questioned the federal Justice Departniene,s new eomniittee, to study the operation .of the 'abortion law. Dr. Marion Powell has been appointed as one, of the three •members of the e6minittee, Dr. Powell is, a prorninent pro-abortion- ist, a member of the Doctors for Repeal of the Abortion Law, a mall medical group lobbying for •the removal of 'abortion from the Criminal Code-- that is, abortion on demand. Mr.-.Keet and' Mr ; Malda asked Mr. McKinley 'to ask Justice minister Ronald Basford at least to appoint a fourth person (pro-life) lo the committee. Mr. McKinley said that ,he would like to see three independent members with no convictions on either side 'of the abortion issue sit on' the Abortion Committee. The two representativ- es also requ.ested that the party whip question the terms of reference of the committee. The committee is' asked to determine whether the views of doctors and hospital 'boards are dictating the refusal to haVe abortions perforth- ed. Nowhere is the committee asked to determine whether the' views of doctors . and hospital boards are resulting in abortion on deniand being practised in some hospitals. It is well • established that there is widespread abuse of the Abortion law`.. Only an unbiased committee guided by unbiased terms of reference 'can seiwe any valid purpose and is acceptable: .. The Wingham and District Hospital will have to postpone any plans for expansion until it least•next year. This information was presented to the board at a regular meeting Monday. A letter from 'the deputy ,nriini-". stet of health indicated that expansion of services cannot, be 'approved in this "Most fiscally constrained period." He said no answer on the issue' would be forthcorriing until. December 1976 at 'the earliest. He also indihated. that plang, proposed' at that time would have to be approved primarily by a, district health council. The letter was in answer. , to a liresentation made earlier by the hospital board in the form of a. role study 'in the' Wingham area. The issue was first discussed with ministry representatives last , year. In other correspondence, the board was presented with a second letter from the Ministry of Health indicating that a review of the , official policy on remunera- tion for chief executives of hos- pitals now allows room for salary increases. There will be no in- crease allowed for those already earning $30,000 per year or more, but rates below thii may be in- 'creased in accordance. .with the federal guidelines.. • Letters of nomination to the beard were received from four member townships. They• are:., east Wawariosh. Howard Walker; Morris, Melvin Craig; Turnberry, Harold Elliott; Howick, Bob Gibson.' The annual meeting .will be scheduled for March. Mrs. Robert. Ritter reported that the gift case proceeds for 1975 were $4,099.79, almost double that of 1974. She also told the board that she would end her term as 'president of the Wing- Small Electrical Appliance JRepair Service Minor Repairs to Ali Makes BILL BALE R.R. 1 RIPLEY 4 395.2349 mitts Will be phased out over the next six months when the firm of -W. H. Gurney and Son must vacate the premises.. . The 'original. Gurney Glove. Works 'commenced, •operations in 1906 'under the ownership of the' late W. H. Gurney. At its peak period from the 1930's to .the 60's the company employed- from 65 to 80 people. ,, The new owner of the building will deVelop the street leVel stores and will construct modern apart- ments on 'the second and third floors.