HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-01-07, Page 4LYONS Electric and Applfan Service LUCKNOW, .ONTARIO FBEE,; izzta ESTIMATES. PHONE 5284109 "FOR-S4E.--'1971 340 TNT ski- doo, tech and speedometer, used very little last two winters, • 529-7187. FOR SALE - black and White television in good condition, $25.00. Graydon Ritchie, phone 528-2549. SO, YOU'VE PURCHASED A FREEZER , by TV's Anna Meyer Everything you've always wanted- ', to know about your Freezer-and 'how to make it serve, you to the. best advantage 184 pages of information Mailable at the Lucknow Sentinel ' $1.50 per copy FOR SALE - 1969 Ford LTD, 2 door, best offer. Call Bill . Moffat, 395-5462, after 5 p.M. FOR SALE - 24" PiOneer 600 Chain Saw, in good condition. Gordon Anderson, phone 529-7358. PICTURE, FRAMING -- 'choose s from 500 samples, also an array of coloured matting. Snyder Studio, %Ingham, phone 357-1851. 'HELLO BADGES - for meetings, parties, etc.; stick to clothing for simple application, The Lucknow Sentinel. LOWRY FARM SYSTEMS AMBERLEY, PHONE 395-5266 Complete line of equipment for grain handling, • processing and .storage; plus manure handling and stabling for beef, dairy and hog set-ups. _ -AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater Licensed .Auctioneers Sales of all types Phone Ripley. 395-5353 Teeswater 392-6170 FOR RENT HOUSE FOR RENT --- 3 bedroom, attached gdYage, modern conven- iences,' on Highway 86 east of. Am- berley. •Phone 519-986-3021. FOR RENT - 2 bedroom 'ground floor apartMents in Lucknow available. immediately. Phone Glennhaven Apartments, 529-7924, -,TO RENT OUT - 12 acres Corn land. Contact jOni Shetler, R.R. "1 LucknOw. STRAYED STRAYED - one Hereford heifer of, herd which 'broke out in late 'August, last Seen' about 21/2 mites north .of Whiteehurch on Bud Sut- ton farm in late Oetober or early November, Contact Joe King, phone 357-2459. BLYTH LIONS BINGO 131.yth Lions' Club Saturday Night Bingos, •8:30 p.m. Blytli Memorial Hall. Jackpot $150 on ,60 calls, regular and share the wealth games. Everyone wel- come. HOWICK BINGO. Howick Lions' Bingo will be held on Friday,, January 9th at 8:30 p.m..in Wroxeter Community Hall. Admission $1.00. 12 regular games for $10.00; ' 2 share, the' wealth; one $25.00 . special; 'jack- pot of $90 on 56 calls; purple ball of 410.00. Door and consolation prizes. ANNUAL MEETING The Lucknow Agriculture Soc- iety will hold their annual dinner meeting on, Friday,, January 16th at 7 p.m: in the Lucknow United Church. Tickets may be purchased from any director until January 10th. - RIPLEY AND DISTRICT LIONS CLUB BINGO Wednesday, January 7th at 8 p.m. in the Huron 'Township Hall, Ripley. One early bird game. 12 regular games. One share-the- wealth. One $20 special. Jackpot of $300 on 58 calls. ••••••••+••••= BANQUET AND DANCE Western Ontario Tractor Pullers Association will sponsor a Ban- quet and Dance in Listowel. Agri- cultural Hall on 'Saturday, Jan- uary 17. Tickets $5.00 each; avail- able from Stu Reavie. TAKE NOTICE That the Township of West Waw- anosh will not be responsible 'for damages sustained by its snow 'plowing equipment to mail boxes or vehicles parked on the road side. NOTICE The West Wawanosh Waste Dis- posal site • will be open on Satur- days Only during the months• of January, ,February, March. , • NOTICE Mary Lou's Beauty Lounge will be closed•frem January 12 to 24. NOTICE . . Fairview Dairy *Mild like .to thank their customers for eir thoughfulness over the holiday' season.. • Tom, Hilda, Mark and Michelle o 2 lb. Cottage Cheese is special tor month of January at $1.29 NOTICE 0 SOW OF MAN! My eternity is My creation, I have created it for, thee. Make' it. the -garment' of thy temple. My unity is My handiwork; I have wrought it for thee; clothe thyself therewith, that 'thou mayest be to • all eternity the revelation of My everlasting being. • from the Baha'i Writings TENDERSWANTED • TENDERS RE FENCE POSTS TENDERS ARE INVITED TO SUPPLY FENCE POSTS FOR THE BRUCE COMMUNITY ' PASTURE FARM ',Three hundred (300) nine., foot' posts with six inch tops. Three hundred (300) eight foot posts with six inch tops. Twelve (12) nine foot anchor posts. with 'ten incl tops All posts to be peeled and de- livered' to the ARDA farm, two' miles west of Underwood by May 15, • 1976. The lowest tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders to be to the secretary by February 15, 1976. Mail to . ARDA BRANCH Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, 7 Box 1330, Walkerton, Ont. NOG 2v0 • • JANUARY I, 1476 - THE LUCKNOW SENTINE14.‘UCKNOW,. ONTARIO • s..z.i$:;§•••••••. : • 4 • • • ....•••••;•X•,,:,.,..:•:•,:•• •;,•,-,•••••••`• ••:•1 •!41:: NOTICE FOR SALE FOR SALE COMING EVENTS 11 h FOR-, SALE - Tower' King Press- ed Stave Silos with cement plas- ter lining. Area representative' Francis Boyle, .R.R. 3 Ripley, phone 395-5088. FOR SALE John. Deere, 4 row, 1240 plateleSs, corn and bean planter, 30!' to 407 rows, A-1 shape,' phone 523-9440. , FOR SALE -- .Massey Ferguson 1085 diesel tractor with cabin heat- er, multi.pawer remote valve, 750, hours, likeo new. Phone 523-9440. FOR SALE .-• set of steel-belted radial. snout 'tires fir Volvo or V.W. Call 528-2547. ° 'METRIC CONVERTERS . Convert- weights and measures in seconds with a metric con- verter, priced 'at $1.89 and 42.98 at The Lucknow Sentinel, phone 528-2822. TYPEWRITER RIBBONS MoSt makes in stock at The Lucknow Sentinel, phone 528-2822. 0.NE FREE PEN $1.18. The Lucknow' Sentinel, phone 528-2822. the third one free, $1.77 Value for Buy 2 Bic Clic Pens ,and get AD TICKETS-1u tells of 1000 and 2000, singles, doubles; all in stock at The Lucknow Sent- Intl, 528-2822., HAND SAWS and saw blades, machine, sharpared. Phone Roy Schneller, 3574291,0 FOR SALE - alternators of var- ious sizes for stand-by, power. Con- tact Orville. Elliott, phone 528-3409. GESTETNER STENCILS . - paper,,.ink; duplicating paper and masters all in stock at The Luck- now Sentinel, phone 5284822. REYNOLDS REFRIGERATION AND APPLIANCE SERVICE Repairs. to •all . makes and models, call357-1085 Wingham. EXCAVATING AND TRUCKING sand and gravel. Phone. Robert Symes,:•Lucknow 528-3047. OLYMPIC LOTTERY TICKETS. $10 EACH January 25 Draw Now On Sale THREE SERIES FOR SALE Each With A Million Dollar _First-Prize and Hundreds Of Thousands of Dollars In Other Prizes LUCKNOW 'SENTINEL THIRD PRINTIRQ NOW. AVAILABLE Norman Robertson's History of Bruce County, first published In 1906, second printing in 1960. PRICE $7.00 Add $1 for shipping and' handling We 'also have available the sequel of this 'book, The' History of The County of Bruce 1907 - 1968 written by Norman- McLeod - same price.-. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL TABLE PAPER - white or col- oured designs for covering ban- quet or picnic tables, The Luek- now Sentinel. _ DYMO TAPES for DYmo mark-ets now available in green, red a orange, black, yellow, brown' and wood grain. Lucknow- Sentinel; -phone _528-2822-. WRAPPING PAPER - Kraft roll, for home or office, 49e. The Lucknow Sentinel. , WINTARIO Ontario Lottery Tickets $1.00 Each On Sale At LUCKNOW SENTINEL FOR SALE -- 3 male puppies, Lab and Terrier. Call 528-2547. OFFICE SUPPLIES Onionskin paper in packages of -250 sheets, graph paper, erasable tyPewriter Met now available at The Lacknow Sentinel, phone 528-2822. ALL OCCASION CARDS. The Lucknow Sentinel has 'a good selection of boxed cards,: get well, birthday, all occasion', baby, anniversary, sympathy, .11 you are unable to get down town tp shop, we will gladly send a selection of cards, writing paper, etc. to your home from which yoU Can choose. Call 528-2822. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL -- is for sale in Lucknow at Mont. gomery's Sunoco, Umbach's Phar- macy, H. and B. Discount, Luck- now 'Service Centre, and Sepoy NEW NEW NEW Personal "Presson" labels with your name and address, no' mois- ture needed, with coloured illus- tration of Canadian flag at left side of label, use for your corres- pondence or as a means of ident- ification, 200 labels for $3.50. We also still have the regular labels, which need Moistening, at 300 for $1.95,..7% sales tax additional. Al- so add He for, any Mail orders. The Lticknow Sentinel phone 528 2822 FILING . CABINETS 2 drawer •and 4 drawer letter size In stock for . immediate delivery • THE . LUCKNOW •SENTINEL ASKES BROS. 'CONSTRUCTION Homes, Cottages, Fenn Build- ings, General Carpentry, interior and exterior. Phone 528-2726, Lucknow, Ontario. BERG. STABLE 'EQUIPMENT , Cleaners, Bunk Feeders, Silo Unlrladers, Farrowing Crates, Water Bowls, Cow Stalls and. Hog Paneling. Contact Lloyd Johnston, R.R. 3 Holyrood, Phone, 395-5390. WINTARIO Ontario Lottery Tiekets $1.00 Each "On. Sale. At LUCKNOW SENTINEL GETTING MARRIED - ONLY HOME WEEK-ENDS Call ,The Luckbow Sentinel; 528-2822 and reserve the Wedding Stationery Order Books for Hoine Viewing on the Week-end. Viewing in the home on any week night may also be arranged or the books may be seen at the Office daily, Monday to Saturday noon. BEEF.' By' the Quarters' and Halves • CUSTOM KILLING On Tuesday and Thursday Cut and wrapped to your specifications BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET LUCKNOW Phone 528-3009 • Res. 5284119 BINGO. PLAYERS "Jumbo Dot" bingo' markers can be at The Ludmow Sentinel, phone 528-2822. NOW SELLING dt the.Lucknow Sales Barns, apples, potatoes, onions, fresh eider and No. 2 Macs at $3.00 in:Isbell. Art Bell's Fruit Farrn, Goderich. -.BROPHY TAXI WINGHAM All PassengerS Fully' Insured 24 Hr. Service PHONE 357-1234 CASH for your old. Canadian, U.S.A. and foreign coins. Send $2.00 , today for our official illus- trated coin catalog of what we will pay; It may reward you with thousands, of dollars. Money back if not-delighted. Coin buyer, P.O. Box 1199, Station "Q", Toronto; Ontario. T.V. ANTENNA SERVICE Repairs and Installation. Free Estimates. Year Round Service, Doug Harker, Phone 3631833 Col- lect, R.R. 1 Elniwood, Ontario. SANIr BLASTING BRICK BUILDINGS ALL STEELWORk AIR, HAMMER WORK BACK HOEING ARNOLD STOTHERS PHONE 529.7403 FOR ESTIMATES SUPER CASH BIN 0 Legion Hat, Lucknew, every Thursday, 8:30 p.m. Pot o Gold game.-'winner take all, 14 reg- ular games $10 each. '2 Share the Wealth games. A $30 Special. Jackpot game for $105 on 57 calls or $25 consolation prize. L.O.L. CARD PARTY Dungannon L.O.L. will hold a Card Party on Friday, January 9th. Everyone welcome. ATTENTION HORTICULTURAL MEMBERS , Luclmow Horticultural Society will meet WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14 -at 2:00 p.m. in the Legion Hall RENA JOUWSMA fromi the Handicraft • Flower Shop„ Wingham will be guest speaker , Tea will 'be served Come and bring a friend ABATTOIR, HOLYROOD HILRAY FARMS LTD."• The best in Home Grown, Dry Fed, Drug Free' Beef.'''Try our Fresh Hon Made Sausage. Cus- P by appointment. tom' killing hone 528-2132. FOR THE BEST BUY IN J. 8g M• Machinery. MAX 'R.R. iLUCKNOW pHoue.sfsasuo FURNITURE Buy better grade furniture at "clearance" prices during this January at the MILDMAY FURNITURE SHOWROOMS Delivery in S. Ontario Godfrey E. Schuett Ltd., Mildmay, Ontario FOR SALE - 2 pc. cupboard, nearly new, arborite top, light stained. Price $130 or best offer, • cost $200, 529-7697 after 6 p.m. NOTICE FAIRVIEW DAIRY , Home delivery. every. Tuesday and Friday. Beatrice Quality Chekd- Products, Silverwoods Creamery Butter Creamed. Cottage Cheese Sour Cream 100% Pure Orange Juice TOM ANDREW Phone 528-2001