HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-01-21, Page 1•
'.• WEDNESDAY„ JANUARY 21, 1,174 Single Copy 20c 14I Pages
ong Service Pins
Suggest Formation Of Leo Club
For Young People Of Commie
WO° A Year In Adyance 02,00 Extra To
Present Post' Office .Department
Ontario Housing Corporation has,
let the contract. for the new' senior
citizens housing project in Lucknow
to Don' Riehl ConstruCtion Ltd. of
NeW Hamburg.
:Tender price for the new Twenty
unit housing project was 5338„634.
In talking tQ, Murray Gaunt.
M.P.P. for Huron-Bruce, The
Sentinel has learned that final
working drawings 'are, now being
,prepared which will be presented
later this month to Ontario' Housing
Corporation. After presentation. '
approvalis expected in a couple of '
weeks, at which time the contractor
I will be free to start construction.
weather permitting_
With the :type of winter'. being
experienced at present. it would be,
assumed that spring' construction :
would be most likely.
The new senior citizens housing
will be constructed on property,
purchased from Mrs. Sid NVhitby
on Walter Street. in the east end of
the village.
ludinoiNjurn. DOM 'Proposal :Of
Maitland Authority For Expansion
work with the Canada, Post Office
were presented last week to two
area. men, Albert Gammie -and
John Pritchard.
Pictured, left to right, are
Gordon •Suteliffe of. Wingham,
Contributed by
Lucknow Lions Club
"there's nothing to do!" What
an unecessarily overworked ex-
pression this is. Why not unleash
the potential our teenagers have
and put it to a fruitful use.
We of Lucknow and District feel
a gOod "youth" program is irital
and can give all the youth of our
community a chance to accomplish
something on their own, and also
do some very worthwhile projects
for our area. ' . •
A. few years ago Lions Interna-
tional saw a need for a youth
program, so theylaunched a "Leo"'
club prOject. :These • are service
clubs for all young adults, male, or
47 Stitches To
Mouth In
Weekend Accident
A two-car 4ead-on collision on
Highway 21' about 2.45 p.m. last
friday was one of several in the
area during a storm" that produced'
zero visibility.
Free Lanting of LucknoW was
travelling to work' at the Sutton
Park . Inn at Kincardine with his
Passenger Margo. Matthewman of,
Lochalsh. '
Retween Amberley and the '
second of Huron, 'they were in
collision with a iear
,Winston Powell of Seaforth was
driver of the second vehicle and
supervising postmaster of nine
area offices who made the presen-
tation on behalf of the post office
depariment; Albert Gammie, retir-
ed rural mail driver of, R, ''R. 5
Lucknow- who completed 32V2- years
of service before retiring in
December, of 1974;''John Pritchard,
female, between the ages of 13 and
18 inclusive. A Lions club sponsors
Leg Fractured
In Hockey Game
Tom Henderson; 14-year-old son
of Mr. and MrS. Jim Henderson of
Lucknow and a grade nine student
at F. E. Madill 'Secondary , School. '
fractured his leg in a hockey game
in Lucknow on Monday evening of
last week.
• Lucknow Village Council recently,
let the tender for the construction
of the HaveloCk Street South bridge
and the'Bob 'Street culvert to
Reeves Construction Ltd. of.Mount
•• Forest at a cost of $94.302.03.
There were three tenders on 'the
job: The highest was 4$118,54,
second, high $116,815 witl;. the
Reeves firm presenting the third,
and loweSt lender.
who has handled the' contract, on R.
R. 1 Lucknow for the past 27 years
and who assisted 'others as a ,youth
for ten years before being appoint-
ed; Carrie Milne, Lucknow Post-
master for the past three years-and
in her 30th year of service with the
post office department.
Store Windows
Smashed Twice
jather harsh treatment'by vandals
who appear to get their kicks in
'Other incidents of vandalism
-have been reported in the St.
Helens area. These; along with the
'Sleeker destruction,/ are being
investigated by police. Mt. Sleeker
called pollee , after the second
After repeated attempts. to
expand the Maitland Valley Con-
serVation Authority into the entire
area bordered by the existing
Maitland and Saugeen River, Wat
ersheds, the Maitland Authority is
now seeking, a' smaller 'expansion.
Two-thirds of the • member manic-
ipalitieS must' approve an expan=
sion and the authority was unable
to get this' necessary two-thirds
aina and Gautemala.
a en stu ng to
Spanish language at night scluxil
and the couple are free to visit the
countries of their choice and stay
for as long as they want..
approval on their original proposal
of a larger expansion.
• They tried'at an earlier time and
also failed to win the necessarS,
ToM is on the Bantam team and
they were playing Teeswater.
The fracture is in two places at
the knee. Tom was hospitalized
Tuesday morning last week. A cast
:was applied Saturd'ay and he was
still a patient as. this' was written
Monday evening. It is expected
that he wilt need crutches ::to get
wierd and destructive ways.
About a month age, ona Sunday
morning, the proprietors found that
a beer bottle which, must have
been hurled with considerable
foree, had passed through the outer
porch window, a screen. and the
clOor into the store. Glass was all '
over the store floor. Damage to the
property: was estimated at $40 to
About 10. days ago, a second
weekend incident; this time
discovered Monday morning;
smashed the front plate glass •
window with damage about $300.
This time it/was a soft drink bottle
The tender by Reeves was
broken, into _two portions.
$64,840.53 for the Havelock Street
'bridge and $29.46.1,50 for the Bob
Street culvert:
The new bridge will be.: 13-ke on I
Havelock Street between the 'resid:
ences Of' Cliff Roulston and Mts.
Wm. ScOtt, The location of the new
bridge will be niidway between the
existing bridge and euk:ert, which
a I
Colombia. Ecuador. Mexico. Pan-
Tender••Price .h .$94 302: For Beth..
Let Contract For Bridge and Culvert
it will'replace. It will handle all the
water from. both.
The -Bob Street culvert, where°
the Public School/ Street meets
Highway.„816; was washed out by,
flooding this .past sunimer.% Two
new culyerts, • pile driven for
Stability, will be erected slightly to
the south of the former bridge and
will slightly change the 'course of
the stream there.'
• , Sieeker's. General Store at St.
Helen's. operated'by . . Mr. and . Mrs, Lucknow Council, at their, Janu- John Sleeker, has received some week by air for• 'South America •
where they will spend an 'extended. ary meeting, again, as in the ,past,
period of time, Both'
turned :down,. •the •propOsal'$1 for - • •
haye left their employment to- take expansion. The' tilaitlancl motion
this extended period • of travel,',. presented was '.'That the Mankind
planned for some time. V;illey Conservation Authority'oX- :*
Jane is 'the daughter of Mr. and pand its jurisdiction into those_
Mrs.. George Joynt of LUcknoW and areas; hich ,presently drain into.. .
has been teaching at Kincardine,. the Lucknow River Watershed
with. BrUce County Board of including portions • eutross.
Education...Bill was employed. i.vith East• Wawanosh. West
Dow Chemical; Toronto. Wawanosh, Ashfield and Colborm:-. •
The•cotiple travelled by air frOm Townships and • the Village of
Toronto to New York and then on to -- Lucknow''.•
Caractis , Venezuela. They' have Ia • .Lucknow Lrej'eeteci the proposal.
which" package arranged for; :hich" •
includes air flights 'between a ,
number olcountries and they have' ,
the option, of staying away up ..Hydro aces to a •
which was thrown. visits , tiolivia, Chile. Jump On April 1st year. In their plans inchide •
• The new proposal is for a much
smaller e*pansion to ',include the
Lttelttio River Watershed., In a
letter to eoericil in Lucknow. Ian'
Deslauriers: Resources Manager
for,' the Maitland. Authority, said
that based on the' results of the yule
t ended Visit To. for full expansion:he:W-3.s confident
that the necessary two-qhirds •
South America approval would be given by
municipalities concerned in the
• • smaller expansion proposal. .
Jane and - Bill 0,'Hara left last
• Hydro rates, in Lucknow will take
a considerable, increase on 'April
1St. . . • . .
Cost of power sold by Ontario
Hydro to the local, utility jumped
about 22%, on January lst of this
year. 'However, the local 'utility'
cannot, pass , this , increase on
immediately .„ without a.pplica-
tion and approval to Ontario
Hydro, and a variety of 4 'red tape”.
Thus,•by the time the local utility
gets approval for the' increase„ 'it
.haS., been- running in a deficit
position for several monthS.,
This, plus the increased cost of
hydro service work, :will mean that
the local consumer will be paying a
rate somewhat . higher than the
22% increase come April 1st.
• ,
• Council met, with Ontario, Hydro
.officials Monday afternoon con. •
cerning the rate increase;
• f;