HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-2-9, Page 6e--41knreiday, February fi, i908
The Wreck of the "Redwing"
Beatrice Grimshaw
Mrs. Wilson's Experience a
Guide to Women Passing
through the Change of Life
t•lt%Vl't R''111. II u
looked, and the moss clear --clear several
I think .1 was that night, that we las a atxpeuce; but there was the slut- .
anchored ,dT the notorious spot called ' dow, and it came OIL '11".r rats,'
Bramb:e Cay. .A:1 sailors eolith of the , Papal. 'Run.' .1h. et) g
Line know Bramble Cay ; 1f they have ' ran! and the shadow didn't stop, 1:
not bad bitter ren -on to curse, it them- I kept spreading ou, in u half curve, just
selves, they are sure to have heard , as If it had really been a.spadow, and
many s tale ..f w,r told by less lucky I getting bigger, But wet got to the
Mariners. .'1'o everything that runs dinghy Scat and jumped to and rowed
along Coe wa111 side of New Guinea, to ' away. So then the shadow' stopped:
many ship* thpt coast merely along the 1 1 kept hooking bark to are; and- pert.
and welt run-
I br l
, us
al up
(*ay rt.
de Cu lie
north ..f :\ustra.e,t It -rami )
bother. Tate reef-. the currents. that wing away : I gh 1 got very sad at
*urmuud it : the -•corms that the evil `I supla'se the rots cametOff
:�i 1 times and thought I had vera friend
Gulf of Papua c,•i,tinually brews about fereut wrecks front time not care if its neiglitorho.s:. make it, and have said, -and aye on na .'Isausw .11 pleased dieI dare- 011d 1 wasdd very neous,Itooedand r
made it sines . dawn of history in say they woulddid not go out very much. A friend
those tart+, x ttre of disaster. Not with a change of t diet." advised me totry&bottleof Lydia E.
yet had ltraatbb crowned itself with -if we hadn't ubl badthe
ho like Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, so
ooturiet)_-and.rhutne by causing diel shivered. It ln„ula 1 I did, I am a farmer's wife, and al-
d..tl, e( film "tl.the d to �nrdicn • but me. op ways worked hard until lately, anti
it wase even in the days when 1 first me. I never thought that was true-- was to bed for two months. I began
pa.e aell known and well before," to feel like a new woman after the
,tans at. a a Still befog polite. 1 asked her- first bottle and I recommend it with
hat.sl by astlnra. reat success, also Lydia E. Pink -
aboutfaoey Paul Bowen watt curious "Width else dill you asset"ram'sLiver am
about it ; anyhow. the weather being ' "Only the native 'who watt "11411e ust answer letters tlfromlwomenill�king
be runllc good for the time of year, Ile hadn't got ad.,,u ase) s"niewhere: about your medicines, aa I cannot
be ran der teaser or Ill. eom than have been a slgtt
tahips, under steam sell. riommonly he was using a 1rtalF,ngltshe hook :ui•1 line r• Wit..so, highly71f Wilson of „Street,
do. and 'when It became clear that we ' and he talked pigeon
bored, Paul beep met
could not get comfortably away from • '.y -s. 1 paid,t
that dangerous neighborhood before eons. kaeknoW.
l t n US withisasta1Iding touching i
. , Ontario. - "I have taken
Wes of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable C o m•
pound and I can-
not speak too
highly of it as 1
was at the Change
of Life and was
run-down down and
bad no appetite.
1 was very weak
and sick, and the
pitons in my back
were so bad 1
night. he found bolding ground to the side
north side, and .teetered his intention an.It made se oul,. uleopled up at rroadie remark about about I deuty, almost tiereele. came again the
of here as Lar•. suppose he questions she had put to me There is nothing to see on Bramble. the latitude we were in. i I l how long ago it seemed!
before -
but lamed.. and h,.Iooked• at it with the thought I didn't see the sway of
lntereet of more -or -less sea -going folk. Laurie's( fluent
towerdd bite.er the
••1 don't care who you are, the Queen
as I .g and hanger the swim siowly gliding of Sheba or the devil's first cousin," I
along limper p ewer, and foutld his the ria• answered her. "1 don't know-"
coon. p -.tender the blaze l late after- ' 'lay the way.`' he . be
a sup daylight, to eny nne who had charts
Moon. stet In n world of itlue•lllamond , five we west moms to ►oe a suprrat(tioais •'1`hnt's not true. You know some- and mold 9"' them? '1 saw that
ripples. the wicked Vey lay basking. ' sort of it cuss: to says these isbinds , thing" he not meant 'P 1 m he then that
1 only guess. and this isn't the time hack hadunnotr any cttPaul t ea.
white and bare Its length was seem- err full of ghost"
i Ipr" was my comment. - Do you realise flat she's maybes
Bamilton, Ontario.
Sold by druggists everywhere. p
iug broke ontthe Golf, and with 1t
came a merry breeae that seat the
water gabh.lug along{ our keel We
weut feat 1,oyards Two Brothers, but
not faster- ' at half so fast -as my
heart that d.•w before.
It wits, le• l'nul had promised, early
ou the se'•":.1 day after a night at an-
chor when made the Island. I had
been watct:ir , through a ghats, and we
we came t, te. 1 swept every rock,
every tuft tarved pale bush on the
island. 'l'w . Itrottters, shaped like a
gigantic cup •,•versed upon n colossal
saucer, stood up hard and yellow 1n
the . hard !_',0 slay, bare of alt life.
There was ' •• one ma it.
I laid donut the glass with a sigh.
"Of course.' I said, "there'+ no cer-
tainty till e''ve been all over the
"1 supe :e not agreed- Bowen.
"Pity I did : t call on the way up, as
Pascoe told me to,"
"What! ) •u never called? but of
course you .1 4114't or you'd have seen
• It she w.,- there." he qualified. "No,
I didn't call end I didn't stop at Dant
that's where >e'u were out. I chose to
use my owl, indgtnent. Sooner there.
sooner but T thought."
"Then -I' *hinge bad gone as that
.evil mea'. •!'1141 to. and bed der
o ateTted .. +. to retch__you balk
"T4em wi .
wonder dkd
queer kink
held him ba
•74'r have found me. 1
or friend calculate 'n
..re than probable. The
llerod's character that
`ram outright lying was
a kink only 1f by speaking the simple
truth -by t• eg ns the orders, he had
given -he .-.4141,1 lead "Laurie. and my -
�reYou A
Skin Trouble?
me off m7 • eeouriart the island'
rutoursgtng one another with fox -
limiting whoops and wild yells the
while, until dusk came down, and
found us, after all, no further ou than
we were before. tltrlously enough, it
Ives they who were dispirited, not I;
it was Laurie who gloomed, and would
not speak. and Paul 4.140 sighed itieni1)•
over his food at supper --which was
served after-lnnnem0riel Pacific ens -
tom on 1144' main hatch, and eaten as I
suppose misguided Roman nobles ate
their uncomfortable dinners. half -re-
clining• with pins -end -needles In el-
bows and tart much too near the
platen. . . •
.1 wait disappointed. but "very far
from despairing. I did not mean to
fall In my search.
"She has been there," T said to,my-
,_ and agaitk .as the night shut
down on the barren -Wands of Torres.
and the lonely sea -"Rhe has been
hem" who that has lost ilea's not
� ofth
know the
ment had leen mine for many weeks.
it wan se no noir'. Brown head bat-
tered hY the seta -dear hand!" de -
PAY heed to early symptoms streyel by tidloes obscene and cruel -
of skin disease! At the first lost eyes that 1 loved. at the mercy of
sign of any unpleasant rash, the little tt-rhwltl grhorrors of or ale tnhe mere.
irritation or eruption, anoint it "She Is alive 1 thmtght, each time 1
k Th quickly
floa144 through ane. as the tides
with Zam-BU • This qulc Y wake. "!the-lw4ll+c---At'aItappines-•
soothes and heads oat disease.
Where akin is already aflame with through Torres Straits.
eczema or is poisoned, sore or ulce-
rated, Zam-Huk is the one gentle heal- mend of the eein•h acct morning. 1
Ire bout that gets right at the root e. found him (hany,'ed : inttt night. he had
the trouble. w clear
akBuk a:petsdlaaue,
and grows new akin. ' been merely the rintou'. baying
Z■m-Bnk'sever-readycharaeterand 1 youth, file Ray mayor ai1101',. entering
exceptional healing, soothing and anti- with rest a eo1oaanl lark in the min-
's he dew on hie
Hent plan la over • million horses . sea -lore. the year* of selling ahlp
it was Nut Bowen who took cotn-
septic value have won for It a perms- pony of all ie. o(1ay
sett to believe , black t•--tn suppose
that by the .awrd.tkr of all 14110 held Get a box of this great herbal balm trnlnng that had made and tnnghetle4
moat dear, stria Would certainly ?ATP to -day, and keep it always handy! him. Ile had a wonderful stock of
her lover -then. he was the man to Nva W. Satep all. of Roney River 'remtniseene. in pclnt: before he bad
commit .that inst, Infamy. After all, eltacton, N.B.. ups:-" Watery crap- done citing tnstnnres. 1 !serail to think
n'., as fine a seaman as bDe' a ere & Wbt*rs ba. w •"ewes.•.- that at Tenet half the world was mant-
whc shn14ld weeds tareed to open a tied more or left! continually In being
htmeelf. w pe, the night at Twn Tiro- •.•rnuna . km,. b•toi. ..• .arose • I
there. where the !en was fairly open. sewliot Tilts beam .1..r.dew s.+ bugled Tr tenet away. while most of the other half
141h1a. In dark or pa's akin e • stirgiwis ear." gent In sanrrh of It.
and a safe me_ pee Tarn w
!ugly abrin a quarter of a toile, no I dont w.sa
mon•, but as we looked, witb the aid -They've Peen violent
e nth s•enoughid dying
'How while
yoe talk?
of a glass. we could count no less than "Ile onyx fits --it tits too well. Six weeks
three sill's anchors stickingimp t. with- slew' islands •; a woman it'-awaY to
her feet ago was the time she nailed for Thurs.
fndull clew. and catch ge rer on the et way-" ,day. and never carne back. If she'd
An ..c t hlttt of wreckage further on. turned-1the wrongblack
An ocean graveyard is Bramble. stair "I know. it's a familiar figure 114 (-escaped v�nh�� �� brute.
ter and barren -yet it bas its value to folk•lon•. Yon die. if yon tweet her.
the natives of the New Guinea meet. Curious. how those root Ideas persist islands
he edsa a ever si ct+ee. ehe natives woman
Turtles nest there; seabirds lay eggs all over tbe-" the
c myriads. The Papuan. in hits doesght "Site notPapuan e,1uivallent, and any s. like 3 l nos that andy wouldn't believe Phe
of thew storms=
c7t{noe�L rtes[ to no draught,d -enough to sue la' heat her why it fits like a glove. Two Bro-
fear reefs or ahoy a, and he coons. tare
Bramble. hater! of whlte men. as one of gets wreaked right away. She brought
the hest lantern provided for him by on the big blowshtt re ilit about Nis
launch just
But that did' not help no new. Re
had to look all neer Twn Brothers. for
trace' of tannin.- A hnpeteaa task It
eseemed. T wondered. even as the
dinghy watt .wnng out. whether T 1184
not been, after all, mistaken : whether
the native in the canoe had not been
talking common native talk. dealing
with airserelttnn! of •'valrn life as
well-known as the teoatb-east trades'.
Trne there was the Tinton nn the res'k
that my awn epee had teen: hat when
and where .41.1 they not Lew that vision.
sleeping or waking. night or day? T
began to fear that my new bright hope
ens to he wrested from inc after a!!.
Retiree ebbe to walk yet. 1 lnaletel
that 'T t.hon!d join the landing parts',
It seemed to me that no eyeea. In this
sew rr•h. mold he an keen as mine. and T
wait resolved In the most literal sense
of the phrase. to leave no atone un-
tnrned. We tramped the .htnglc
!watch; we veered Into every cleft.
down every trnlls' : we akirted round I give up hope while the lewd chance re- apMhepta far that pest time Is never
quite past. on the uncertain sea. The
fingers of dead centnriet ranch out and
drag him hericward, join him to all Me
tale a1 wean history, and make him
one with Plysaew and Drake and Cap -
there is the very. place where tint of
the bad weather brews. The turned
feet? They may have Just thrown
kindly Nature, week ago an c
There su0 a mate off the Cay When recently. The fetluw believed it like that In, or ehe may be lame. To think
we anchorwt n small fishing croft, gospel. You should have seen him; be she may be there-tefIRht-on that
whispered as if be wag afraid some' barren rock. dying for want of food
tireas a wne could carry. The e y urie'd r him and his face turned or water, while we have everything we
bus shu owned t it was witadnh a, vert they do turn, when
hasp Rounding the Fonda with stick that yellow colorescared. Two Broth- can
it�."J�ru't fait to tap; I can't
for turtle nests.
"Let's go and see." cried Laurie. •'I
love bunting turtle eggs•"
"Wait till the ann'a a bit lower; it
would fry you now," advised Bowen. tea• feet i 1 was trying united Ler to Lim. Somebody else s
ftt(0 looked at him adoringly, "Ton I bad risen t0 myalmost, in love, suffering, were merely a tiresome
And to and words, and choking, g.
interlude. . •
Bowen' was more sympathetic. "I
know bow you must feel." he said.
("You don't." I thought.) "I'll have
the ship off by daybreak, and we'll run
down to 'two Itrotherw in no time at
elle-$e there the day after with any
luck." Then. suddenly, as a new Idea
struck his mind. "Why, Poison, old
chap, this means she's free to marry
MP. 1 say -i didn't realise. I way.
what ripping luck !-Laurie ! Laurie'.•'
He was off into the bows of the
they re props y
ego -that was the name of the Leland Laurie slipped away. I think she
Why, Polson, Fre scared You was glad to go. For her. there was no
now! you're looking as yellow as be sorrow in the world but sorrow that
,. touched Paul. no love but the love that
think of everything, ehe said.«I�I_o was all that
Bowen swallowed that down; he bad the etfort-
no sense*? humor. any more than she Ieame. "What's t e matter?"be sharcrp led
had. both of them being young end I Lsuennceyeing that meyowh holds ready for
haps). and in love, l of emotion or weakness 1n
AA'd I thought . not for the first time, any eilspl y
.-.that a sense of humor 1•. after -all, a Ik elders:.
"Spit 11 you happeedteB Bowen.
g ift with a sting in the tail Of It. He meant the query for
1 didn't go ashore with them; even 1f the lady?"
I had been tit to do so, 1 was not push pure sarcasm; but I answered It Iser-
e fool as to think of it. They /stayed ally.
a long while. It was dinnertime by "I do -my God, I do!" Then, turn -
and by. and I ate ane! told the boy to iug sharply on him- •(-'an you get
keep food for the Captain and the lady. away at once?" captain's t schooner, after bar. The two young
Ape} 1 --lay in a lists chair by tate rail. "No," wag the young
and Retched the s,ars prlek oat` in tens 'answer. cart and life lif l led "n IL''" remainedellnng together. Rwnying IlghtIf -
sod ttheus tern- tldn novii at T did not ' "Not even a
loge the stars -'not mu•th-ant- nave i�I�'y�`ar lives itt��tr myxtr+t+idLg 1p uP he dtlle. oAnd Ihealon06 heave
n heaven and hp wen
thought of what might. and might not.
toe 11*Pt 'ttlryr nlN nn the cruel- rock
that fa called Two Brothers.
Ton may he sure T waft waking early.
Bowen had kept his promise; 1t wen•
barely grey eat -light. when he heaved
anchor nm1 swung the Snsnn nn 10 her
emethward Way, engine going and all
sails set. Marigold -colored, the morn- i
had a grudge against them. because 1 where I am till I can see my 3 1 on 11 h I
thew shone 014 no i1a..' where my Indy daylight. \\'hat's the row?"
through both
wl(ikr1er slept or live( any more. But Laurie knew; she was all alight
I wap half 141001.7 when the grind of by now'. "Herr;" et e4 gl'renme(t: -le It
ours in rowlocks rounded at last, and Aunt Sue?"
the dinghy canoe peeing !along against "(iod tii'glre me," I answered. "1
the shift' side. tonne woe over the think It Is -and I went past her on
rn1l first, light as a sandpiper: Bowen that devil's rook. and-
followed her. In 1lle,7fI0W of the Mg "Yoe nouldn't have done anpthtag
1 k lanterni con 41 See their foss: else. Isi you think 1 would have "tops
they were dreamt'• happy. and yet toed -then Y' All the cruelty a young
sad. . love spoke in iter voice. 'Ii4•akk a. she
':eco'" 'gist to mysa•1t. "Yon play went on. notody (mild have known
ole itc e;:ul, )o❑ deserve you said ynar.+elf It was fim•y.
her. and when F�er�••i's hanged. T hope flow do you think you know now?
n r
you have half-n-hnralred years with Didn't Tom say she fell overboard and
her." U• u I I wild • Well w-hnt did Was drowned?"
. ' (
you see?" 1 (1141'1 want to know: "Laurie," 1 cried impatiently, "Is it
1 nskel nn17 Out of iohtelie•.14. ft Impossible yon dnn't realise yet a that
frightens me yet. sometimes. t.. think she was murdered by that fiend If a
what might have ldapl.'ned.hnd 1 been hushand of hera-if she didn't es•ape?
Just a little leas pdIte. How do you suppose he was going to
"1r was very 1.•antlfnl," xuswerv�d cl.slr the way for yon?" she tt
Laurie, 'The pia 110 the sunset. and 'Tri -clear -the- way -"
11h 144 reerTnitar. - --- - - prated slowly. as if dated. Then sod-
•'1 wonder how mash 1cf it you no-
tirel." 1 thought. IMnl en* gone off '
to hustle the cook ; love, apparently.
had not the 'proverbi.l effect on his
"We walked shoat n hit. nn l we,enw
a 1nrtle nerd. with the ynnnC-turtles
jnat coming out 87441 scuttling down to
the res- and h1ra1•' seremmtng find ac-
ing shout. and ran• 1h- seg shells nail
Mirk There err gr.i•n weedy stuff
-Strawing;ranLMit1 it was. scurvy cah-
lMre, and might hate , saved some
nne'e life. scene tfhee it was v' lonely,
and an wild -end 'n+t Re tw•.. there! -
1 mold have ttay••.I for ever. And I
when the moon is'can taming rip, if
was lovelier than before. But a hor•
rITde thing happen. 0. -Bert. thine are
horrid place', 011 of them. no matter
w1kM thwv•look like!'
"New (Intoes 1. fair !need end blaek-
henrtel: so they sits " 1 answered•Aer.
"What side 0f her I.leek !wort did .be
phew yon?" .
"We were standing looking at the
moonlight. away eat at the other ride
of the lslnnd, where there are Iota of
pier. of wreck. .\n,l There who a Mg
'stretch of bore *en.! In front of n., 1t
went 0 long way, nr.1 it wee pile grey
1n the,twiltght. And t nntlwt•d a *MP
4 )W cotes' nem*. the mann. hat 1
didn't think anything of It : it spread
semis 111e mad the wily sh*dnws do.
ass 14114 watching 11. And then Pnnl
said. In fenny tour. 'Come ower.'
sad ln* my S and began In pill me
along. Ito 1 Isald. '"-hat for? 1 don't
trent to gn 1S't•' glut he told me Agate',
•fbme" and whim 1 Won 1411.4. he sold.
every gnirk, '11116140. lopk et that *ha-
dow, and loot at the moon.' 04, 1
Harr you heard
about Pepsi Peps Is a
scientific preparation pat
op In enstllle form. which
provides an entirely new and ef-
feetive treatment for roughs,
colds, chest and throat troubles.
Peps contntn certain medicinal
Ingredients, which, when plweed
upon the tongue. Immediately
torn Into vapor, and err breathed
down the ale passages to the
Inert. On their jnnrne they
soothe the Inflamed and Irritated
membranes of the hronehtal tabes.
the delicate walls of the air pas-
sages. and Anally enter and carry
relief sad healing' t• the 'nags.
While no ltgnld or solid eon get
to the lanes and air passages,
these Pens fumes got there dtr.et,
and healing rnenlaa1M0.
Om eat tats
�,�� ar11e1. wrote
a per, and matsantet (settee le. Ramp
to nay return poets' .) to Pepe Oe.
t ornate. • free 01- 'satoere
thea M asst li a
awe stares will �er,e. Ile �.
' • ,os Croft, an A.B. one the
.\merlenn timber brie Louisiana." tie
would any. "Craft got Asst away on
the outer T•'nga14. about eighty-five•
, the brie .trick on an nnehart'rl reef.
4• and 'prune a leak. and the crew de-
serte'! They died In ('*oft'* boat. 0* -
rept himself. lie Heed for fnnr
month. on an uninhabited Island with -
0.e a boa e/ lee. ark frees :err daa4r , outany permanent water, and only
..,4wyt 0"..4a. ,,,..4. gra., J M $t -L
yw-sus aawe.a,.a1 aeyafs, seas seahlnix' eggs and the hied' themselves i
to eat. Mand -war birds. He got
- water when It rained.' (aught It in' �
rocky pass; always the opening that :the boat's lugsall. They took him off
seemed to lead somewhere, to prom os all right -gunboat happened to pass
within Right. Canoe,' had peen him,
fllae passage
turned out to be another only they reckoned he whs an 'altu'-
fslpe piageage closing in like a trap. y
Above us the rocky dome of the Inland 1 that's a sort of ghost -and wouldn't
rose high. far higher than ft had ; Come near."
looked from the sea beyond; but there j. Ile reflood, sitting balanced nn the
cover on 1t for a dog' eel' rail.�t�to look at "aurle and me with his
taints.. Hasan. had she been on
island. could not have hidden herself
Hydro Electric
The People's Power
Cook by Llectricity
Wash by Electricity
Iron by Electricity
We-gltaraUte'• our 1lydro l4 1
for 1500 hours use.
North side of Square Gederich
Coal and Wood
Genuine Hard Stove Coal
Chestnut Coal
Pocohontaa (2 by 4 egg)
Quantity of Good Hardwood in
various lengths
resit supply your wants in
•o(the above fuel. Prompt
service and reaaonable prices.
Telephone 1 i hj
--_ blue . sailor . eyes. that seem 1
to gee through na and beyond us, into 1
centurlea of sea -life. Pea -effort, sea -
Clubbing List
The Signal amine Toronto
Globe i6 50
Th. Signal and the Toronto
Daily Sear - - - 650
The Signal and The Landon
Advertiser 6.50
The Signal and The London
Free Press. -. 6.50
The Signal and The Toronto
there. Bowen scrambled Ms and made I MBH and Empire 8 -SO
fturned disaster. it MID! to the then. 1111 such I The Si9W sad The Farmer:
quite sure of that, before we
urns ' do come that the sensor fa ir- 3.25
back to the circular Aga beach again. theorists ��
and. in the falling light. trampled alm.• newer quite his awn; he belongs to all view and Family
lettttlp about and etx,14t unwllling to the strange, wild, cruel ppattt, a. mach Herald and Weekly Sear 1.011
the kinder world of today. -more,
great yellow hnnlders ria hie as cot-
tage*. and name. nnerpeetedly. neon
tiny Messed eaos's fin of green *Lade
and matted. bloomy creeper.. But al -
way* the hard blue sea. menacing. hnr-
ren. mat n• et evert. turn. stared ns
out of enllntenanee at the end of each
1 malned. Laurie and her lover were as
keen as I was now ; the personal tonch
had been addeyp to their rather luke-
warm anxletiet about lasso's fate.
and they were determined to find her
If she still remained anywhere abnv0 talo Cook. In troth, he le "the leant
earth. Indefinite. vexation' delay to rt of himself." And It trey sane
their marriage was whet they foresaw int o lass. to love with a pallor. holde
If x110 could not he travel : i had taken thnot alone the pallor but the sea. to her
reins,- to expound to the Impel-
Mar slight army. . .. . i ape that in
sive pair the niceties of Empire mar- why she act seldom holder him long•
riega laws. Not seen in Australia. T told \Il this flashed 114 w mntnent. And get
them. where you ran go forth and
merriest mach more easily and quickly flower) was going on --"There was a
than yon ran get photographed or man-" and "!'here was a ship-"
tooth -stopped -not even there may you "Laurie. yon who aren't Laurie." i
meed-Withnnt hind- thought. "What'll Fon make of him,
ranee. if phi a gene ►hmttgh a previa whntTh Fan do with him-- and by+
one marriage cerem'uty. thangh the TTS! a silt herring. and will yen Want
tewemony mar tw , tmnn•trable #llegtt+>--- 4alt oven veer dainty lips all yen
You hare to prose that Area. life -yon who aren't Tanrie?" And 1
But if she has 1.44141 married. with all felt the 'train of the ',meet that T
_the pomp con -like _ with tWObiah pa thnnght L cnriled. pull like a hall..•i
and a choral service inn cathedral- nt anctlrit. 1T.Tc.-Tdhg *Atm the m,.,•r
to somebody who had at the time end inln hold?
atoll hn• a living wife. the mnrrinee ; Even on a sailing ship. even In tr,•pi,
simply doesn't exist. and you ran trent 440(•5• time pas.es not altogether mi-
tt n.eordingly. noted -though there 1. no nonce left in
This view appealed to Laurie and to n world 1411 bat bankrupt 0f 1ri•are• so
iainl Bowen; to ennergtlemee they ran leisurely as the d4xk of n .charmer
ketch, or brdgenttne, afloat befwen
By Peggy Harney
Ther* nos andel toomon tossed in a basket
Seventeen times os high of the moon ;
Shen fall lash o uhock uhen she rumbles bock,
And tae ore expecting her not) teary soon .
for Mors sent o Rodto message that said
The dome and her brisket hod lust turned o
And oats ththe
�r Milky Way
And go r *r nous WO hod better wakes 6u4.
Mars heard her cry Skog' -lett Mform Ito 'Speed Cop.
When o joy -riding C6mef Hess 153 on ata troy; •
And o %moll Shootingy Stot mo a her mild for War
When of she 0 btq h61a in her basket. Mie doy
Then o message 1 broodcost thro.,gh the univerLe-
"old woman, olde,omen, old uomon,' tt deed
"When o9o(n you return 10 our tromped 1R 00.411,
1 proy do not tumble on ony 00.5 hood.
twenty-three north and twenty-three
.nnth. Pnnl'e tale! were done: the
iattn->rnae.rrlonntinghishcr: itbecame
rnmhent nn ria all to deride what 1
should he done next. 'Where were wo
going fo, look for Known?
The tailor pMt1ed that, TTe took a
chart and a pair of divider.. and drew
HMI, round Two Brothers. •'Thi• '
reprnletit! the 4M.Mnee .he might have
trarelled if she'd trot a native wane." 1
he eertaineed. "We'll vl.it all thele
Islands aft gnlekly 0o we eon. If .bP t
nn none of them. and there's nn now•
from woe natives we mile rnme affair.,
whe. then well drew a higerr circle
taking in all the valves, .ha mleht hnve
got M on .rime Only mettle eesse1--11
logger fmm T.1. running farther north 1
((hnHnne, on twee 71
Warm the liniment, spread it
en brown paper c::d cove- the
affected parts. It eases pain,
r nti::nes*.
The Signal and Saturday
right- 5.110
The Signal and Saturday
wants, Poet LSO
The Signal %Ed The New
Outlook 320
The Signal and Canadian
Homes and Gardena 4.65
The Signal tad The Cathodic 1.79
Tha Sig.--sat"-a....-
Masa,in,, 3.11
The SigaaluedMaatreal Wit.
sees renewal... & SS
aew 3.80
The Signal • ■ dWadi 42g
Wide .r
The Signal and Y.ath'a
Companion 3.75
The Signal and The Toronto
Star Weakly
The Signal amid Rod and '95
The Signal and The Canadian
Countryman 2.95
Clubbing Rates With Other Peri-
odical. May Be Had on
Judges of Good Bread
Agree on
Smith's Better
Baked Bread
The quality is uniform.
it never fails.
Try our Chop Suey, Whole
Meat, Brown or Hovis Loaf
E.. G. Smith it
gnat st. Bakery Telephone 164
The West Street
Electrical Shop
We carry a goal stock of
Electrical Appliances,
Fixtures, etc.
We Specialize in Wir-
ing of All Kinds
a Estimates given on applirnt ion
All work guatanteed
Frank McArthur
Telephone 82 West Street
Louts 1E
mouths, Ht
Fred Herr
hospital for
is reported
A two de,
mg wul be
.,ud 'i'ut•sda
of the tale
meals of Ai
Tlie deal
stolidity. J
seventieth ;
She :envea
Smith, die
In her pint
.one won, 3
llvwl, and
• l R
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fin Wed
.11e1 it 111
-on. How•t
in her elg
• William,
1n area
that 1144w'
pal eaettm'
••'40.1 ttav
•rites w•i
71011 as l
.\ uomin
T440 a
lorry A
then• he
spite of
the Et
loth and
for thio
.. - .was -rev!
Is seen
\ m•
last wv
F :4l as.
\I\ten rt e
st 144'
1 'tint"
1 1:,• h••
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are 11
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