HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-01-28, Page 4OFFICE SUPPLIES Onionskin paper in packages of 250 sheets, graph paper, erasable typewriter paper now available at The Lucknow Sentinel, phone 528-2822. ALL OCCASION CARDS The Lucknow Sentinel • has a good selection 'or boxed cards, get Well; birthday, all occasion, baby, anniversary, sympathy. If you are unable to get down town to shop, we Will gladly send a selection of cards, writing Paper, etc. 'to your home from whica yUu can choose. Call 528-2822. THE. LUCKNOW SENTINEL — is for sale in Lucknow at Mont- gomery's Sunoco, Umbach's Phar- macy, H. and B. DiScount, Luck: now Service Centre and Sepoy COURT WHIST AND' EUCHRE .,- Tallies available at The Luck- now Sentinel. METRIC CONVERTERS Convert weights •and measures in seconds with a metric con- verter; priced at $1.89 and $2.98 at. The Lucknow Sentinel, phone 528-2822. TYPEWRITER RIBBONS Most ni.sAtes , in stock at The Lucknew Sentinel, phone 528-2822 ONE FREE PEN Buy 2 Bic. Clio Pens and get the third one free.4$1.77Value for $1.18. The Lucknow Sentinel, phone 528-2822. ADMISSION •TICKETS — in rolls of '1000 and 2000, singles, doubles, all in stock at The Lucknow Sent- inel, 528-2822. FILING CABINETS 2 drawer and-4 drawer letter size In stock for immediate delivery .THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL ASKES BROS.• CONSTRUCTIO Homes, Cottages,, Farm I3ulid- ings, General Carpentry, interior and exterior._ Phone 528-2726, Lucknow, Ontario. FOR SALE — shelled corn.. Don- ald Curran, R.R. 1 Dungannon,• phone 5297459.. OLYMPIC LOTTERY TICKETS $U -EACH ° May 16 Draw Nair 091 Sale THREE SERIES FOR SALE . SIX ONE MILLION DOLLAR PRIZES Total prize 'money to be more than $29 million 14 numbers will be drawn LUCKNOW SENTINEL 215% OFF ALL BOXED STATIONERY THE 'LUCKNOW SENTINEL FOR SALE- Holstein and Gurn- sey cows, 1 Holstein just fresh. 1 Holstein due soon. 'Rest due in March. Dan N. Stutzthaa, R.R. 1 Lucknow, Ontario. ' BINGO PLAYERS "Jinnbo Dot", bingo markers can be purehased at The Lucknow Sentinel, phone 528-2822.. NOW SELLING at the Lucknow Sales • Barns, apples, potatoes, onions, fresh cider and No. 2 Macs at $3.00 bushell. Art Bell's Fruit Farm; Goderich. , BROPHY TAXI WINGHAM All Passengers Fully Insured • 24 Hr. Service PHONE 357.1234 ,SUPER CAN' BINGO • Legion HA11, Luc.knovi, every Thursday, 8:30 p.m. Pot of Gold game — winner take' all. 14 reg- ular games $10 each. 2 Share the Wealth games. A $30 Special. Jackpot game for $110 on 58 calls or-VS consolation prize. 30th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY A 30th Anniversary Dance will be held honouring Mr. and Mrs. John Foran at Saltford on Satur-, day, February 7 from 9:30 - 1. Everyone welcinne, BLYTH LIONS BINGO Blyth Lions Club Saturday Night Bingos, 8:30 . p.m. Blyth Memorial Hall. Jackpot $150 on 60 .calls, regular and share the wealth games. Everyone wel- come. WINGHAM BINGO Wingham Legion Bingo at the Legion Hall,, Wingharn, Wednes- day, February 4 at 8:30 p.m. 15 regular games, $10 prize each game;' 2 sharellae-wealth games; $50 special ninst go; Jackpot game $1660.on '6 calls ',with $80 consolation. Admission $1.00. Ex- tra• and special cards 3 for 50c or 7 for $1.00. RECEPTION A reception will be held in Salt- ford on Friday, January 20th from 9 - 1 for Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Heggs (nee Sharon Pearson). Music by The Maitland Sundown- ers. Everyone welcome. HOCKEY GAME KINSMEN VS PAPER LEAFS The' Lucknow and District. Kins men Club will play the 'Goderich Signal Star Paper Leafs, in .a hoc- key Game to be played on Satur- day, January '31st, at 8:30• p.m. in the Lucknow Arena. Give the Kinsmen your support. • Proceeds for Community /Service Work. HANDSAWS and saw blades, machine • sharpened,. Phone -Roy • Schneller, 357-1291. FOR SALE — Gendron Stroll-R- ' Crib baby carriage, A-1 condition. Phone Mrs. Lloyd Crawford. 529-, 7211. SO YOU'VE PURCHASED A FREEZER by TV's Anna Meyer Everythingyou've always wanted ' to know about your Freezer and ° how to make it serve you to the best advantage 184 pages of information Available at the Lucknow Sentinel $1.50 per copy FOR SALE — Channel 13 TV an- tenna, 4 months old; Ilampster and cage. Mrs. Lou Jurjens, phone 528-3005.'. • • PICTURE 'FRAMING' --- choose from 500 samples, also an array of coloured matting. Snyder Studio, Wingham, phone 357-1851. tELLO-BADOES -- for meetings, parties, etc:; stick to clothing for simple application, The Lucknow Sentinel. LOWRY FARM SYSTEMS AMBERLEY, PHONE 395.5286 Complete line of equipment for grainhandling, processing and storage; plus manure " handling and stabling for beef, dairy and bog set-ups. AUCTIONEER SERVICE - Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater Licensed Auctioneers Sales of all types Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater 392-6170 FOR SALE -- Tower King Press- ed Stave Silos with cement plas- ter lining. Area representative Francis Boyle, R.R. 3 Ripley, phone 395-5088. GESTETNER STENCILS • — paper, ink; duplicating paper and masters all in stock at The. Luck- now Sentinel, .phone 528-2822.. REYNOLDS REFRIGERATION AND APPLIANCE SERVIE C Repairs to all mmakes • , and models; call 357-1085 Wingharn EXCAVATING AND TRUCKING sand :and gravel. Phone Robert Symes, Lucknow 528-3047. . FOR SALE — 14 beef cows with calf at side. John Irwin, R.R. 7. .Lucknow, 10th Concrksion Ash- , field • /,. ' TABLE PARER — white or• • oured designs for covering ban quet or' picnic tables, The 'Luck- now Sentinel. . 'BERG: STABLE EQUIPMENT Cleaners, Bunk Feeders, Silo Unloaders, Farrowing Crates, Water Bowls, Cow Stalls and Hog . Paneling. Contact Lloyd Johnston, R.R. 3 Holyrood, 'phone 3955390. THIRD PRINTING NOW AVAILABLE Norman Robertson's History of Brute County, first pUblished 1905; second printing • in 1960. PRICE $7.00 • • Add. $1 for shipping and handling We Also have available the sequel of this book, The History of The County of Bruce 1907 - 1968. written. by 'Norman McLeod --- szone price..' • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL ' DYMO TAPES for Dymo mark- ers now available in green, red, orange, black, yellow, brown and 'wood grain. Lucknow • Sentinel, * phone 528-2822. ' WRAPPING PAPER — ,Kraft roll, for home or office, 49c. The Lucknow Sentinel. IN MEMORIAM CUMMING — in loving'memory of Mrs. Ross Cumming, who: passed away three years ago, •February 1st, 1973. Nothing can ever take away 4 The love a heart holds dear. Fond memories linger every day, Remembrance keeps her near. Ever remembered and sadly' missed by her husband Ross. BRUCE COUNTY PORK PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETING AND LUNCH at the Hartley House, Walkerton , Tuesday, February 10, 1976 LUNCH: 12:00 NOON. TO 1:00 P.M. MEETING TO' FOLLOW. GUEST SIPE4KER,: JERRY BLUHM 4eoutiva Secretary, Provincial Board • • • • THIELUTOKNOW $M111ELeLUCKNOW ONTARIO WEONESE).AY? JANUARY 28, Il36 Panritouitt • $$k!.sxvxmA "IP r • 3 ' 1S, FOR SALE COMING EVENTS APPLICATIONS WINTARIO Ontario Lottery Tickets • SIP Each ' . On Sale At LUCKNOW SENTINEL Fitness. In your heart you know k's ri You only look as good as you feel. DR' AIR Try an Electrohome Humidifier from Greer' T.V. and` Electric, phone 528-3112, laicknow. We al- so have filters and Sanitaire for your Electrohorne humidifier. FEBRUARY SPECIALS $5 per ton discpunt 'on all Shur- Gain hog: feed concentrate and minerals at Stanley Feed and Sup- ply, Ripley. Open Monday, Wed- nesday, Friday, 1 to 6 p.m. Phone 395-5955. ' WINTARIO Ontario Lottery Tickets $1.00 Each On Sale At • LUCKNOW SENTINEL. LOT FOR SALE Main Street of Lucknow across from Treleaven's Mill, huge lot, house being remov-. ed. Contact Herman Riegling, phone 529-7427. GETTING MARRIED ONLY HOME WEEK-ENDS Call The Lucknow Sentinel, 528-2822 and reserve the Wedding Stationery •Order Books 'for Home Viewing on the Week-end. Viewing .in the home on any week night may' also be arranged , or the books may be seen at the office daily, Monday 'to Saturday noon.. NEW NEW NEW • Personal "Presson"' labels with your name and address, no mois- ture needed, with coloured Alus- tration of Canadian flag at left side of label, use for your corres- pondence or as a means of ident- ification, 200 labels for $3.50. We also Still haye the regular labels, which need moistening, at, 300 for $1.95. 7% sales tax additional. Al- so add 50c for- any, mail orders. The Lucknow Sentinel phone 528-2822 BEEF By the Quarters and • Halves CUSTOM KILLING On Tuesday and Thursday , Cut and wrapped to your. specifications • BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET LUCKNOW Phone 528-3009 Res. 528-2119 FOR RENT FOR RENT small furnished up- stairs apartment on Main St. in Lucknow, available immediately. Phone 528-2134. WANTED 41. ANYONE wishing knitting done, phone Marjorie • Thoinpson 395- 5002./ HELP WANTED APPLICATIONS will be accept- ed until Saturday, February 7, 1976, for the position 'of bar stew- ard,' on a full time or part time basis, at the Lucknow Legion . Branch 309, Mail applications to: ' LUC,KNOW BRANCH 309 ROYAL CANADIAN•LEGION 'Box .9 Lucknow, Ontario WANTED 'TO BUY — 1000 bales hay. Donald Curran, R.R. 1 Dun- gannon, phone 529-7459. SAND BLASTING BRICK BUILDINGS ALL 'STEELWORK AIR HAMMER WORK BACK HOEING • . ARNOLD STOTHERS PHONE 5291403 FOR ESTIMATES- APPLICATIONS, GRAZING STEERS Applications will be received for grazing steers on the A.R.D.A. pasture farm for the 1976 `seapon. • Applications will also be received for heavy cattle 600 - 800' lbs. for the months of May, June and July. Application forms available from ' ONTARIO MINISTRYy OF AGRICULTURE AND FOOD ' Box 1330 • WALKERTON, ONTARIO' Telephone ^8$1-3301 Application Deadline' February 20, '1976 APPLICATIONS THE BRUCE' COUNTY BOARD OF. EDUCATION • •. Invites applicationS for the . position of AUDIO• VISUAL ASSISTANT Duties: operation and mainten- ance of film and video-tape libraries under the direction of the scnior technician; dispatch and recording of supplies and equip- ment; plus some production of AV 'material's. ' Qualifications: experience in-the above and 'training in clerical dut- ies are desirable but 'not' necessary the‘main qualificaiong are intelli- gence, adaptability, a willingness to learn and ability to work care- fully and accurately in a routine program. . Apply in writing by February 2, 1976, giving qualifications, exper- ience and starting date to: J. P. Coyne, Audio-Visual Co-ordinator Box 190 Chesley, Ontario LYONg Electrk and Appliance SerViCe LUCKNOW, ONTARIO FREE ESTIMATES PHONE 52114109 4