HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-01-14, Page 1ANNOUNCEMEI X8.00 , A: YeOr In Advance' Extra To • • WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14,. 1974 Single Copy '20c Fire Damages Reed Home In Dungannon -DUNGANNON NEWS Fire partially gutted the hOtne of Mrs: ElMa geed. and her son Girvin Reed on 'Joseph Street in Dungan- non Sunday morning.. ' The fire broke out before 6 a.m. and Lucknow Volunteer Fire Dep- artnient battled the outbreak 'for close to six hours before completely extinguishing the flames. The rear part of the house is badly damaged. Damage to' the front section is mainly from': smoke and water. Neighbours helped Girvin clean up some of thd debris and watch the premises through the day. Mrs. Reed sought shelter at the home of Mrs. Cecil, Blake but was taken "to VV,ingliarn„. Hospital on made evening as the .strain' bad Made her ill. • • Fire 'Chief' George , WhithY Luchnow said the fire started in an area which was heated to prevent the freezing of water. pipes. He estimated damage at ' about $12,000. . Died AtHuronrew Mrs. George Drannen , passed away at • Huronvievv, Clinton on. Saturday, January '10. She .was in her 82nd year. The funeral service was held, at MacKenzie Memorial 'Chapel, LucknoW on Monday, January 12.- Temporary entombment was at South Kinloss Mausoleum, with final resting place Greenhill Cem- etery, Population Of Lucknowls 089 The breakdoWn of population in tucknOw is as follows, according age iroUping: Under 1, 6; 1 to 60; 6 to 12; 91;1 13 to 17,103; 18 to 20, 43; 21 to 30, 146; 31 to 45, 109; 46 to 55, 92; ,56 to 65, 170; 66 to 69, 45; 70 plus, 243; unknoWn, 11; total, 1089. • Mr. and Mrs.' Carman Feagari of 14 Cambria Road; North, Goderich, celebrated their fiftieth' wedding anniversary> with relatives and neighbours calling at their home on. Saturday, January 10 and a dinner at the Candlelight Restaurant Sunday, given by their family. W. Goderich Couple Observe 50th Anniversary New Farm Machinery Dealership South Of Lucknow . . farm machinery business in Da wood. Chuck worked. for 7% years with J. T. Farm Machinery' Exeter and for the past two Years with.' the Clark 'Equipment Co., Melthe Division, maker of.. the Melroe Bobcat loader which he will also •sell at , the new location. Mrs. Feagan is the former Mildred Fisher, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jacob' Fisher. Mr. Feagan'Sparents were thd late Mr. and Mrs. John Feagan, all of- Colborne Township. George C. Feagan of Goderich is a brother. The couple were married on January 7, 1926' in the North Street United Church Parsonage, Goder- ich by the Rev. C. F, Clarke. They farmed" at Nile and Carlow before retiring • to Goderich years - Mr:- and Mrs. Feagan have two daughters and two sons: Mrs. Grant (Lois) Farrish, Lucknow; Mrs. Arnold (Joyce) Stothers, Nile; Elwyn of Nile - and Wayne of Edmonton, Alberta. They alSo have twelve grandchildren and three great grandchildren. ' Special greetings were received from the Governor General of Canada;' Opposition Leader Robert Stanfield; Huron Middlesex M.P.P., `Jack Riddell; M. Robert McKinley; and a fiord arrange- ment from the town of Goderich. Population Of . Ripley Is 540 The breakdown of population in' Ripler is as follows, according to age grouping: Under I, 6;1 to 5, 45; 6 to.12, 43; 13 to 17, 40; 18 to 20, 34; 21 to 30, 75; 31 to 45, 65; 46 to 55, 53; 56 to' 65, 51; 66' to 69, 26; 70 plus, 99; unknown, 3; total, 540. , Construction on the building of a new farm: machinery dealership Nall commence south of Lucknow early next week. Chuck Becker of the Exeter area will open. an International Harvest- er dealership with the business Russell Treleaven, 10-year-old son of Mr. and Mri. Jack Treleaven• of. Lucknow, Suffered a bad fracttire of the upper leg in a skiing mishap at Beaver Valley Saturday and is a patient in Owen Sound. General and Marine Hospital. Russ accompanied hid dad, Kinloss Council met on January 5th at 7.30 p.m., the reeve and all council present. After the minutes were adopted, By-Law 1-1976 making appoint- ments and setting salaries was ' passed; clerk-treasurer-collector, West Wawanosh Township Council met for its first session of 1976 on' January 6th at t.00 p.m. All members were in attendance, with Reeve Lyons presiding. The minutes of the final.1.975 expected to be rolling by April 1st. Through arrangement's -by 'War- ren Zinn, local salesman for Wilfred McIntee Real Estate, property was purchased in Ashfield Township from Gordon Kirkland on the corner of the Lucknow-Dungan-, brothers Craig and Doug, sister Kathy and her• friend Pete Hilbert of Wingham to Beaver Valley Ski Club, near Markdale, where the Treleaven 'family are: members of the 'ski club. Russ was , skiing by himself and trying out "The VVashboard",' a $6,000.00 per annum; $200.00 car allowance and 5% on collection of • tax arrears; deputy clerk-treasurer, Doris MacKinnon, $2.75 per hour; auditors, McGifivray and co.,' CONTINUED ON. PAGE ,15 • / meeting were read and adopted on motion of Councillors Foran and Fliekey. A' resolution from the Township of Goulbourn, regarding remunera- CONTINUED ON PAGE 13. non road and the 12th of Astifield. ,Mr. Becker will construct a 60 by • 80 foot frame building with steel cladding, inside and out. He has a • family -history •in the farm machinery business.. His father, V. L. Becker, operates a series of jumps, when the mishap occurred about 1 p.m. He" was removed from the hill by the ski patrol:. and taken to Markdale- Hospital, then on to Owen Sand. It is expected' he will be 'two weeks in traction and sir to eight weeks in a body cast'. WEBSTER - RAYMOND Mr. and Mrs; Robert Raymond of Brussels wish to announce the forthcoming marriage of. their daughter ,Carol Ann to Jeffrey George Webster, son' of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Webster, Brussels. The wedding will take place in Brussels United Church' on Friday, January 30th.. HEGGS - PEARSON Nels and Gloria .Peairson, R. R. '1 Dungannon, announce the forth- coming marriage of their younger daughter, Sharon' Pearl, to Leonard Heggs of St. Catharines, elder son Of Mr. and Mit. Arthur Heggs, of Langley, B.C. The wedding will take place on Friday, January 30, 1976 at 6 p.m. in Dungannon United Church. • `-•J mloss council Make Appointments And Set Salaries ForTownslrip Duties est Wawanosh Council Make New Appointments And Set Salaries For Upcoming Year In The Township Bad Let .liactore- In Wing.Mislidp iNork...FOrceMay. 'Increcite TO..8400 In.Year.Ahead. Up to 1,000 new workers will be required - at the Bruce Nuclear Power.Development dtiring-1976 as the work force at the.Ontario Hydro development approaches peak lev- Don , White, information officer . for Hydro,' said Friday the net increase' in the number of employ ees is the result of the commission-, ing of Bruce Heavy,. Water plant .. "Ir, a bulk steam 'System for that .plant, and the start-up of the first of four reactors at Bruce generating station Total workforce is now 7,400, he said. '• Mr. White said the new.•workers will be' engineers as well as' operations and maintenance staff. The ' number of new workerS required could increase by a further 200 to 300 if work begins • later in the year on the recently' approved Bruce generating' station "B", 'he said. The 'information • officer noted earlier estimates by Hydro put the. peak workforce at 7,400 but revised estimates indicated a greater number of, workers will be reqUir The peak employment under current expansion' plans is expect- ed in the next two years, with the workforce dwindling A construc- tion is completed. Mr. White said Hydro is nearing comPletiOn on revised work force estimates and will 'be providing this forecast to municipal and edUcatitin. officials as soon as possible. , Retires After 25 Y:eats/Employment Mrs. Albert (Winnifred) Gammie of, Lueknow has. retired after 25 years of employment on Lucknow's Main Street, Winnifred started at the Luck- now Co-op grocery store, where Greer TV is located; in 1950' and five' yeah later was employed by Lloyd Hall at Hall's Red and White where she completed 20 years.' 'Hap Hall 'sold hit,,business earlier this year to Lal Wham Vellow employees, their families and the Halls. presented Winnie with a crystal bowl and plant 'at the Christmas party at the tog Cabin Restaurant, " 1958 SCHOOL BOARD' - Seated, left to *right, Charles bers of the 1958 Lucknow .Reunion Webster, chairman; Mrs. Jessie year school board are pictured; Allin; Donald Henderson, secret- at Standing,. Bill . Schmid, Robert MacKenzie, Mac MacLennan and Jim Boyle, Queen 's Cot) nsel Title To Lucknow Area Native 122' lawyers Ontario were given the title Queen's Counsel this past week by the province. Among those' is 42-year-oldl Bruce Victor Johnston of Aylmer, son of Dr. .W:r V. Johnston of Lucknow. , Bruce attended both Lucknow Public and High Schools ,before furthering his career in law. The Law Sociefy of 'Upper , Canada has passed a resolution/ calling for an end to the, practice of . conferring the tit,le but the 'society's elected' benchers have ' taken no action on the resolution.