The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1960-11-03, Page 14of Christmas cards was spent.
Last year's proceeds was not
' spent on a tape recorder as first
planned but on ,films and ree-
1 ords. This year the staff has
no particular objective but will
spend the money for general
supplies, ,
Seven volunteers offered to
sist the teachers in counting
',UNICEF money at the Com-
munity Memorial Centre Hal-
lowe'en night.
Lunch conveners for the year
includes, October, Mrs, Don
Ankers; November, Mrs. Calvin
Haskett; January, Mrs. Charles
Skolly; February, Mrs, Ted
1Bridger; March, Mrs. Robert
Holland; April,
and May, Mrs. Dave Park.
1 Mrs. James Freeman, who,
with Mrs. Pat Crudge and Mrs.
Don Ankers as delegates and
' past-president Mrs. Calvin Has-
kett as a workshop assistant at-
'tended the area convention in
Woodstock, gave a report of the
Mrs. Malcolm Allison, teacher,
and pupils of Clandeboye school
No: 12 and 4 'held a Hallowe'en
party on Friday afternoon with
prizes for costumes following the
Red Cross meeting, Games were
enjoyed and lunch was served.
Mrs. Omar Cunningham and
Woman (opening door of a re-
frigerator and finding a rabbit
inside: "What are you doing
Rabbit: '"This is a Westing-
house isn't it?"
Woman: "Yes."
Rabbit; "Well, I'm just west-
•.not me!
For relief from
backache or that
tired-out feeling
1 depend on—
Our complete line and .selection of regular quality
all patterns and colours. Buy this week and save.
9' x 9' only $15.12.
Reg. 12 c.
tiles in
A room
Reg. 16c
All standard colours and metallic splatter patterns reduced for the "BUY OF THE WEEK", Regular stock . no seconds. A room 9' x 9' only $20.16.
4 x 4 1/4 " POPLAR
FREE For The Aeldng
P004 14 NOvimblor 3; 1960
Phgns 7.4255 .CerrolPiltelent; MIK feint Abbott
and district news
With thelr
in h
Rector assumes .duties.! 14, i!As,.:gfi'lliAl .s.t
lage last Thursday.
.at Clancleboye church „lath her sister, Mrs. Andy.
, I Mrs., .Clarence, Lewis visite -
1 Carter, last Wednesday. She is
At St. James church ..on Stun' granddaughter, Miss Carole Cun- improving from a long illness,
day, Nov. 6 the new rector the. nitigham, student nurse of the Mr, and Mrs, Jim ,Sigtworth,
Rev.. F. 0, Lancaster wall ion- nursing staff of Henry Void Hos- Helen and Billie were guests, of
duct the service starting on the pltal, Detroit, spent some time Mr. and Mrs. Rea Neil on Sun,
new Afternoon time .at 2.30 p.m.' here and whir Mr. and Mrs. day.
with Sunday Sschool at Lg. 1 goy Cunningham and family ; Mrs. Emily Tomes and Miss
Mr and Mrs. Lancaster are' were gticensntsninwgintharnMrinatiodiel‘ninrnse
..„ Mr, and
ABIrusr.chGoolrdovnisimteadinewslit nh
moving to Lucan from All Saints.
Church, Woodstock„ taking up last SuntlaY. -Dorchester on Sunday,
residence at the 'rectory on i Mr. Harry .McNaughton of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Simpson
Tuesday,j London. visited on Sunday with and John spent the weekend in
During o. l* thev month of Oeteberhie uncle and aunt, Mr ,
and and Mrs. John Meator,
Windsor with their ;parerts, Mr,
the Rev, W. C. Allison of Lam- MT"Inler
Beth conducted the services, i Mr, and Mrs. .Elmer
On Scrod;eyraliiieonstraesmsendngthenner eddl llinaemr,:fmlnntgbeeir•rllirvai.sitoedinatlrie cflomr-
Nwviotrhiteornsd atonicl. thleVenrkiewngnattong:tahnedr ninjgitnhainso.oana,Su:
the parish here. Agricultural School at Ridge-, spent the weelteed at
with of the
James WA end pod
Thp October meeting of the hoi
Wilmer Scott,
borne with his parents, Mr. and
WA and Ladies' Guild of St. Tars.
' James church was held in Mrs, Gordon Cunningham was the
church schoolroom on Thursday •a Patient in Victoria Hospital
afternoon. The WA president, lasi4r,we andek
Mrs, Andy Carter, presided . and
was assisted in the worship
service by Mrs. Wilfred Cun-
ningham, Mrs. E. Lewis and
Mrs. Karl O'Neil A financial re-
port was' given by the treasurer
and the 1961 church calendars
were handed out to the mem-
Ladies' Guild was presid-
ed. over by Mrs. E. Lewis and
final arrangements were made
for the annual bazaar to be held
on November 4.
At the November meeting in
,theSunday School room at' 2.30
'the election of officers ,far the
WA and Guild. will he held and,
reports of the year's work re-!
Refreshments were served by
Mrs. Omar Cunningham, Mrs,
Emily Tomes and Mrs. Cecil
Personal items
Mr. Andy Carter received
word of. the -death of his uncle,
Mac McKernan in Windsor. He
married the former Alice Carter,
Interment will be Saturday in;
St. James cemetery,' Clande-
Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Carter
entertained their family: Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Walden of Chat-
ham for the weekend and Mr.
and Mrs. Carlyle Carter and
Jimmie of London, on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Paton,
Clare and William Allwright
were guests of Mr.. and Mrs.
Earl Paton in London on Sun-
day also calling on Mrs. Jean
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cunning-
ham visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Eugene McAdams in
Mrs. Emerson Dearr and
daughter Joan of Elmhurst, N.S.
spent last week with Mr. and
Mrs, Rae Hiedgins and family,
'Mrs. Dearr is a native of Mc-
Gillivray, the former Blanche
Smith, and a former, resident of
Mr. Rea Neil visited his father,
Mr. Ansley Neil in Exeter on
Percy Tucker !
area resident
Percy Tucker died on Satur-
day, Oct. 29 at Strathroy Gen-
eral Hospital.
Funeral services were held at.
the Denning Bros, funeral home,'
'Strathroy, on Monday, Oct. 31.
with interment in. Strathroy cem-
Son of the late Mr, and Mrs.
Henry Tucker, he was born in
England, coming to Canada ;
when a young lad. He worked
_for over 35 years with Mr. Joe'
Bann, the late Garnet Isaac and
the late Joe Kelly of Lucan dis-
Joint birthday gathering
Mr. and. Mrs. Henry Hodgins
of Princess St. were honoured
guests at a joint birthday gath-
ering held at the home of Mr.
an Mrs. Arthur Abbott of Cen-
tralia on Sunday. Other guests
included Mr. and Mrs. Cliff
Abbott, of RR 1 Lucan, Mr. and
Mrs, Allan Tindall of Seaforth,
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Carroll and
family of Saintsbury and Mr,'
and Mrs. H. A, Mullins and fam-
ily of London,
-tertained. The trick of pulling
a rabbit from out of an empty
bo)c, will long be remembered
by Denriie Moffatt what was Ore-
costumes, worn by the children
and adults, presented wide and
interesting variety, The winners
of the prizes are listed else-
where in a separate column.
Last evening, the Shamrock
Minor Hockey Association open-
• ed their season at the Lucan
Arena with the Lucan Midgets
taking, the opener froni Eketet
and the Oakridge Midgets mon•
ning out over Lambeth Midgets
in the secondgame of the eve.
fling, The league should be very
interesting this year with the
addition of feints from Zurich
and Bonsai' In addition to all
the regular telling from last sea
son. The boys will he providing.
some very interesting hockey,
so -why plan, to come, 'Mit and
SuppOrt the league and lend
moral old to the tettin Of your
meal which began sharp at 5
p.m. Before the appointed hour,
the church began filling up, all
eager to get in on the first
CGIT looks at Nigeria
. . meetings.
r the checkingatthe Masonic
banquet and dance Nov. 17. I
The worship service was taken
by Mrs. Heath followed by the
craft period, when each mem-
ber made her own CGIT book.
At Funeral Directors' Convention
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Merely
and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Has-
• • • Activities
ft ...
gram and refreshments,
The guest speaker was the
pastor, the Rev. G. W. Sach,'
who gave an illustrated talk on
his work in Labrador,
Couples' Club
The Luc an United Church
Couples' Club held its October
meeting in the church school-
room last Wednesday evening. 1
It 'took the form of ',a hard-,
time' party under the leadership
of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ross.'
Two games were played which
all enjoyed. During the business
session it was decided to invite
the Birr Couples' Club to the
November meeting.
Pentecostal Holiness Church
The Rev. George - Hall of To-
ronto, was the guest speaker at
both services on. Sunday.
Mrs. Don Abbott was hostess'
for the Young Peoples' Hal-
Speaking on resusciation and
artificial respiration, Corp.
George Clements of the St. John
Ambulance, London, was the
guest speaker at the October
meeting of the Lucan Home and
School Association in the Kin-
dergarten room, last Tuesday
Using his assistant Joe De
Actis as a "victim" he dem-
onstrated the various methods
of restoration used. He answer-
ed all questions and had one of
the teachers try out one of the
methods. He also displayed an
oxygen tank and explained how
it was used. He ended his in-
teresting and instructive address
by inviting the members to at-
tend some of the London class-
es. Mrs. Pat Grudge introduced
the speaker and Mrs. James
Freeman thanked ,him,
The new president, 'Mrs. Rudy
Engel, was in the chair. The at-
tendance cup, for the second
consecutive month, went to Mrs.
Ross McRoberts' room.
of London.
Mrs. Robert Coughlin, on Sun-
day entertained with a family
gathering lin honor'of her daugh-
ter, Judy's 11th birthday.
Euchres will begin again in
the Coursey school on Nov. 11,
with Mrs. Oscar Hodgins and
Mrs. Evan Hodgins as hostesses.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Heisel and
Miss Margaret Pepper of Sar-
nia were Sunday guests of Mr.
and. Mrs. E. W. Pepper.
Mrs, William Dickins is spend-
ing' a few days with Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Noels of Aylmer.
Mr. and Mrs. Evan Hodgins
spent Sunday in Hamilton, guests
1 Marlene O'Neil, nine-yeareald
daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. Joe r
O'Neil, last Wednesday chipped
a bone in ber left leg while play-
ing in the school-yard of the
Coursey school. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hunter
and family of DetrOit were week-
end guests of Mrs. John Casey.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Armitage
and family and Mrs.' Jack
Sprawl visited Mr. Cap Howard
in St. Joseph's Hospital last Sun-
day and found him making sat-
isfactory recovery,
Mrs, Lang De Coursey and
daughter Marilyn spent a few
days last week with Mr, and
Aire. Edgar McFalls.
Many members of the Lucan
United Church on SundaY at-
Club_ property. Tea was served
Inthe dining-room overlooking
the old golf course and tours
Were conducted by students -of
Westminster and McKlrinon
Rev. and Mrs. E. C. Attwell
and family of Gorrie were Sung
day guests of Mr, and Mrs, Roe-
ecee tiodgins and Mr. b, A. Ash,
Abbott last Thursday.
,3.5 kilowatts of elec-
tricity will be fed into Ontario
Hydro's systems by the mid-
sixties from 10 power develop-
ments now under construction
throughout the province,
OPENS NEW RESTAURANT—Ten-year-old Shirley Allen,
Parkhill, shown here opened the new Kof-
fee Kup Restaurant at Lucan Sunday. She won a play-
ground contest to select the name of the establishment,
operated by Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hay, —Culbert photo
Sisters win
Ilor oratory
: • Another good crowd attended
the Legion Auxilary bingo last
Thursday night hut still no jack-
- pot winner.
Mrs. Jack Lankin of Lucan
. won the $5 consolation and Mrs.
Helen Windsor of Centralia
. "Share the Wealth." The first
part of the consecutive went to
; Mrs. Cecil Hodgins of Lucan.
Mrs. D. Greham of Centralia
and Mr. Joe Campbell of Exe-
ter split for the second part and
Mr. Harry Bond of Lucan won
the third part and -also 'the ninth
bingo. Mrs. H. Walpet of Exe-
" ter and Mrs. Ira Carling of Teti-
, earl, who won the fourth bingo,
• split for the third bingo.
Other winners were Mrs. L.
ti W. Holland, who split with Mre,
• Jack Henson of Lucan for the
' first bingo, Mrs. Roy Pepper of
Exeter, Mrs. Omar Cunningham
e of Clandeboye, E, Hartsell
- of Centralia, 'Mrs. John Smibert
and Mrs. Richard Davis of Lu-
Personal Items
* Mrs. R. K. Montgomery en.
Holiday upsets plans
The making of Monday, Oct.
Ill, a school holiday, worked'
havoc with school plans in Lu-
can for an immunization clinic, '
against smallpox, had been
scheduled for 9:15 a.m. The Hal-1
lowe'en parties had been plan-
ned in some of the rooms and
theholidayprevented the teach-
ers giving out boxes for UNI-
CEF collections.
Indian Summer
Lucanites are enjoying perfect;
Indian Summer weather after
their recent snow storm. Salvia,
which was frozen last year early ,
in September is still blooming.
A daisy in flower was seen in
an Alice St. lawn. Even the
trees have not shed all their
leaves. turkey dinner next Sunday,
Enjoy Hallowe'en
espi e co grizzle
eng cqun er a
their attendance at Lucan Pub- P.-Prest, who went to Regina,
Director of 'Recreation
g ' Miss Doreen Garrett of the
res. ' London F'uhlic School staff and
Lucan's new Koffee Kup student brother, taurant, owned by Mr. and Mrs. her Medvay Jack last week brought honor to
Joe Hay was officially opened their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, over the weekend with huge sic- n . Garrett of Fdgewood,
cess, ' Last Wednesday night at Ilder-
Over 200 took adventage of ton Doreen and her friend, Miss
. the turkey dinner on Sunday , Ruth Dickenson, also of Edge-
while really enjoyed the free wood, defeated the Ilderton
coffee, donated by the Daly team in the debating finals and
Grange of London, and the free ivill now go on to inter-county
do-nuts donated by the Mayfair competition.
Bakery of Exeter and the Toast- On Saturday, Jack was among
master Bakery of London, on the 700 rural young People who
Monday. gathered at the Ontario Agricul-
On Sunday Shirley Allen of tural College, Guelph for the
' Parkhill, who won $10 for her, 4-H interclub competition, con-
choice of name "The Koffee ducted under the auspices of the
Kup" was present. She won the Ontario Department of Agricul-
name contest conducted during ture. He and Ron 'Smith of the
the summer playground. Bryanston 4-H club won the
Mr. and Mrs. Hay, who lost trophy in the best beef judging
their place of business, "The contest for Middlesex county, 1
Turkey supper I
'Kup' opening Brother, sister
Hub" in the May 1 distastrous
fire, opened upbusiness in Members of Holy Trinity' Coffee Shop at the hotel, Not . church are recuperating from long after they bought the Sham
• capture honors bi success
can friends were appreciated Nigeriastampsd • t
and added much to the opening.; were displayed by Helen Sigs-
A number of these baskets were worth at the meeting of ,Lucan
large win- CGIT last Tuesday evening. Mrs. placed in one of the Roger Heath led in games. doves. In the other, was a dis-
play of gifts from the "Treasure During the business session it
was decided not to dress in cos- Chest". (Mrs. Radcliffe for some
time for the Hallowe'en party time ha,s been displaying in one on Friday night. Five girls vol-
of the drug store windows but is
unteered to decorate the school- to have this much better
window.) room for the party.
The Koffee Kup plans another Arrangements were discussed;
chester were back for a good An ultra modern kitchen and
two rest-rooms completes the
present set-up but in time, rooms
at the back will be converted
into a banquet room.
A dozen large floral donations
from Kitchener, London and Lu-
1 th t nd stools don andas far away as Dor-
Two sisters, Ilene and Carolyn the judging, to still go "trick or Woodstock, Will be in charge of
'Donaldson, who were gold mod- treating." next Sunday's services. Since &lists in public speaking during the departure of the Rev. J.
lic School, are winning further
honors at Medway High. School.
Ilene came first in Grade 11
* speaking on "Languages" and
" this week will compete against
winners from grades 11, 12 and
• 13.
Coralyn speaking on "Sleep"
won second place with students
; from grades 9 and 10. She will
compete against pupils from
grades 9 to 13 on the subject
They are daughters of Mrs.
Harold Cobleigh, teacher of
grades 1 and 2 of Lucan Public
- School.
e Legion Auxiliary bingo
.'phy and Mr. Jack Radcliffe, adults, Miss Muriel Carling,'
-who worked in groups of two Miss Anne Marie Murdy, Mr.;
each. Earl Carling, Mr, Ed Morris, ,
- The winners were: pm-school Mrs. Al Bromwich.
-and kindergarten, Valerie Leitch, There was no time after the
judging for the film planned,
but all enjoyed Dickie Dean, the
magician, who produced a rab-
bit on request, and presented it
to Dennis Moffatt. The evening '-
closed with treats for all. The Anglican
committee were disappointed to It is expected the new rector, see so many children left, after theRev. E 0
Rev. G. W. Sach of Lucan at-
tended a meeting in- the Ailsa
Craig -United Church Tuesday
evening to help plan a teachers''
training c oil r s e commencing
Wednesday evening, Nov. A in
the. Lucan United Church.
The second class will be held ,
Nov. 16 in the knee Craig
church, the third on Nov, 23 in
Parkhill church and back to Lu.
an on the 20th, All teachers
and other interestedpersons may
share In this opportunity far
There will be. two periods each
meeting, The first on
will be led by the Pev. X. x. Rick, Mita Craig, and the see.
and oh praetical teiliods led by
the Bev, William Moort of Park-
The Bev. Sach of Lucan will
be dean of the School,
Martha Rummell were Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. John Morrison of
guests of the former's parents, l
A cold drizzling rain neces- Jo Ann Drennan, Carol Mason; kett last week attended the On- Mrs. Harold Cobleigh on be-
nven- half of the principal, explained.( Mrs. Don Ankers and her as sitated the cancelling of Lucan's: comic, Nancy Stretton, Susan tario Funeral Directors' Co
1960 Hallowe'en parade and the' Gebel, Peter Culbert. , rtion in Toronto. The displays how the proceeds from the sale sistants served refreshments.
downtown judging, which would! Grades 1-4, fancy, Maureen were held in the Queen Eliza - I have assisted in eliminating- Smith, Carol Haskett, Leslie, -beth Bldg.,Exhibition Grounds =some of the confusion at the' Cabling; comic, Billy Stocks, and the convention and dance '
:Community Centre. r ' t Harry Thomas,. Dixon, Marlene, at -the :King Edward Hotel. e The judges were Mr. Lionel Butler; ; On Thursday afternoon Mrs.
'Kendrick, Mr. George Paul,' Grades 5-8, fancy, Ann George,* Murdy was among those who Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McFalls Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan Rev-Mrs. Robert Jenkins, Mrs. Jack, Lynn Featherstone, J o - A n n e, went on a tour through Casa were Sunday guests of. Mr. and in,gtore Marline and Mr. Lyle Steacy, Mrs. Sam Screatoe,• Mr, Screaton; com i c, Margaret Ham,' Loma and saw the floral dis- Mrs. Charles Weir and family Revington spent the weekend in =Gary McFalls, Mr. Carl Mur- Susan Kennedy, Jerry Butler; play, Batavia and -' saw their horse,
Howard Rose-croft, come in sec-
ond. It came first a week ago.
Rev. A. Aylestock of N. Bux-
ton spent from Wednesday to
Friday , with her parents. Mr.
and Mrs. William - Aylestock. On
Thursday she and 'her father at-
tended the funeral of Mr. Arthur
F'opp of Listowel.
Linda Hardy, small daughter
of Mr: and Mrs. Harry Hardy,
who was taken to St. Joseph's
Hospital with an attack of ap-
pendicitis was able to be brought
home last Saturday,
Mrs. L. D.erham on Tuesday
night entertained friends before
going to London for the ,winter:
Mrs. Thomas. Lee, ,Mrs. J. R.
Murray, Mrs., Edgar McFalls,
Mrs. William McFalls, Mrs. Ross
and Mrs. H. B. Lang-
Last Monday night at the
Clarke. Sideroad High School,
Tommy Weller, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Thom-as Weller of Water
St., Lucan was giver the' history
Mrs. M. O. Smith is confined
the congregation attendance has
kept up splendidly, The sermons of Mr. and Mrs. .Tde Southan.
of the Rev. U. C. Allison of mr. arid Mrs. W. J. Smith and
Lambeth, the last three Sun-
days were particularly enjoyed, family attended the hockey game in. Toronto last Saturday eve-
Five more children had their ning and saw Toronto defeat
names added to the honour roll Chicago 8-4.
for five consecutive Sundays in
church. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Seifried
cree*----- eee eeeeeeeereeweeeseeeeeeses ,
'4"" tt ' ttt ttttt t t t ''"' ' t ' tt —4- ' — .'". ." ' United Church and Mr. and Mrs. Matt Seifried
of Haeriston were Sunday guests
Hallowe'en has come and gone The October meeting of the' of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred. Stocks
—leaving behind it lots of soap- WMS was held in the church 1 and Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Sei-
ed and waxed windows. How- schoolroom last Thursday after-1 fried. Mrs. Seifried is still a pa- to her home with the . flu. Her
ever, these are the least of the noon with the president, Mrs. tient in St. Joseph's Hospital Wednesday guests, included Mrs. problems, in the main being Sherid an Revington in charge of, ac
cident, is ma resulting from the school bus Neil Leckie and Mrs. Les Franey
W done without malice. It is how- the devotions and Mrs.ilbert but king satis-' of Waterloo. ever, the thoughtlessness of the. Stanley's and Mrs. Ivan Stan- factory recovery. Mrs. Frank Stanley of youngsters that that is the result of le,s group in charge of pro- Mr. Stuart Morrison and Miss I field was ,a guest of Miss Lina damage done—or should we say
—most of the damage.
For example a teacher who left
his car to help out at the Hal-
lowe'en party returned to find
the lock of the door broken, An-i
other couple — who were quite,
ready and -prepared to "shelf
out"—and who had also given'
up their evening to help Out at;
the Hallowe'en party — returned,
home to find a bed of prize iris 1
in front of their windows all
trampled down. "Nuff said".
Last evening, the committee,
of L-U-C-A-N planned an eve-,
ming of entertainment in addi-1
tion to the usual "parade and'
prizes"—but at the last minute, !
"old man weather" fouled up
' . However,I the
part of the program was success-1
fully presented when Dicky Dean i
with his magical •and mestifying ,
deceptions kept the children en,'
another successful turkey esuscitation expert the strenuous activities of stag- rock Gardens and for months
have been renovating and re- ing . supper in the church basement modelling it into a modern rest
parity of 60 besides a store- Former members from Lon- speaks to 11group &S last Wednesday night, taurant with a table seating ca-
. . -
Lucan personal i te ms
19 5 7. Pontiac
One Owne,r, A.1 Condition
-idle, 27,028 Original Miles
Mrs. George Nace,
Snipp & Style
Individual Hair Styling
Phone BA 7-4467
Saturday Night
at the
'Lucan Arena
to the music of the
ttttttt ttttt 1111101011010119110000111001101000101010101100001011101101110101010100111011111111114
0 tttt tttttttt 111111111111 1 Hift1 11111111111111111010110111.11111011 ttttt 11111111111.111 t11114111 11111 01M1111111,111111,”InIHIP.
.1111111111111,1,111111111,1111111.1111111111 M11111.1111111111,1111 1 11 101111 1111/111111111MIIIMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM11111111111111t,
ttttt tttttttt 11111111111111111111111101111,1111 ttttt 1111111110Rn ttttt O11111 tttttt 1111,1,111111111 llllllllll 1111111111111/1N
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hay
"The Koffee Kup"
extend grateful appreciation to old customers and
new and to all Who assisted in making their "Official
Opening" such a huge success.
Special thanks to the Mayfair Bakery, Exeter;
the Toastmaster Bakery, London, for do-nuts; to the
Daly Grange, London, for coffee and to all those
who contributed floral donations.
Restaurant Hours
7 a.m. to 11 p.m., Monday through Saturday
12 p.m. to 8 p.m., Sundays.
Main Street
Further Attention •
Lady Bowlers
Tues., Nov, 8 and Wed., Nov. 9
• from 1 to 6 p,m.
(Instead' of Nov. 7 and 8 as previously advertised.)
Price: 250 per game.
PHONE LUCAN BA 7.4236 OR BA 7-4323
lowe'en party on Monday night, tended open house at Westmin- CONTACT W. 'FLANNIGAN
Plan Teachers' Training Course ster College, the new United Lucan AdmissiOn
Mrs. Alex McIntosh of Clande. Church residence, London, which
Phone BA 74245 9-12
Mr. and Mrs. :Eames Sip- tented with said rabbit. The boye, Mrs. Murray Hodgins and was ther former London Hunt! .. . 1 ... 1 tttttt 111111111! tttt 11111111111 tit 1 t 11111/11 tttt 1 tt 1 tit 161111 tt 11111111111‘111111111111111 t t 1111111101111111 t t
worth and family were Sunday
guests of Mr. arid Mrs. Ray
Neil of Clandeboye,
tertalned last Saturday evening
in honor of her son, Kirk's 14th
birthday. The 16 guests met at
the home, went to the Arena
, for Skating after which they re-
turned fee tefreehtnente and
Dag Tuesday Mrs, Clerence
Itookeet entertained 10 little
boys in honor of her son Billy's
. ;
10th birthday, The party began
With bowling et the Udall Lanes
followed by refreshments at the
Ifaskett home breaking up in
tote for the :boys to attend,the
Cub Meeting,
Mr. and Mrs. Wet Revington
and babe Were Sunday guests of
Dt. and MrS, Len Lobeinger
and' family of Sarnia,
I IV°141h.' and, Mrs. A. M. Redden
attended the fifth birthday„..delee
rbretieh of theit„grandenti, 'David
'Redden, son of Mr. and Mrs., Elgin. Redden of London,
Following s .weelet..treittinent
on hit injured leg, et St. j.Otegfe.e
1/tispital, Mr, AtiStiti }lodging",
reeve (adCOMpanied
by Mil,. Hudgins) attended the'
Canadian Gond te leek Steety,i, RA 14461. or Don tAntirig, $A 7.4741 thin held for a week tit the Royal I
ark TOrtiii16., iiiiifaiffliimmiihitittoifissiiinifialitihifokothiosisaifoomaiiiiiiiionviifoiiiiiinumiuniffilftiliiii$ k • • • • • ' • ' - -- • '• •
Rummage Sale
Sponsored by Lucan Lions
Sat., Nov .19 0 2 p.m,
• Stanley Hall Lucan
Por pitkup, phone: