HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-2-9, Page 5• e' a .r'Ar•r' •
I hat arty 1 love you'.
wilhouh Wench..
n.ake an ideal Valentino
g 1't , Botts from 3!w to V.
TOILET ARTICLES --A Vast Assortment
Phone 90 Goderich
lI;i1111J1!•fl11114Mitle'�• aipl i4eIIN W •:nu�..
Thursday, February 9, 1928.-5
RESULTS OF G. O. I. FORM 11. Had private Mints.
TEST EXADQINATIONS I' lit""'' ..S4.5 II Both housewives and police would (;e,vern'I
utrnt 1lalmtalns sco clamed
Jntnew BuWerland ... , • , ,.....„U".4 have something to say to tho trades of Educational,' lnwltutlou*.
William Sutherland ............. 92.4 man u o- aY TtieeGovernlnrnt of r s
i to -made money:
la d f t d motto gave change to IS ell h India
The Culluwing are the ln.
Reginald Fisher • • • • • • his cwt racer in hon maintains two classes of educational India
Collegiate Evelyn Loiig %. • • • 4r' ?0' but tht�ww oaoe a oowwuu practice, inst)Wtiuna. l Irst, those (0 which
onore:- as a recent fled at Dartmouth, Eng
,..,,.,••7:1.; tho coarse of Instruction souformr to
dare • recalls, the standard prescribed by the Dc
-G011'141.01: Mc1/t+hen..t1) ;,;Ile.:, �and
Llnklate. (1) .•.••.• This a a coin dated 1862 Such
artweut ox Public Instruction .or by
Lyell Crawford '1 • king a nig'trawere i name. 6u oh D
�token coins" issued very esa- the univcraitles, and secondly, those
111. Honore: „•(k;,;;i trttslvrly in the seventeenth century, that du not fulfil these conditions,
Helen Cooper (1) '• • • e • • • • . ..051 and some of them were still current and are called private wheels. The
Kenneth ITunter (1) •• "' (t even In the ulueteenth. They were foundation of the public reboot aye-
Jeeu I winos (3) • • • • . • .. • . , • .Ir2.0 even
ens in the
msec In the old were
irt t m is the primary school, which aims
I)ow'ull 1 . V (2) • • • • • • • :',. .,1 2:1 nonly gold and sliver coins were issued at teaching in native ltuap,u.►g•e, .4e-
I>.,ruthy M. \\'opera (3) j geld.:, by the State. So traders began to inert rY knowledge. Above three are
111tdr el Scott (2) • • • • • • / ell . manufacture their own tokens, lead, the se•undar ' schools in which a
vi scholar is (vilified for utatrlculetion
, , , , fel ,1 matcopper, and brasa bring among the or school -leaving certificate. Thew
• materials used. schools use either the English lan-
:,!41; Some of the tokens were elaborate gunge or the vernacular. Nest higher
_ than were are the colleges on which [tie .rata
I. ]donors; ,.,,••,,. s• ,t rather prlmltive.. The records re- follow couroea leatliog to hill. ee.
WlIIl P PatJter (ip ... arding them show hew the face of
Gert rude Lullaby 7tt•8 i \Vlllhun I'altrldg • • • • • • • •'_ The colleges are affiliated to the five
f• • -. t, England has changed during the last Universities of Calcutta, 111adrsa,
Marga t ,(:ruham 77.7 Killing) Sunnite/4e (2) • • • • • • • • • • •'••- 200 or 300 Years. For instance,
Honore: -
Margaret �t Itdde• Butnbat. the Punjab and AIIal:ll.ad.
75.6 Below' 5.-.1„ Average:- ..T.{ 1 eighty-three 'traders in Exeter Issued A new Hindu University has been
GI 11 lmlth aural 51• Ta/imld (4) • • • • their own tokens iu t h'' rrvrnteehth
Lute Jewell 11) �i , , .........7411p+tablirhd at Lenarea and at
Annie M. bb (41 century. but Manchest.•r and Liver -Paula. A university for the another M
I1. Honore:- 71 2 I Joel: Irl ick (4) .. • • • • • • • • . • "' "-" i' pool could only must ..i. tw'•nty-t;v•' States has also ersity f r th
Elaine Grass (1) Jow•pl nylnr (24 (4) i' such shopfu•'pen betwr•,•n th'•m, and
70.2 I There are In addition various other
811.1 It. )}nrhen M'Kay (41 urlirhtnn only' bad two I institutions such as technieal schools
Wilfred Plante (41 ..,3,..:
flli.8 i $1.000,000 a Year Incomes, teaching arts and jndustriea, engi-
neering. :At ( average: -
neering. etc.; law schools, medical
(l.iwerlarenee Lannon (4) The recent annual report of the schools and colleges; and normal
iµ7 Keith Wilson (4) (,ommleslonrre of inland Revenue schools for training teachers. A sye-
64.4 Everett Merritt (61 shows that 138 people in Great list- tem of scholarships exist by which Jt
IN ;; FORM til. B - fain and Northern Ireland had In- ;r possible -for a boy to pass from
comesri . 64.3 Class average, 56.
which amounted to £2R,040,- the village school to the university.
920 or an average' of more than In 1921 the sta ., institutions of
c 1 £200,000 each Alloea_tLer ..X.9.416.-...lecetion nunak rryl "06 9041 and the
atitule Iu-the venous forms completed
January 3a, 1(.91.8. Some have lm -
proved very rtttsfactorily, while others
have gene away backward very sadly
While we continue W rank the stu-
dents imonilug to the average Mark
obtained. yet the real successful stand-
, Inc is hared on the number of iudl-
%Multi aahje•ts not failed In. The
figures. In brackets after num' names
inii'ate the number of subjects in
whish the student has failed.
I'ultdt 1. .t: 1ST YEAR (Y)3ylElt-
['Ides average 59. \UarJurle Hetherington
Have a Heart
flower Valentine w0111.1
he most appropriate to WW1
your sweetheart, wife, mother
or daughter.
Cut Flowers or Bloom/tag Plant•
W0l Bo Oar Special Footer.•
ter !e_14t.1 - __
Geo. Stewart
Fla di1NT
(Continued from page 1)
water and light a•owtul$akou be re- IreneMarsh
que.ted 10 erect a
moue protection over enMarrite klclMrnald (1)
the i lndpipe shutoff valve. with a
light In same. We recommend that to Edith l.umby (2)
melee be published in both local 111. Honors:- •
;rafters asking eitiia•ua •at•udiug in a are Jens 1lelroes (21
alarm to report to the fire hall at W11son Mei-reedit (1)
un. -e; that the Pru iuckel lire Marsh- 11rna1d McKay 11)
odes report-pertaluiyg to water mains I.oreue (:nts' (1)
--tit•-refe•rr..1- to the water and -light Florence KIICsw•ell (1) _L Itnnor�:-
commission. ~hake- rkIffi T -•• Evelyn Baan
Credit: -
Mayor. the Br. 11 aud t. \Inrney tat • • lw.rut :) o
li1l'I l �lwr --') 11 11 inn•
Vesta Tubb (3)
John Knee•t'haw (2) • •
('redits :-
Flereti(e McKenzie .
and handsome affairs; o
Are You Using Our
Lending Library?
\ tin of 11"cop)'-
rlght I;11,•k to loan at
10c per book
\...11I 4 r, f•t• No tl.•l.o-it
.\11 Book- 1r,•ah and cl(•ao
Cole's Book Store
T T� yo n.t ••.. e1' .11 adopted. :t►51 M..egeret •Cram•e
ud lite Depu- Lfl iii h,Tter•on (3)., ;4U 1 Holmes
rc prosy., e'euuriUor. a • e and ..,., o 4 -
uiugs roses.• np;sdut.•d fo form 1115 cow- William Currie (4 t'• ;7•►; Ethel rook ('2t
n ire• for 1:r2'( to look after matters 1,1.'.l ['lark t:t 57.R 111. Vonore:-- •
cwu,a,eiuu With the former National .\rales..• Colls.iff5 (3) 16 porn abv Step I'24 ........
rel er (3t
11,4481,1 Mnris.'n (2) . • , ,...
Evelyn 4.u.;w•r (2r
%Vlllbatn T11oms"n (5)
Mary Fertntson
.Vtvtnr E;'h•tt (2-4--.-. -.......
Below act Ser average:-
Alan. Pentland (41
Itoss Pfriintror (:It
1•'Stton Edwards (3t
it, wort Ferguson (21 .. •.• •
Below :.(1r' average:-
Re1y1111Ld Parr I:tl ........
Writ.T1•mmns (41 .......
Wn'ter NewTM• (3)
Tank Salkeld •(3,.
Jwn_]LcIdan _ (4)
Reggie Newentnhe (41 • • • •
- )4 44 141
,11).,•rt Taker (4t
thin,•nn McKay (41
'tonne! McT)„mll,1 14)
1:nnnked w'ritle.e only 5
_Bruce Street Phone 105
Clubbing List
n tl
The S•gnal and The Toronto
Globe 6 50
The Signal and The Toronto 6.50
Daily Star
The Signal and The London 6 50
The Signal and The London 6.50
Free Press
The Signal and The Toronto 6.50
Mail and Empire
The Signal and The Farmers'3 2b
The Signal and The Family .
Herald and Weakly Star 3,041
The Signal and Saturday 5.50
The Signal and Saturday 3
Evening Post
The Signal and The New 314,1
Outlook •
The Signal seed - Canadian 4
Homes artd'Clardena
The Signal and The Catholic 2 TS
The Signal god McLean's
Magazine • • .. 3 75
The Signal and Montreal Wit-
ness renewal.. 3.85
new 3 5e
The Signal • e d World
Wide renewal 4.25
new 385
The Signal amid Youth's
Companion 3 75
The Signal and The Toronto 6 75
Star Weekly
The Signal and Rod andM3 86
The Signal and TCattadion 2 95
shtldelildlug Co. pinta. • Nell}r. linll"
Snowplowing Well Dote X!,rmau it, ler (41 . • . r
It.r•vt• Turner hada complaint al,oUt L,.;,I,I'i r9'4 n a,,
.uowplovcittg In tae west cud. Ile F.,'A.41i•e1 it(6)r (5)
angle, 11 ghoul.' t,e doue earlier In btu\' • F.n'ite 181
morning. so that. (hlhires'- would , .i,, chh•hla 171 - -
. el have to wade through the snow tu�,1.,•t' 1 Craddock 15)
-,L.w.:. •
T.eorar' Crawford (61 '
t'nnneillor Vint wild he thought tits nnlec Wenn.* (7)
.geek et the snewelows mus/ melk t...'•e Clark (51
...lie. Councillor Millie sat'y/tt was t,''.t (1trk (s (9)
...tie [ranch Metter in 1; ..lr b than in [tarry 1'hnlI (6)
ether teems,* r' 1'•:')Yn 'Beek (4)
chief Peeteletkw•ait Cue called In SECOND 1'R.tlt• Ct'tafafF.RCL\i.
el ), on,
of the cji owulen had Men a 'less :\.- -Chari. average, (144.5.
h1At one of the
:•tIc kit.• en t _ months* referred to . I. Htmere1- 89.4 -
,the Rey II, told of the system Aileen Stowe
the tuati t? dtcfit�.t in five -Ruby- Wambold S0.4-
c_•!r people had ►ucomra exceeding £2,000 scholars 5,377,000, includin 1.
a Xe`ar: