HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-2-2, Page 2Q..;itXiolrmllafWNPfgsiaioiigoimmmor-
WIN=M>ril, serol* 2, 11ISI.
1 �1�1t►Yl
Meatber at Canadian Weekly New, -
pagers Association
PubGibed every Tburaday Iaoralag•
Subscription price 1200 per year
strictly la advance.
WW1Il.9.0 : • : Oad.rieb, Oat
W. H. Robertson, 1991tor -sad Minstar
' Thursday. February 2, 192$.
The Week at Ottawa
By R. J. I)eachtnan
, -... s. -. .,,,.,,,.
• l 4
- .xi .'4n
Outario corn .bow at (ibatham. • R. R.
Moore, Norwich, Is one of the outstand-
ing producers of vegetable. Sower and
root seed• in the 'Province,- 'Fe was
one of the leading winners in sweet
(•urn at the Royal.
The limit might be •!tended 'taded-
nitely, but enough has been add to
prove the point.
Ottawa, Jruuury All dol long 'Ills!*-utl►uu Lrnial14 lulled rtrently toted travell,ug courses In dairylug 1'atr�y 8tabie�
t wm,et Ido • „ There Id not likely to 1* much
the storm raged. The drifts piled carried lint by t'auadlau packing tans year. ago. It started t.
high. The cavalry of the windy and plane* go to whew thel the meat pro• !Travelling c••ur-ox are now almost as
the srtlllery of the wild blasts swirled dI chlg it banding industry is losing• common as the stationary lid. Betterneetter
a slur rage somewhere around $2;,00,000 a year seed trains. Meter Ilve stuck tektite,
ytk,ut.d about the r g from this cause this country. Even better this-dud-IIIat realm, btu tegu-
streeets. The army of, bleb apt«dmterl ill tluled lit K•«RI price* thief la more lerly every nine•, wad tnt••ks take In-
to keep clean the ways 10 the House 111 en the buslutee,' cuff -carry with cum- formation on caret attbJe.•t4 to fairs
on the Hill battled In stern and fierce ehleeuey and picnics ever, summer.
o realize amount of Utes tan .c: laklug
endeavor. The whet drove the snow , }'ew people r ze '1'ke t n this line is
t tilt winter garments until they floss from this entree. nor Just kow the sheep special or. specials, of the
i looked for all the world like walking ' •easy it I. to knock severe. e,ot,ars off Dominion Live stock Brant'''. Two
``Tit• Dominion Parliament lent opened images of snow men. Teams come,' a the value of au auimai Aside alto- pairs Of can, tit'ed wltb facilities for
soft the 1928 session on on Thursday last, the -beautiful" away; vet still It came 'tether from humanitarian consldere- lectures and •IewonMratlons, and
and on Monday Prime Minister King —far into the night the tierce battle tions, It's the 1««,nest of poor busters, carrying sheep, ,%001. and shtryemen's
to Prot or club auinuols 011 the way to (supplies, are renting Eastern and
addressed the Souse, wetting forth raged. For it 1s the law of this market. Mixing,hu�r.eel with nutnless
cartoon item. of Government policy QOSs bettrthe house cud j sAxt or small with large stock, in the
thethat batheth buy pilewuas hick as the
Re announced that among the features heaveas, but the roodp•u rum Wellington same car without pensee partitions, are
of the forthcoming budget would be an- street to the Senate amber must be ether leading causes.
other surplus, further !eduction of the made smooth as a lo1111sr1 table ter During the last week in Deember
Public debt, and reduction of tixatlon. - Heath the feet of the men who make
nue pa
Wkb regard to the St. Lawrence water- tL0 laws.
Western (hitarie Gaud specimens of
the leading breed•, the etaniktrd gov-
ernment grade of wool, "reject" wools,
form the chief e‘hillit1.
Apparently the public taken to this
form of demonstration. At many •fulls
way project, be stated that the Goverr-
ment was In communication with sun sl bee. with a In
Washington with respect to interna- weaut clout. a pure of meat of vended Formers' Sun, draws attention to a largo market In Montreal,
-Ise had to becut out and turned into very common woteknsss. At an' nuc• cheap land. and comparatively few
donal •apects of the trotter, and that tankage; and ''very ;,Deer eut out !n- tion sale which he attended "there Pests. Is in a good p 4111100 to enlarge
In the meantime there will he no pub-' t Jura the .p1«•areu.e of the ('linea, were a number of yonikg bull* of curl- Its oreharla.
I10 annals P 41I( of the Government's sunlight gHtteresi The smoke lifted I�
- leases' eventually renne basic to the man to very geed. Tae first one Four new bulletin's are In the mall
policy nor of the contents of the report from a thousand ehiruneys clear and producer, and It is evidently !n our Sn- brought out war of the former kind— today. The nest is the rrpsort of the
of the National Advisory Mmmktee. ieold es fee itself. There was a torte Inst to d° ail we eau to prevent a 'dinner's bull.' and not ton good at ! 1)nmlydorl Mlnleter of Agrtc•ultur :
Western l': nadlan ektug
plant, a survey showed that nearly these cars attract •crowds of seyentye-
100 people
All this, remember. was the day tie- 1,IIIeegbirl ofr tie.
IIiw ocattlereebr istdrto what's Rs Worthy though there may be an increase in the
fore! On the opening day its.If, the a gr•eeater or less extent. every bruise A Shorthorn bres•,1er, writing to The yield of marketable fruit per acre. Que-
change in average annual apple pro-
duction lu North Awerlca durlug the
tlext ten years, according to Andrew
(better known as Andy) Fulton, mar-
ket specialist of the Dominion Fruit
Blench. Increase in some districts
w Ill he offset by declines In others, and
tranitportathllt has improved to such
au.teut that there Is no longer a "lo-
cal market situation," resulting from
short suppllw. .'
in this country. as Mr. Fulton sees
It, there will be little net change. Brl-
tish ('ohtmhk will remain about the
same for the next ten years; In On-
tario the old farm orchards are dis-
appearing, but commercial plantings
are reelving better care; In New
Brunswick new orchard* are coming
Into hearing, hut they are largely early
varieties for local markets; In Nova
Sisals there are few new plantings.
Ione forth from clear skies. The
snow glittered in smiling ytoc•kery of
the wrath of yesterday. l'k,ir out to
I e Gatlueau 71111s In million -toned
He stated, further, that a referent*. tone to the atmosphere.. The frost
bas !leen made to the courts to deter- /ebbed Itself in witched and weird
mine the respective rights. of the Pro- windowpanes. Silhouetted against the
tracery of frond and free•° on the
bruising while the animal is 1n our that. Ile wan Mold fur •rte. "nee.r• Pete*. AO 0rnts. This Is one Of the
!lauds and to get oar live stook also- 'oho went up to $75 ea this calf hid the few for which a charge is made. It
elation and co-operative repro Ilta- following three up 1., that figure alms few
all the wort of the De-
partment atter the transportation come Seventy -ave dollars was his peke, atwl hl its any branches TO dt-
vine•! and the Dominion with respect northern skyline stood the Idle of the noted 'o, do their rt also. he was wlllin to dal n bull at that m
to the waterpower, proposed to he de- Parliament buildtn s. ITIstoriM Grand! I l i 7 cialon44. and to glance through t Is to
Memories mss end„thrmg! great• Cherper to Buy chicks. 'figure regardless rf quality. We be astonished by the number and
veloped. P ..Many formers who would not Ihluk !earned that this wan held ttnek in y4oety of Government seryl e,e which
Mr. King trade 1t plain that he does' ems has mar'herl within these hulls. of .irhing a horse and buggy to town . several defunct enlnl.1nies as well as In ,vP accept 4411. a flintier M comm. or of
1 Who was the greatest? No one knows! over roads that a ,ear celled get through .1 few that were JH -t struggling along.
not intend to be rushed into any pre Milt ,,„..i
1«• mute. Gladeter'Pt will lose hours of tittle :uhiel
e hcg chicks Ile was willing to trust bila in highly .which we know nothing whntivet.
mature decision In thls wetter, and in I silent. while a parvenu wakes the with setting how. -WI) sF. E. Ellis of sp«ru;ache hzyestm,•r.ts, tett would net The next Is Se tangs as a Feed for
this attitude he will be supported by 1 echoes with his strident tones. Woodstock, a le•adlug ps.iltrywa,n. And trust nature in in., -ting a few wore
the common emote of the country. • • • • • he goes ern to tlgwre it ,alt : Personal , ,(,(tars 1n a high -Ila -s sire.”
Mr. Bennett, the new t)ppnei.tien
leader. made'his flrat speech In that
Lire Steck. by the assistant animal
Imetiendnrin. On ten p,agee it sum -
The ripening this year was the Rny• time lot—hen's time lost-protalrlc ,Well? marizes, eeperimcnts In feeding sercest-
est of the gay. Our growing natl.meli twelve weeks et a time of heavy pro- ! 1t seems to be • ,cardinal article of Ings to OattIe. both beef and dairy.
importance reveala itself in our strut. duction; prssibillty of total loss of faith with some peeve, 1, that O.A.C. ex- ' shPPl, *14 twine.
capacity and dealt with Immigration, Tau years ago Governments Were latch freln hen quilting at critical i students never go lme k to the farm. Third is the Req«ort of the Committee
cnnetltntIonal matters: the customs re-
port, and other questions to et man-
ner that evidently oat very pleasing
to the members of his party. '
One month of 1928 gone.
• • •
('andlemas Day. Sundbine
Collection of
Sea Relics
In a quiet, unpretentious attic at
the top of a tall building, within a
stone's throw of Oxford Circus, Lou-
don, says a Tit -Bits writer, lives Mr.
A. O. H. MacPherson. the proud pos-
sessor of a remarkable ccllectlon of
sea relics of days gone by. He is the
only man In the world who has com-
piled a complete pictorial rtcord of
Britain's sea history.
"Fascinating stories are coonect•d
with almost every Item In my collie -
Bon," Mr. MacPherson told me.
"Look at this old spotted print. To
talk of a vessel grounding on as
island formed of beef bones thrown
overboard by members of the crew
seems too 'tall' a yarn to he believed
by the simplest sallorman. Yet this
tale concerning the fate said to have
befallen the Royal William was told
by many an old salt In years gone by.
"At the time when Napoleon
threatened to land in Great Britain,
this vessel was a guardahlp at Spit -
head. Her crew are said to have been
famous trenchermen, and to have dis-
carded so many meat bones that their
vessel was 'wrecked' on the pile."
An innate love of the sea and ships
first 'prompted Mr. MacPherson to
start his collection. To begin with
he .pevtali•ed
but gradually his interests spread,
and, to -day he possesses approximate-
ly 12,000 items and includes at least
six minor collections that are the An -
est in the world.
Rare pictures of naval actions, be-
sides quaintly -colored atlases and
charts, may be seen in this little-
known museum where visitors are
welcomed. Some of the exhibits are
worth many hundreds of pounds.
"L$sspite•its shabby appearance,
this little book is a positive gold -
mine." Mr. MacPherson dleplayed a
email volume about nine inches
square. "It cost meF no less than
£500. Published between 1477 and
1485, it deals with the Mediterran-
ean, and la considered to be the ear-
Archgrip - Shoes
Onyx Shoes are wonderful
Shoes for fit, comfort and
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Sole Agent for Onyx Shoes
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shaky and theAM tones, were grey. Tetime; tate. hatching. -t)td-fuetltemeetas and that when :They do go twill the on Dressed 1•eretltry f+tanelard!r. And fleet printed atlas." 1
I \rnnurPe and Fee- Even more Interesting Is the "Mar-
iner's Mirror." ancient atlas that
may have come originally from one
of the English ships at the rout gf
the Spanish Armada, for It was pub-
lished In 1588. Quaint decorations
of mermaids and sea serpents make
this book resemble-at/me fautaatically
illustrated fairy tale.
"To secure my 300 whaling prints
wen a trying business," Mr. Mac-
ao-Pherson continued. "And, unhappily,
much of -the fascination which clings
to them la now merely a memory of
days gone by, for the modern her-
poon-gun. which literally converts a
whale Into a balloon, has destroy. d
most of the danger and romance . t
old-time whaling. Sometimes qualet
and comic oddments reward pains-
taking search, but probably the hu-
morous qualities of these prhits were
entirely lost
rs them-,
1 It (lid A Th t sal One ancient whaling picture shows
the huge Ash deluging with Aendtsh
delight the crew of a small boat sent
to capture it.
Valued at about $450,000, this
unique collection has suffered many
vicissitudes. On tine occasion it lay
P oceanor months. When
on the Ded f
Mr. MacPherson retired from busi-
ness In Calcutta he shipped his
treasures home, but the vessel to
which fhey were stored sank and the
steamship company gave no hope of
New York fb•ntri.al critic says recovery. Fortunately the collection
mus-pin;r.in a thouertai fe 4 tea i1saIve4 a vnez wasdly. undiaacked In
ed by
worth producing. Well, week)n•rtainly the sea.
eke to gel' It prtiuce.l.—Judge,
"I have o more money left for
purchase Mr.. MacPherson confid-
ed. Ithobeh the call.etion took
twenty years to complete, f am
compelled to sell. If• it is impos-
sible for me to get it estal,lished as •
a national collection at C r, enwich, It
will have' to go to America, where It
would probably fetch $150,000 more
than I am asking in this country."
year color burst forth: this year it was ' the cradle and the flail, Is his con- ,tlHur let that one by, 1 wonder?) they Iasi 111 a hull t n nq .
• riot. Pageantry never loses 1(44 appeal elusion. 1 Invartnbly make a fallnre. And as [Risers., by the Dominton chemist end
to a democracy. All such grand oma- There is just one thing In favor of 'ther'e ore occasional falleres among 11144 asdstarrt. it should be worth $S
alone must be military. "glen. the war the hen teethed: -high vitality In the' o.A.C. men as *mon, others, and the of any fernier's money. yet It'. free.
-drums throb Ill) longer and the battle jchlok1. title seldom Insets' 'nothing In the tell -
flags are furled." Parliaments will Travelling Course*, - ing. the imprendon ie fairly wide -
stay tinged! flow could they ever he I IN -lien the et..\.t'. dairy school Melt- spread 11 is nue of the WPekt)eesses of
opened without the clink of arms, the I the O.A.C. that it takes so little trnn-
flash of sabre, the rattle of spurs. let- . — bee to present the other side of the
or tie's tllagnlflet'Ttly Went army' • ease. ilowerer, her• are a few facts
The "Muse of Commons mar—b,, to f♦ which may prove ey,•-openers to some
the Senate Chamber to hoar the i renders': -
Ring's speech. Tills gh•,-4 the en0 to �,1►\ I). 7.. (aheon, of Caledonia. dual
the seasun'u tusk. but It 'acs little. //� / 1 purpose Shorthorn breeder. 1s an
Much matter passes ls•fere the Com- Y // g O.A.('. graduate. At the Royal lost
mons and the Klug+ seeeoh sayeth 1 ,hj,w Hall els herd won eight tiret prize•s, one tsompulsery military service; isn't pre-
• • •
Canada boAks forward to Mr. Robe's
•.811 budget speech with confidence. Fur-
ther reductions of taxation are 'ptrom
Compulsory Service.
Char:ea .4. 'Browne. chief of the B.A.
Bureau of ('he'mistn': may hive been
w•rlous Or may have hct*tl jetting: no-
lo,iy knows but Mr. 'Browne. At any
rate. he recently eaverat"d two years
compatlsory service on the farm as an
a4ellraIN•e of national safety'and wel-
fare; and when you come to think It
over It's not sere to assume that he
wee Joke:g. Some nations insist upon
toed, and that is a tent for a popular little. The carne menthe'''. T,•rre
Jt Mr. King In resplendent uniform
-d±rcroBria• • looking 11'1ce a million dellare. .Mr.
• • • • Bennett In sombre Meek. who really
The proposed new calendar is to Owns several muttons, lot k,. fust sesett
have thirteen month*. instead of $5°Q,4) less; lmmaeulnta.tluouah lut..J4
nor man Amtrethat h1.1 tout ennemhle
twelve. We trust that prnvlslon is 1*- is worth that much 101144. And ,4on't ,
ing made to have the extra month In forget Mr. Guthrie. Ile is a s1n-
tbe rummer. The winter in quite long meagre figure, 'Polities. like the stork
enough as k Ia exchange. to hard nn lifestyle adorn-
• • • ment and Meesrt. thug and llenntt
The Canadian Navigators' Feeler*- ere wlslre inter( ie that(•h. hat Guthrie,
though thinns h• eliinl,s rise Luldrr
tlon.pf Which our townsman. Capt. E•1. orndrnncing years. etlll menpies n
ston1 an then. sterminal for tavore King- strong the shipping gentlemen ofstshe 11ems•the T wt-'nr,ktnR
trade on 11* Great Lakes 1wn Tho • • • • • t,
new Welland Canal is opened to trate Ther is 11ttio to rebel in the
eprch from the Throne. We ere to
pe. 113roMPvllle. and Prescott are ad-
:..hast'.11mhn44wa,Mrs to France and :In-
venting mlahns for selection. but the pan. nn extra trede tre.it) t,r two.
lake captains stat that Kingston it emu. cnetnms lotrl. lane n'. n mooring
preferable both In point of eatery and • mast In Montreal and a few other
in paint of tlmrsaving. Onthe river.
things. So fn r. sn gesel: ISnt legl!-
intlon is really "Inde In the coon• of
„,; 4t to stated, l4sPaachuswpe-in-nae•rtaln tlre-membe'rs. Atnirl nH-+lw eel tar ns,
while the harbor at Kingston can be hilarity of the re-nnlen. whirl) (eke fauna
entered at any time (14100 at the ,opening of a seselnn
• • • lewe iv it gr,r«llr grist of . loTne talk '3
The village of Wroxemer is faller- afeeting together 1n group- of three or
four, the members form) teatime. lit
tog the evau11411 of hayfield, applie-l- - harden evonyletl,ns, D14111 campaigns of
Wm lowing leen made to the 1,eglsl - :tenon and event,. for the work of the
ture for the passing of n mOnsure session. Some of the *,isms never
nnder Which the village would disap- 1«'Hr frelt. hat b '011111 1111' 1nrf:lce
pest p,
ns an eutorrnted mnniclpelitr therm Is a gorwllr mermen er solemn
,leer•n1 thlnking and n n1P11«'r of Par -
111111 W0411) revert IG, the township of 1Inntent line serious e-eerk 1n hand end
ihrwirk. This, of (.011 FUR, would In. •14)44 his work to the beet of his ability.
voile 1114'-dietpemrance of it! repro.. • • • • •
s entalloe fern= rite-rntlnty cruintet-TV. -Aad nnwr wlrx1? The opening
raison for title step is the same ns In• '•ser. she mrml't•r' (104,1117:i Tions,• j
the case of Bayfield ---the desire to oh- of ('nlnl'I17:11.111-1, h 1,, .
iI II\'r torn oxprt''e•I 10.11:• (1,' I nil
'• fain Ilydtn conn("•tion under the s(•- era Thr Ibbs• nd)nnrns thus do we T
real terms granted to rural mnnlcl- I.•gin a s•11si011 oL I'nrlietnefet. The P
panties,' -erten• matter• to comm 11p thI! yonr
ehampio11shll, and live rererre cham-
pionships. Alai a mauler of Other
placings. .\t the Inter, at 'Chi-
cago. Mr. (Modem took titre! firsts and
two seconds in strwlg • entpanv. 'The
larnrion for pester Just as ImporMnt as '
l reparation for war?
"A romeelsnry apprentirrship to
aerlculrure voted provide the cowled
discipline in economy end thrift. and
11027 Inte'rnOIl,nal email not have . would form route eorre%t opinions fee
rshown the markedjalprovemeut le the to the heslr �IPirnenfil of nitlonnl
milking tilierthorn a asses which e pro peony." says Mr. crane. a
show•, had the Gibson herd not cum- u,nnds sound e•nnugh : and then think.
wed." says tlw Milking Shorthorn t*„• of the snirttnel .stlefaetlen--It
Journal. World afford some of us to give !Mole of
• i. H. 1)ent of W''''elsls'k, Hol,etein thee. !!Irk young s1eiks a gruelling
bre"lrr. is an t).A.r. man. He bred cenurse In elemrntiry fork handling!
enc developed the cow which holds the Mr, drew iw s plan has lsoseibillt1044.
world's mewl' for four
pwrin.i4. Nortaan Martin. ftpringtfeld. Speaking of eomptntionnte marriage..
tnothrr O.:\.1'.egradnate. has preluelvl there is the very old one about the
tau 1'anuell an champions. Ml'twe of te,,,,,',_-u111.-,c..i1.t..011 .his hont7-
Venieieeeek' HIlI le still another. mom nione.—T>tetmif News.
W .M. Wallace of Wnai44lee, who -- __ ___-_- _
gr.utuated from O.A.('. les. than Ave ,
tears axe. Duel4he firer prize bushel of t oat
torn It, the yellow dent 01145TAT I1tt'
Royal la -t Gill. .\ few yearn ago he
web tir•t frrr the .beet hnslrel et the
Apply Minard's at once. It
halts the pain and atopsinflam-
mation. Removes All poison
from cuts and sores.
Keep a bottle
on the shelf. tol
• • •
• bre like's t„ include the f(elewhle: -
' St. Levi nerve 'ensile, geed. it Is tier
Ohm of the bletnrie ,'htlr•h,es of Tor- 10 lay, for several %cars of k'Iser'
onto, or, indeed. of thpe 1'roein,e. Ave.' slob, pro enol 001: tie hn,'get„ in-
,Testmyed on monitnv morning when thaYoh ;RR the- cermet en,estleert . f tart♦►, # `'
1m ''m" t•,t and snlrs tae 111,11 there 'a1'
\f0tmpxolltan T'nite' (91urch sans :,r,• e•h:ulees in 111e customs .\(•t 9kOr
wrecked by fire. A coteTienons fen- to 1• nd to gwilt, n hit °f fres•-fornll
turn of the "down-tOWn" dtetriPt orf discus- on There aro thine. the
Toronto. It was well known through- 49,1.11 111.11' be reformed• or sot
out the Provinee and beyond. and had 4-111 kl, k oyer the hn.•ket.
been termed the "cathedral of Meths- \! n means eef prey
diem." it had leen the erne of many
mnmentOns g41therines, 'and from time
fn tlmo 1144 pnlplt find Mein (erupted by
110014' of the greatest men of the
ehnr•li. The sprlendid tower feoieg
Qnetn street, with its famous cull
4414' 11nrrd from the flames'.
• • •'
and then, we 11
to dmmiern
creme. t
1g n storm now i
mnttere po•rrntnlne
11 Is the frie'tlon
ret -box of Government ni1-
ton. Fvery men in the
t has him own solution even man
«elle%(" his own to bo' richt . T1er
men without on opinion on this .tlhls•t
bus not hien Is,rn vet. NIT.. R°t,e'rt
•r.,rer ar Fork will bear the brunt of the row.
in the tenth of Field Mershnl Ftlr1 trnversy. Add to all thm4' thine• the
RTAlg• which nl,enrrel suddenly le Lon nrYlwttrm of she rl'1t 0f ter Henry
Thornton to :Wexler., the desire en
std Mn en Monday Inst, *anther of the fife toner of the new loader to tank"
groat Amer. of the wnr hits pedal hist impress felt. end There T *nmtptli+
from earth. air Hooray finis ams to tlnr4Pr in klrxlh the OM. to keep the
sxe, commend of the Rritl•h fort** in horn• warm. nn matter whet the wen -
4 then -men . offer• to the 1't' el4 et
"'ranee derinr the greater port of the (Htnwn.
war anti in re•ognttine of 11144 great rer-
vlrM In that onpelty he wan mP That's alt. The !ne•Int sernes of the
pointed Flied *initial and inter wan I opening are o thing of the pest for aa•
fronted an earldom 1114 aeetnsralsh1p other year. if was Are-thlrty by the'
Aitring the war hos linen rrltlrlaM: of - clock to the leg Newer of the Paries -
merit hnlMints on she manliest After, .
parrs•, Mat his (innlItIe' wort, f)wwP , The eel(' bit e'n441•! The stillness of
"MI nn AnnM wan the wnr Aorrm • '!ft, hunt over the eeitr•. A sernh wo.
dr...emanation copies/ with A 11rh de- man wendse,t her way lo work. ter rite
ere* of walernft. fir Wali not a Na -
polecat. bat the hiatnrianr, of the war
may welt slot him a plate beside the
How* must he kept spotless and
clean. What 444 she think of It all?
Before the pity armlet. to another dor.
she had finished her teak and tarried
Iran DIN who in the MM detested the lnitmewnrd Mala-1'Home, ' Iaeet
Megalaatie 1 }lose".!
Revelstoke, Queen City of the Ski -Jumpers
w •
leOka Cee rttriRmilose PloN
Wow" dam etwPartAgara glom
Nst. e
NtatoN tet Fiaatir
• stiff .,�,
Max, evoreafr
vwmmopi - 480 P71
e town of Revelstoke nestling Nels Nelson a brakeman on the take part in both events,
among the Selkirk Mountains in Canadian Pacific Railway estab- Canadians are great oven of the
the broad valley of thh Columbia lished his world record jump of out-of-doors and winter sports are
river, in British Columbia, is noted 240 feet in 1925. The woman's an important factor in the lives of
for two things: Its National Park, record jump of 84 feet was also young people in this land of the
situated on top of Mount Revel-, made on the Revelstoke ski hill in maple leaf. Quebec and Montrealstoke, and its world famous ski- 1922 by Isobel Courier, a record are thetwoeastern
the centers
P f orstorrand
jump where world records have en which still hands. peg
madand up to the present date not town Little
whohet nndo littleShia
more mountain
than west. and
Western Canada still
has forthan
The Revelstoke Winter Carnival walk begin to ski as sone as there is abundance of sunshine and the
oxtends from February 6-10 in- sufficient snow and they are Drought weather is all anyone could desire
elusive. During this celebration the up to think no mon of sk ing than for it does not freeze and thaw
fourteenth anneal ski-jumpint tour- the average child thinks of walking, alternately, postponing special com-
nament takes place on February The children have their own hill and petitions or trips, hut remains a
7-8. . The famods hill, where the Tittle Jumps from which they rradu- fairly eeven temperature. C al ae theanadians
are made, hu a total length ate 010 by one.
find of 1,780 feet, with a runway of 600 Revelstokrhas an unusually large futility of traveling long distances
. feet, The distance from the take off skating rink for thesis* of the town and•spending large sums of money
to the farthest point at which a safe and there am foot curling rinks. The to e'nfoy winter sports in Norway,
landing is assured, is 280 feet, or dates for the Banff Winter Car. tett Sweden or Swits•rland when there
40 feet Woad the present world are from February 4-11 making it ars so many delightful winter resorb
possible for sport eat�nsstasb to is the Dominion of Canada.
' ford.
�.eer titin;
Steel Wire Woven Into Cloth.
Marvels of science were seen at
the Shipping, Engineering and Me-
chanical Exhibition, held at Olympia.
They included steel wire so fine, and
of texture so silken, that It can be
woven into cloth as soft as muslin.
Stainless steel of a new type used
in the restoration of $t. Paul's Cathe-
dral. A copper tube 450 feet long
thinner than a needle. and. a naked
flame which penetrates water 200
feet deep. A lifeboat olaimed to be
unsinkable, reversible. self -emptying
and Incapable of being capsized was
also on show.
i ld You Gets Signal Calendar?
r•,,.•_,' FIA1RIi)A _"-'-
More people would travel, ae(Wei-
leg to W. Fulton, dlstrlet passenger ,
agent for the ('anndlan Pavel,- itetl
arty. if they realised how eitl1p'e it aH
WW1 "When a man who hag done little
travelling gets' an Iden that he 4441111
like to go to Florida, • thonegtml
gneestion. (vette Into hie mind 441dch
bre apt to ,t-aree him off, 1 1,'rens If
he Just walked into the tu'urr•st Can -
alkali leectfk• (dike all hi! problems "f
rntie 111111 routes .4111) rp.,'rvntiens
might be solved without any wt'rry Or
rubble." -
Why not jnat din that 1f you feel
the time et all?
Any ('Anedian Paeific agent will
gladly omelet In arranging your top. '
For Service
and Quality
S arc's Grocery
'The Store of Satisfaction"
Hamilton St. Phone 146
We deliver in town
ruaa.s,000 /WOOING
Hardwood Flooring
Made on most modern machinery
If you require Hardwood Floors we
Phone 31;9w -
East Street Goderich
Start the New
Year Right
Buy at
M. Robins' and
save. 20 to 30
reduction on all lines
y•r during January
Fresh Bread
Baked Daily
That's what you get when
ordering your Bread from
Cleveland's. It contains the
purest ingredients known to
bakers. Buy a loaf today and
taste the difference.
We specialize in Cream
Goods of all kinds
Phone 114 West St.
TME 01itRAAW -ra4E NOTEl-W
41MAUkk. i mil
. ,
The Weekly Farm Bulletin
Outario corn .bow at (ibatham. • R. R.
Moore, Norwich, Is one of the outstand-
ing producers of vegetable. Sower and
root seed• in the 'Province,- 'Fe was
one of the leading winners in sweet
(•urn at the Royal.
The limit might be •!tended 'taded-
nitely, but enough has been add to
prove the point.
Ottawa, Jruuury All dol long 'Ills!*-utl►uu Lrnial14 lulled rtrently toted travell,ug courses In dairylug 1'atr�y 8tabie�
t wm,et Ido • „ There Id not likely to 1* much
the storm raged. The drifts piled carried lint by t'auadlau packing tans year. ago. It started t.
high. The cavalry of the windy and plane* go to whew thel the meat pro• !Travelling c••ur-ox are now almost as
the srtlllery of the wild blasts swirled dI chlg it banding industry is losing• common as the stationary lid. Betterneetter
a slur rage somewhere around $2;,00,000 a year seed trains. Meter Ilve stuck tektite,
ytk,ut.d about the r g from this cause this country. Even better this-dud-IIIat realm, btu tegu-
streeets. The army of, bleb apt«dmterl ill tluled lit K•«RI price* thief la more lerly every nine•, wad tnt••ks take In-
to keep clean the ways 10 the House 111 en the buslutee,' cuff -carry with cum- formation on caret attbJe.•t4 to fairs
on the Hill battled In stern and fierce ehleeuey and picnics ever, summer.
o realize amount of Utes tan .c: laklug
endeavor. The whet drove the snow , }'ew people r ze '1'ke t n this line is
t tilt winter garments until they floss from this entree. nor Just kow the sheep special or. specials, of the
i looked for all the world like walking ' •easy it I. to knock severe. e,ot,ars off Dominion Live stock Brant'''. Two
``Tit• Dominion Parliament lent opened images of snow men. Teams come,' a the value of au auimai Aside alto- pairs Of can, tit'ed wltb facilities for
soft the 1928 session on on Thursday last, the -beautiful" away; vet still It came 'tether from humanitarian consldere- lectures and •IewonMratlons, and
and on Monday Prime Minister King —far into the night the tierce battle tions, It's the 1««,nest of poor busters, carrying sheep, ,%001. and shtryemen's
to Prot or club auinuols 011 the way to (supplies, are renting Eastern and
addressed the Souse, wetting forth raged. For it 1s the law of this market. Mixing,hu�r.eel with nutnless
cartoon item. of Government policy QOSs bettrthe house cud j sAxt or small with large stock, in the
thethat batheth buy pilewuas hick as the
Re announced that among the features heaveas, but the roodp•u rum Wellington same car without pensee partitions, are
of the forthcoming budget would be an- street to the Senate amber must be ether leading causes.
other surplus, further !eduction of the made smooth as a lo1111sr1 table ter During the last week in Deember
Public debt, and reduction of tixatlon. - Heath the feet of the men who make
nue pa
Wkb regard to the St. Lawrence water- tL0 laws.
Western (hitarie Gaud specimens of
the leading breed•, the etaniktrd gov-
ernment grade of wool, "reject" wools,
form the chief e‘hillit1.
Apparently the public taken to this
form of demonstration. At many •fulls
way project, be stated that the Goverr-
ment was In communication with sun sl bee. with a In
Washington with respect to interna- weaut clout. a pure of meat of vended Formers' Sun, draws attention to a largo market In Montreal,
-Ise had to becut out and turned into very common woteknsss. At an' nuc• cheap land. and comparatively few
donal •apects of the trotter, and that tankage; and ''very ;,Deer eut out !n- tion sale which he attended "there Pests. Is in a good p 4111100 to enlarge
In the meantime there will he no pub-' t Jura the .p1«•areu.e of the ('linea, were a number of yonikg bull* of curl- Its oreharla.
I10 annals P 41I( of the Government's sunlight gHtteresi The smoke lifted I�
- leases' eventually renne basic to the man to very geed. Tae first one Four new bulletin's are In the mall
policy nor of the contents of the report from a thousand ehiruneys clear and producer, and It is evidently !n our Sn- brought out war of the former kind— today. The nest is the rrpsort of the
of the National Advisory Mmmktee. ieold es fee itself. There was a torte Inst to d° ail we eau to prevent a 'dinner's bull.' and not ton good at ! 1)nmlydorl Mlnleter of Agrtc•ultur :
Western l': nadlan ektug
plant, a survey showed that nearly these cars attract •crowds of seyentye-
100 people
All this, remember. was the day tie- 1,IIIeegbirl ofr tie.
IIiw ocattlereebr istdrto what's Rs Worthy though there may be an increase in the
fore! On the opening day its.If, the a gr•eeater or less extent. every bruise A Shorthorn bres•,1er, writing to The yield of marketable fruit per acre. Que-
change in average annual apple pro-
duction lu North Awerlca durlug the
tlext ten years, according to Andrew
(better known as Andy) Fulton, mar-
ket specialist of the Dominion Fruit
Blench. Increase in some districts
w Ill he offset by declines In others, and
tranitportathllt has improved to such
au.teut that there Is no longer a "lo-
cal market situation," resulting from
short suppllw. .'
in this country. as Mr. Fulton sees
It, there will be little net change. Brl-
tish ('ohtmhk will remain about the
same for the next ten years; In On-
tario the old farm orchards are dis-
appearing, but commercial plantings
are reelving better care; In New
Brunswick new orchard* are coming
Into hearing, hut they are largely early
varieties for local markets; In Nova
Sisals there are few new plantings.
Ione forth from clear skies. The
snow glittered in smiling ytoc•kery of
the wrath of yesterday. l'k,ir out to
I e Gatlueau 71111s In million -toned
He stated, further, that a referent*. tone to the atmosphere.. The frost
bas !leen made to the courts to deter- /ebbed Itself in witched and weird
mine the respective rights. of the Pro- windowpanes. Silhouetted against the
tracery of frond and free•° on the
bruising while the animal is 1n our that. Ile wan Mold fur •rte. "nee.r• Pete*. AO 0rnts. This Is one Of the
!lauds and to get oar live stook also- 'oho went up to $75 ea this calf hid the few for which a charge is made. It
elation and co-operative repro Ilta- following three up 1., that figure alms few
all the wort of the De-
partment atter the transportation come Seventy -ave dollars was his peke, atwl hl its any branches TO dt-
vine•! and the Dominion with respect northern skyline stood the Idle of the noted 'o, do their rt also. he was wlllin to dal n bull at that m
to the waterpower, proposed to he de- Parliament buildtn s. ITIstoriM Grand! I l i 7 cialon44. and to glance through t Is to
Memories mss end„thrmg! great• Cherper to Buy chicks. 'figure regardless rf quality. We be astonished by the number and
veloped. P ..Many formers who would not Ihluk !earned that this wan held ttnek in y4oety of Government seryl e,e which
Mr. King trade 1t plain that he does' ems has mar'herl within these hulls. of .irhing a horse and buggy to town . several defunct enlnl.1nies as well as In ,vP accept 4411. a flintier M comm. or of
1 Who was the greatest? No one knows! over roads that a ,ear celled get through .1 few that were JH -t struggling along.
not intend to be rushed into any pre Milt ,,„..i
1«• mute. Gladeter'Pt will lose hours of tittle :uhiel
e hcg chicks Ile was willing to trust bila in highly .which we know nothing whntivet.
mature decision In thls wetter, and in I silent. while a parvenu wakes the with setting how. -WI) sF. E. Ellis of sp«ru;ache hzyestm,•r.ts, tett would net The next Is Se tangs as a Feed for
this attitude he will be supported by 1 echoes with his strident tones. Woodstock, a le•adlug ps.iltrywa,n. And trust nature in in., -ting a few wore
the common emote of the country. • • • • • he goes ern to tlgwre it ,alt : Personal , ,(,(tars 1n a high -Ila -s sire.”
Mr. Bennett, the new t)ppnei.tien
leader. made'his flrat speech In that
Lire Steck. by the assistant animal
Imetiendnrin. On ten p,agee it sum -
The ripening this year was the Rny• time lot—hen's time lost-protalrlc ,Well? marizes, eeperimcnts In feeding sercest-
est of the gay. Our growing natl.meli twelve weeks et a time of heavy pro- ! 1t seems to be • ,cardinal article of Ings to OattIe. both beef and dairy.
importance reveala itself in our strut. duction; prssibillty of total loss of faith with some peeve, 1, that O.A.C. ex- ' shPPl, *14 twine.
capacity and dealt with Immigration, Tau years ago Governments Were latch freln hen quilting at critical i students never go lme k to the farm. Third is the Req«ort of the Committee
cnnetltntIonal matters: the customs re-
port, and other questions to et man-
ner that evidently oat very pleasing
to the members of his party. '
One month of 1928 gone.
• • •
('andlemas Day. Sundbine
Collection of
Sea Relics
In a quiet, unpretentious attic at
the top of a tall building, within a
stone's throw of Oxford Circus, Lou-
don, says a Tit -Bits writer, lives Mr.
A. O. H. MacPherson. the proud pos-
sessor of a remarkable ccllectlon of
sea relics of days gone by. He is the
only man In the world who has com-
piled a complete pictorial rtcord of
Britain's sea history.
"Fascinating stories are coonect•d
with almost every Item In my collie -
Bon," Mr. MacPherson told me.
"Look at this old spotted print. To
talk of a vessel grounding on as
island formed of beef bones thrown
overboard by members of the crew
seems too 'tall' a yarn to he believed
by the simplest sallorman. Yet this
tale concerning the fate said to have
befallen the Royal William was told
by many an old salt In years gone by.
"At the time when Napoleon
threatened to land in Great Britain,
this vessel was a guardahlp at Spit -
head. Her crew are said to have been
famous trenchermen, and to have dis-
carded so many meat bones that their
vessel was 'wrecked' on the pile."
An innate love of the sea and ships
first 'prompted Mr. MacPherson to
start his collection. To begin with
he .pevtali•ed
but gradually his interests spread,
and, to -day he possesses approximate-
ly 12,000 items and includes at least
six minor collections that are the An -
est in the world.
Rare pictures of naval actions, be-
sides quaintly -colored atlases and
charts, may be seen in this little-
known museum where visitors are
welcomed. Some of the exhibits are
worth many hundreds of pounds.
"L$sspite•its shabby appearance,
this little book is a positive gold -
mine." Mr. MacPherson dleplayed a
email volume about nine inches
square. "It cost meF no less than
£500. Published between 1477 and
1485, it deals with the Mediterran-
ean, and la considered to be the ear-
Archgrip - Shoes
Onyx Shoes are wonderful
Shoes for fit, comfort and
wear. We carry them in stock
from A to D width.
Sole Agent for Onyx Shoes
The Square Phone 43w
shaky and theAM tones, were grey. Tetime; tate. hatching. -t)td-fuetltemeetas and that when :They do go twill the on Dressed 1•eretltry f+tanelard!r. And fleet printed atlas." 1
I \rnnurPe and Fee- Even more Interesting Is the "Mar-
iner's Mirror." ancient atlas that
may have come originally from one
of the English ships at the rout gf
the Spanish Armada, for It was pub-
lished In 1588. Quaint decorations
of mermaids and sea serpents make
this book resemble-at/me fautaatically
illustrated fairy tale.
"To secure my 300 whaling prints
wen a trying business," Mr. Mac-
ao-Pherson continued. "And, unhappily,
much of -the fascination which clings
to them la now merely a memory of
days gone by, for the modern her-
poon-gun. which literally converts a
whale Into a balloon, has destroy. d
most of the danger and romance . t
old-time whaling. Sometimes qualet
and comic oddments reward pains-
taking search, but probably the hu-
morous qualities of these prhits were
entirely lost
rs them-,
1 It (lid A Th t sal One ancient whaling picture shows
the huge Ash deluging with Aendtsh
delight the crew of a small boat sent
to capture it.
Valued at about $450,000, this
unique collection has suffered many
vicissitudes. On tine occasion it lay
P oceanor months. When
on the Ded f
Mr. MacPherson retired from busi-
ness In Calcutta he shipped his
treasures home, but the vessel to
which fhey were stored sank and the
steamship company gave no hope of
New York fb•ntri.al critic says recovery. Fortunately the collection
mus-pin;r.in a thouertai fe 4 tea i1saIve4 a vnez wasdly. undiaacked In
ed by
worth producing. Well, week)n•rtainly the sea.
eke to gel' It prtiuce.l.—Judge,
"I have o more money left for
purchase Mr.. MacPherson confid-
ed. Ithobeh the call.etion took
twenty years to complete, f am
compelled to sell. If• it is impos-
sible for me to get it estal,lished as •
a national collection at C r, enwich, It
will have' to go to America, where It
would probably fetch $150,000 more
than I am asking in this country."
year color burst forth: this year it was ' the cradle and the flail, Is his con- ,tlHur let that one by, 1 wonder?) they Iasi 111 a hull t n nq .
• riot. Pageantry never loses 1(44 appeal elusion. 1 Invartnbly make a fallnre. And as [Risers., by the Dominton chemist end
to a democracy. All such grand oma- There is just one thing In favor of 'ther'e ore occasional falleres among 11144 asdstarrt. it should be worth $S
alone must be military. "glen. the war the hen teethed: -high vitality In the' o.A.C. men as *mon, others, and the of any fernier's money. yet It'. free.
-drums throb Ill) longer and the battle jchlok1. title seldom Insets' 'nothing In the tell -
flags are furled." Parliaments will Travelling Course*, - ing. the imprendon ie fairly wide -
stay tinged! flow could they ever he I IN -lien the et..\.t'. dairy school Melt- spread 11 is nue of the WPekt)eesses of
opened without the clink of arms, the I the O.A.C. that it takes so little trnn-
flash of sabre, the rattle of spurs. let- . — bee to present the other side of the
or tie's tllagnlflet'Ttly Went army' • ease. ilowerer, her• are a few facts
The "Muse of Commons mar—b,, to f♦ which may prove ey,•-openers to some
the Senate Chamber to hoar the i renders': -
Ring's speech. Tills gh•,-4 the en0 to �,1►\ I). 7.. (aheon, of Caledonia. dual
the seasun'u tusk. but It 'acs little. //� / 1 purpose Shorthorn breeder. 1s an
Much matter passes ls•fere the Com- Y // g O.A.('. graduate. At the Royal lost
mons and the Klug+ seeeoh sayeth 1 ,hj,w Hall els herd won eight tiret prize•s, one tsompulsery military service; isn't pre-
• • •
Canada boAks forward to Mr. Robe's
•.811 budget speech with confidence. Fur-
ther reductions of taxation are 'ptrom
Compulsory Service.
Char:ea .4. 'Browne. chief of the B.A.
Bureau of ('he'mistn': may hive been
w•rlous Or may have hct*tl jetting: no-
lo,iy knows but Mr. 'Browne. At any
rate. he recently eaverat"d two years
compatlsory service on the farm as an
a4ellraIN•e of national safety'and wel-
fare; and when you come to think It
over It's not sere to assume that he
wee Joke:g. Some nations insist upon
toed, and that is a tent for a popular little. The carne menthe'''. T,•rre
Jt Mr. King In resplendent uniform
-d±rcroBria• • looking 11'1ce a million dellare. .Mr.
• • • • Bennett In sombre Meek. who really
The proposed new calendar is to Owns several muttons, lot k,. fust sesett
have thirteen month*. instead of $5°Q,4) less; lmmaeulnta.tluouah lut..J4
nor man Amtrethat h1.1 tout ennemhle
twelve. We trust that prnvlslon is 1*- is worth that much 101144. And ,4on't ,
ing made to have the extra month In forget Mr. Guthrie. Ile is a s1n-
tbe rummer. The winter in quite long meagre figure, 'Polities. like the stork
enough as k Ia exchange. to hard nn lifestyle adorn-
• • • ment and Meesrt. thug and llenntt
The Canadian Navigators' Feeler*- ere wlslre inter( ie that(•h. hat Guthrie,
though thinns h• eliinl,s rise Luldrr
tlon.pf Which our townsman. Capt. E•1. orndrnncing years. etlll menpies n
ston1 an then. sterminal for tavore King- strong the shipping gentlemen ofstshe 11ems•the T wt-'nr,ktnR
trade on 11* Great Lakes 1wn Tho • • • • • t,
new Welland Canal is opened to trate Ther is 11ttio to rebel in the
eprch from the Throne. We ere to
pe. 113roMPvllle. and Prescott are ad-
:..hast'.11mhn44wa,Mrs to France and :In-
venting mlahns for selection. but the pan. nn extra trede tre.it) t,r two.
lake captains stat that Kingston it emu. cnetnms lotrl. lane n'. n mooring
preferable both In point of eatery and • mast In Montreal and a few other
in paint of tlmrsaving. Onthe river.
things. So fn r. sn gesel: ISnt legl!-
intlon is really "Inde In the coon• of
„,; 4t to stated, l4sPaachuswpe-in-nae•rtaln tlre-membe'rs. Atnirl nH-+lw eel tar ns,
while the harbor at Kingston can be hilarity of the re-nnlen. whirl) (eke fauna
entered at any time (14100 at the ,opening of a seselnn
• • • lewe iv it gr,r«llr grist of . loTne talk '3
The village of Wroxemer is faller- afeeting together 1n group- of three or
four, the members form) teatime. lit
tog the evau11411 of hayfield, applie-l- - harden evonyletl,ns, D14111 campaigns of
Wm lowing leen made to the 1,eglsl - :tenon and event,. for the work of the
ture for the passing of n mOnsure session. Some of the *,isms never
nnder Which the village would disap- 1«'Hr frelt. hat b '011111 1111' 1nrf:lce
pest p,
ns an eutorrnted mnniclpelitr therm Is a gorwllr mermen er solemn
,leer•n1 thlnking and n n1P11«'r of Par -
111111 W0411) revert IG, the township of 1Inntent line serious e-eerk 1n hand end
ihrwirk. This, of (.011 FUR, would In. •14)44 his work to the beet of his ability.
voile 1114'-dietpemrance of it! repro.. • • • • •
s entalloe fern= rite-rntlnty cruintet-TV. -Aad nnwr wlrx1? The opening
raison for title step is the same ns In• '•ser. she mrml't•r' (104,1117:i Tions,• j
the case of Bayfield ---the desire to oh- of ('nlnl'I17:11.111-1, h 1,, .
iI II\'r torn oxprt''e•I 10.11:• (1,' I nil
'• fain Ilydtn conn("•tion under the s(•- era Thr Ibbs• nd)nnrns thus do we T
real terms granted to rural mnnlcl- I.•gin a s•11si011 oL I'nrlietnefet. The P
panties,' -erten• matter• to comm 11p thI! yonr
ehampio11shll, and live rererre cham-
pionships. Alai a mauler of Other
placings. .\t the Inter, at 'Chi-
cago. Mr. (Modem took titre! firsts and
two seconds in strwlg • entpanv. 'The
larnrion for pester Just as ImporMnt as '
l reparation for war?
"A romeelsnry apprentirrship to
aerlculrure voted provide the cowled
discipline in economy end thrift. and
11027 Inte'rnOIl,nal email not have . would form route eorre%t opinions fee
rshown the markedjalprovemeut le the to the heslr �IPirnenfil of nitlonnl
milking tilierthorn a asses which e pro peony." says Mr. crane. a
show•, had the Gibson herd not cum- u,nnds sound e•nnugh : and then think.
wed." says tlw Milking Shorthorn t*„• of the snirttnel .stlefaetlen--It
Journal. World afford some of us to give !Mole of
• i. H. 1)ent of W''''elsls'k, Hol,etein thee. !!Irk young s1eiks a gruelling
bre"lrr. is an t).A.r. man. He bred cenurse In elemrntiry fork handling!
enc developed the cow which holds the Mr, drew iw s plan has lsoseibillt1044.
world's mewl' for four
pwrin.i4. Nortaan Martin. ftpringtfeld. Speaking of eomptntionnte marriage..
tnothrr O.:\.1'.egradnate. has preluelvl there is the very old one about the
tau 1'anuell an champions. Ml'twe of te,,,,,',_-u111.-,c..i1.t..011 .his hont7-
Venieieeeek' HIlI le still another. mom nione.—T>tetmif News.
W .M. Wallace of Wnai44lee, who -- __ ___-_- _
gr.utuated from O.A.('. les. than Ave ,
tears axe. Duel4he firer prize bushel of t oat
torn It, the yellow dent 01145TAT I1tt'
Royal la -t Gill. .\ few yearn ago he
web tir•t frrr the .beet hnslrel et the
Apply Minard's at once. It
halts the pain and atopsinflam-
mation. Removes All poison
from cuts and sores.
Keep a bottle
on the shelf. tol
• • •
• bre like's t„ include the f(elewhle: -
' St. Levi nerve 'ensile, geed. it Is tier
Ohm of the bletnrie ,'htlr•h,es of Tor- 10 lay, for several %cars of k'Iser'
onto, or, indeed. of thpe 1'roein,e. Ave.' slob, pro enol 001: tie hn,'get„ in-
,Testmyed on monitnv morning when thaYoh ;RR the- cermet en,estleert . f tart♦►, # `'
1m ''m" t•,t and snlrs tae 111,11 there 'a1'
\f0tmpxolltan T'nite' (91urch sans :,r,• e•h:ulees in 111e customs .\(•t 9kOr
wrecked by fire. A coteTienons fen- to 1• nd to gwilt, n hit °f fres•-fornll
turn of the "down-tOWn" dtetriPt orf discus- on There aro thine. the
Toronto. It was well known through- 49,1.11 111.11' be reformed• or sot
out the Provinee and beyond. and had 4-111 kl, k oyer the hn.•ket.
been termed the "cathedral of Meths- \! n means eef prey
diem." it had leen the erne of many
mnmentOns g41therines, 'and from time
fn tlmo 1144 pnlplt find Mein (erupted by
110014' of the greatest men of the
ehnr•li. The sprlendid tower feoieg
Qnetn street, with its famous cull
4414' 11nrrd from the flames'.
• • •'
and then, we 11
to dmmiern
creme. t
1g n storm now i
mnttere po•rrntnlne
11 Is the frie'tlon
ret -box of Government ni1-
ton. Fvery men in the
t has him own solution even man
«elle%(" his own to bo' richt . T1er
men without on opinion on this .tlhls•t
bus not hien Is,rn vet. NIT.. R°t,e'rt
•r.,rer ar Fork will bear the brunt of the row.
in the tenth of Field Mershnl Ftlr1 trnversy. Add to all thm4' thine• the
RTAlg• which nl,enrrel suddenly le Lon nrYlwttrm of she rl'1t 0f ter Henry
Thornton to :Wexler., the desire en
std Mn en Monday Inst, *anther of the fife toner of the new loader to tank"
groat Amer. of the wnr hits pedal hist impress felt. end There T *nmtptli+
from earth. air Hooray finis ams to tlnr4Pr in klrxlh the OM. to keep the
sxe, commend of the Rritl•h fort** in horn• warm. nn matter whet the wen -
4 then -men . offer• to the 1't' el4 et
"'ranee derinr the greater port of the (Htnwn.
war anti in re•ognttine of 11144 great rer-
vlrM In that onpelty he wan mP That's alt. The !ne•Int sernes of the
pointed Flied *initial and inter wan I opening are o thing of the pest for aa•
fronted an earldom 1114 aeetnsralsh1p other year. if was Are-thlrty by the'
Aitring the war hos linen rrltlrlaM: of - clock to the leg Newer of the Paries -
merit hnlMints on she manliest After, .
parrs•, Mat his (innlItIe' wort, f)wwP , The eel(' bit e'n441•! The stillness of
"MI nn AnnM wan the wnr Aorrm • '!ft, hunt over the eeitr•. A sernh wo.
dr...emanation copies/ with A 11rh de- man wendse,t her way lo work. ter rite
ere* of walernft. fir Wali not a Na -
polecat. bat the hiatnrianr, of the war
may welt slot him a plate beside the
How* must he kept spotless and
clean. What 444 she think of It all?
Before the pity armlet. to another dor.
she had finished her teak and tarried
Iran DIN who in the MM detested the lnitmewnrd Mala-1'Home, ' Iaeet
Megalaatie 1 }lose".!
Revelstoke, Queen City of the Ski -Jumpers
w •
leOka Cee rttriRmilose PloN
Wow" dam etwPartAgara glom
Nst. e
NtatoN tet Fiaatir
• stiff .,�,
Max, evoreafr
vwmmopi - 480 P71
e town of Revelstoke nestling Nels Nelson a brakeman on the take part in both events,
among the Selkirk Mountains in Canadian Pacific Railway estab- Canadians are great oven of the
the broad valley of thh Columbia lished his world record jump of out-of-doors and winter sports are
river, in British Columbia, is noted 240 feet in 1925. The woman's an important factor in the lives of
for two things: Its National Park, record jump of 84 feet was also young people in this land of the
situated on top of Mount Revel-, made on the Revelstoke ski hill in maple leaf. Quebec and Montrealstoke, and its world famous ski- 1922 by Isobel Courier, a record are thetwoeastern
the centers
P f orstorrand
jump where world records have en which still hands. peg
madand up to the present date not town Little
whohet nndo littleShia
more mountain
than west. and
Western Canada still
has forthan
The Revelstoke Winter Carnival walk begin to ski as sone as there is abundance of sunshine and the
oxtends from February 6-10 in- sufficient snow and they are Drought weather is all anyone could desire
elusive. During this celebration the up to think no mon of sk ing than for it does not freeze and thaw
fourteenth anneal ski-jumpint tour- the average child thinks of walking, alternately, postponing special com-
nament takes place on February The children have their own hill and petitions or trips, hut remains a
7-8. . The famods hill, where the Tittle Jumps from which they rradu- fairly eeven temperature. C al ae theanadians
are made, hu a total length ate 010 by one.
find of 1,780 feet, with a runway of 600 Revelstokrhas an unusually large futility of traveling long distances
. feet, The distance from the take off skating rink for thesis* of the town and•spending large sums of money
to the farthest point at which a safe and there am foot curling rinks. The to e'nfoy winter sports in Norway,
landing is assured, is 280 feet, or dates for the Banff Winter Car. tett Sweden or Swits•rland when there
40 feet Woad the present world are from February 4-11 making it ars so many delightful winter resorb
possible for sport eat�nsstasb to is the Dominion of Canada.
' ford.
�.eer titin;
Steel Wire Woven Into Cloth.
Marvels of science were seen at
the Shipping, Engineering and Me-
chanical Exhibition, held at Olympia.
They included steel wire so fine, and
of texture so silken, that It can be
woven into cloth as soft as muslin.
Stainless steel of a new type used
in the restoration of $t. Paul's Cathe-
dral. A copper tube 450 feet long
thinner than a needle. and. a naked
flame which penetrates water 200
feet deep. A lifeboat olaimed to be
unsinkable, reversible. self -emptying
and Incapable of being capsized was
also on show.
i ld You Gets Signal Calendar?
r•,,.•_,' FIA1RIi)A _"-'-
More people would travel, ae(Wei-
leg to W. Fulton, dlstrlet passenger ,
agent for the ('anndlan Pavel,- itetl
arty. if they realised how eitl1p'e it aH
WW1 "When a man who hag done little
travelling gets' an Iden that he 4441111
like to go to Florida, • thonegtml
gneestion. (vette Into hie mind 441dch
bre apt to ,t-aree him off, 1 1,'rens If
he Just walked into the tu'urr•st Can -
alkali leectfk• (dike all hi! problems "f
rntie 111111 routes .4111) rp.,'rvntiens
might be solved without any wt'rry Or
rubble." -
Why not jnat din that 1f you feel
the time et all?
Any ('Anedian Paeific agent will
gladly omelet In arranging your top. '
For Service
and Quality
S arc's Grocery
'The Store of Satisfaction"
Hamilton St. Phone 146
We deliver in town
ruaa.s,000 /WOOING
Hardwood Flooring
Made on most modern machinery
If you require Hardwood Floors we
Phone 31;9w -
East Street Goderich
Start the New
Year Right
Buy at
M. Robins' and
save. 20 to 30
reduction on all lines
y•r during January
Fresh Bread
Baked Daily
That's what you get when
ordering your Bread from
Cleveland's. It contains the
purest ingredients known to
bakers. Buy a loaf today and
taste the difference.
We specialize in Cream
Goods of all kinds
Phone 114 West St.
TME 01itRAAW -ra4E NOTEl-W
41MAUkk. i mil