HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-01-21, Page 9PARK GODERICH IC THE MARI PHONE S/4 1811 AIR CONDITIONED wNl •'JAN JI or. .Q 1141 n 4A 1 01.1V ,, ,I HIS CIA CODE NAME IS CONDOR. . • IN THE NEXT SEVEI9TY4WO HOURS ALMOST EVERYONE HE TRUSTS WILL TRY, TO KILL HIM. ROBERT REDFORD/ FAYE DUNAWAY CUFF ROBERTSON MAX VON. sv flow y u. unnnn mG tk Adult III I. A I g114 ..the li.lught like ari army and lived like a legend: Mb' flow, ' TM LIWGHP11 TMo GuNFIGNIER LAVISH: V.4 TAG14541 Pitt 110 tANLYtAtitouni. BARAN IN Mt A LOT OF PEOPLE WERE KILLING TIME.. KIT WAS KILLING PEOPLE. OMIN(g Al 1141U !ION' :AN n • I anti "MYSTERIOUS MONSTER" ' /.40,11..1)11 I 1 In • I • • ge. • di • coiyma..Actweipmivui A .Mike Nitkols Ftlfn 691041404040.0. 411111000411.1111110 , THEIEST THE BEST'- FOR '761 FOR '76! . 0111,10.040 ta•••111114006011„ 'SNOWING SNOWING. '47 : 4 OATS! ': 3 DAYS! , .Would; you want your'dayghter • • a•q 'kr. is ii.tur. • • to marry these men? 60-whiim , lama r 0 • •• Ai SEXiflt THAN THE MARX BROS:, HAND- •, • .If you want to kill a. 5 sOMEI! THAN LAUREL & HARDY, BUT NOT e , a man, you send 4 • • • • 2 Showings Doily 7:00 & •9:00 P.M. • 02 %whip Doily at 7:00 & .9:00p.m 1 Wed.,. .10o, 21 to So., ha.. , . . (I t 'SvN.,10•45 ti Tves., Jan. 2Z AS SMART. AS THE 3 STOOGES! an'agent. EXHIBITION PARK -TORONTO-10 AM TO 6 PM VEATURUVC THE LARGEST.SELECTION OF AGRICULTURAL EQUIPMENT UNDER ONE ROOF IN CANADA iiegivv-air PREVIEW THE 1976 PRODUCT LINES TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY AT 7 PM Hinds of .Beef '1.05 Sides of Beef 115c L. CUT, WRAPPED & QUICK FROZEN AT NO EXTRA CHARGE NOW AVAILABLE ON 1st and 2ndl Mortgages ANYWHERE' IN. ONTARIO . ON , RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND FARM PROPERTIES Interim Financing For New Construction and Land Development FOR REPRESENTATIVES IN YOUR AREA PHONE SAFEWAY INVESTMENTS'. AND • CONSULTANTS LIMITED (519) 744-6535 Collect Head •Office 56 Weber St. E. Kitchener, Ont. WE •BUY -EXISTING moitTGAdEg FOR INSTANT CASH 3952961 395 /905 CLOSED THURS. & SAT. AFTERNOONS L. 59c Beef attoir 50 lb. Lots of Steak MIXED. ROUND, C T-BONE,' "Pi 39 LB. WING & RIB, -GRADE A Pork WHOLE OR HALF LB. 25 LB. LOTS HOMEMAD.E'' Sausage LB.79c 50 Lp.. :LOTS GROUND WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1416.. THE. LUCKNOW SENTINEL, wocictiow,.. ONTARIO' PAG11 NINE - Men's 9 O. High single• went to Ron Stanley . with 314. High triple was won 'by Gerry Ross with• 765. Games over 225: Ron Stanley 314, 243, Gerry 'Ross 289, 261, • HarveY.Culbert 281., Bill Button 266, 226; Gordon Carter' 263; Roy Finlayson 243, Bill Bolt 243; Wayne Cranston 242, Allan Johnson 23,7, 226, Russ Button 228, Mel •Corrin 225, Team points: Oldsmobiles 4, Fords 5, Must- angs 2, Dodges 0,J9 ntkacs 7, Buicks 3. Team standings: Fords 63%, Mustangs 58; Buicks 57, Oldsmo- biles 55%, Dodges 54, POntiacs 48. ' • Lucknow, Dungannon Merle Rhody had the high triple for' the ladies this week with a score, of 635.. Marie Stewart's score of 232 was the high •Single. Gweii Caesar was the only other lady over 225 yvith' a, score of 226. Bill Stewart topped the men with a high triple of 762 • and a high . single of 314. Other scores over 250, were Harvey Culbert 292, Bill Stewart 272, Jack Fisher 251 and Ross Plant 250. Only'10 teams bowled last week so 'the scores• are as follows: Lions 7, Cubs 5, . Tigers 5, Coons 5, Chipmunks 4, Zebras 3, Wolver- ines 2, Polecats 2, ,Foxes • '2, Kangaroos 2. Team standings are: Cubs 71, Squirrels 65,, Tigers 58, Lions 54„ Coons 51, Zebras 51, Wolverines ' 46, Kangaroos 42, Polecats 42, Gophers . 39, Foxes 38, Chipmunks 26. Men's' High single and triple went to John 'Hogan with a 269 single and 656 triple., . • Games over 225: John Hogan. 269, Ron Stanley 246, 228, David Errington 233, Kevin •Austin 230. Team points; Owls 2; Cardinals 5, Vultures 0, Hawks .7. Team •standings: Hawks 58, -Vultures 56, Cardinals 35, Owls' 33. GUIDE NEWS •gra°1114 WORK. ON HISTORY BADGE Roll' call opened the Lucknoyv Girl . Guide meeting - on Thursd4 evening...: Patrol leaders discussed With theitpatrol members business. that arose from Court Of Honour which • was held the *viOus. Sunday.. Faye 'Forster and': Anne Hamilton' 'werethanked for helping, on Santa Claus Day in Lucknow. • . Each girl was 'challenged to pass 'one badge by Thinking Day.' Ideas . to, mark .'•Thinking . Day Were discussed. , • • Swallows chose a . game. to . play. • . Captain Mrs:•, Don Thompson . introduced Mrs. Jack -McKim who. outlined the structure of Guiding. in our province,4 : paniely. District, _Division and Area, and tola.of her. • duties as DiStrict Commissioner. She showed the 'pins. and uniforM she 'wears. which .distingiiiShes 'her as a'. District Com missioner: Susan Thompson thanked. Mrs. . McKim foi this infortnation which will be. applied towards the guide,History Lorna: Boyle. Mievkied an Indian head she made..for her. Native LOre badge. She also told 'of useful items that.we use today which were invented • by IndianS or •Eskimos... . .Lieutenant.. Mrs... Dan Bellinpre Closed the ineetin.g with the Guide Prayer.. KINLOUGH Miss Janice Fawthrop of •Stonff- ville spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Hedley and family. Crystal Haldenby, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Barry Haldenby (Westford), is a patient Sin the Wingham and District Hospital.' We wish 'her a speedy recovery: ' Mrs. Arthur Breckles and Ang- • gtmADULT OMR•YAINMENT eia are spending this week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Mann near Gorrie. Arthur Breckles is in London during the "week attending college on a course in mechanics. 'We all wish• him well. Sympathy is extended to Mrs: Town and Country Bowling High for the ladies was Anna Deiter- with 210 single. Double went to Anna,Johnstone with 395: Pete Cook and Bill' Ross were tied for high single with 149. • Double went to Ross Cup ming with 276. Games over 200: Anna Dexter • 210, Anna- Johnstone 209, Ruth Mathers 202. Team points: Reds 0, Oranges 5; Yellows 5, • Greens 0; Blues 2, Violets 3. • Team standings: Yellows .59, Blues 48, Reds 47, Oranges 43, Greens 31, Violets 27. • If you want revenge, you send • Hemlock, Clint Eastwood . is Hemlock, GEORGE KENNEDY .1- Mabel Hewitt,, formery of here, in • the sudden death of her• brother the -late Herbert Sheane. Mrs. Gerald Rhody and Mrs. Hank puicker are the !Faders for . the 4-H course, Featuring Fruit. So do, contact these ladies if you would , like to be in -the class. • • • Warren Jack • • Beatty Nakheolson :: ..I. • • , TIC • THE • • • • • EIGER sAbmcnobv: • FOR111111E • 6 • • • • • • • •-• • • • • • • •• • • • ••••••••••••••• .••••••••••••••• retirement income fOtiily-iirotection tax . ,.svintis. Up to $4,000 a year may be deduct- ible for income tax purposes from your income if you invest it in one Sun•Life of Canada's REGISTERED RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLANS Call me for' details. VV/rn.• J. 1Cinahan R.R. fLUCKNOW 'PHONE 357.1987 SUN LIFE OF C: g g I