HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-2-9, Page 44--Tt►at,da). rebtuary 9, 1928.
New Spring Hats
New Spring Suits
New Spring Samples for Special Measure
Clothes Made by Fashion -Craft
W. C. Pridham E Son
the Store With the Stock'
Mn's eftd Boys' Wear
Phone ty
ralesf1014.4 We' ,piso
daughter. Mrs. Frank Kershaw of
t: stench.
Met Albert Wale!' spent the week-
end la Gotlerieh et the home of her
mother, Sirs. Taylor. I I
Sirs. J. Dow, who has been visiting
her sister, Mrs. J. L. Stonehouse, lett
for her Inoue, In the West on Monday.
The internment of the S ora's Supper
tors administered In the Westfield
United church 1e11 Sunday last.
Mr. atilt Mrs. Will Carter were Bn1s-
-•^. v ishor- on Sunday.
Mrs. B. Wolfe, concession 4, is under
be doctor's .sone at pteeetst.
Mr. Tom Quigley. Who spent the Pitot 6 the Dark Ages Watt Used Used to De-
month at Use ovum Of his parents here, ludo Superstitious Volk.
eft, et Monday. to Join his boat In Next to canaries, parrot$ are the
preparation for :mother year's railing '. 'best eetIoni' In the Loudon bird
the waters of Ise Great Lakes. trade. Search the live stock depart -
The many llsidi.•Id friends of Mr. ! talent of any London store and you
James OTetwle, manager tit the Bank will feudreot. aoares of green Amazon and
of Commerce, Delhi, Ont., formerly of grey p�
Lueknow•: and Sirs. GIt•tittit WWI be They live loot;--ebsb years on an
pleased to learn ,d t11edr erntse•to the averages --with but little care. and
Wart Indies, lea' in: New York on there to odeipeart. s a de ivaud tor than,
January 28th oil e C.RS. Merntmyal• says ani e'
FroAetlAeld to cnduula• In West Africa and places wnero
1iuu8 to m Mr. \S"1I'..1 i1 Kxteuy., cmngratu•rsslou pat•rotse abound catching and train.
111. Huron tow•ns1 i, and Itei•ce of tint Ing them is a regular trade. A few
1w'nshtp, on Iso I:_ elveteld Warden of are taken from Ude nest, but the ma
Iirn„ce county. jority aro seared.
Many of the 'II:: ileo ple'attendr4 Parrot's have a weakuese{ fur the
the dancing Pot in Klntnll hall last i t eed s them andf the ol•avee them an easy
tree. which intros
.t.• the anfi-
WHITECllL'lt('ll. Feb. d. -Mr. Ar-
chie ('low 1s still• seriously ill. Misg
l'.ud,• Conn, it.N., Is nursing him.
Mr. turd Mrs. herb. Laidlaw enter-
tained a molls r of their relatives and
I.eighbnrs on Friday' evening.
Mr. John Giaes leis suffering with
a sore knee. A colt licked him two
%ree•ks ago.
Mr. Meagan Jones, of Clinton, is
visiting with Its' ('lutein, Mr. Clarence
Miss lane, of Laugslde, spent the •
• week -end with Miss Blake at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gaunt.
Mrs. Fret ('.sok and daughters. of
• Westfield, spent the weekend with her
uncle, 11r. Chas. Wightman.
•_- Miss Mary. ]turbo woe ealled_heme
' from Londuu on Friday on account of
the continued serious ,.ondltlon of her
littlesister, Jess.
Mrs. Jas. Crimmins is on the sick
Mr. Ernest Sperling is.in !Meer-
dtue visiting his mother. Mrs. Ed.
t CANADA'S iTEL rltom,F..M.
syndieate. Plato w Operate rate Plant to
Mahe ells and 011 from Coal.
Investigation into ne•aes of soh.
In Canada's fuel probi'tn Is foIloW-
Ing varied and numerous UMW' and t t l/
occupying the best minds not alone I
in Canada but elqu In the British
Isles. All English syndicate, said to
br elosl'l) associated wllhvlhe British
Goverunt••nt, whiose pfltnan obpeert 1•
to make the, whole British EMplre
tree., from dependence on foreign
sources for suppliers of fuel atd lu-
bricating bricating oils. U at Irresert n 11
cally looking into the Canadian field.
-, It claims to be able to re oder Can
ada Independent of imported deals
and oils by submitting the Dominlon'e,
- soft coals and lignite' to pule use d
process and producing fuel for do-
utestle and Industrial purposre by re-
t moving the gas and oils. says s Agri --
at cultural da. RTh 'tet --49c to 79c
e Canada. The syndicate. which U al- -nearing out �3I1'
ready operating two plants in Fall-
( land, declares its Intention of operat- BUY NOW AND SAVE
frig similar plants in Canada, either
theinse•Ices or in association with
t Canadians.
t In th'• first six months of 19227.
t Canada produced 8.424.631 tons tit
coal worth $29.695.818. as corPar•e•d
U with 6,895.813 tons worth $25,315.-
598 in the first half of 1926. an in- @ 1114-16-s-
0 's crease for the present year of 17.3 t l 7
✓ per ernt. -T'o tab. -tidal. Nova Scotia
contributed ons; Bri2tish
tons; Columbia.
r. 3.170.551 tons; 1Lritisn ('olumblas CAN
a 1.376.050 tons; :seekers -he -eau, 19q,-
398 tons; and New Brunswick, 110,-
y 510 tons. Total imports tit coal In
were s the drat half of 1927 were 9,6711,-
folk A Itufldr•-'1 cold piece* were 679 tons. Great Britain contribu3ted
paid, w•• are sol' roily tit • , tura
that could rpoat ce'rn'eety the Apos- tons of bituminous, an the
SPFCi 1' I S
FOli ON': WE K
Fridley evening. e .1 motet- to the cunning Catcher.
lilies of the Won '• inatlntte. KintaB prey Few parrot owners are aware tha
hntnch. their pets' pyak is different from tha nag Diu -Tire passed
a dry once
of other birds. the upper mandibl
the r.eee end Candlemas
" left and ranee U fixed W the rest of the skull. This
more C11ndlema lett uncertainty enables the parrot to assist Itsel
is the mined as t ' nether there are to from point to point by means of Its
Is. rix more wee,- of winter. i! the beak.
popnMr weatther rnetltlnn Is fn be br Another peculiarity of the parro
11eceA, lit tit+ di•^iet we mile call uP is that it can contract the pupil o
sluing any day. .is firs. Groundhog its eye without the influence of Ugh
rotted wean'ly --se her shadow here or. emotion. Contrary to what You
that day. From other points reports may be told lathe shop, neither th
rune' toot Mr. Brain conchs a gleam peculiarity nor the color of the ey
of sunshine iseiS+ esse,w1th(b lasted+hat _ any connection with the bird'
long omelet for'bfm to blink a 'few sex. Th. bird color -grows deepe
doles. if so. the i.•oteh verdict will in tint with age.
Le two wTnlers - -in- se Tem-. Mimi . The"`,11g) +='•'F mm3 cop• ;LL clew
superstitions have lo''t•u attached to the parrots. of course. understand out
t:ny, from the lied see of candles to the single word os w sot They ray.
eating of patirltl. • a•hterl is the pre- In the Lark Ages, how'•'.1r, the
used th d• hob sup. .•stltiou
�� railing custom b.France en Candle -
mute Dov TTowev. rT?;r uslt IS 11�Ire
of watehhtl wait,' ._ for the next fife
w'e'ek s
Monday and Tuesday
in "s paradise id laughter. A devil may -
care story, toll .1 c:,v entertainment.
You'll learn alsnlr ;mulling frond
■ itrnwning•
BENMILLER Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Falconer and
• North atteneh•,1 the hall 1n Bluecale
BENMTLi.ER, Feb. 8.-Tbe bodies' "n Friday.
lien's all -wool Si
Ittowers All SIze-
oul at. 1'''r Karol. 1',
'9 1
\imp's .111.11141+1 folie% I..
111 Sweat, r foals 1•"a'
sort ti est to Otiose f K• _-
ulnr 35.111: !Clearing s3.A[
out at Y `�tt.7
\Ten's Leather .Ii'1-
WOWS. 1.111+'11 or toiliti ,I
Aid of 13enmill@r United Church iwitt Me. Rees Patton tett on Monday for DUNG.
o aortal Iii' the basement of the hi. work in Taman. Mrs. Patton a'«'*
v1NNON : -.
111 bird 271679t of 5'
ties' Creed.
"Sun" tient Us Tropics.
bold a
church on Friday evening of this week. " A machine 31(1 feet long an
t' Werlrleeday' DING tNNON --Mgr. J. R. weighing thirty tons, whose tunetio
Mise Norma Fisher. daughter of Mr. Mrs. Thom Sfi r phi achan has been on
and Mix Aaron Fisher, has been very the sick list for the Nutt three weeks. McNab 11118 retur • : to her home in U to replace the son. has just bice
l after vi •• at the home of shipped from the Old .Country• to
Ill "hitt we are glad to report she 1c im- Mr. and Mrs. .loin Kilpatrick.
of Loc row' a r
brother. M 1' ' "I ('rnwetord lame tea estate in [he VODic:t•
1-maTntiacture of tea, but tarts h sees ole floe l:utd he is in -
united Bla kstone's Furniture
• States 1,489„034 tons of anthracite
and 7,759,453 tons of bituminous.
n Where eertaln %'ettctatbtn Grows
a Soil 1• Ile•allhy.
In a n• w c„untry, ay: Answers.
o the sett I. r is • largely guided • In
he choosing a home by the trees or
ruing. Crriwe• spent the week -end with her her oro ger, r.
A number of the young people held a tomtits. Mr. nisi Mrs. R m. Robinson. The euchre par> s d meter floe sus- beile•�t1from the sun has hlthert
, ri s ln'tltnte is the
For Ic+tan", in Mouth At, interim. ,'x•'!441. eighteen at'' .we're¢ 1 too Inconstant to enable tea-plantrrt ria r man in 111 r• ti -,•; would set -
ST. I.IEI.1:NS -•. - --- /'
fled as I dis-e•44sable to
stating party on Mr. Charles Kerr's R hl and piers e f then Worm
pond it evening the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. o mw/n sitcc avid
Kith spent Saturday with telatlre* In lwlrISII hall last }',' n sons gnitetiond the eurshlur, even in the tropics, is ep,.ct!ug`
+ r!acrd.
Mr�uarry Chimney spent Sunday
ltie-1+14--heather. Mr. John Mammy.
tyre., 1s ill nenln.
Wednesday am( Thursda,
in a cinematized Itn,adwa7 musical hit.
The incomperable tenni in a tiptop
comedy of innoc.•111- :our„ad.
\Irrntaid 4'111 fly
The winners won 'tfi + Thiel 17:1
to kee• pace with the world-wtdede- toe near any spot wIt_+e the dreaded
mallet for their: pr te?`:.. .
and air. Calvin 1. 11 tire. P
ST. 11ETRINS, Feb. (t. -Mies Robh. sof G011EftICR r�
A'lfleld, was a week -end guest at the
• home of Mr. =and Mrs. John Miller.
-t meeting of thesll•tife•hnelers of 111c I:IIDER11,11 'ri,WNFIIi16. Feb. 7.-
hall will he held on Monday ecenlne. 'Mr. Keith Roes is lessee from Oshawa.
Friday and Saturday
Just as the title im ,li, `. is an uproarious
bugles. tie• tangle hetwei•n Blarney and
Yiddish. Portrays! toy an all-star cast
Bretz) 1',ane'r1y
Cominttnlon wi'! !•• d.�lpnw•1 in the Consequently', British engineers
hyterian ebur.:. t.ovt Sint, :n• .
' lftrr
['nti,herr ateseiaad tuachinery which ern-
• neon at.3 (Seim*. t•relsratory service
beery a new process of withering the
fetor -tree crows. 1'!,..tn e, with Its
It' Id •gree•n t rank. 1s the inns(iTITiiler
bit cit ►.. ,iatiun ineu,inable. alai no
on'* win knows tire- romp -try would
en tea leaf. This wKh. err willcamp : •r a single night in its stein -
Fire Insurance company. -The nn- be erected on a tea -planting estate n
w'i;! be. held on '1'.-.rs,lnc afternoon. gfe
nmtj meeting of ''e Wear V0w:un,sh Ceylon, 6.000 fret abnc.' sea level,
Fire Iusur,tm'e Ce sons held fn the Par- and will make the produc ors entirely
February 131h. nt 9 o'clock. A toll dire: J. W. Simpson, of Toronto. ar- , t+111 hall !asR Fri,lar nfterneton The independent of the weathor.
irrterttherree le -- - - st ' -.'..-'en Mende/sow/no taa ion ill- - ntienth.._ weae.f,,,c ,....,moi lewd ,t; large A natural wither h)' the sun's rays
Miss Lila Humphrey is the gu4'st n rte's „[ her father. \Ir. Jus Ros. • n nsitsi but tie bre+mess rne0rd o takes t )
her sister. Sirs. Cee. Scalper. ala and r__Thos.the Comtbiny Ivo'
Mfrs. Ben¢leslroff Left on"SinnrTily for Slempardtutt, spent the weekend at the saysf:utory and it: a progressive con- out In thirty minutes with equally
Toronto.' where she has reeurel a home of Mr. and Mrs. Eel. Sowerby• dittnn, Br; mriLt feature been_ the good results.
situation. The many (nerds of Slrs. J. Mooser nhl9tc t•. get 8101._ with a twenty -sent •
Kr. Hamish \irFnrinne spent the are pleased to wee her out agin nfter rat and still add � "her to reserve The Alberta's Coal Wealth.
••est r
f Ikrw
f bat with tits new
t e went • hours.
M s Il mgherty. of sF.oyr1 to be spry machine the prece ss can he carried
I week -end with his parents at Bluecale•. her tent- Illness, i• real ids
Alberta's potrnti•al coal wealth�U
r -pias-all
tb•e r
1- \inr�-- i r
NT^ - flfi'r-"diet' ftwr__Jewfrr ..f .
-� fine cent term ATM. \t.�ultllo. F:••u
j nhI School ret -home ret Stratford on l;oderlch, ew•r•tlpleyl the pulpit In I'niuu . Vex. Nicholson re ' IT. Salkeld. Tion- posits in the rest of the British Em -
Mannar <.unn.tav at "t on,
Cigarette (.'ase, 51ir• Laura Mae Reid;
Cake Plate, K. ('.'Cooke; Motor Robe. E
Cowan; Salt and Pepper, Miss .'i. Nairn;
Flasl.;ight, T. J. Rouse; Ash Tray, Con.
Itisse•rt; Smoked !talo, Mrs. C. Biss•lt;
:Smoked Ham, Max Robins; smoked
Ham, Mr+. Fred Moss; Pocket Knife,
Mrs. 0. Rowers; Peseket•Koife, (:,v. D.
Bates; Salt and Pepper. India 1Iir•l'.
Berry sect, J. McGraw; 11,111 Bon Vivid.
Mrs. A. Colborne'; - ,learn and Sugar, MIAs
Rirsilw'11e C1uf ; Dish Pan. Mrs J--A'reee
man; Stew Kettle, Edith 1'„rnti.•1.1.
Calvin - Cutt's.
Store News
Pruner,, 3 lbs for .
N111114411 Cascade, 1-11
Challenge Corn StarcI4-,
torn Syrup, b•111 tin-
Tapioca. 2Ilm ._
Pancake Flour. Aunt .1,
Pastry limit, 24 !Its ate
soap Flakes, 2 I}os -2:1c
1.44111118., 1144141, tiro, f. r•
to for :o:w•
Special Laundry Soap, ''ars 1,1
Jelly Beans, 1 -Ib bog '
1'ard-whie Flannelette Pic
den's F1• nelettt• Shin I.•
lar t:InIXI, for.. _..
Phone 114 h 1 _-t„tt st
The play rritklerl. '•Wantlsl=n Ali nbmtt the sleeper were pineed beau- .
Benmiller Sunday School
meets every Su -'I Iy
-tit 111 u'eloel,
Etrertldl C9rdially Invited to Attend
Friday evening.
lir (avenee STitrvlte rind Mies
Res t,' dmple. of Lm}lnow, were the
_1•, t. of Mr. 11n41 Mrs. T), ---Todd beet
week..._._:_ . - --.. ----
lir. Frank Todd bred n furnace in -
in his home recently.
The pnh!ie library will be open oro
Tnes.lny evening of each week from 7
,;,-lock to 9.30 p.m..-Inerteeed of Anttir-
.Lays. Miss Itelen Miller is- librarian,
A 1 %URN
to ether, according to Sir
chrcSI C P ill 1 ret 'i {��nn �',111p1„Thomas omaa , chairman of the
uh. Next Sunday the pnstnr, Rey. aid M f•stn. n
f A '111 r' 1 .1.\\'yarn Aire Put R
err. w pMar e f .\n .err'. were '
tiny sehow.l at 2 p.m. Public Library' lierting.-TIM an• Empire Mining and Metallurgical
. number Yrom arnllnd here hare onto nIe'ettng of Helim
Tunnnon johnC
s Council. "if the _present endeavors
`is en InTiTTThilierleh to heat the ernn cap -
:Beare w:1: heTd +T ihr 117)111' 0f tit• to change coal Into a fluid fuel, cap -
list. who have been speaking in \ Ir. able of displacing petroleum and all
Ts 6 !ihrurinn, Sites 1' •arse, on linin' pts products, are successful, Canada
torte Street ehnreh. All report them cri mina. l'obrnart' fah. .\ very- antis- will take the place of the united
1 h h
Vic -
very. Interesting and well wort factory showing w:o- psride 1ni a num-
Ity. 1-i it •r..ws only in the most
l,'''•1 - rle'14 ❑ Io atit1.s.
All over the world 1'e':'•talion 141 a
guide to the su•iL \\'1+'4r' vitt' the rub-
ber -tree grows the sent- to must take
his daily dose of qutniu-•. The sang'.
Is true of cocoa motor', tut w•hen•-
lei( grows easily -the soil 1s healthy
1'ooacco is ati'.th'-r plant of
health, for It grows Lest un a thin,
sandy soil, and must have good
drainage. You may girt sunstroke. in
t -on trill not
---a-tbbaPwo sow ret ry , 1n 3
get rnalarta.
In English papers which publish
advertisements Of Mitoses for sale you
will often see th'• w •id.', "situate 1 in
pine and heather country_" The fru.•
pilau does .not Stun' in Eni;lpn, and
what Is meant is the cottishd
flr; but
It is a fact that where, fir -trees grow
the soil is healthy for resident's.
Gorse Is another plant of good omen.
for It is a sign of dry. sandy. well -
'drained soil.
The shape of trees and the way
t they grow tells you a gt.•at deal
• about the soil. If riaks and beeches
shoot up 1.11 11811.1111, eruw to a eeod
he I rinR•bor,of books rear: throughout the year $tales as the world's provider of Li -
bald fuel," he further stated.
' hurled In l'alifnrnia: The follow- and also In the diem., •:1 lon,lttlntt of
ing from :t Cn'ifornht rewsstper, da:eei - this instituting A Breit. interest was Is the Sun Burning Out?
- r p
Tate Walter Lindsay`. seen of Mrs. Dacld e-anclnR tow ime•rests of the library The run U Losing; its incandesces
t the tato of -55 million ton
lrute. But thousands. of millions
1 e
Itinn. January 24th refers to the milli f.'rle1 t '11••'e resef4 tit red-
},Indsmy n[ Ihix n
towsllp, whose during the (-,sour_ renr. ami to this ehd mac' a "
\I R nth U heleht, and are wen shaped and pro-
Mr r. ria„
be left on Monday. turn two weeks' \falter i.. Lindsay was iaid to rest \f. McKeuzle :ui 1 ld•r. R'm. Melo. The
visit with his son• Mr. 11. E. Rafthlrc• In 11erm•osn cemetery today. foi r.wlna Gil!,iwi ofli•-er. were eteMerl : Mrs. R. Some 'of the giant stars lose their It they
of the O.AA'., Guelph, ft;neral w•rci,'e at 1114' Kueop"nydet gases at a vastly quicker rate, bit
Miss Lila Tnnghlat. who has twrn ^ Itavidsnn, pn•si!rnt: Roc. \\'m. E. many centuries must pose bolo
eon{rel at o'clo k this nftermwn. Dr. IY•rr).. ser n' Ir Dr Cases tr'•asurer; there will be the slightest decrease
AI-I:I-It N. Fri. 7. . r. lot',.. a of Thi+ Rtgaal' .oasts a,f lir. R Irtyldton:
414'1 111 wens chronic.'d in a -setent.issue n Bonner eerie„ tree wens npl.r.lnte.1. years must elapse before then
Fest Street (.oxlertt 11
Everything in New and
Used Furniture
This is your torr. Use it.
'OM PoritYS
;_portioned you mai- be hire that the
soil is rich and deep• are
t stunted and gnarled, this Indicates a
re layer of tough relay or 'nick at no
great depth below the surface. Such
land should be avoided. It U diffi-
cult to drain and usually damp in
in Detroit for some time_ is rt fang
Hobert T. McKee. pxistnr of the Menlo-Metbo- T. G. .UIw1. F'. Bose G. M McKeuzir• in their brightness.
reeler the parental" roof. rtigt rhutl•h. oflteiateel. Friends and lir' Thor. S-44tl,rs. digs. R..\ mocon-
- -Mr*and 51ie r'D• '("1"1."(s .1"11'n,.l a1 Ih'.•n•L'■' in e.• Mn c. -C. frown Sirs T i Ilya% Htokktoot t; .t,.y In the World, winter.
turdae from Stratford large numbers. to {my a last tribute.. MrtH'i'er tire.} µis. Mole.
d! The ateat
statistics gn prove New Lr•i-
heath bel end' Poole, is
So ,•,.tori. Sli•s I. Drenn • wet' :Lain apo• the healthiest fMrsetshlre. England, is largely un-
Wife."-- wtlH--t+e• pr'ewhh1'1 In the--Y.ar.,_ - gy,re, lnrir-g- rememL.eanssr-°f•r y lands claim to be
holute d Molt 1,, country la thrr-rrbe eThe-h-averageast derlafd_wtth s waterproof layer, and
esters' Hall nn Srpinesd,,y evening. re'stites and tricn,ls. From t!•a N. Dungannon Creadeasting Stadion_- eipectatlon o[ lite it that eoustry for then are hose (cess In the ins soh ao
February 22n61, by the Glrla' Guild of T. iesu ee. of whish Mrs. 1.Indsay was L mon Is 62'lia years and for woom,•n 85 States of tingeFlorin and Alabama which
Nth- under the aus let's of the 1*;r ennarate"i1' Mr Mehl:b• ('nlTs'rt +• are useless owing to the "hard pan"
R her tmc u lsautlful sprae of his in I madtm.ring and t Ea land and Wales the
Iti1P.e class of Kirov T't:ltr•,, church. flown*. Dougnets of }towers and brinatn 111 , 1 -..t of one -her before
\n enjoyable evening, was spent lastR R Agates are 56.5h Y.
ars flr men salt
Ts_reenery were sent by the Ladk•s' Aid rl e• r distant centres.- lir Dlne-[roes give sure warning of the
F'rldac solicit the Auburn .F.RR Circle -4,,,.!,•tc or tlw Methodist church. and •1 P 60.47 years for wont''°•_ nature of the soil.
:•s hraM trot! moor plan's, as far as
w u, ,+-
. - beneath- ttae-wrtaci:- __The stunted
met for their annual meeting. After I,,. the ihnieh. Dorothy 1,inetsny's p •-onto I1,,n "1•,m. C,n.'11111. Olden Wealthy Apples for s. America.
tee s wen i. , t , apDte:a
n cern America this year,
. llu'stitrnt, (1, YetnghhH : -vow-prr-l• 11;fim1 511417 , mate rvhktu'e of loci n f"1• soil witch Is mnistyr an perhaps t Ir
dent h' Thom: dlrertors for three .red e'wteeta for the family,- Loving I,,,I*,Q. ln,.. sturt'n'y'front 3 to 1 not so healthy. (toot crops, such as
More Boors for Ru�s1a turnips, like. moist land, while cab -
Of ordinary farm crops, oats and
t,n'hless wens transacted n smelnl Hope , i.,•,,, at the (:rant school wilt a floral Sound. rte.. c,.slmen'Hng him on the barley will flourish only on we11-
.1v t f. Tl new "Meets n1•rn' „tyrrtng, n d there were manor tndi• B�rltlsh Columbia ".•:1; to drained land, but wheat will grow on
fir, I'etnt pr tions ret d .ret his both
UP TOWN OR r, -OWN ��-
�Vr: Y
Did )uu toter notice hoe much plea-
santer the weather seems
When you go out into it from a warm
There's err, need of shivering and
sh.kii,g. when Hest Felkw Coal
ran Rice you comfort inside your
home and "pep" outside.
'Phone us for a lead of 11. L. & W.
("414 1. which is the best your mosey
ran ley.
I,,1,i (:1c.tn t_O.(1
tear term F..- Klllongh and c 1J..... lr goes out for the four little I k Tye d tram 12 to 1 n'cl.a•k
Strnnalvrn. fatherless children, and their find mo- l\'erhlesrlay. !r n 3 to it 1.0141C
11Soviets are now buying
r. r;. T.T. group was formed In eon- then. Star Mrs. 1'. W. Baled ret the 111 It% ane'• I .111..111. 2:.2 nu'n'r. Wird lot off Western Iorolea fur ail
a basses do best on soil so rich and
p- coarse that 1t may be distinctly un-
heaph., tat human beings.
Phone 98 - Goderich
reerdiiir with the Prr•shrterldn rhnreh piano, two rew{neste,l Hymns were s ing ih'ath of Mr.. W. J.Kill.wtgh.-ren meat to Russia.- - - ren• sweetly ht' She,. lases Cns1Ie :ted Id ctrl n'f;MMr..i resident of .Sshfleld --
\T r• W. Ir. with 4I peerl membership. Mrs. Wilier( Meuse. The selections passed /1W11, Sundaymmorning. to
were "O, Love That Will Not Inst lie the mann of lanes Cnthertoe Rpnr- w ■ PI■ / / ■ ■ ■ IX ■ ■ ••••••••••••• ■ • ■ ■ ■ • ■ ■ ■ / / ■ • • •
NESTl'IJ 1.i�
11• rind"Laid. Kindly ',laid. Amid U. , widow „ f ' e late WW111111111.T. KL'- •
Ice Encircling (a.s.m. Lend Thou Me
e. naevi bn 1
l\^i+aTFiF.1,D. Fr h. i --\L r. .1. N _ew.oL_.d.l 111 ¢c.-I+int in her eighty-sixth
Second Week of Cornfield's Bid Annual Mi
!•,• rNd and New 1588(81111.11 141, KM ref- !111 a born to 'iLtthkemle
Campbell and Mr. W. F. Ctimpieee
riots! the comforting prayer. After a
hetet.. Tire
e. r neael(1'.i n
tor.•• Itrc._ 1r. ere n'a, p. '.
1 ll K 1 portions of
year.. M• ':I` ■
ronnty Llme-i, 1., Ireland, in January. a -
spent a maple of doer In (7aIcrlrh 110. ,bort sermon. and the Iwenedlction of Isi:S. nu I enol. n Amer1. n with n itro-
week. of •the home of Sl r. mud Mrs. it :he ehur-h, the toners! enrteze IM tri ,her In 1w.S.::n•,Ung at Now York. she ■
aonrhmt0.. the rem -sere whew the-snlul+trr and__.roT��r�_w rr.T. thlwr0nntc._+duort- �inte�r Stock Reducing Sale ■
Messrs. J. C. Fills. \ormtin lir••
the Order of Eagles slid the enmmtt• ly nft('r. pod ,rep tins' inter wont to Tl 1
Rowell rind Douglas Campbell attend- pal arn'I.e. • sloop on. and take thy ' d'so north to Toronto. 1
c, n Junior •'
reels" worn she m.•' :�Ild sons married o•
fntsllay ryrnRl¢ which was held of ,.htira•• of the funeral tirrnnaements' Irate \William tnhn Klllonah. After II
rhe home of Mr. Henry 111nkine of
H+aleft. After the meeting Mr. lion• ASiiF' iFi4D
king entertained them to n haeh••I,.r's . 5,1"; then for .4 ghoul tine• their homee-
ro•n. A social time Bras sprint rind en.
Aiii;i}'1R1.D. Feb d. A tante repro- . w•1. In Fast \yswanrrh, and twenty.
loye,l by all. , w•ntnflon of .Sshll.'ld ps.;l.)'oob!ers of flee• y.'nrs eRe' 'hey mm' in ,\shflrld. ■
Mr. Ahoy. Anderson, of Port Art mr.
vislMd last week at the home of Mr. the West Wsw•11no-li Fire fu(nnuns Mr. KlIlonah ,! ,•d 1n 191R Two sons ■
-t+� altended.1.henunu111-1111 111(1_nf ihr nr'rice: Willi:. at A.. in the West. and
and Mr. R'm Sf�Tr+twefl �tfl trthet r'onll.an)' held In D1ulganml on Friday Joseph A.. •ill rsneesr}.m oT AshillTrT. /
friends. . with w•hnni his mother lived. The .
Mr. Root. McDowell 1s vtsitlne his Inst. was a consistent
Nils,. Lanni ni it I In -en . f F ist Wawa. Otte Sirs Killoosgh
C M I1 h
1 T lo P4irm rs (lith meetine InstT St Knnp.ncrter was In 111"1141"1 l•a ¢,
1 i t the
their mnrrhic, vier. and Mn. Killnngh
resided for to .,ty•one years at Terns .
Startling Bargains in
Ladies' Dresses and Coats
Big Reductions in I.adiei and Men's %\ inti r Underwear
Visit one -1'10 ilT„t =e1' ttir big wallies we are offering
Saunders' Ready -to -Wear and Dry Goods Store
East Side of Square Goderich, Ont.
01,41, 1* the one+•t of her sister. Sirs t'lalst'an, n devoted member of the II
%. K11pa1rlck. .„m•.•ss1nh 7. \leth.silst (mw 1'nited) ehnmh.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas ih»ii herty During her re'i,lent a In ltruses•1fi she I.
err re the ¢newts Irf their s.'n-In-lnw and was n member ,.f the Meth.wlist rhnreh
daughter, Mr. nml Mrs Ed. Mowerby. choir. and th.'n:lie late yen r4 PAM *ns
rte.:oriel' township. over the w•eok.end. col nide to enrage in netive et•nr-ll 111
\ W ltnTTendeR-1t1erttrrlr ref 111 We- w•-rtr sire was slwass interested In the
Ir ■
an'. Gullet of Ch11
hurcll. Port things of .s1. The funeral trs'k plass
'lls'rt. s -is held at the home of Mrs. on Ttes.lny nf!eenoen to Tlnngnnnnn ■
.yen. 1) rimy nn \C.slne■,In f nfternoon, cemetery. the 'terraces bine e•ndir.•ted' ■
4 ,•',rnary 1st. by Rev. .1. 51'••Ike?. The palllenrer. 111t. sixs4nl sorrier wnx held In Crewe - were 5i,+xrs, heneeth Cnnre'ron f Task•
1'nloed church on Stoutly Inst for the now 1. Bert S'hteeat f TMlgrnrel. 11'il.
r'otntlen,of new member., two hrint lien. .inion ni I Alva McDowell and
reeeleal by rertlIM»te and fon? mem- William Kelly tVre5tfleldl.
legs of the Sunday sehnol nn proles.
vier of their lhtth. • Rm'M)I l•'q AALF KFGI:TFR
Mimi? rtinree',4s telt te? ted reeor'ry Wedneslny. relit -wiry 22 rear ec
f Mer. John Menem. who Iles serlonsle suction stile of 'Arm `'•• ', ''n• ' n' ' ■
1!1 of his home. "Mho Wfideflliti :Olin- and honwehol.l fnrnitnre. property of
`-,n Is in attentlanee.
Ste. Jahn Howler, ents•t*UMn -7. It1
ret'(' Amble health. awing to Ms ad-
cnnetwl nee.
Mr, AThert Meme. woe was nn the
' dek Ilei taint wrwtt. 1r now reneelwu'lltt.
Ernest (:Irvin. \P% Int 11, eemee•sIon
■ Ladies' an 1 Men's Wear West Side of Square Phone 418 Goderich, Ont.
Nn reel boy Mn fathom
2, Ashfield township.
tittle till• big price 'reductions ■
i1 lentil Saturday, 1' c;llruar�� I , s, 1 ■
announced in -last week's Signal \i ill hold goo/1. These at- •
trill't i\'C price -reductions on practicall\ all our lines of • mer- ■
Y -O -U -R O -P -P -O -R -T -U -N -I -T -Y •
incl are made in order to r ucc' our �;t 1 l; ,Inti make room ll
(11,li,.li`1' `pelt.
(flr new Suring Goods,
A New Shipment of Dresses Just Received
Newest spring style* in georgette, faced canton and flat crepe
•hmrld wash his hire end flack to gn to•
--Premien Ann. ■■■■■■■■■/l�■■■/■■■■■■■u■■1♦1•a•l•J�■l<1♦■■•■IK■
la merle