HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-01-07, Page 18.PIOUGUTLESSNE The Unvarnished truth causes much more trouble in ihel world than-a bare-fisted lie, It's 08,,.8y to he optimistic ivlOn things are corning yoUr.way. as landlord, and (Landlord's name) tenant„ herebY agree that the, rental rate AGREEMENT Agreement respecting rent payable --1.• betWeen July 30, 1975, and ,December 31; 1075'inclusive., Th is. s• tO..con f irtli.that • (Tenant:s name) • for the resicleritialpremiseslocated at • (Address of rental unit), shall be $ por • during the period • • , (rent) (week. month) • .(Commencement date of 'rent agreeMepf) • Dete1111)0P.;31 that the arnoiint, thatis to•be rebated the tenant fOr.Oxcss.rent paid, • (ti I)tt ted`this 'Tent excess of agreed to amount) The tenant mayrevoke this a!greement'at anytime within 30 days of:the date Olsigning, 'clay of (Date of, sigOing this agreement) '..REVOCATION attac.hed rent increase agreement dated the., • 197, is hereby• rev( iked. • ' • (Date df Sighi..ng.the agreeinefit), clay .WITNESS during that period' is $ .ProViihce.Of Ontario r. THE LUCKNOW,. ONTARIO WEDNESDAY; JANUARY 7, 1970 fractureirehtis::: InFOOM.Aicident Janet Brown' daughter. of Mr ' and Mrs. Barry •BroWn, had. her pelvis broken before New Years when she was accidentally crushed between a cattle feeder, and the barn wall. She is, in LOndon in fioSpital for afeW days but expects io be allowed tycorne lOine soon. She will, however, have to stay iii bed and wear a body , cast for about 8 weeks.. Christmas Day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Art McMichael ' were Judy's family - her parents, Mr. Aind . Mrs.. Ken . Thompson and Joanne of GOderich, her brother Mr. and My. Jim Thompson and family of Goderich.. On Boxing WY they. entertained Art's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Art McMichael, Clinton - and his sister and husband ,. Mr. and Mrs. Terry Davis;of Toronto. Rev. H.'Cr. Dobson preached on the 'topic, Open-Doors at...Dungan- non United Church on Sunday. Next .Sunday the Sacrament of the. • Lord's Supper will be administer- ed. Let us hopethere will be.a full, attendance. Mr. and Mrs. John Park and family, Mr.' and- Mrs. Bill Petrie of Goderich and Miss .Melinda Black of Huronview spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Petrie and .family at Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Caesar and family spent Christmas in Goderieh •. with Mr. 'and MrS. Bill Caesar. Mrs.• W. A. Stewart spent a few , day'; at New .Years with. Mr. and, Mrs. T: M1. Durnin at Dunlop. Mr. and" Mrs:- Marvin Smith spent the holiday 'season visiting among their family in 'the. Windsor area. Mr. and Mrs.: Ben Mole had' all their family together for, Christmas for thp first time in six 1 years. Those present were. Mr. and Mrs. . Bob Mole, Joanne and Dianne; •Mr. and Mrs. Doug Mole, Shannon, ••Bradley and Shawn of . Edson, Alberta; Mr. and Mrs. Don . Walden and family of Kincardine; Mrs. Janet Juniper and two girls of Kincardine; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Phillips and family and Walter Mole of Clinton. A sister Of the late Mrs. • Andrews, aunt' of Mrs-. Ben Mole, Mrs. Arthur _Sitter • of Saskatoon died in her 87th year incl. Was buried in •Wilkie, Saskatchewan last Tuesday. The only surviving member of her family is her sister, Mrs. May (Dolly) Evans , ,of Kindersley, Saskatchewan. Mr, and Mrs. Thos. •Fovvler and' family of Parkhill Visited• his parents; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fowler on Christmas Day and on Sunday. Visitors last week with Mr. and ,Chas. were her brother, 'Gordon Ball of Mordent Manitoba arid, his daughter, Mrs. Fern McDonald of Rexdale.. • John Young, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Young, motored to Nova Scotia with friends for the holiday season. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Sproule and family moved into their new home on Crawford Avenue on Christmas : 6 • Mrs. Elm Reed and Girvin spent Christmas and New Years with Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Eadie and - family at lielyrood, Mr. and Mrs. Bob 8edy arid twin daughters of Mississauga spent • , It you 'have entered into a new lease,or t•eiancy agreemefit which becaine effective between • . July .30'and flecentber 31, 1975, inclusive, yuu shoukl 'know .abourtwo key proViSi9nS contained in. Ontario's new Residential l'remises Rent Review Act. The maximum rent increase for such agreements cannot exceed eight per cent (,)f the last full month's rent charged priOr to August 1, 1975, unless the 'landlord obtains the approval of a rent revieW•officer orthe landlord and tenant agree ona higher rate .?" of rent. , • . • • •. •Should a landlord and tenant wish to agree on•an increase in rent above the eight pet" cent • guideline, during the. period July 3(Y to Decerriber 3 I:, 1975, they must complete a.rentincrease agreement, stan subtially in the .form belm.v; no later than January 17,1976. Copies of such.agreenients 'Should be " . • retained by both parties: The form below, or a'cbpy of it, may be used. , • after„having signed such a rent increase agreement, 'the tenant viishes to revoke the ,• • • agreement, the•tenant may do So within 3() days of the date of the agreement by completing a Statement' •of revoCat icio, similar ti) the One at the bottom ofthe form below. •• • • • . • By signing a rent increase aizreon'ent, the, tenant waives the right Vdisputie the increase in • . rent agreed upon :during the above. period and waives the right to'•collect a rebatecif rent as piwided for. in the act other than the amount of rebate: if any,.stated in„the agreement,, . Such A rent increase agre.,ement (hies not apply to„the .rental rate for any period after Deceinber 31, 1975., and does iiiit .'„upstitute a waiver of the tenant's right to appeal the amount of rent charged . after that 'thite: Nor (,es it' relievethe landlord Of his:obligation to obtain the appnwaFof a renrreview • officer to charge refit after that date .that'iS More than eight Percent in exceSS of the rent Charged in the • • .4 Future advertisements will outline where:literature is.aVailable on Rent Review, the location of officeS•astheY 'are opened and where forms will be available. Until the Rent Review mechanism i's; ./ place, please do not telephone. For additional.coRies cif thiS form, write to Rent Reviewi,Bdx 580, Postal .Station F, ti?riTto, •\14,1' 21;8. last full month the premiSes were rented'prior to August 1975: New Years with •Mr. :and Mrs, Irvine Egdy., Christmas Day visitors with Mr,: and Mrs. Clifford Purdon were Mr. arid Mrs. Bob Derbeeker, Durne. Robert ,and Mark of Woodstock; Mr. Reg Purdon of Kitchener; Miss Shepherd "of Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. ,Rop Purdon and .Stacy , of Exeter: Mrs. Monna • Boyd add Stever of Heqsall and Mr.' Gary Boyle of Exeter,. dvertising serves by informiq GANAOIAN AbVt AN. t /