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Toronto's Fittest Turn Out Rig
Hundred Strong to Repre-
sent Old Huron
Mrs. Frank Geilow has returned
from It week's visit to Detroit.
Mrs. W. Perkins Thompson will re-
ceive for the AM time since her mar-
riage on Thursday afternoon, February
Mrs. Rgth Thompson has returned
from a visit of two weeks with her
daughter, Mrs. B. H. Willing*, at
Harrlston. •
The twenty-eighth annual at-home of Mrs. R. J. Phelan attended a meet
the Huron Old Boys' AseodIUon of ing of the London Diocesan Catholic
Toronto was held in the Foresters Women's Leanne executive held at
Temple, corner of Bay and Richmond London on Tuesday of last week.
streets, In that city, on Thursday even- Mint Margaret MacEwen left a few
lug, January 26th, Cud, ea autleipated, days ago to visit her friends, the
had the largest attendance In the his.- Misses held, In ltamlhun, after which
tory of the Association, the Temple she will spend a short time with her
befog taxed to Its capacity to embus- sister, Mre. Egener, at 8t. Catharines.
module the crowd. Mr. C. A. Nairn is at the General
The guests were received by Prost- hospital, Toronto, where 'he underwent
dent H. C. King and Mrs. King, and an operation on Monday. Ile Is s(nee
probably halt of them devoted them- reported to be getting along nidely.
selves to euchre and bridge, while the lire. Ntaira end, Miss Adelaide Nairn_
other halt amused the•nwelves in "the also are in the city.
merry dance."
Excellent musk was furnished by
Al. Llnten's celebrated orchestra, three
of the numbers on the program
the old-time "lancers,"
much enjoyed by the senior members
p( the Asse.•fation. The -caller -off"
wes Mr. J. Thein.formerly of uric Blue-
vale,and spe1' al violin
provided for the old-time dances.
The proceedings were broadcast by
OFCA and the following gentlemen
extended greetings W tbe different
towns In the old county. viz.: E. bloody
to Clinton, J. A. McLaren to b, Go ack Ken -
A. E. Forbes to Sea
to Wingham, and N. B. Cobble -
dick to Exeter.
The refreshments were served by an
energetic mtnmlttee of ladies, under
the leadership of Mrs. D. Thompson,
with a unanimous verdict of the guests
that the�enu was just right.
Amongst the 600 guests present
were the following: Mr. and Mrs. R. C.
King and the Misses King, Mr. and
Mrs. J. A. McLaren. Mr. and Mrs. B.
H. McCreath and Mrs. W. McCreath,
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Forbes and the
Misses Forbes, Mr. E. bloody, Mr.
John Robertson, Mr. E. M. Lee. Mr. H.
1. Morrish, Mr. and Mrs. is M. Priugle,
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Buchanan, Mr. and
Mrs. H. B. Stowe, Mr. and Mrs. D. D.
Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. D. Thompson
and Wm Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. N.
B. Gobbledkt, Mr. and Mrs. jack Ken-
. nedy and Miss Nora Kennedy, Mr. and
Mrs. H. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Babe.
Dolma, Mr. and lire- h.. C. MacVkar,
Mr. and Ma. Jno. F. McLaren, Mr. and
Mrs. S. L. Scott, Mt. and Mrs. H. E.
Worrell, Mr. and Mrs. A. McHardy,
Mr and Mrs. liaise Brown and Miss
Mildred Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Met'aughe7. Mr. and Mrs. Athol Mc-
Quarrie. Mr. and Yrs. T. W. Huntley.
Mr. and Mrs. A. ll. Omith, Mr. and
Mrs. R. W. Hutebeean, Mr. and Mrs.
(leo. Donaldson, Mr. J. 11. Langton
and Mrs. F. Langtaou, Dr. and Mrs. H
J. Hodgins. Dr. end Mrs. T:nt'worth
Jones. 1)r. and Mrs. P. E. Clarkson.
Dr. and.lrs. 11. W. Hoeg,Dr. and Mrs.
F. T. Bryant'. Dr. and Mrs. P. J. Hous-
ton, Dr. and Mrs. O. M. Johnston, Dr.
A. A. Curtin,I r. R. B. J. Stanbury, Mr.
and Mrs. C. S: 'Jones Mr. and Mrs.'
Chlttenden, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Carter,
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. King. Mr. and
Mrs. C. S. Leckie. Mr. and Mrs. C. Mc-
Allister, Mr. and Mrs. 11. C. Lewis and
Mies Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. gpeare.
Mr. end Mrs. J. C. Hughes, Mr. and
Mrs. J. Felker. Mr. and Mrs. H.
White. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Calvert, Mr.
and Mrs. '!D. Watson. Mr. and Mrs.
Sainsbury, Mrs. C. G. Vanstone, Wes.
G. Spotton (Wingham), Mrs, Js.+.
Beek, Mrs. Ii. J. D. Choke, Mrs, A. R.
F,emn. Mrs. E. Prfdham, Mrs. M.
Johnston (Clinton 1• Mrs. C. Gray. Mrs.
Freeman, Mrs. J. Sanderson, Mrs. E.
C. Calder. Mrs. E. C. McIntosh and the
•discs McIntosh. Mrs. J. E. Smith.
Mrs. ('. tell. Mrs. G. McKay, Mrs. J.
Drrnl. p. Mew M. Harcourt, Mrs. M"
'Johnston, Mrs. N. Hanel. MiPS T.tly
Paterson. Mies 'Fannie Paterson, Mies
M. F. White. Miss Taylor (Wingham),
Mlse ODFye Harland. Mine .1. McNair.
Mlle R. Spwlrnn. Misty Anne Flynn,
Miss Loretta 'Flynn. MIRO Madge Craw-
ford. MIRA Mary Crawford. Mies Umbel
Foster. Mise Mildred Cew)k, Mise Jean
79erattie. Mise Gertrude Cntrell. MIAs
Helen Shaw, Miss Gertrude Robertson,
MiRA ARneA Walter. MIRA Jeannette
Cottle. Miss Greets Kellerman. MIAs
PI►la Awallow, MIRO ?kis Currie. Mr. J.
A. Sutherland, Mr. J. C. Varene, Mr. J.
N. Kerni¢hen. Mr. G. O. Hnfhienn, Mr.
T. H. Guenther. Mr. Ray Mean, Mr.
Harold F. Jervis, Mr. -E. W. Hunter,
Mr. 11. Leiper, Mr. K. 1.. llamtltnn. Mr.
W. H. Cooke. Mr. Reg. Williams, Mr. L.
Cnrrell. Mr. S. R. they. Mr. W. Win -
drum Mr. A. T. Brom. Mr. Reg. King.
Mr. F. Cook. Mr. G. C. Beavers, Mr. S.
E. Sowers. Mr. E. .1. Welsh. Mr. R. S.
Shefrard. and many others whops
names were not obtained.
Tnterepertos•d with the dance pro-
gram. pnpnlSr inatrnmentil duets were
rendered by Mr. Bert King and Meet
Alice Arnfleld, end piano solos by Mr.
James 1Tugheg.
T.ptter•s of regent for Ahsenee were re•
eei'Pd by the secretary from Mayor S.
Mefrde. Mon. Senator. Sperms T. Me -
Mille n. M.P.. Geo. lepatton. M.P..
• Sherif Middleton of Gnderkh, and Sir
William D. Otter.
Mee Fl Floods. And Mra H. 1 Mor
flab. troth officers of the AswwlStlnn.
were atepent.thrnugh dines..
The Huron Old - Boys' Ansnelsflon
can claim to have the meet genervroa
WO to (1* whole rtty. J. A Mefwren
Rtrpplied the entree, Alert Mt' -Vine
end (tar. Vanatnns samplied the slt(ePd
cooked ham, and the Western Canada
The News of the Town
Capt. Ed. Robinson Is President
At the annual meeting of the Can-
adian Navigation Federatiao, held at
Toronto recently, ('apt. E. C. Robin-
son, of Godereh, was elected president.
The Federation 1s an association of
lake captains. and the office of presi-
dent is one of honor and Importance,
and comes appropriately to the God
erich "boy" who commands one of the
largest steamers on the Great Lakes.
Slteeessful "580" and Donee
The •+600" and dance held In the Ma-
sonic Hall last Thursday evening
under the auspices of the Alumnae As-
sociation of Alexandra Marine and
General Hospltal was a splendid suc-
cess. Twenty-nine tables were used
'for cards and the prize -winners were:
Gentlelnea, Herbert Lamprey and Jas.
MacVicar; ladles, MisseCFr ledeume
and meas �ltTY Hatltts.
Mr. Ben Grey, of Fozwarren, Mani- Dance Ensemble rendered excellent
totes., who has been visiting InGoderhh music. for dandag.
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. H.
Mew (the latter Mrs. (trey's mother)
mince December 24th, left last week to
call on friends at Guelph,-Watenlown.
Hamilton and Toronto ou itis return to
his home in the West.
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Gray of Toronto
announce tile seugagement of their
daughter. Nora, to Mr. Reiland II.
Blanchard of Detroit, son of the late
('aptain W. i11. Blanchard and Mrs.
Blanchard, Toronto; the marriage to
take place quietly the third week In
February. The bride-to-be Is a sister
of• Mr. Donald Gray of town.
• Resignation Net Accepted
At a meeting of the executive of the
Children's Aid Society on Tnesday.
Mr. G. M. Elliott tendered his resig-
nation as superintendent. His health
has not been very good of late, and he
felt that In the interests of the So-
cietys wort he should retire. The
resignation was not accepted. In view
of Mr. Elliott's special fitness for the
position and his intimate knowledge o7
the various phases of the work over
which he has, presided an long. it was
felt that bis services should be re-
tained, and the executive will endea-
vor to make erltal'geteents whereby he
may brave a vacation.
A. Y. P. A. Banquet
There was a large attendance at a
banquet held In St. Georges pariah
hall on Monday ovening under the aus-
pice* of the A.Y.P.A. During the sup-
per hour community songs were sung.
Mr. Fred 13tunt°. leading the slinging
and Mr. C. A. R. Wilkinson accom- R. J. Megaw
panying on the piano. Two toasts A Capt. Robinson
were proposed, unP to the King by Mr. 1J. Rrnphey
Dick Wurtele, and one to the Church J. Bowman
and A.Y.P.A. by Mr. Alfred Sturdy. Mr.
Dlcit Wurtele presided for the program
which followed. After short addressee
by Rev. Canon ellll and Mr. E. Doug -
Music Recital Send -oft to William Igoe
.0a Monday a number of the pupils j Mr. William Lane, ex -county treed -
of Mr. Douglas Major held a piano re- i urer, was the guest of honor at a ban-
eltal at Mr. Major's residence, Nelson ' quet given at the Bedford hotel on
street. Those taking part were Misses I Thursday evening last under the sus -
Helen 'Bisset, Rutb Caldwell. Ruth plies of the Lions Club, at which the
(?tirwin, Gladys, Maeray, Ethel -White. 1. members of the county council also
ly, Edna Knight, Christina Robertson, were guests. On Monday afternoon
Frances Thomson and Master Wilson the county officials waited on Mr. lane
Knight. 1 and presented him with an address
and several gifts. Mr. Lane left 'Tues-
day morning for Detroit to spend some
time with tits eon, I)r. Chas. Lane.
It hue been impossible to get the fu..
report of these events In type for th.e
week's Signal, and 1t 1s regretfully
held over to .'next ween.
Met NI 's Esehre
The Victoria and Drum Band
held a euchre and nee at the Masonle
Hall on \Vednesd night. The wie-
ners at cards were Mrs. Elmer Bell
and Mr. Jack Graham. Aftt r lunch Geo.
James' orchestra furnished music for
the dancing The event WAR much en- Junior Hoekey League
joyed by those present. Under the auspices of the Liens Club
a junior hockey league has been
Curlers Me Getting Busy 1, formed consisting of four teams repre-
The'peal curlew hare.drnwn up the' senting the different wards. Only
following schedule ami 1t to expected b'yirlitile tthtete n -years.' -age -
the first game In the tournament will eligible to play. The games will take
be played at thetr rink on Newgate place at the West street rink on Fri -
street this week: I day evenings, commencing at 7.45
A. H1gglnson C. R Flambe, o'clock. The Lions Club will donate
A. Perter M. McKay
W. R. Pinder Thoe Wallis
W. Donaldson vs. Dr J. A. Graham
F. Martin R. Johnston
Geo. Symonds • C. A. Reid
a trophy to the league winners. The
price of admission to the two games
on each evening will be 2.'S cents for
adults and 15 cents for children. Cap-
tains of the various teams have been
It. Pattersonappointed as follows: St. George's
vs. Dr. L. M. Mabee ward' E. J. Pridham ; St. Patrick's
ward, N. B. 'Flarlty; St. Andrew's
Wm. Wallace 1 ward, Dr. J. A. Graham; St. David's
9. D. Cron ward. F. R. Darrow. The first two
3. Ranter ('bas. Edward games will be played on Friday night
J. McConnell IN. Geo. McLeod of this week, as will be Been from the
• following double schedule which eras
drawn up on Monday evening:
Feb. 3 --Feb. t4
St. Andrew's Ward ve. St. George's
St. David's War(' vs. St. Patrick's
Feb. 1S -Mae. 2
iEt. George's Ward TS. St. David,'
St. Andrew's Ward vs. 9b. Patrick's
Feb. 17 -Mar. $
St. Andrew's Ward vs. St. David's
St. Patrick's Want vs. St. George's
The death occurred at Clinton on
Saturday, January 21st. of Mary Ann
Letson, widow of the late Charles
Letson, of Goderlch. The tli eased
was well known here and is aarvived
by several sons, none .•f whom at £nnual Business Meeting of the
present resides in Goderieh The re Congregation Held
mains were brought to Goderlch and • January 25th
the funeral took•plaee from St. Peter's
church on Monday, Januar, 'Jird, to The annual congregational meeting
the Roman Catholic cemetery. Col -
of North stkrt Culled church was.
borne township. Rev. J. X Campeau held un Wednesday evening, Jauuar7
conducted the service. and the pall -'25th, In the schoolroom of the church.
hearers were W. l'nultnur*t, Jas., l and was largely attended. The. pas -
Young, J. tannin and M. Tobin.
After a long period of Nimes. Wil-
liam Bird passed away at his home on
Britannia road on Wednesday of last
week. He had been a resident of Gob
erich for the pest twenty years,
coming here from Brussels, where he
dived for 'some years after coming to
Canada. He was a native of ireiand,'
being born in Clonis. He Is sursIved
oyiiTe fsidtr
G. L. Parsons
W. Symonds
las Brawn, Rev. J. N. H. Mills intro- 'Thos. Boma
diced the chief speaker of the even- IR, gr.)pey
Ing, 'Rev. W. M. Loneks. rector of the
church of the Holy Trtnity, Toronto.
Mr. Loucks spoke on "Success" and
was beard with great interest and ap-
preciation. At the close a hearty vote
of thanks was tendered the speaker
for his • excellent and instructive
Mr. Loucks occupied the pulpit of et.
George's bath morning and evening on
Sunday ind was heard by large eon-
grega Uons.
In Commercial Classes there is room
for six more students• but no more
sttxfe•nts will be accepted after Mon-
day. 8th February.
In Auto Meehanles only four en-
rolled on Tuesday last. Before the
class can be carried on there mixt heat
least eighteen in the elasi. When all
new licenses to drive ears mast be is-
sued atter an examination, those In-
tending to take out a license would
find the InatruMton on the constrnetton
and working of the parts a great ad-
rantaltee, sw well se leaching how to
take rare ofminor troubles.
In Commercial Art only three have
enrolled se far. There mast be at
least twelve in the Glow. All bualness
men would find it to their advantage to
hare their clerks take this eosins. to be
able to provide show cards. price
th•kets, ete.
in Dteosmaking-those who intend
joining the class ere requested to do so
at once. nn Wedaseiay evening next.
All these elaseee meet at 7.30 on the
evenings Indicated here and elsewhere
In the paper.
Flour Mille the bread. No wonder the
Hurts!) Old Boys and Girl, are well fed.
C. G. Vanstonr wa- s called to Mont -
reel on lmpnrtnnt hnelnese end ennld
not be present.
A large crayon picture on the wall
attracted very much Attention. and nn
person could tell how it came them.
not even Bert. McCreath. it repre-
sented the Mayor of ''dicer's Thom, In
real Highland costume. and everybody
recognized him at owe.
Aim a nye
Miss Delight Match Wins easiest
The first of the oratorical contests
for this distrlct,-eneducted by tbe
United Church of the London Confer-
ence, was held in North street eliureb
on. Monday evening. Miss Thelma
Cheer. repreeentatlre of the North
street Young People's Society, was the
drat speaker and she took as her erub-
ject The Bible, A Hook for Young
People." Mins Delight Muteb. repre-
senting the Vittoria street Y.P.S.,
Bad Fire Wednesday Evening spoke on the subject 'Following
Some time after 8 oe.104t 011 Wed- Christ : An Adventure." The judges
nesday evening of thin week the alarm were Mrs. George Johnston, Mr. J. A.
rang for a fire at tbe residence of Campbell and Prof toward Wal -
Magistrate C. A. Deed, corner East and ter- Mr. Wlaltee tddgeif de -
Albert streets. There was some delay elision. which was in faeor of Mies
In the arrival of the fire truck. due. It Match. Rev. C. F. Clarke was chair -
is said, to the firemen not knnwing man. Miss Gladys Brownlee sang a
where the fire was; and when they did pleasing solo and Miss Alma Howell
reach the scene the men fond that the favored the audience with en inatru-
hydrant. on the corner opposite Mr. IDental solo. Mr. A. M. Robertson.
Reid's house. was frozen. By the time after the judger+' decision, conveyed to
the hydrant had been thawed out and the speakers the appreciation of the
the water turned nn much time had andienee and wished the winner sue -
been lost. The blaze started in ennt in the coming contests. The next
the cellar, at the snethw•est corner of mutest is scheduled for Monday even -
the house, and worked through to the IHR. February 8 at AuTrnsn.
and his Wolters served a fine lunch of
floor above. Fire. smoke and venterOK THE BOWLING ALLEYS
cake, coffee and sandwiches, whiter
crnnhlned dirt a great amount of dam- was greatly enjoyed. The floor was
age. and the house 15 for the present Cri I,hTiY6dllj fllpthTla: t the Western-
eeaterfl then cleared And dancing commenced
untenantahle. Mr. end Mrs. Reid ere with the Grand March. "Dick" Block
in the meantime the greets of Mr. and nada Flour Mills won two nut 01t and Mrs. Mary McKenzie leading.
Mrw. F. R. Martin. The fire 1s ,,nr.-three games from 'the Legion. C Dancing was p u
kept until 3 e.m. anti
paned to have started from the eleetrie 6th Was high man for the 1(111, with all went away ]t ll) i declaring this
wiring. The Signal is informed that 724. and 11. !te(lnire for the Legion, stands to be the besot ere.' puton by the
a regnest has been sent to the Provin- with 726. Saltford took three etnlghtThe
elel Fire Mnrahal's office for an In= from Railways, C. 1tacManus, 008.- rnated by Mr. Club.
E. L)renr nnzand MrCe\in.•r
handling of the fire. vestbratinn in ennnertion with the and W. Heitman, w 7. were the high Robins, and the musk was furnlshetl
mea for their teams. The Leona v. Ra-Robins,
ears. Thomas Elliott and Angus
ron Inlvsstments game was p1Ayed fltE"MeNeyin and )Ira. Margaret Martyn.
previous night. Heron investments. The nett punt of the ('Ino: will be
winning three straight. F. Hunt was A timelier for members and their
beet for the Lions, with 696, and D. trlenda--a stn
Raptlst Church. Feb. 5.-Monelne. MacV1car, with 986. for Rnron Trivet- R Lamy -and .Tnmke
"Power in the Heart." Evening. "Te mends. nonny. the ('ddb's 'steward. would like
Tone Foundation Safe*' On Monday night O. F. Corey & Son some Information In regard to making
Services In Victoria :tercet united took three f`nm W.C.F.M., A. C. Har- r' Sst tell hugtps. Ile gays he any n't
ehnreh next Sonde will he as follows: rte, 745. for O. F. Carey A Son, and W knout shut the thing is. but if anyone
Sunday will bring the animal along he Will
FPllnwship, 10 a.m.: worship, 11 n.m. Doak, 768, for the Mill, turning in the
kill It and were It up in the deck -
and 7 p.m.; church scbool, 3 p.m. The best iscores. The Bankers took all hand. so nncnne who has the .'(ripe
evangelists. will epsek at bath services. three from M.C.C. 1, R. Hunter. 701.
for this Inscions dish Is Invited to
In Knox church the aPrrie(., next and C. Hendrick. 730, beading thele writ
teams. Slxriue flub and help the
Sabbath will bp condnethi by the rote- tCama. M.C.C. No. 3 won two of tbe -word nett ..f his dilemma.
inter. Serb) of sermons.: 11 a.m.. three from M.CZv )To.S Z' Ton61� ter
Subject Capt. James Inkster, lin old-time _
'The i'nfrerrtfileN Heart :" 7 m . ' $ TM+Mrtt. ._. . ,,, .,,.,,,.....,-.....
P• morin, ms'ndwr, -T
Polemics of Christianity." Snhhath blgb mem The 8ttat for his absence this winter. When Funk Riley, who recently made a tour
when] and Bible classes at 3 o'clock.of the town Is. the request of the ton
Won 15)51 meted what the trouble was Jim re- ciatlon. Thee matter will the taker[ ftp
ReThlees at North streettol1-niti Dom. Road Mach. Co. ....11 1 Plied, "No trouble At All, my boy. 1 with the water and light cctnmiasion.
church next Sunday ns follows.: 10 have jellied the soapbox club at the
a.m.. Mission Rand. fellowship classes Sanford 10 2 The nteetin¢ then (rxtlie a with
T town hall. There la more freedom
and Men's Glib. "Wasted Lives- is Leltlon 0 3the election of. I%ars for the ensiling
the anrbject in M d1Rc»sAel 1n the Hurotf Investments 10 • .'here. No feces x. pari Jost faoundnigh thee, Mr. Fred Marker a e nsili g
Men's Club. Mr. Gen. Gnnld will.1s' d R'• C. F. M. 7 s your own ant der, and nn sit around drWent. (les'. S.•hnfer, vier- preai-
the nig stove, the town furnishes the 1►fe I
dleensAon. Smiley reboot At 3 O. F. Carey & Ann 7 9 I dent, and Frank Riley. secretary -
T'ufille woraht at 11 n.m, and 7 • heat. and unit can spit ,in the floor Or
p.m.P M.C.C. No. 1 on the stove. Tlxere are no restrictlons. !Wirer"
feasoRr. Th:gill
afon•meutlnned °fiiders
M.C.C. NO. 2were neural Aa a trnihis' rnmmitftP
p.m. and that's the life for me." Well, we
The exventI'' committee of the Hrt M.C.C. No. 8 8 0 and were given power to add °theta. RRV e. Y. CL.UiKF:
8 9 are glad to knew that
the town hall is
ern FOhnrcerfal W. li t of the Bankers cat Rop(o I for s°mething.
T'nitevi (`hnreb net in Clinton on Wed- D.fens Qlnb 5 10 ( edD f 11 li T1 C Hu a 1►
Railway(' 1 11 Many Wiggins Tells a Story run
neadac nf last Werk. Report from the ys ladles, League
I "it happened," snys Danny. "when 1
secretaries of departments were most The Afnndfrig In the ladies' league 1s. a 'Ra out In Snskntorn some years, ago
eneonraglrryt. The total emrmnt con -and things went flat out there, so i de-
trthnted In the nine months, wa.a $14.- AR follows' eldedl to eome home. 1 air
5121.32. it was arran ed thnt the Pres- Won Lost PL►ed into a
R ticket efflrr and rakes(' for a berth In
bytertnl meeting teen d he held at Nighthawks
Wingham to Apel.
Nett Sunday srentng niter the
ehnreh service in Knox church the or- Rine Streaks.
Rnnfst. Mr. Dough, Major. will give O►rmbelle
a short organ recital. This will he the Lavender Girt,
fleet of A eerier to bs given by Mr MR- ('Retieberrlss
jar. The !timbers for next Senility Tstcky Strikes
evening's, recital are: roronaeh (A me Ws'dlne•setny evening Dumb•lls
TTighland Tament), try 11Arritt: An won two nut of three from eneklelwr•
idyll. by Hudde,*; Tries imprepsdnns ries. The scare* were: Dnmbelbs-
54l►. 670.-M17. ('aekleberries--4S5, 511,
' Mho Dolly MsManwr her the highest
remre to (late In a league germ,- ^-03.
tor, Rev. C. F. Clarke, was voted W the
chair, and Mr. C. M. Robertson to the
secretary's table.
Before busiueers was begun Rev. J.
E. Ford. seconded by Inspector Tom,
moved a resolution of sympathy from
the congregation to Rev. Jas. Hamilton
and Mrs. Hamilton on aoeouut of the
coutinued illness of the farmer. It
was passed with sincere erpressions of
M try from all present.
Reports wer"e reitt to eriTArd tt Vart. '-
two Meters. Alex. Bird. of Paisley'. ' connected with the
ThmmaA Bird. of Detroit : lies. Albertvas organizations' church. Three were all for a period of
Stecensen. of town. and MrsMarie,
A. J. t nine mouths only. as the church year
Ihtncan. of Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. la being conformed to the calendar
The brother from Paisley and Mr. and
Mrs. Thema* Bird. of Detroit, were
here for the funeral. which took place
from the residence on Saturday last Aid Society, reported for that lady a
to Maitland cemetery. Mr. BW was I membership of 26, average attendance
a member of St. George's church, and
Mrs. Edwards, the secretary. and
Mrs. Long, treasurer, of the Indies'
of 16. Receipts for the nine months,
the motor. Rev. J. N. 11. Mills. con- including balance of $2717.64 on hand
ducted the tnnerel sercles. The pall -
April 1st, were 4491.09. Expenditures
bearers were Messrs. John Sturdy• amounted to :315.99. leaving a balance
Wm. Ruddock, Inc. Raker. Leonard on hand of $475.11, as well as a 11100
Ellison. John Masuret and Chas. Mills.
Victory tend.
MIRS. (REV:) AT'STTN P(YITER Mr. Walter Hem, superintendent.
1)undan Star (Jan. 261: Susan Conn- 'presented the report of the Sunday
don Garratt, widow of Rev. Austin school. The treasury showed receipts
Potter, Mused away at the IDamliton of $461.44. of 'which $25 was sent to
,•{ty hospital about noon on Ruridny the Skit (`hlhlren's Hospital of Tor-
atter having been critically ill for the onto, and $125 to the misslonnry fund
pest six weeks. She was barn on a of the ehunfi. During the year a
farm on the shores of Late Ontario
young (notice' class had been organized
near Wellington, Prince Edward conn -
with an enrolment of 19. Interest In
ty, and was a daughter of the late missions and In tempenflce work had
Furman R. Garrett and Sarah M. been sustained by regular instruction.
Conger, lath parents being descend- Mr. 'Hero thanked the Ladies' Aid for
ants of early C. E. Loyalist settlers 1n their suhntantlai help In completing
that county. She was married in 1975 the improvements in the schoolroom.
to the late Rev. Austin Potter, who and urged the parents of. the pupils to
WAR at that time stationed at Welling- t.e.lirt their responsibility in the re-
tort and who later filled charges In the llgious edueation of the children.
Methodist churches; et QttecnsvLlle, Miss Emilie Buchanan presented the
Dundalk. Hanover, Twswater, God -
report of the W. M. S. The Society
erich. Dungannon, Clifford. Hagnrs Cumbers 76 life members, and 32 &s
eine. Paisley, Georgetown and Rmtlh- seal members. The supply commute.
ville. She waetelways a great amidst,- under Mrs. Johnaton. had sent out two
ante to her husband to the work of the bales of clothing and under the super -
church. her bright. -Renernns and Gotten of Miss Adiltely over forty
friendly spirit making her much hf copies of the Misslonary Monthly are
loved by the congregations. After subscribed for anti distributed. The
superannuation they settled in Dundas Ineonn• of the tkrclety for the aline
in 11)10. Since Mr. Potter's death In months amounted tot Il(B0.
January, 1913, she bas made her home Miss Il,Aeom, for the Mission Circle,
with her daughters. ,pending the sum- reported a successful year. with in -
Cent to Dundee with Mrs. ('. H. Moore tereeting meetings and offerngs
and the winters in Webster Grnye•'s' amounting to $170. In addition to a
Mkcsn»rt. with Mrs. E. W. Ma hood. bale of clothing valued at $100 sent to
She IR also survived by n daughter -in- the Elm street Mission of Toronto. The
Ica•. Mrs, A. J. 'Potter, of Detroit. Circle have adopted as their misston-
NIicb., and six grandchildren. Her ary Miss Delight Hilliard, who has
only son and 'the youngest dnnghfer lately gone M India. The Circle Will
predeceatsed beer. The funeral took keep In close twitch a'Ith Miss 1111-
iiTine 'ISrT tntrtrfien from. true reset. Ilam A Wnrk /l- jJ TTI exchange TeiterI
dente of her daughter. Mee. C. H. with her.
Moore. Dimity., to Grore cemetery. The Mislog Band rr•lstrt was given
by Ming Aima Iiowetl. The avenge
Arttttual Meeting of Radio Aasdatten attendnnie was 40, the amount raised
The annual mfs'1111g of the Go bench
Radio AsssMlatilcn was held 1u _-the.,aAa $10 i. Paler the care of diisees
Ttrndford and Clarke the boys and
town hall last Friday .evening. with a girls are receiving excellent lustrue-
falr atter atxe. The president, Mr.
C. A. Redd.-ple,S•1401 nnd'sthr t2 fired
ing of the •mimttes of the previous
meet lug the •Recretael, Mr. . Clyde.
Carter, reviewed the work of the Asso-
ciation for the past y.•nr. The secre-
tary stated that the officers had dealt'
with the matter of Jnter eroru•c on see,
crttl os•cnslnns And the Government
radio inspe'etor, Mr. A. Aveling, of Kit-
chener, had visited (loderis b on two
different occasions In 19'27.
Interference with radio re option
has leen very Wal in Gnderich the last
few wefts and a written report en itt-
erence caused by itis 11ye
On Friday evsning last the Marine
Social Club gave their second social
event of the season, arth!'Oddfellows'
Hall, where more than 200 members
and guests gathered to enjoy them-
selves at euchre and dancing. Thirty-
three tables were in operation at eu-
chre. Miss rather Murray won the
ladies(' first prize, the connotation going
to Mise Martina Hussey; Mr. Robert
Standish won the gentlemen's first
prize end Mr. Carl Worrell the consola-
tion. At 11 o'clock Steward Bonny
The *munch old veteran. Major Joe.
Blick, was absent through Mopes.
Bob King Lan impeller president and
everybody worked with a will to help
awake the ORnlr a grand nieces..
The prxeedings closed at 1 a.m.. hut
the• crowd were willing to stay an hoar
or two longer.
Mrs. 11. B. Stowe lead charge of the
bridge and euchre. and, with over 200
taking part, handled the program like
it was a howling success and T am
prong of the old boys end girls--Pre-
stdent King.
Nothing vies' eda like pltr' oss. It
WAR a rrrort-brs'aker. - Secretary
It takes the radio to drew the
crowd. -B. H. Me(heath,
Nothing too gond for old Huron. -J.
A. McLaren.
L pulled the SPafnrth crowd not ail
right. -A. E. Forbes.
They were a flne lot of dancers. -D.
D. Wilson.
The mode was Aimply grand.-
Frneet M. T.ee.
How 1 love to (Vane. the (sneers. -
Walter 'Buchanan.
Wait and we 'one rig surpitis-
Treaaarer John Rn*Prtasti.
Thle beats any political meeting L
ever saw. -R. gorses. et-M.I'.
3 01
Knfzenjemmer Kids 5 1 a sleeper to Toronto."
VAIPneI s ..,.�....4 2 .'T'pper or lower?" asked the agent.
2 1 "What's the s$ffernee?" waked Dan.
2 4 "A difference of $1 in this. ence." re -
1 2 plied the agent. "The lower is highyer
1 5 than the np(er• the higher pr1M 11 for
0 3 the lower: If }^oft want it lower you
will tare to go higher. We sell the
upper lower than the lower: In ether
words, the higher Is lower. Most peo-
ple don't ltke the upper. although 1t 1n
lower on amount of its bring higher.
When yon occupy an epper yen hare
to get up to go to led. end get down
Visa M. ''Arsons Is wenn.
when you get rap. Yml ran have
Miss A. Elelec won the $5 monthly file ower 1f yon pay higher; the
petzc for hlgheet aggregate in Jammer miter 1A rower than the Inver because
513 for three games The next test 11 Is higher: if you are willing to go
sore* were: Mrs A. C. Rarrla (MI6, higher 11 will he lower,' and at tlMt
Danny started for the done And mid,
"Yon eon take yonr upper and lower
and take them to the lower regions,
Mit 1 will park on the enol of a seat to
the smoker until 1 figure this thing
ant" end Penny did.
No. 1. by Rlgfnrd Kern Elert : Con-
rertn In D. by fiandel.
The annual cordal and business
meMing (.f 11e Pnllyana clans of Vlr 1 with 194
fnrta nfreet united chnreh was held at
the home of MIAs Margaret Sandenton.
Newgate strret. recently An interwsf-
ing evening was spent and the officers
for FM,' year Were elertM as fn1lows
Teacher. Vra .1 Randall president.
M1Ra Pearl is n : emirs -tart MI•s
Tlnrnthy Weep. *molter. Whom, (ler•
temiP Wolfe; eeasrner nf omelet mm-
relttPP. Mina Thelight Match : enneener
of aamseaeeet committee. Mee Mar
garet Aanelsyses.
Mrs. A. L. Lloyd 1104, Miss M. Tobin
The water and light cemmisslnn has
leased the store of Mr, Wesley Walker
on the *mare fur its offerer, and niflts ,
to take ppsa.Astnn April 1st
A membership committee WAR Al* 11n, about Ilk, missionary fields of the
pointed AS (0110W. : .. r ren D. r •h.
Croft, W. King. T1. C. Dunlop, Jas. d'. The (' (1.1.T relx rt Was given by
(sale and Alf. Tehran k Son. Thr' Miss Millie, who reported Increasing
latter two are Igsirerg of .'rain re- interest In the work. The Bible study
tering !lenses to Gaierich '111.' . ,inrins 11.- post year Imd been con-
omtoertdilp few wax I1xed1 At our 1 1111.' (Writ.) by the girls r Imselvee.
for the earning year. Mr. 11. It. lento and Mr. A. M.
Rev. F. 1". E111ntt addr("ee'l the I itolsertson reported briefly for the
gathering en the matter of Metalling o roll, Bnvs and our, Trail Range».
rtce'Iving set In the 1)•ni hse iitnl for I Mics Marjorie Hetherington, for the
the ore of the patients and nurser Itis gave a veered of the work done
stlgyealnn Was well reselre.l and n ' by flint body, end reported $100.31 as
eotmmlttee composed of C. A. Reid, G. fixe'.' cnntrihullnna to missions.
T,. Parsons and Rev. F. C. Elliott WAR Mr. Wheeler reported that the choir
•appo{nte,l 1n deal with rhea matter. are arranging n eerie* of concerts is
`--syrs�p"-` be given for the lnlrpnse of raising a
BRIEFS fund M pit the no -gen In good condi-
tion. Mr. Clarke spoke briefly Of the
Valentines from 1e tip Cnmplell's work ,,f the Men's. Sunday Club.
DnrR Store. The .'short of the mlintenanee ant
Fetnrary'lininswlek record. now on extension hand. the chief mission fund'
gale. All records at premier pri(e•s. of the church, was made by the mIR-
Campbeil's Drug Store 'sonnry treasurer, Mr. A. M. itotert-
The annnal high ten by the below of son lie reported envelope giving.
Knox ehnmh will 1e 114•I+1 iu the lee 1 $1.709.79. snbeerlptinna $.4,16.99, from
torr ronintii nn Thnrsdny. FV hrluery 23rd the Sunday w•hocl $122.5, end the Y1'1,
We rorepent a¢Aln ihat cess =1416.31. making A total of $2.4:19.51.
Items or other .'natter Intended for pub- With some suhs•rlpttons not yet paid
iheatlon must be aeenmpenie(l with the it Was hoped to bring the fund np to
tratTWP rat the wriMr. Week after week $2,!100.Robert
ifema an eonsigrlesl to file waafe teas- Mr. son also reported for the
ke't beemiee of this nail.tion. (Continued en page A)