HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-01-21, Page 16CO-ORDINATE 'KNITS / Plain and Printed • 60' - 62" wide Reg. to $6.95 • WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21, 11.76 • • • ,By The Sentinel THAT ' Recently pictured on the front page in the Hollywood, Florida Sun-Tattler, that city's daily news- paper; were Donald MacIntyre and daughter Nornia and Marilynne o Kinloss along witli Nancy and Donalda Thompson of Lucknow. The picture showed the. Maclntyres with a couple of bags of oranges and gthpefinit ready to leave the Crowded Fort Lauderdale airport on the trip •home in the midst of the Christmas holiday • rush. , The airport was a "madhouse" at the time. The ThoMpson girls were at the airport to bid adieu to their friendswith whom they had spent a week. The third Maclntyre 'daughter. Margaret, was originally. Died In Hqspital • Mrs. Lawrence Smith passed • away ,in .Wingham and Vistrict Hospital on. Friday,' January 16th in tier' 79th year. The funeral service was. held at MacKentie Memorial ' Chapel; Lucknow on Monday, January 19th. Temporary entombment was in. Dungannon Mausoleum. Died At Stratford. Mrs.. Albert Little,, a former resilient of Lueknow; passed away at Stratford General Hospital on Friday,. January. 16th in her 84th year.. . The funeral 'service was held-at MacKenzie Memorial Chapel, . Lucknow on Monday, January 19th. - Temporary entombment was at South Kinloss Mausoleum, • in the 'picture but apparently was '.'cropped out" and didn't make the Mother and wife of the group, Marilyn, was busy arranging for tickets home at the time her other family members were "posing for pictures''. Police Officer It Guest Speaker The January meeting of the West Huron Junior Farmers was held on Monday, January 12 at `Kings- bridge -Separate School .` The turnout of menibers Was decreased• because of the bid weather. Guest speaker was. Constable John 'Rae of the Goderich Detach- meht of the Ontario Provincial Police. He-answered questions on• the new regulations regarding seat belts and the 50 mile per hour speedlimit. He showed the benefit of wearing seat belts and convinced most that they should wear them. Mel Ritchie thanked him for his presentation. County President, Jim ,Phelan, also visited the, meeting and explained about the Winter Games for Junior Farmers on . December 31 . in' Wingham. Business, was taken. care -of. Dixie Cameron asked that any money not turned in , from the dance-a-thon,sbe turned in as soon as possible. Recreation ,was postponed• for this meeting because of the weather and%the time. The next meeting is Monday, February 2. at Brookside public School. , *ere --CKNOW SENTINEL; LUCKNOW, ONTARIO POLYESTER JACQUARD CREPES 45" wide Reg. to $4.95 NOw ,$2.98 yd. for $198 GROUP 2 Values to $3.39 for • $1.98 ALL. BROADCLOTHS -- CURTAIN FABRICS LINING — COTTON PRINTS QUILT BATTS NOTIONS LEO CLUB CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 _.'_a_Leo Club, and an advisor attends all meetings and functions. However, the• young .people 'work out their' own programs : and projects. The Lucknow Lions.feel that now is the time to launch a Leo program. With their.: backing, a preliminary meeting 'for all inter- ested will be held 'at 8.00 p.m. on Friday, January 30 in the Banquet Room of the ,Mayfair Restaurant. Depending on, the interest, an organization meeting will .be held on a later date.. •' At this preliminary Meeting a full explanation of the purpose, goals and nature of "Leo Clubs" will be given. Qualifications, the relation- ship with-sponsoring clubs and the kinds of• activities that Leo Clubs normally participate in will be cle,arly explained to all prospective --membefs. . Don't give up, the programs yotere already involved in, just consider more involver dent. Bring your brothers, sisters and friends. Don't say no until you investigate. • Parents - These "kids"„ are shortly , going to be "young adults". Don't squelch their energies. Remember! • They are our future business and society . members, Do your part to help prepare them for this position. Everyone interested • please be prepared for an 'evening of outdoor fun on January 30. Dress warm and bring your toboggans and crazy carpets. • Lucknow Village Council Briefs . . Lucknow Village Council, at their regular meeting las't week, discus- sed a request by Bob Peck of Liicknow Service Centre concern- ing the establishing'of a car wash at his garage. Council felt that lack: of 'propers water run:off facilities might cause a probleM and, suggested the possibiliV'of holding tanks, which• would be pumped periodically The matter' was to be discussed ' with Mr. Peck. sAr t t t Senior Councillor Murvin' Solo- mon chaired the meeting in the absence of Reeve George W. Joynt. t t t A motion was passed approving a borrowing bylaw of up to $100,000 for current and , future financing. t t t $50' was donated to the .Bruce County Plowmen's Association. if, ' t t -,--biscussion centred on attend- ance at the Ontario Good Roads convention in February with no decision made. Make' Way' For . Spring HTON'S Is Holding A CREPES; SATINS, PONGEES Printed and Plains 45" wide GROUP 1 Values to $4.49 - 9- Everything In The Store is Reduced ASHTON'S LADIES' AND MEN'S WEAR Jim and Syke SUtherland • Phone 5286.2126 )•• • •e• 47 STITCHES CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Elmer Rivers of Seaforth, a passenger, were examined and 'released 'at VVingham Hospital. Another passenger, James Rivers of Seaforth, was treated for a fracture Of the wrist area, plus abrasions and contusions. Fred received 47 stitches to his mouth, a cut and bruises to his ' knee, while Margo received only bruises. Both were wearing seat belts. Donnie Farrish and Bob Morton, passing motorists, took Fred and Margo to • Lticknow. Margo was treated at the doctor's office and the men took Fred on to Wingham Hospital where he' was treated and released,. Both cars were heavily damaged. • t t '''Se"Venteen people visited the recent information centre at the town- hall concerning the town's official plan and zoning bylaw. There were, six objections which were discussed at the meeting. t The subsidy to be received from the Ministry of Transportation and- Communications for roast work in the village in 1976 is, castruction $71,500; -maintenance $16,900. $64,000 of the 'Construction money will go toward the new bridge wo'k in town, cutting that figure down to $7500 for tyther 'new construction. t t t,