HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-01-07, Page 11Extend To You An Invitation-,To Attend The
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Florida, Sandy spent the, .week at
his, uncle Alex's at;
Mr. and •Mrs.* Leonard 'Clarke...
and family spent the week end'.
folloWing ChriStmas,at the hchne ore
and: Mrs. Glenford, Davis of
Brantford. '
Denver Dickie left from Mait01,1
on Deeember 29 for, a week's
• holiday in Cuba.
Jack MacInnes of Kitchener and
Hugh- Machines of. Alberta 'were
holiday visitors with their parents, •
Mr. and.Mrs, Leonard Maeinnes.
Hugh left on Sunday to return to
his' work in the Alberta Tar Sands.
Mr: • and Mrs. Douglas Graham
and family enjoyed 'a 'holiday
gatheririg at,the home Of lvir. and
Mrs. Chester Hackett on. Sattirday,
January 3. g.
Week end guests with 'Mr., and
Mrs. Ira Diekie and William were,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilson and. son
John and Walter Pickle of Toronto:
Douglas' Dickie of Markdale. and •
Irene Parker of. Hanover: .•
Mrs. Etta. Campbell , Mrs. Cath-
erine Smith, Mrs Annie Macintyre
and .Alex Ross, all of Lucknow,. •
spent New Years with Mr, and
Mrs. Leonard MaCinnes and' fam-
Mr. and Mrs: .Don Forster were
New Year 's'guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Evan Keith. .
• Enjoying a pre Christmas dinner .
with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Graham '
and Martha were, Anne Graham of
Toronto, Ruth front South Carolina,
Jamie of Loomis Construetion and
South iriloss
• Sincere sympathy of the.' corn-
munity is extended•to. Mr. and. Mrs. •
Don Bell• and.familY in the Sudden,
. passing .of Dan's -mother, Mrs.
„Irene Bell of •Toronto on December
We are all 'glad to hear that Allan
Macintyre was able to return home
- from U'n'iversity Hospital for Christ:,
Spending Christmas with • Mr.
and Mrs. Frank. MacKenzie, were'
•-Mr. and. Mrs: ran MacKenzie' and
son of Cobourg, Rod MacKenzie of
Toronto, Dr. and Mrs.• A. Kuraishi
• and Miss Isabelle' Macintosh of
Hamilton, , '
Mr.. and Mrs. Herb I3uckton
were Christmas guest's with Mr.
and Mrs. John Mowbray. Other
guests were Pr. and Mrs. W. A.
Buckton and George of Kitchener,
Mrs. Janet MacConnell of Mildmay
and Jerry Mowbray of Montreal.
• •
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Dickte attended •
the funeral of their aunt, :Mts. .E.
H. Chapelle, in Ypsilanti, Michigan
•on Saturday, December 27.
Mr. and Mrs. John. Forster and
family had -Christmas with Mrs.
Forster's • family at 'Auburn on
Christmas ' Day and, - with the
Forsters at the Parish •Hall on
Boxing Day.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald • C.
Maclntyre, Margaret, Norma and
Marllynne had a pleasant week's
holiday' at Hollywood Beach in
Diane Schultz df ;Port Flgin,
Home for the holiday With. their'
parents, and, .Mrst Lorne
Sparks,; Were Barbara' fram Fmk
naanuel , Bible College,,, Kitchener, .
Pat, from'London and Linda; Who.
attends. The •RoYal, COnservatory.,04:
Music in TarontO. '
Miss Betty Hamilton from
Niagara Falls,, and Donald Hamil-
ton of 'Gogama visited' with their
parents for the holiday, , Mr. and
Mrs. Gilbert Hamilton, ?Betty and
'Donald were dinner "guests at
the home .of Mr. and' Mrs. Jack
Barr on Christmas Day.
Mr. and Mrs: Bob GilchriSt and
bays and Mr, and Mr's: Gordon.•
MacDonald and family were dinner'
guests at the homeof Mr.. and Mrs.
Fred Gilchrist.
Mr. and Mrs. Jelle de Jong,
moved to, Lucknow' on .Decerriber
27th and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Searle
and family-are now.living on the 4th
Mr. and Mr's. Bill Haldenby and
family:were dinner guests with Mr.
and. Mrs. Cliff Roulston, Lucknow
on December 25th.
' Mr. and Mrs. Bill , 'Haldenby and
family were dinner ,guests at the
home of Mr. and. Mrs. Keith.
Rotilston in Blyth on January 1st.
Many thanks to those who have
helped with news reports for, this
Happy New Year to
Sympathy of. the community
extended to relatives ofMrs, Irene.
Bell who ;passed', away:in Torotitoon • ,„
4140.),t, *ce.Tilet: Mrs,.
t411 iS the Mather Of DOri•tiell of the.,
4th of Kinloss and sister'. of Ernie
Hanna of the 10th of Kiriloss. •
On Snpdayc December 21st at
lie chych ..service,. in langside
Churcir the Christmas Story was
presented in song by: the Sunday
School children... •
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Pregnnan:and
family viSited with. his 'mother Mrs.
Jan 13regtpan Of Exeter on:Monday,
December r22, ,
Mr. and Mrs. Don Wail• :and
Christa and Ken Young • spent
Christmas Eve with Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Young and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cayley spent
Christmas Eve with` Mr. and Mr's.
Dave Moffat.
Visitors for 'a family Christmas
dinner with Mr. and MrS. Wesley.
Young on December 23 were Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Young, Beth and
Jane of CliesleY; Mr.. and Mrs.
George George Young, Heather, Bradley'
and Cheryl of Wingham and Mrs.
Eugene Gardner,' Sandra; Greg and
Shelley of LuektioAz. •
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Cliff
Young,' William; Ken and Rtissell
on Christmas Day were Mr. and
Mrs. Jim Young; Marty, Jamie,
Karen • and tiane;. Mr. and Mrs.
Wesley Young of Langside; Mrs.
May Richardson; Mrs. :Ethel Hal-.
mes; 'Mr. and 'Mrs. Wallace”
Richardson and Mrs. George
Young; Heather, Btadley and
Cheryl of. Witigham. •
• Mr. and Mrs. JIM Young, Marty,
Jamie, Karen and Liane attended a
Christmas dinner •at the home of'
7her parent's; Mr.' and Mrs. Don
Martin, 'John and Darr on Friday,
December 26th.
Mr. and Mrs. Wes Young and
Mr. and .Mrs. Clifford Young
visited with Mr and Mrs. Ed
Wightman. of .Belgrave Friday
evening.: Mr. and Mrs.'Wightman
?held a Christmas dinner and, fainily
gathering in the Beigrave hall On
Friday with thirty four relatives
.,:present. Mrs.. Wightman• is• the
former 'Jean Young. :
;.Mr, and Mrs. Dave MOffat spent
Christmas DaY at the' home of her
sister Mr: and 'Mrs. Lorne McAllis-
ter and '
'Mr. and Mrs. Barry Hill and
fainily. of Teeswater spent Christ-.
mast Day. with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Scott, Don' and Ken.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Dore and
familY spent ChriStmas with Mr.
and' Mrs. Marvin Dore of Wark • -
worth, returning 'home the next
Mr.' and Mrs.--L-John.--S6Q.ti of
Elmira.--aniffslancy Scott of London
spent rhristinas at the home of,
their parents Mr. and Mrs: .Arnold
Mr. and Mri:- Don Bell, ,Wayne
and Beverley: of Kinloss, Mr. and
Mrs. laq Wallace, , Nancy • and
Susan, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Woodley
and Mr, arid Mrs. , Peter Steer,
Tracy and Heather, all Of London.
spent Christmas 'Day with their
parents Mr. and Mrs.• Philip Steer.
.Mr. and• Mts. Bob Bregman and
family held a Christmas dinner for
their relatives on' Saturday,. Decem-
ber 27th.
Sympathy Of the community is
extended to relatives of Jim. Moffat
who passed away' in . Wingharn
Hospital on FridaY, Decembef
26th. .
We are sorry to report that Frank
•SchirnTatheris a patient .. in.LOndon.
hOspital. We wish 'him a speedy
recovery. — z
Frank Bongerirnan of Mount
-Forest, •Mary. 'of LiStowel and
Jo-erne of Lucknow were •home on.
Christmas .Day with their parents
Mr. and Mrs. Albeit Bongertman.
Som ,, e young people spending
holidays with their parenti are
and Simon' de `Boer, Helen
Weirsma,' Russell Young, John and
Jim Hanna.
Mr. and Mrs. Ir'ing Reid and
Kevin of Kincardine visited, on
Sunday' with Mr. and ,Mrs. Wesley'
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Free delivery to •
McKenzie Funeral Home
• 524-7005
81 CHURCH sr, GoDERicii,
Rudy to servo 'You
ploy Resident
toditaath Year
. •
A.. • esteemed and well ' •
knOWn' residents 'of' Ripley;, Mrs,
John Blue, the former Ellen Bell,
passed away at. University• Hospit-'
al, -London On, ,DeCember 17th,
1975. She was, the daughter 'of'the
late Mary Jaric,..Totit and Robert
Bell. 'She was in 'her 78tlf year and
death followed .,.• a. , severe and
lengthy illnesS;
Mrs. Blue :Was "ISorn in Huron.
Township. At an early agelshe lost
her• mother and :spent her youth
With,her mother's family, the Tout
fan-lily, on the Lake Shore Road,
'She resided there until 1924 When.
shemarried Jehri'Donald Blue and
moved to the second •concession 'of
Huron Township. SinCe retirement
from farMing Mr. and 'Mrk.14,13,10,i'i.7
have resided in. Ripley:
Nellie (as she was affectionately
called) attended St. Luke's Angli-:
can ChUrch, :Pine River United.'
Church and St, Andrew's United
Church, Ripley. 'When health
permitted, she attended and Work-
ed in all the Wainen'S Organiza-
tions Of • these churches while she'
resided each 'irea.
She was a member of Bruce
Chapter. 0.E:S...for 25 years.
Mrs. ,Blue. is survived .by her
husband, son Eugene, who resides
in East Detroit, 'Michigan. and her
sister Margaret, Mrs. Virdin MoW:,
bray . of .Lucknow. ,She was
predeceased by an infant daughter.
:.--The, funeral . was held at, the ,
MacLennan MacCreith Funeral
HoMe, Ripley, Ontario on Decem- • -
her 20th with ReV. Cecil Carnochan
officiating. Many riieces, nepheWs,
relatives and friendSfrom different__ _
points of Ontario and Michigan
attended the funeral. •
The.. Pallbearer'S . were ' William
Ferguson, Leonard Courtne; Cecil •
Humphrey, Chester Campbell, 4kr-
fink S; elder and Kenneth Mac-
Danald.. Flower bearers were 'Allan
and RoY Stanley. Interment
was in, Kincardine Cemetery.