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Good Bonds
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Full information on request.
Cor. Hamilton and Newgate Sts.
Phone 476 Goderich
lay more than one line of hos,- oif Square. Another supply main should
the triple combination ,truck. It be laid of a somewhat larger capac-
would not then be necessary for the ity to cut don the frictional looses
truck to retrace its tracks but it cuuld and to ensure against the water sup -
be immediately attached to the hy- ply being cut off by a break in the
Brant. supply main. Captains :
Nozzles : Standpipe : The captains should be appointed
Two reducing nozzles should be , The standpipe should be shut off by tae chief, who may consult with
carried so that the volume of the by an electrically operated valve con- the assistant -chief if he wishes in
stream can be controlled and reduced trolled from the pump house instead beakapableeselections.
of relying solely on the hand opera:-
handling and, training
where desirable for interior work to a company under the direction of the
prevent unnecessary water damage, ed valve. It should be the practice
Ladder Straps:• to keep the tank Ailed so that in ease chief.
About half a dozen ladder straps of a break in the supply main as Lieutenants :
should be carried on the hose trucks much as possible will be in reserve. The lieutenants should be appoint-
ed by the chief, who may consult
with the assistant -chief and the cap-
tains if he wishes in making the sel-
ections. They should be capable of
performing the duties of the cap-
tains in their absence,
Firemen :
All members of the Department
should be suitable. physically -fit men
e roc 1g of good reputation, whose applica-
mmission when most needed. tion for membership is accepted by
Tarpau the chief. They shall all be subject
-A—fe - a i,�t.id be to:.;ed unsuitable as regards accommodation au�,pPnsinn
y -tom. ' f Ti,t FxiTh eijuipment an"r ellen. 'itrFien chief.
on the ladder truck. if these are us- anew one is erected it should I,e mo- DUTIES :
ed to cover furniture, merchandise,
etc., which is subject to damage by
water, t))ey are likely to save many
times their cost at a single fire.
Life -Net :
Although they are not often used,
a life net is the most valuable piece
of equipment when • if is actually.
needed. Many instances are on re-
cord where there was no time to raise
a ladder and only the immediate use
of a life net effected a rescue from a
burning building. In such cases the
rescued would either have fallen vic-
tims to smoke and tire or have met
death or serious injury when forced
to jump from some height. • •
Smoke Masks :
At least two reliable smoke 'masks
capable of protecting the wearer
against carbon monoxide -gas should
be provided and carried on the
trucks. They will sometimes enable
a fireman to locate the seat of a fire
in a smoke filled room or building
and extinguish it without unnecess-
ary water damage and without dan-
ger of being asphyxiated. Some-
times a smoke and gas mask is abso-
lutely necessary to render possible
the rescue of another fireman er
some one else who has been over-
Electric Hand Searchlights :
In smoke filled buildings, oil lan-
terns burn only dimly and where the
supply- of- oxygen la -very lots -they
will go out. fl'wo dry cell electric
lanterns of the fire department type
Assistant Chief :
The assistant chief should be ap-
pointed by the chief, and shrould be
capable of assuming the duties of t
the chief in his absence.
to be used in carrying hose up lad-
ders and to fasten and support hose
on ladders, thus enabling tiremen to all hydrants marked "No Parking
Hydrants :
Metal signs should be clamped on
handle hose on a ladder with greater within 10 feet" and a by-law should
be passed requiring the enforcement
of such a ruling. Otherwise the
pumper may not be able to get into
position to connect to a hydrant. _
Fire Hall
The present fire hall is entirely
ease, efficiency and_safety.
Spare Tire :
A spare tire should be carried un a
truck at all times. --'-Otherwise, in
case of a puncture or other accident
to tire,thetruck /night be out of
line :
expediency ♦s possible.
e. _ _ Fire Alarm
T The importance of a prompt and
effective fire alarm can not be too
strongly emphasized. It should be
IW t TO TOWN COUNCIL positively distinctive and of sufficient
penetrating volume to alarm a rea-
sonable percentage of the citizens at
any hour.
It is recommended that a first-
class electric siren operated by a mo-
tor of at least five horse power cap-
acity be installed on top of some high
building centrally located with oper-
ating stations located at the siren.
tl�e fire hall, the pump house and in
addition at three or four other points
suitably distributed to serve other
sections of the town. It is desirable
to Gode- if possible to have arrangements
made whereby the telephone opera-
tor, on being advised of a fire, will
ments should be made in our fire immediately sound the siren from a
equipment and to suggest improve- convenient switch for that purpose,
menta in the nrganization and hy- and then phone the location of the
laws of the fire department. fire to the fire hall. If each sending -
station is connected throu;h an en-
unciator in the fire hall, the fire de-
partment would know from what ga-
llium coelia a_nd come t-
ly in what direction they should start
to the fee without waiting forlur-
ante to you in dealing with matters ther information by phone or other -
and conditions which have a bearing
on the protection of life and proper-
ty from the dangers of fire, we will
outline in a general way what we
consider should be the early aim of
the Council and citizens. Without
undue elaboration we will endeavor
to give only such exylanatien and de.
tails as might be necessary to show
the desirability or necessity of adopt-
ing our sugge_ationa.
The following recommendation&
should not be regarded as a sum-
mary of a final objective, for un-
doubtedly, future experiences will
unfold new avenues for improvement
in your own interests. Neither is it
expected that the entire program
submitted herewith will be complet-
ed in tine step. But we do urge that
immediate action should be taken to
improve existing conditions which
are far from satisfactory, and to
continue with the wnrk with as much
Improvements Suggested in
Equipment and Organisation
of Fire Department
The following is the text of the re-
port made by Fire Prevention Engin-
eer J. E. Ritchie to the town council,
as the result of the recent visit of
himself and another representative
of the Fire Marshall's office
rleh. on the invitation a -the town
council to advise as to what improve -
January 18th, 1928.
To the Mayor and Council,
Town of Goderich, Ont.
-In making this report, embodyingsi
observations, suggestions and recom-
mendations intended to be at -nest=-
A Steady
Cash Income
YOU can -realize on
your field crops only
once a- year --hut the re-
turns from mixed farm -
in provide a cash income
month by month.
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'>.:.. es,e. a Pa's «.
Tho Royal Bank
Of Canada
Fire Apparatus and Equipment
Truck :
The best work can be done and the
greatest saving effected during the
first few minutes of a fire. In addi-
tion to a prompt alarm, a quick re-
sponse to that alarm is essential.
Ladders, life saving equipment, etc.,
should answer all alarms immediate-
To avoid possible delay on some
occasions, It is recommended that the
horse-drawn ladder waggon be re-
placed with a motor driven ladder
truck sufficiently rugged and of suf-
ficient power to overcome such ob-
stacles as muddy streets and winter
roads, and equipped with a chemical
tank of about 40 gallons capacity.
Such a truck, if purchased, in ad-
dition to reaching a fire more quick-
ly, will serve as a better conveyance
for some of the men and for some
articles which should be added to the
Hose :
We understand that there is now
2000 feet of serviceable 2l4 inch fire
hose, 1000 feet on each truck. In
order to maintain a reserve for pos-
sible use soon after a fire when some
of the hose is drying'in the tower,
another 500 feet should be kept on
hand,- to be loaded on the tru: kr
while wet hose is being dried. Pro-
vision must be made for emergencies
and the most dangerous fire might
occur at just such a time.
Rose-Tisdat; Hand Pump from two directions. so that they ecoid be detailed to any
After hose has been injured or in Fire streams are slam cut down ap- duty when necessary. This will in -
long service there is always the dun- preciahly by the fact that there is - strength -
dern in construction and should have
ample room for recreational purpos-
es and beds for five or six firemen.
In the meantime, however, it is felt
that the best possible use should be
made of whatever accommodation
can be provided in the old building.
It must be remembered that the vol-
unteer fire department gives consid-
erable public service to the citizens
of the town for which the annual
grant' to the department can scarcely
be regarded as remuneration. They
give their services because they are
intereated in the welfare of the town.
Fire fighting is not an easy business
and sometimes it ia',extremely un-
pleasant and dangerous. Every citi-
zen benefits because of this volun-
tary work done by the firemen. Their`
lives and those of their families are
safer, their property is protected and
their taxes and insurance rates are
lower because of the protection af-
forded by the fire department.
Room •
The Mutual Life
Assurance Company of
Fsea!isbei iSM.
Head Office, o
Waterloo,. Ontario.
D. D. MOONEY, Agent.
East Street. Phone 250
Goderich, Ontario.
Chief :
It shall be the duty and authority
of the chief to maintain proper de-
corum, discipline and efficiency of the
entire department at dI1 times in his
official capacity. He shall preside at
all meetings of the members of the
department and may make such rules
and regulations as may be necessary
for the better government, control
and discipline of the department.
He shall submit a report to the coun-
cil annually or as often as they may
require, outlining the activities of
the department and the fire looses
Assistant Chief :
It shall be the duty of the assist-
ant chief to sasume_the duties of the
chief in his absence and to carry out
the instructions of the chief.
Captains :
The captains shall be responsible
for the apparatus placed in their
charge and shall immediately report
any deficiencies or untoward circum -
In order to develop and maintain a stances in connection with the same
proper esprit de corps among the to the chief or assistant chief. They
members of the department it is ne- shall be responsible for the training
cessary to make their associati•,ns of the companies under the supervis-
with the fire, hall pleasant and give ion or direction of the chief.
them facilities to meet there in com- Lieutenants :
fort and fraternize and discuss fire The lieutenants shall carry out the
protection matters. instructions of their senior officers
I have no doubt but that if a room and assume the duties of the captains
were provided for them upstairs and in their absence.
modestly furnished the firemen would Firemen :
soon raise funds to make it more at- It shall be the duty of all firemen
to carry out the instructions of the
officers of the department, to attend
all practices as far as possible, and
to respond promptly to all firs
Men who are detailed as -truck
drivers or to any other particular
duty shall also be trained in hand-
ling the other equipment.
Social Activities :
The foregoing is a skeleton outline
of the organization in so far as it
pertains to fire duties. If it is de-
sired hy the members of the Depart-
ment to form an organization for so-
cial and similar purposes, the chief
-[hot hi be president -or- such an organization and the other
officers such as vice-president, secre-
tary, treasurer, chairman of corn-
mittees, etc., could be elected by the
membership at annual meetings or
at such times aa -they --deli le. --
would be much more Convenient and tractive and comfortable, with pro -
would give better service. While the{bablY some gymnasium equipment as
nil lanterns are in use one of them a benecial diversion. Suitable read -
should be lighted every evening be- ing material including some current
fore dark so that there will always fireiprotection journals would prompt
be one ready if needed.
Plaster Hooks :
Two plaster hooks sh
vided for the purpose
openings in ceilings and
fire gets into channels be
and studding.
Sledge Hammer :
A 10 -pound sledge is
in forcing barred doors axed xed _gratings coven
in the sidewalks at ba
scussions whicb would stimulate
greater interest in fire department
ould be pro- duties and affairs.
of making Doors :
walls where The present method of fastening
tween joists the doors of the hall with a wooden
crossbar does not permit of quick
operation and there is no provision
very useful to Prevent the doors blowing shut in
or windows the path of the trucks.
ng areaways The doors should be fastened with
cement win- fever -controlled bolts whichwiTrse-
dnwa cure the doors at top and bottom and
Belts and Wrenches : some device should be provided to
Each fireman should have a belt prevent the doors from blowing shut.
in which. he should carry al hydrant apa:
4hd hose wrenrlr•
_ It is recommended that a map of
Spare Clothing : the town showing the watermains,
Unless all the rgbber hats, coats hydrants and valves be framed and i Summary :
and boots and the belts are 'kept on hung in the fire hall so that the mem- i The foregoing is not intended to Life, Accident, tiirkness, laws of Timet,
4he apparatus, it mould be advisable hers of the department will have anj ea a l,asia set ..hi.M a sr -t oft rather Burglary. tutn"ramnscleile. Glass
on the ladder truck tobeused by quaintest with the systems In this,Pan be drawn up. Upon close serol a; liege:. ttS,
to have men whofour havetotres tondsets � to eachopportunity
way they well be inns [ng better tter posttatrxrt -if _eras ors itt�rfded to make Fran- j FOR SALE
fire pany sidersblc "an," fiat we trust that 1 ¢
alarm without their own. to size u situation that may rap will at least find our suggestions A-htimlwr of .451 h1111,es and I.t. for
ape ari•e and to know how many fire t
The rope should
urance Real Estate
Stocks and Bonds
Farms and Property a Plenty
J. W. Craigie
Lai Estate and Issaraace
Geo. Williams
Dealer In
Fire, LIte, Accident, Antonio,
bile, and General Insurance
Office, next to Bank of Commerce
Phone 53 I; 4IPrlcll
0. F. Carey & Sou,
Insurance and
Bond Brokers
• Phone 280
West Street, 1;utlerieh, Om
The Armstrong Real Estate
and Insurance Agency
carried on one
of the trucks instead of leaving it in
the fire hall. It is valuable in rais-
ing hose to upper storey windows,
pulling up tools, etc., wrecking
walls after a fire and in serving as
life lines.
Five -Gallon Water Tanks with Hand
Pump :
These small hand pumps direct a
small water stream on the fire and
in many small fires they are suffi-
cient to extinguish them. Many
fire -chiefs consider them a ver
valuable piece of equipment. They
can be used under circumstances
similar to those where chemicals are
used and need only to be replenished
with water to maintain the etreer.
Ladders :
We understand that one 20 foot
ladder is left in the fire hall because
it will not stay .n the ladder wagon.
The ladders could all be kept on by
means of a removable pin, set in
place between the rungs of the lad-
'Water Works Tki,�°r�,�{yAP
Mains : 1
There is unfortunately a large
percentage of 4 -inch watermnins,
streama they can get off any parti-t' of some aegis ante to you.
Fire train or hydrant.
1 (q l J. E RITCHIE,
Fire Department :
In entering upon thin phase of the Fire Prevention F.ingineer.
report we realize that we are dealing January loth, 1928.
with a somewhat delicate problem -
Yet it probably requires more impor-
tant consideration than any other
Matter. The returns to he realized
from investments in apparatus vary
directly as the efficiency of the la—
cers and men who use that appara-
tus. An enthusiastif, efficient, well-
trained department may do better
work with some equipment than an
ill -trained department would accom-
plish with better equipment.
The following comments and re-
commendations are put forward from
an entirely disinterested personal
viewpoint. They are prompted sole-
ly by a desire to establish a regime
which will best serve the citizens of
the Town, and which we believe will
add interest and good fellowship
within the fire department itself.
General Outline :
It is suggested that the depart-
ment consist of a fire chief, an as-
sistant chief and two companies,
each consisting of a captain, a lieu•
tenant and seven firemen. One coni -
which limits the supply of water at may would be designated as the hose
the hydrants. particularly where company in charge of the hose trucks
dead ends exist. For this reason it and the other as the ladder company
is desirable that dead ends should be in charge of the ladder truck and
eliminated as far as possible so that appurtenances. All should, however,
the water can be fed to the hydrants be trained in all hases of the. work
ger of it failing under tire pressure
and seriously handicapping the de-
partment in fighting k flre. For this
teens any hose which in doubtful
should be tested immediately and all
ones *very year, to a presaurs
of ,about 100 posnds per square inch.
Mei-Clamp :
A hose clamp should be carried,
which eat di readily clamped over a
break in a hose in use, thus render-
ing it possible to maintain a cnntin-
chus stream instead of shutting off
the water to replace the broken hose
with a new length.
Hose Adaptors :
Two adaptors, one combating of
shout one font of hoar with a male
coupling on each end and the other
of it similar length of hose with a
female coupling nn each end. would
prove a valuable time saver, nn nets -
/Mos when it would be necessary to
! 'lF„�4 "4iS Nk-�a t7i9 hF.
only a 10 -inch supply main from the instead of fifteen as at present.
pump house to the Court House Chfef
it will be found that the title
"chief” instead of "warden" will cor.
respond with the practice in all other
towns in the province. He should be
appointed by the council and should
be subject to removal by them, on re•
commendation of the fire committee,
Under the present cireumstanbes we
cannot recommend the re -appoint-
ment of the ex -chief. in -flew of re-
cent developments we do not consider
� tt►� that he would be well advised to sc-
eept the appelat�ntent if It were offer-
ed to him, nor do we think that it
would be in the best interests of the
towner Of the _lep*rtment. This in
not to be resented in anyway as a
1 reflection oa te ex -chief
is a conclusion width is forced
uas by asistlae dresmstaneea.
Twenty-Slz New Planes.
To meet tho Iner.'ased activity In
aviation. the Royal Cenadlaa Air
Force will be equipped with twenty -
111 new ptanetf aetoe dtn> trrtdvants
Information from Ottawa. There will
be three Fairchild monoplanes,
twelve Avro land planes, two De
Raviland and, others, vahied In the
sasresate at about $4011000.
The one secret that every woman
k seg a. --•hr • rsel f. —L, (te.
The yellow race meyaominate the
world some day, but not unteaa the
white race gets too yellow to domin-
ate It --New Redford Times.
Sun Life Assurance Co.
of Canada
offers many attractive forms
of policies. rCommit its
regarding these.
so -
District Agent
Goderich Phone 115
node in almost any part of the town re -
1 vinyl. Prices ranging from }rwr,0 to ii$00,
61000, $1:l11, theta,. $1,410, p_skin. Many
easy terms for l.ayment if required. -
A few bow's to rent.
14l'F('l t1. IAr•ge Apartment (louse i?
for sale or rant. Formerly known RP the
(ioderich Marine Hospital, situated on
the cooler of South stA. t anal Britannia
road. This tine building hoe kern re-
decorated and dit'i414A into thew apart -
imam for_ dwelling_fnuierx. Each_apart.___
anent steam -heated, eh-etric-lighter&, sup-
plied with wafer, toilet and bathroom.
Any one orthcse apartments adapted for
a fine dwelling -hones. or for roomers, or
bounders. (Inc ..r more of theta! apart-
ments, including everything, rented to 1
any reliable party at a reluonable rent.
A large number listed. Many at very
low prices. No better place to locate a
farm to buy.
• Sl'l-('IAexcellent opportunity to
atelire a prnall farm near (l.alerich, con
venlent to k. k. station, school, store, .
church, 4 1-2 miles (rem Goderich, ma
good r..ad, at about the price of a house
and lot in (i.nlerich. Would be very pro-
fitable as a chicken (arm on account of
location and feed supply. At the same
time a fine home for any family where
most of the food supply for family and
'dock could be produced. This place con-
sist,. '1 45 scnM 5.111 clay loam soil, good
was,—,supply, orchard, house ( brisk) and
barn, nice garden plot. , A real home -like
place. Price for entire pmperty *2360.
Terms: If $1200 cash is paid at once may
terms could be arranged for balance.
Real Rotate Agent
P. O. HOZ at Gedsrieh, Oat
.,� r• �r
,.1 Stocks Bonds Grain L
Mfnrket quotations etrpplied for any listed stock. Orches
promptly executed on Toronto, Montreal and New York Stock
Exchanges and Chicago and Winnipeg (Strain Exchanges.
Huron Investments Limited
Royal Beak Bide., Glide lth, Oa. Phones: 430 and 44S
Privets. wire conmctinne with all feeding stock and grain exehanges.