HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-01-14, Page 2to, o is go oose•so • • • at a Change : .:Hydro :Rotes Iffective-'MarCh:1„ 1916 Billing A kECORD .TO BE PROUD :OF In all of Ontario there are only' 6 municipal- . ities that have lower ,Hydro rates thail Lucknow. However due to increased, costs to the Lucknow Hydro Sys- tem for power supplied by Ontario Hydro, materials and sup- plies used in line construction, operation and maintenance, ex- pansion and growth, salaries and wages, it ,has become neces- ~ sary to increase the hydro rates to you, the customer. \The new rates will become.effective on all ,bills issued on and after. March 4,1976. You have our assurance that we will continue to fight rising costs to the best of our ability through efficiency and good man- agement And you can expect us to receive top value from each dollar spent on your behalf. We are determined to maintain el- ectrical service as the best bargain in the family budget. New rates will be published as soon, as available. LyCKNOW HYDRO SYSTEM • , li 'Thik Sepoy Town" r,-, On.** Huron-Brue• • Boundary • e . ' 4 a The. LOCIC.NONV SENTINEL • 1.4.1CKNOW., ONTARIO Serond 1 /4Class Mail. Registration Number 0847 -Established 1873--- Pub shed Wednesday Member of 'the C:C.tf.A. and 0V.N.A. , • • • • • Donald C. Thompson, Publisher • • .••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••4•4 Subscription .Rate, $8.00 ayear in advance $2 extra to U.S.A. and Foreign • PAGE 'TWO: THE LOCKNOW SENTINEL, 1,OCKNOW ONTARIO WEDNESDAY,: JANUARY 114,197$ • Lucknow Concert Band Activiiies The Lueknovi Concert. Band has really been busy this fall taking part in a number of parades and. Concerts. The season started, off with .the Lucknow Fall Fair where the parade was led by a marching band made up .of a grOup of band menibers and 'they then joined the t est of the band on a float to finish off the parade. Also a small group• of band members 'entertained at the arena on theYziday night of:he fair. This group also played arthe Teeswater Fall Fair and for the Agricultural Society. • The band played in Belgrave for the opening of the new co-op• store there and again in Lucknow for the Rethembrance Day Parade and; a small 'group played at St. Helens the same day.., . The bandsPonsored •a concert in Lucknow by the goderiCh Laketown Band and then in November played in the Goderich Santa Claus parade. , • -Another group of band members entertained at the Belgratre AnnUal Meeting and also a few times at the high school. A group .of • band members also formed a clovvn, band and braved the wet weather to play in the Lucknow Santa Claus Parade. The whole band played a concert at the F. E. Madill School in December 'where they:: were very well received. They ended the 1975 season by taking part in the annual Commtmity),Christmas 'Concert.. The batidhas.gonie new music to work on for the new year and will . be working hard to get, ready for the events ahead. Get in the habit of 'trying the ;wrong thing once and you're apt to try it once too often.. HoOpenirigs... At,Pinecret Died At Kincardine, HcisOtal:kft'81. MRS, V,41',.T..c9ROE:rT .Mrs. William T. Corbett of 111 Kendleton. Drive, Toronto, cornier-. ly of Winghatn, died at Kincardine and District General at on Thursday, January 8, at the age of 81„. Born in West Wawanosh Town-- ship, Huron County, Mrs. Corbett was the former Mary Evelyn White Gamble, . a daughter of the late Thomas White and Ann Jane Fiezpatrick.. She was predeceased by her , first husband, Michael. Gamble of Kinloss Township in 1945,, and in 1947 she graduated from the R.N.A. training centre of the Wingham General Hospital. She later married Mr.' Corbett' who also predeceased her. Mrs: ,Corbett was 'a member . of Sacred Heart Roman Catholic. Church and the Catholic Women's League. Surviving are one son, Robert Corbett of Clinton; two grandchild; ren, Michelle and Denise Corbett of Clinton; several nieces and' nephews; and- 'a brother-in-law, Wilfred Gamble of,London. She • was predeeeased by a brother, George White of Teeswater and a sister; Mrs.,Joseph (Sarah) Gamble fOrmerly of Wingham. The late Mrs. Corbett rested at the R. A.4 Currie and Son Funeral Home, Wingham, where Vrayers were conducted Friday evening. Funeral service, was conducted by Rev. A. J-. Nolan in Sacred Heart Church on Saturday at 10.30 a.m.. Interment followed in Sacred Heart Cemetery, Wingham. Pallbearers were John Gamble of Ripley, Carl Smith. of Chatham, Michael White and, Joseph White of Walkerton, Bryan Clark and Lorne • Cronin of Teeswater; MILLAR • - to Gordon and Vera (MacDonald) Millar of VVaterloo at St. Mary's Hospital, Kitchener, on Tuesday, January 6, 1976, a son, 6 lbs. 10 oz., ;Trevor Gordon.. STROH - Louise (Andrew) and Don Stroh of Pembroke are happy •to announce the arrival of their little daughter, Elizabeth Louise on December 22nd, 105. A sister/for Andrew and Robert. IMMII•0111, EMMERTON. - Sandra. and Cliff Emmerton of Ripley are pleased to 'announce the birth of a daughter% Shannon Lee, in Owen Sound Hospital,. January 11, 1976.,. sister. : . for Diane. PREPARED Recessions may come and re-. cessions may 'go, but it never bothers the fellow who feathers his nest with cash down. DUNGANNON Mrs. Marvin Smith's aunt, Mrs. Evelyn Corbett died on January' 8 in Kincardine Hospital after a lengthy illness. She was buried `in '• Wingham on Sattirday', January 10. Mr. and Mrs:. Karl Smith of Chatham attended the funeral and visited his parents Mr. and. Mrs. Marvin. 5inith, Holy Communion service was observed at Dungannon United Church on Sunday. Rev. • H. O. Dolison preached on the topic, The Lord is My Light. Church organizations, •and groups • are requested ° to ` get their reports together for 1.975 and giVe, them to the minister so the annual reports may ;be compiled.. Mn and Mrs; Douglas Reid and Pinecrest Manor Nursing Home has been happy to welcome some new residents recently. Mo. J. W. (Wes) Joynt, a • resident of Lucknow for the past 60 • years is now with us. Mrs. Joynt has been prominent in the area. being the Lucknow United' Church ehoir leader for• over fifty years? Previous to coning to our home Mrs. Joynt resided at Cosy Cottage' in Whitechurch. Recently, many friends dropped by to celebrate her 83rd birthday: • . • Wm. (Bill) Rutherford is ninety- four years-01W age and enjoys relatively goad health. We are looking forward to his .taking part in our activities program.. Before coming to Pinecrest Manor, Mr. Rutherford r:1:sided .in ..Goderich with ,his. daughter, 'Mrs.. Irene Todd: Being' a policeman for over., 50 years in Brantford didn't in anyway. spoil„, Mr. Rutherford's Scottish brogne. • Mrse Eleanor' Kelly is once again with . us at the home after being hospitalized*reeently, family of Sarnia visited at 'Christ- mas with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reid and Jack. • Mr. and. Mrs. Norman Stewart, Mark, Susan and Heather of Lambeth 'spent, part of the Christ- mas holidays, with Mr.,. and Mrs. Art Stewart. :Mrs. Joyce Caesar spent. New. Year's Eve with her . parents. Mr. and Mrs. Art Stewart spent New Year's Day with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Alton and family in LucknoW, Ron and Joan Perrott and daughters, Maureen and Jane of Goderich, visited Mr. and Mrs. Art Stewart on Friday. Ron Black of St. Thomas' called on the Stewarts after visiting his mother in . Goderich Hospital. / Dungannon Women's institute postponed their meeting, which was• to have 'been held,. last' Wednesday. Mfs. Bernadine Kenney of Kingsbridge is to be • guest speaker when weather per- mits them .to set a date. The card party planned for .last • Friday night in the Orangemen's Hall was ," cancelled because of .inclement weather. No date was set for another party as yet. Mr.' and Mrs. Harvey Culbert of Dungannon, Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Culbert of Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Plaskett of Chesley arrived . home Sunday After enjoying sunny twoweeks in The, Barbados. -Kart (.13016 • Died In London KARL L. BOYLE This community was shocked and saddened on Sunday, Decem= ber 21st to receive word of the sudden passing the previous night at. St. Joseph's Hospital, London, of Karl L. Boyle in his 69th year. Karl ' had been stricken with a coronary seizure 'earlier in the week and was removed to the intensive care unit at St. Joseph's Hospitatin critical condition and Was" conscious until a fatal attack around .9 p.m. Saturday. Karl was born on concession 10 ,Kiiiloss, son of the late Levi Boyle and Jennie Speers. He was only 2 years of age 'when his mother died and hq and his sister Pearl were raised by their father and. grand- mother Boyle. He attended ,school on the 10th, S. S. No. 3 Kinloss and Kinlough Anglican Church •and Sunday School and later served as Church warden. / On November,9th, .1929 he was united in marriage to Mary Evelyn Elliott and they farmed on the .-cnircession 10 home farm until 1951 When they sold fheir farm to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Rhody and moved to London where Karl was employ-. ed by the City Board of Education until his retirement three and a half years ago. He was a perfectionist at his work and had a great gift of oil painting which, he did for a hobby. His paintings grace' the family • home at 225 Bernard Avenue, LOndon .. as well 'as the homes of relatives and friends as a , living, tribute of fine. workmanship. He never •loSt his love for the country and loved to' return every . opportunity to Kinlough. Last November 9th a lovely surprise gathering was enjoyed by 'relatives atthe home of Dr. and Mrs. D'Arcy Bruce at Bayfield who had a dinner marking Karl and Mary's 46th wedding anniversary. • The remains rested, at the 'George E. Logan', Funeral Parlor, London where the ,service on Tuesday afternoon was conducted by Canon H. E. A. Peach, 'rector of. St. Lukes Church Where the deceased was„a valued and faithful member. He also was a member of the Brotherhood of Anglican Churchman. Assisting in the service was his brother-in-law Rt. Rev. William A. Townsherid. Temporary entombment was in the " South ,Kinloss Mausolenm, Lnck- now, with spring burial to be in the' family plot in Greenhill Cemetery, Left to mourn his loss besides his wife Mary, are two daughters Mrs.• Marilyn Milligan, and (Carol) Mrs. Jim Allan; two grandsons Bob and Jeff Milligan; one sister Mrs. Pearl Lloyd. He was predeceased by an infant son Thomas. The many beautiful floral tribut- es and gifts in his memory to• the Heart Foundation bespoke the high esteem in which Karl' was held, He will be greatly missed id his church and by relatives arid friends whp knew him so well. ‘1,