HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-01-07, Page 20 y..FARs AG0, DECEMBER 1935 Mrs. Robert Hays of Lucknow, mother of Mrs. A, 'G. ' Elliott reached the century mark on December 23rd. when she'reached her 100th birthday.. Lucknow, Village Council set a record for speed on •ChristmaS Eve 1935. 'when they ".held three- minute session that Went into the minute book as the shertest -neti t. ever recorded. The meeting opened at 8:09 p.m. and rimintnimaintromirriontromoruh, • Oil RE SNOW PLOWING VILLAGE OF LUCKNOVV All vehicles must be removed from all streets in Lucknow between the hours of 2 a.m. and 7 a.m. during the winter months; The Village will not assume responsibility for damage to vehicles who ,do not comply with these regulations. ry Cars left bn the street' may be towed away at the owner's exppnsp j),,,..DeNiM Work Punts. $200 'Off.. MARKED Ladies"' Slacks 10% OFF • mARKED PRICE' $pl,,y.NyLON SAND WOOL Wheeling Yarn 4 ox, skeins . leimited colours avqable, Special 99c BILL PL VARIETY STORE 'Luckno, HIGH SCHOOL -CREDITS: school registration fora the Second Semester which is beginning Wednesday, January 28. Any persons ~who a interested in returning to school for one semester can complete up to FOUR credits by the end of school in June. For further information, call 395-2695. Ripley District School is now accepting days To the Owner or Tenant: Take notice that pursuant to Section 40 of The Assessment Act, Chapter• • 32, R.S.O. 1970 (as amended), I have on the 6th day of January, 1976 delivered or caused to be delivered, Assessment Notices to all owners and tenants in • this region'. The last day for appealing the- assessment is February 11, 1976,'and the assessiment roll may be examined at the Municipal Offices during regular business hours commencing January 24 1976. , An assessor will be available to discuss your assessment at the Regional Assessment Office, 345 8th Street East, Owen 'Sound. Office hours are 8;30 a.m. to 4:45 p.m., Monday to Friday. J. R. Costello, Regional ASsessrnen't comOsiiioner, PAO* TWO THE ,I,K10401N SENTINEL, •14,'.,LOCKNOW, ONTARIO. - * • • • • • ro YEARS AGO DECEMBER 1955 Mr. and. Mrs. Thomas Mansfield of Holyroed were left homeless and withouta buiiness, when fire gutted , their combination store, garage and living quarters, believ- ed caused by .defective wiring. Duncan: MacLeod, Lucknow's oldest resident citizen, observed his' 93rd birthday on Christnias A miraculous. escape 'from injury m or death was ade:when a 'heroic- mother rescued her six 'children from, their car which- was upside ' down a creek on the 8th concession, Kinloss. , Mrs. VValter Forster of near Ripley, was enroute to KinlOugh when her car struck some ice: went out of, control and toppled 'over with the four wheels in'the air. In landing •on .its top the door on ,the driver's .side sprung open and allowed 'space for Mrs. Forster to escape and one. by one helped the six children from the car, the youngest being her two-month:old baby.. adjourned at 8.12 ,p.m. with business completed, which was the' final passing of the by-law author izing the debentures to, pay for the 'new bridge, the new sidewalk and 'widening of the streets. 60 YEARS AGO DECEMBER 1915 A school report for S. S. No. 3 KinlosS named the following, pupils - Irene Hanna, Marion Hodgins, Grace ThompSon, Pearl Boyle, Gladys Hodgins, Martha Hanna, Tena Hawkshaw, Oscar Hodgins, Albin' Kraemer, Harry Hodgins, Karl Boyle, Bert Thompson, Pearl Carter, Gordon Statters; Norine 'Hodgins, Alice Hodgins, Mary Hodgins, Nelson Carter. M. McMorran, teacher. Mother Passes 111 .826d Year' . Mrs: James (Mary K.) Thelan', a. resident of. the Blyth •community where she went as a bride in 1920,, passed away in her sleep on Thursday, DeceMber 18th. She was in -her 82nd year. .She will 'be sadly missed'by her daughter: Mary, Mrs. Cyril Boyle of West WawanoSh,. her son Louis of • Morris Township, 9 grandchildren, one great grandchild and one sister Mrs. Leo (Aileen) Cronyn of Blyth. MISLEADING It is the' triumph of hope, over experience thht induces many people to , try, to beat another man at his own game. LETTER TO THE' EDiTO,R Protest SpeRding .01.'rublitMopey : R. R. # 2, Atiburn, Ontario, . January 5th', 1976. Dear Editor, Appearing in the LUcknow Met recently Was', the .West,' 'nosh Township. .,Ozruncil honoring the retired Road 'Superintendent. • if °councillors. ,would have taken up collection,' for this purpose, that would haVe been:Understand- able .and• have Meaning, but, reaching into'the taxpayers pockets • to pay for gifts and aluncbe.on is irresponsible money spending. As a taxpayer. personally' feel 'robbed and I., am sure that Many . others feel the same, • To restore trust in'this Council. I. would like to see the `money. replaced by the persons respon- sible; • • • I wish this 'Matter to 'remain. 'public and answers this. paper... Yours sincerely, Juergen Becker. LETTER TO THE EDITOR Explains Beliefs In &bait Faith R. IL 1, Holyrood, Ontario NOG 280 December 29, 1975, The advent of Baha'u'llah in 11363 fulfilled not only the Christian prophecies in the Bible but also the Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, Zoroast- rian,, Moslem arid American Indian prophecieS relating to the retur,n of the Messiah,. The basis of all these God-given religions is the same although man has 'distorted and corrupted their teachings through- out the ages, causing prejtidice; dissension and war. Baha'u'llah was sent by God to teach and .promulgate the Unity Of mankind by pointing out the superficiality of such differences as race,, colour, creed and ethnic origin. In order to. His dk;ine mission I will c'nceritrate"primarily on Biblical references:* Isaiah foretold that for those of the •House of Israel who Were ___faithful to the enti'44thtiglory of the Tord ,shall be thy reward". (Isa. 58:8) The Persian •name Baha'u'l- lah means' "Glory :of the. Lord's or "Glory of God" bn trabslation in English. • Ezekiel prophesied: "And, the glory of the Lord came inte house by way of the gate who e prospect is toward •the East." (Eiek: 43:4) Baha'u'llah came from Persia,, east of Israel. . He came by way of the Bab (meaning "Gate= in English) Whip, like John the. Baptist, foretold the adVent of one greater 'than himself. 'And Baha'n'llab!S name means "Glory .of the'Lord" or "Glory of God". In the, book of Revelation, St. -John, in his vision of the new heaven, the new earth and the new Jerusalem prophesied: "And the cityhad no need of the sup, neither: Of the moon, to shine in it': for the-, glory of God did lighten (Rev. 21: . 23): Christ himself foretold this day of the new JerusaleM when 'he would return in the' glory of -the Father. A- Samaritran woman objected strongly to the fact .that YIE.PNEOKY.,..4ANUAgr 7, 197.4 •••••••••••••••••••••4•4•••••••••••!** The LOCKNOW SEIsITINiL 2• LUCKNOV1, ONTARIO ""The Sepoy Town's On the Huron-Bruce Boundary SecOnd Class Mail Registration Number 0847 stablished 1873 --- Published Wednesda, Member of the•CX.N,A. and O.W.N.A, Subscription Rate, $8.00 a year in advance' • $2. extra 'to U.S.A. and Foreign • Donald C.,Thonipson, iublisher 4,4•••••••••••••••••••••••••••44444•*i•ei • p..........**.e.•••••••4•••••••••••••••11440.% ()Q1(ING. BACKWARDS • THROUGH THE rSENTINEL FILES WITH MARGARET THOMPSON ,•••••4a•••••••••‘•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••4 Dear Mr, Editor, This letter is in resp'onse to the letter to the' editor written by Mr. Murray Vandriel in the Deceniber 24th issue of the Lucknow Sentinel; First of all I would like to point out that the Baha'i Faith, is not 'a sect or Offshoot of any religion, but an independent world religion with its'own Divine. Messenger (Baha4 'u'llah)', its' own sacred scriptures, its own' lavvs, its own administrative institutions and, its,own holy places. The aim of Baha'u'llah• is . not 'to destroy but to fulfill •the Revela tions of the past, to reconcile rather than to accentuate the divergencies of the conflicting creeds which disrupt our • modern society. His purpose is ' to restate' the , basic truths enshrined in the teachings of the Prophets gene before in manner that will conform to arid be relevant to the • problems and difficulties of the present age, an age which differs greatly from the age in -which Christ was, made Manifest by •God. • thrist was 'changing the place of worship which had been sacred to her people from .ancient times and she rebuked him saying: "Our Fathers worshipped in this moun-, tain; and ye say that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship." (John '4:20) . Christ answered het saying: "Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, 'when ye shall neither in thr mountain,' nor yet at Jerusale 'worship the father." (John 4:21). The Baha'i holy shrines overlook the plain of Sharon on one side and the Mediterranean Sea on the, other from the vantage point of Mount Carmel'which. in .the days of Christ • was a dry lonely area where 'the Sparsest of vegetation grew. Today this desert area grows magnificent . . CONTINUED ON PAGE .19