The Signal, 1928-2-2, Page 7THE SIGNAL,-. - GODERICH, ONT. County and District Miss Mary Young, of Wroxeter, 1s sad at the age of aeveuly-two years. tie had been an invalid ever wins le fractured her thigh is a fall, a few .ora ago. The annual wetting of the South .urou Agricultural Society wae'1[•1t Renault. W. D. Bauder, or Exeter 4.4sitllrnt for 1928; 1)r. Campbell ltd M. Clark vier-pn•tddentr; K. Mc - .0411 of Seaforth, secretary -treasurer. 'he Society will hold a aced show on 'ebruary 24Itb and the spring show on ,prll 10th. The 100-aere farm on the Goshen Miss Florence Cuulughame has been Inc. Stanley township, b•louglug to the away ou a ten days' shit to New York City, where elle war tee gueat of Mire !estel titrachuu, formerly of Clinton Miss Eleanor McKenzie, of town, at- tended the annual convention of tete Ontario Retail Lumber Dealers' Asso- ciation. held at London. and was the only lady member present at the busi- ness. sessions. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Walton an- nounce the eugugrweut of their young- est daughter. Mury Lothar, to Morley coal! Jordan. sou R:- .r, and Yrs. Samuel Jordan of Clinton, the mar - electric Boor lamp. Asa Rumford, who conducted a boot *1141 shoe business here, died January 24th after a short Illness. Before be case to j•:xeter he was In .uslne*s at to be taken on February 1(kh on the Thetford. 111s wife eurvivrs. e 114 whether the raid ratepayersI W. 1t. Elliott is President of the Exe- ar are in favor of having the eal ter Agricultural Society for 19$; F. (lull plated under the 'control and sad luau- Ellerington and W. .1. Neaman are agewrut of the wuulclpal council of vtec-presidents; R. G. SeIkot, seen,- the village. tory ; T. S. Walde, treasurer. The elm. itile has been apo{loluteal as. I flnanetal aTatement *bowed -a delk•It of st•s*or off the village for 1925. about =130. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. liraduock re- '4.ntly celebrated the twenty-tlfth an- niversary of their wedding. CLINTON state df the late Wm. 11. Mcy'Ifuchey las been sold to T. Richardson of 11tekerlmith, the price bring $5,50*). !'here Is a good bush on the property yhlch Mr. Itichardauu Intends to cut into wood and lumber as quickly as Mondial) Braithwaite. an old resi- dent of Londeabtru, passed away Jan- uary 19th. at the age of seventy-nine years. 111* wife died five years ago and Three dadatteia vud ens. son (sur- vive: Mn Wm Fothergill, !sondes - ZURICH A part) of about twenty men or- ganized by Win. O'Brien and Albert Dear settle:•(1 ou Slain street the other day and after posing for a ph" tograph motored off to the vicinity of Some people still use bulk tea -They think It r It Isn't- for they are paying for dust cheaper - siftings and for waning Havour -They have not discovered "SALADA"-dust-free, fresh, full - flavoured sealed In metal. I! LAD. TE $O0 Thursday, Tab fully to understand the nature of Ills ••••••••400 kingdom•" WOULD =ONe YOU CAN SA Some year's ego In one orni, -mis- sionary jseeinga l had the 4,Ie'.O- BY DEALING AT foof My eo a sight 1 shall neen. forget. e•omloaulon and 1 were travelling in the Himalayas. \\'e net ackstone's very cony one morning. ill -t at :he Bi sults were shall. Ile likens in verse i subjects 'He gp.ake without parables, 30 the kingdom ..f God on Fromla t»maiI ;On any notions had they such was their eunlrt►ryprejudice. to the fu of mustard seed. t .ad so liable gra may grow, nature of Ills kiupton. Dublin, returning in the evening with beginnings gnat things about forty huge jack -rabbits. showing us that vitality 1s more lm• 'I 4..11141 plain instructions have been to ntnlal meeting of the Zutkh Portant than magnitude. "The least give ,Renee, that Ile employed this At thsr� thing in nature Is n better flluatratien 1 method to Insinuate truth gradually In Agricultural :Society, held January II of divine truth than the greatest objw•i t, their minds, and to prepare them lith, a favorable financial atagtment1 of .,t It morefitly repreeesta the - - was submitted- E. F. Klopp was ' kingdom of heaven than the most elected president; J. Decker, jr.. first elatoniteofall statuary. The natural vice-president ; J. A. omits', second Hower Is a revelation of God, the aaril- fiefs. flower 1s a proof of the skill of vice-president.. A. F. }leas was re man art is never referred to .n the Scripture as illustrating the divine na- ture and purpose. bet continual rester - race is mod. to all the works -of-cuea- hon. God illustrates Himself by ilim- self."-Parker's People's Bible. Jesus was ever solicitous to adapt ills in- ctnictimis to the tenacity of 111s d1s- elples. He sought out the most plain Man. it should be noticed that hu appointed ,,er•r•etary-treasurer. The .I fair dates for 1925 are September 25 snd�• The Zurich Horticultural society at Isom: Mal. Joseph \'aidcn, 111111ett ; tinge 10 take place this month. its annual meeting. held recently, was Mrs. Alva McDowell, Westfield, and Silks Melinda tYCarr, of Sltneoe able oto report an active year, with Ithw• lie, of Isetrolt. I Ont.. who has come into a fortune of I much goal work d„tae, 'A successful 4n'la m.. death lobar ik,llaud .a.ur Maui a million dollars. Is an aunt o I „,ewer show washeld Last tall, and one and striking illustrations s m•(1 as ilia red on rtuntm. home er s'1+ soon. Tlu4.dere 11011:4,,4). M,•- pretty fair chance of Inheriting a por- Killop township, at the age of e'ghty-' tion of this wealth. ,.•yell years. Three daughters and I two tarns survive, also a brother. .L,na•s, of ('11nfon. Another ',miller. rl aria. of Detroit die) January 21st• At the annual congregational meet - United fl t v January 1'_'nd at Ne �\ • K. Counter. of Clinton, who has a i will be held the coming year. Dr. A. ! tine used In this lesson. J. dleKiunon 1s president for 192f1; I The disciples were young in the Mr-'. L. W. HnRmen, dr0-president; C. Christian life and work and required Fritz. s flax! vlr-preeldent ; .1. E. Gas- to be instructed In the doctrine,. ,Jesus ciao 44e1 rwtary•trensurer. uto educcate trent. d the panda-die eymwer.,tlike chl'in ...iren and learned more quickly hw, this inP- 111,011. tin it WW1 where Jesus spoke to EXETER LL'CKNiOW Just a ' ..w inane* before the passing M Ing of Malta street !coined church a them of the kingdom -without a par Ib•hert Holland. presentation was made to II. E. flus- Mrs. K. MacLeod has gone t'b New able, slake Ile not uu o 'tors; and The 4).a ton 1n rtaoptnitiu* of forty years' tt-r- T ri City" to spend the remainder of 1 whenthey were alone he cvlsannded correct very atuide f;th death of Mrs. .ins. Walsh r' - o vice lu the chums' Ile was wade the eeneeasion of East day Jaenary '23rd. accessed was 1n Lina, aeeowpwnicd by on appropriateMr. and Mrs. her eighty-seventh year, Two sane Il and gift. Mr. Mental has served for thlr• 11 ic4itehewan, are three daughter, survive: FW. of East : ty-ttve )ears as recording steward. and Robert tebe Ruston. J . - Sa*katchewan' wag superintendent of the Sunday t tour can ' and two children 1)r. A. It. Gillian has received vel an ap• \\'awann+,h' einey drensCS the winter with her dau;hter, Gwen- i all things t, His dlt18 -: " nn then "4 in other nly•at her home, In his commcfltary, *74) WawanoetLon iron- t recipient of an address of nppreia dulyn. --- day • Mr. and Mrs Mrs. Devitt Scott anti Mrs. Wm. Me- sellout for twenty-four y T \Murrayof Br•grate, and ltd Mrs. Keteba• Roy Button, of F1ae- visiting Mr. and Mrs. Truro, of Lax•knnw. {ariutwrnt to the ....,,..nary staff of !well I Government . Health of Captain Samuel G. Kone. of Gorr e. ; left for Toronto r are visiting Mr. Lawrence awrence F. White . of Flaxeomhe. Sa*k.. and Mrs. A. E. Bus - gray daen, and started forth from the travellers' bungalow laysh,allIhill midi Exchange wi ich led ua round the mountain and above a deep tater. We (,exlrnclt eI1t erect as we went, for ;1 was hit- West ")tr.'t't u'rly cold. The air was fait ..Nle night fog and the distant ue•uptalu' wens very forbidding In the gray •\s• Everything in New and the time went on, the fog settled down Imo the deep valleys and we heard Used Furniture sounds of awakening life from far la• low. First the cock's shrill clarion This is }'out store. Use it. Then the twitter of other birds unseen, and the axe of some early w.wdman chopping wood to make his morning fire. As we turned a corner my f-'�^' said "book!" We sat on our horses, ispeechless. in front of ug was one of the greatest peaks of the Htlu•llaya I range clad in virginsnow. and the top of that peak had caught the first rays I of the rising con and was glowing like ia carbuncle in the wondrous light. * promise of the new day. :\n4) 1r* wP went on the sun ara,P, and the whole mountain side was flooded with the 11ght; and then the night mists re-, front the •valley*, and all intuit,. awoke, went to its daily'task. );lout be Pause the Lord of day -was bare: l,ec•auae the Lord of day was E Furniture Tre Externally talo top. I bid you hear the sound Irr,wr, AAO s'� ('A'• When a man loses his appetite tem- porarily he 1- In love. When he loses It perusinentih he Is married. ---Okla. \1'I�tilwiud. t•ntag. _. shining on diem. Today 1 bill you look at the uloun- THAT'S why modern mothers pre- ' doa-n In the valleys -the wakened fer Vicks ---it cannot upset delicate h1i11itu. Rating thof need, the hungry y stomachs. Rubbed on throat and chest, it acts two ways at once: (1) Its healing vapors, released by the body heat, are inhaled direct to the air passages; nay, 480• will (2) It "draws out" the soreness work: and'watch, ttn4I 1 like an old-fashioned poultice. e the whale. work' flooded with tie town 1n the darkn4s* still who are need- ing the light of the day. The mos - about riess tell dant the 4)444'11 111s come. 1t is only down. but. thank Goal. it is .lawn and 1f we wfI NO wait and ICKS ,;!,.riotry light and ('lar(<t Ill malt :Pall reign_ Rev. R. W. Thomism. • 2/VAPOR UB Woman 18 11 cnunndrnm that min can't solve: --tut he is unwilling to give Q►'ER 1yz/1//LLIO/V✓/1RS:l iEDrEARV her up.-('hicngn IMilc News. J. R. Wheeler Funrrwl Director and Embalmer .4 ,•.Ila promptly attended to day or night P tiONp1,'a. _ *1tore 335 Re*Idenee 35fiw Ilamtlt'n *twat. Godertch Brophey Bros. 1'lIK 1.E %I)1\ti Ft NFKAI. DIRECTORS ,SNI) F:MII I.MERB .nl.•r.. carefully attended to rt sic icons, night or day (:OI)F;RI('II a nasaaa oma riam m a11Ks.aa aaaaita ••• /A*A1.1.1rA1• l/sa m m1HA AAa • I • ✓ ■ p the Dominion Mrs James Robertson, a former re- I . •an44weeel the twat summon, January Animals branch and le kk•nt of Lucknuw, died rormer at 111e - 17th. lifter an illness of some tonus. hast week to take over his nen. duties. 11.k'nI rr. where the family had m iii ile took a grant intermit In military at'. Mrs. Cilwon and children will remain sided *lore leaving this town. While MIDI - fairs and for some year* was Is eon- in F:xdter for the present. herr Mr. a lwtn was molter at ihr im �1woetk1, w)o recently *old ■ mond e,4) a ' wan et 11[arlRvren Re m Treleaven icor X11- siment. Ile ons fifty-eight year. of his farm in Calborue to Samson -Mc- f First honors to the orator eel eon - nee and leaves a widow and one son. Falls, 111,44 had a successful sale and l test the under the auspices of John Koine. brother of the deceased. eft hast week with \i n. F:Iworthy to I the \omen's !Ahern! Association of 1 a•nd *le remainder of the winter with t the funeral and on' n Toronto were curried off he a T,nekII - wa. pre`ent e tt4.r nlo.lt lll.•ir daughters In IWet rolt. Before leis war to the etatlo0 [ne en fou.! he suffered a fracture ,1 the leg, 0.4.11 departure o large ❑unrta•r of between the knee stat the ankle. 1 their friends and neighl.nrs in the Willie **Aiding to remote the Injured tor.nsldt. gnvc thein a surprl-e 814411 man to the bailee tiering the severe', at their home and presented them with blizzard which raged that day. Mn.*n sddrew old an e1e'trf,• tnhe lamp. Samuel Koine had her fosse end bandy A few ev7•ning44 Inter about forty w•verPly frozen. friends from town gathered at their home and ;omsentrri nn 11/lire' trod an BRUSSELS The Nara Huron Agrirultunti Soclel) closet Its accounts for 11r: with a hal- to ,�,,r _-{.IIS- T1�e14I of ,'ars and di - n . rcora were re r elected 'Elie Hr?si fair FOUND A HEALTH BUILDING TONIC will be held the Bret Thursday and , A Nova Scotts lady Wu in an •Ftray o ! 1 f ltcto her Anaemic Condition well and are not refreshed'and strene- David Itndgley. a well-known rest- Men and women who 414) not sleep dent of Brussels, vases! away- Wed• rel by a r1SR1►t'4 rest oregetsemliF y of la" week. in !big al=lyeight suffering from thin, watery Wood. The year. IHe was a resident of Jame* I nerves foil to get the unuri'hment they __ maw. ga•.IitF for tunny years before i drmenol find headaches and a worn- Te4e,- 1i the n -,oft. !Wilding rip the blood 144 the one sure step to re- ,eking. following those R'h4, Sew.III ago. He i* surtive-d he his wife, ane` ne48rd health and strength, and {Love rebellions henrts rottrpellilg retiring to Brunsels stlaont ten yease n now girl. \Lie -e Evelyn Craw, slaughter a of Rev. R. W. ("raw. pastor of the . Tau -know United church. Miss Craw ■ W/1212this only female ttnrttelpent to theI . eonteet. the others Twine eight ynittr'Rt . men. Tier 44uhiM't WR* "The Challenge of Today to the Canndinrt Liberal Wo-', ]� men." Miss Craw Iv a cm,ond-year 1 0/Oen/ 111 the T-nlver4ity of Toronto. Sunday Afternoon By ISABEL HAMILTON, tioderich, Oat. Now the seed beside all waters, Nonirond south and east and west. Tell Hi* love beyond all telling, ■ ■ • ■ i • • • daughter and two none. this pnrp.ose nothing else cat equal Dr. The death occurred-uddenly- Wed- 1. R 1)11nm� Pink Pias. From • first netelay night of last week of George dove to Inst they enrich tan Apurif the McMillan. en -rid n•4ident of thio din- h1004). and in Oita way pr ote triet..,Desra*ed was eighty-two years ter ep(etltc,itettmn rr at et night, and TP- newel strength. of age. Before coating to ltrnssels be Mrs. \lnrc E. t'hlm•tn. Williams: had rv441ci1141l Dyer Moncrleff. tow's "N.A.. wrttes:-"1--1►a.e• received 1 so mulch benefit fmm 1)r. Williams' BLYTR Pink .11144. that.I W011111feel myself ntt- . grateful If 1 did 14411 IPt,yon 44114,481ug. ns the way of galvnfa•u. «1 W*s irr e-Tery posiestat.•-nf !o•alth. f o t O M . r!- enst Tf i,-1, •.t t., . • . Grant iTaalTM' 4cr'trowe by p0 1 11.111.1e111 a 4 may take -root . In*n4) in toldoo. A doctor ons rolled 81111 brio forth much fruit to the glory In able he me 1 had no organic' Of Thy came. Through Jesus ('l,ri-'t 1 trouble, hut wag sic-, ran down I c►ur Lord. Amen. 1• f overwork. 1 had been left, with 1 a family to support. To 111s •,ervice glad null free. Thos a previous harvest gather, 1 ortlt and south anti east and west. . To the glory of the Father, e Son and Spirit ever blest.211 -Itohert Murray. . PRYER 1 We thunk Thee. our Father. f,r Thy . Holy Word contained in the Scripture The annual meeting of Blyth Agri- culturist g culturat Society was held January 1. )th. The financial report .114,48011 an in- crease In gale receipts. }et not of suf- tk•lcnt proportions to rover the c...t of the speed) events which were inaugur- *tett lent year. 1►ates selected for the fall fair of 1925 are Wednesday and h 1 September 10 and 211 (B- 1 de. I lel M ire t cora . sow- ■ romoe -- brood which 1 did by I R. S. LESSON FOR FEB. 12th, Ill•!S 1111 br o4) draw/nailing. The dnetnr wastePnld my '.ewes Topic -Jesus I'irlures the r Mand had alm4tet inroad! to waster. and Kingdom *f God. 1 41141 not ser how P a (:olden Text --.Matt. 6:10. • nr. wit_ ' advise.) a 44•(301 car•. r r "Aragon' Passage --Mark 4:26•31. 19 wa* itrtlsihle for be to ink very '1 ntrtw ay, o .long rest, so '' Religion In the crani m•ly ora errs cleated for the present year are: llama' !sink Pills. toots t fotmd my on rel 4., seed In the groom!. The lion. 1 I ditties:. rr c Mit u . • 1st vier- rtissident, ser* - leases Alonzo itmith ; 2nd tire -president, R'm. ago, noel m. health remit red good un ao rmlun Ill Tnylrrr: ercnfery-trenenrer, J. H. R• til nlantt n y,.er two. when 1 broke out erste ineren44e44 in the heart. "He F: Iinit : dlnr►,tr44- layth : C. K. Tay- , with limner' of the blood .\gain i can- • knnw•eth not how," "For 1t Is God that 1 ler. J. 1t. l'ath. J. II. ilao.er; Muni,: l molted the (Meter. ah„ so1'd alt- )111,4•41 worke11 In you. hoot to w111 and to do of dila grxtd plaldurw.,-Pall. 241. i III ter. sl i . ('rf, John Pernott, Fred (1s- 11*,) w I r 1 become It'wlf.hl1 jhj it111131 treally had .\ft4.r all the rndPaaura of rain not n'ou ter, \1 'm. CTele; Hallett: Wm. Gray. ! laltght several !sixes ..f lar. Q'iCiams' has been ahl0 to throw- any light . PI Jahn Seott. ('hes. ransoms. \\'m. Moan: I "'irk fill. end hr thought they were Il how graingrows. in noel eon rultivnHon TINAI. East Wow-RW.501r r. -ft 9talkPr',-J: 1-'i Jnet win TI ey J F Ellis Joint 'Stamens; lady direeto lie wettidPnt R.Wtghtman; tweet- derot Jai Brigham; 1 1 strength returning and hefnrP cwry 1 1 it* the grata to the soil and lung 1 was a'bic to go whoa few .yes 1t Nlere. Ile cannot tell how It as renal again. Thor wn44 a few yt 1414 • neither csnn we tell how t 1 nrwiPtF lode •Lein boxed 1 rn n 1 • s 1 _ta : 1• I n was in goo, t hmalth. ! can rhPratn1 (Mit 111, concoct ger 4td*aa S ern nett ago ,ill+ to ell mllglM,. Fie eon sew t R1(hnlr44. \i es. M. P. Gardiner. R I In fweekore ror nth downeternmend e0,111i.ttl'+n." I Ing the 'Scripture. prayer and attend- ■ RI'hmond. W. M. fM.ott, lien. Potter. ( 1 1 n e on th_lnrtlnntn•as of relleton, but tis. i). Mreallnm. 1►. Laidlaw. • WinTOr poet itnld. on Tees -int n price. J t the earth hr ng' : . �rr• of Rl}'tlt is * box. Try them testy.. he nred o1 read• 1 BY ADVERTISING v- • ■ • 111■ 1• 1 1 • 1• 111 • 1/ 1• 1• 1• . 1� 1 asked what was the ■ • i ■ i • - i 1• i • 1 1 1 A man who had failed in business was cause of his lack of success. 11r. \\'Illinlnn' Pink Pell. or41 and ny P 1• � nil dntg¢1as nr will be *cot by malt. he cannot tall haw Thews nonr�il the ■ cents soul and tiring forth tonin unto right Mrneelelale. Its n. 1 r: rtforth -friar without the r*ot.41r tit mitt. J 1: El hs. • e44 Polhw k ant) My I fn 1 h .\ vote of the rnte'pnt _ 1 t eo religion In the tend Is a GNI-given power. Itowever, both tire connect...I a alts' , Rort. Wlthonthuhistry elan *mild harm no h*rve0, *n without ep- ptivation he would have no religion. Like the growth in- nature "first the . Made. then the ear: offer that, the 101 full corn in th^ ear" -'n Is grave or 1 rcliglot' of greflood growth In the heart 1 of man. it la first tender. Perhep. AltmanImpereeptIMO, perhaps It !les 1 Tong in The soli of the stint !avian pny 1 growth whatever_ .le *44 not lced, then it ., require. M 1* wnartaherl awl lend that It may grew, and bring forth the ' (Writs of 10111.1, to the prelate of (I al I. Jeans was slowing seed when preach mg the OnaPel, and 44t first the re- 11 Motenotesidoniza! Made only from hard Western wheats, PubtyFig frrxl rrich in gluten - the energy giving and body l Purity !'lour is best for all your baking and will supply extra nourishment to the children, in cakes, pies, buns and bred. PURITY FLO Sad 3(k M tt�wbs for oar 700•taciW Plenty Flow Caul B.iil w.,... camas Pit... Mins C. Weed Tawas. M""'4). °ees*eh W Me "Advertising," he said. cc I never noticed you doing much advertising," waste retort. "I didn't," said the unsuccessful man, "but my competitor did. The advertising man of the city mail order house is on the job every day throughout the year, and the merchant who fails to adve a constantly anal. -aggressively is simply playing into the hands of his alert competitors. He may have the finest stock in the county, and be prepared to give the best values; but if the public does not know it -- what's the use? MR. MERCHANT, are you extending the glad hand of advertisingto the people who buy; or are you letting the other fellow do it all? - t. If business is worth having, it is worth your asking for it. THE SIGNAL goes into two-thirds of the homes rich and the surrounding country. Are you taking this opportunity of inviting the people of the business with you ? *•/11/■ ■111•1••1■ • of Code - advantage -of--- community to do • ■1111111111*••■ ■ r ill ■•a mman$mim ■ ■ i ■ ■ • • • • 1• 1 • 1111 • 1t1 • a i ■ ■ ■ • ■ • ■ a•