HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1960-11-03, Page 12Pm 12 T pAdvocate,, 19..2 WELCOME SORORITY PLEDGES---Beta. Sigma Phi welcomed four new members at its annual pledge ritual banquet at Armstrong's Restaurant .Tuesday night. The pledges, back row from left, are Mrs. Robert Fletcher, town; Mrs. William Schaefer, Eirkton; Mrs. J, Simpson, RCAF Centralia; and Mrs. L. M. Veri, town, Another new member, Mrs. Eve Stickland, Grand Bend, was unable to be present. Seated above are Mrs. C. Wellington, director; Mrs. R. E. Read, president; and Mrs. M, C. Fletcher, ,sponsor, —T-A photo ferent viewpointa, discussion or buza groups. Meetings held in homes are. usually popular and well at- tended then why questioned Mrs. Sinclair "can't th at same homey atmosphere be created in the church meeting room with a lit- tie preparation?" Vs, of films. A preview of this year's 28- minute colored film "HM1501014 of Faith" •was shown. The theme of the Wm. coincides with this year's mission study — the .ette metrical. mission of the church in many parts of. 'the world includ- ing India and Southern Asia, Using films in church. groups was discussed by Miss Helen Currie, Toronto, A/V consultant for the United Church. She also stressed the .rated. of. preparation when using. films. "Select a film that fits in with the theme or the, subject you wish to ems phasize and familiarize yourself with it beforehand ill .order to introduce it and also to follow up with a discussion or panel," 'counselled Miss Currie, She gave a praetical 'demon- stration by dividing the audience. Into buzz groups, showing a film arid having' .each groan answer ouestions as to its adeptibility for various groups. Audio-visual aids Mrs, S. E. Lewis discussed and demonstrated other audio- vi- sual aids used in programs. Sire suggested posters. mans, 'hunt- tins, flip charts, film strips, pic- tures, Bannelgraphs and drama- tization, showing various techni- ques with each. Rev, Krug said "as churches we have missed the boat by not using more modern techniques Silhouette Hair Fashions Phone 658 ' 4109 MAIN ,STREET Specializing In Sets • Cutting - Pernis • Tints Open: Monday to Friday 9.6; Saturday 9;12; Tuesday and Thursday evenings Mary Lou Hyde Marion Belling Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Sturgis attended convocation at Univer- eity of Western, Ontario on Fri- day when their son Beverley, re- ceived his BA diploma, Mrs. A. D. C. McLagen and Mrs. Susan Winer of Preston visited with Mr. and Mrs. Seth Winer on Friday and called on Other friends in town, Miss Hettie Sweet visited with bet. brother, Mr, Harry Sweet in Windsor the past week. Sunday guests at the. hone of. W. H. Wood were Miss Olive Wood, ToroPto, Mr. and Mrs. W. Murdock, Dundas, ,Mr. and Mrs. Victor Blatchford, Arkona, Miss Blatchford, prospect Hill, and Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Cole, town. Mr. and Mrs. George Shinn of Centralia. were guests with Mr. W. H. Wood on Monday eve- ging. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mies of Midland are spending this week visiting relatives and friends in town. , Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Stoner of Parkhill vslited on Sunday, with Mr. and 'Mrs. Frank Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Warm Spent the weekend in Chatham with Mr, and Mrs. Wayne Syl- Vester. Mr. and Mrs. J. Insley of near Stratford are mining to Exeter this week, Mies Mary Anne Brand of 'Strallaceburg is spending some time with. her sister. Mrs. C. Nagel, while her mother is in Mr. Ralph Genttner is a pa- a tient in Victoria Hospital, Lon- don haVing undergone surgery on Tuesday. Mrss Allan Fraser is leaving today (Thursday) far the Mayo Clinics Rochester, Minn, a Mr. and Mrs. Alex Riley and I Lraidesboro, visited with a Ur. and Mrs. Hebert Sehroeder and tardily over the weekend, Attends, mother's funeral` Douglas Sweet has re. *tilled from Valieeuver, B.C., where she attended the futreral Of her feather, Mrs. Ian. Watt, The late. Mrs. Watt had visited Ott teller): With her daughter and several. occasions. I ITer death otetttred quite, slid- dedy. SMONS, tootheta Of toilkeitli* glinlig teAthetA Attended ma. a; *riot No. 19 °Marie Steolidary 0011.661 Teaeher& Asattiation edit. t still al ennietente Liatrattei g Tint Way, Mr. B. It, HOWey led s ▪ dieetteabil gelatin on eortirder- dal dams', 'London area teeiVeittififis Cline Once again, winter is on our heels and we are holding our • STORE 011111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIltilitilltIMIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIM1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M1114.6 Fr: ttlield -s Geri erd!' 'et*, ootiventlort Atvitt 11:cir and Mel. 1 israice Tutkey Vete delegates 145 1. did.. thfs Week, They ,attatiged Ingay of lantOs artetribers had ,rHoNt iatle stott alont with .1 crtErntoN likatut Celebrates birthday Mr, W, G. Simmons, a _patient at South Huron Hospital; cele- brated his birthday with the family at the home of Mr. and. Mrs, Fred Simmons Wednesday afternoon. His daughters Mrs. William Cowhig and Mrs. James Near and son Tommy of New York State were present for the 'occasion. Attend Huron WA Mrs, S. E. Lewis, Mrs, Arthur Rundle, Mrs. R. E. iSeoley, Mrs. W. • H. Pollen and ,Mrs, Hector Murray all-ended the .semi-ans nual meeting of Huron Presbyte- rial United Church. Woman's As- seciation in Blyth United Church last Welnesday, Mrs. Pooley gave. a report of the Leaders' School held at Al ma College, St. Thomas. Marianne's BEAUTY SALON Hensall OPEN TuEs, TO FRI, 9 to 6 SAT., 9 to 12, NOON • PHONE 90 FOR APPOINTMENTS ANNUAL IBEX Flannelette Blanket SALE. FM* the remainder of Pall old Whiter Months our I gore will be, CIAStt) 'Fl.TEMAY VENING and OEN SAIVEDAY EVEN1NGt. " 70" x 90" $5 Pair ► I 9 HAIRDRESSERS CONVENE At the meeting of Grand Bend and District Hairdressers .Asso- ciation last Wednesday evening at the Imperial Hotel, Grand Bend, Mrs. Mae Thurman of Stratford set two models in the latest hair styles and gave a bu• airless talk. President Erie Johnston chaired the meeting. The next meeting will be held November 30 in the Cobblestone Room, Imperial Hotel, Modern Beauty Salon 429 MAIN ST. PHONE 349 Haircuts • Styling Perms • 'Treatments Monday to Saturday, 9.6 Tuesday & Thursday Evenings BRENDA BRENNER, Prop. ',11...,1111111111111111111111111111111MMI111111111111,1111M1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110, a Individually, Designed Spencer-Spirella, supports are individually for abdomen, back and breast. Your made-to-measure garment Will aching backs and exhaustion caused muscles and wrong posture: deSigned relieve tired' by weakened Phone 125 for Appointment Mrs, Valeria Armstrong Anne St, Exeter IZAIttillittitulleutteuillintillainuelettfittutitittiiittitiotteuilletetteettitituttittileituleilmioutliettittie PRETTY NEW 'FANCY APRONS IRWIN'S PHONE 474 EXETER Exciting new styles in SWEATERS GIFT PILLOW CASES , „ .$11.03 Pick a gift of LINGERIE 11 4 I For the early bird shopper Fink's Meat Market H, HOLTZMAN, Prop. insalgree Smoked Picnic HAMS 5-1b, Average 39c lb. Slab Bacon SLIOED Minced Ham 49. S'Lltitb fdtt ,e3lEort We Deliver Phone Exeter 3 CUSTOM KILLING • • tlFPLic...7rv" "I've made myself at home ... with Hope Garber, Paul Soles and their guests. I join thcm every morning fOr an hour of e4tertliti- rnont. loam a lot, too." For a meaningful morningful of top television fire satitch 'to Channel 10. The whole morning ats designed for you, Mrs. fichtstliift, to help light0.11 your work. That's why we call it like the whole progrativ -10 a.ni.—Rotnpor Roam 11,612 nOtilik4E,"At Hoittat" ShOetw 10.11 0.01,-,116ut of Stets 12. 1 0,ni...Noon Hew CI4 Also from 84 a.iiite‘Heur of Music CGIT mark Hallowe'en The combined CGIT groups of Main Street, Cavell and James Street churches who are now balding their meetings and r C- tivittes together 'held a mas- querade Hallowe'en party in James Street United Church last Wednesday evening, Winners for costumes were Margie May, Nancy Brady, Yvonne Fisher, Laura MacMil- lan. Jane Southcott, Marian Carecadden, Susan Goman, San- dra Prout, Kathy Smith, Margie limey' and Susan Dinney. Judges were Misses Stella. Fouthcott and Meta Salter. Games and lunch concluded the evening. At a previous meeting Miss Frances Stevenson, missionary on furlough from Indore, India, shaved colored slides depicting her work, She was dressed in a sari, native costume. of India, and had others to display. She answered questions at the close of her talk. Phil: "Will you join me in. a hOwl, of soup?" Will: "Do you really think there's room for both of us." reinfass' Autumn nuptials in Hensall church A lovely autumn wedding was solemnized in the United. Church Hensall Saturday, October 29 at 2 o'clock, when Marian Apes Pepper became the bride of Russell Harris Hooey with Rev. W. C. Winlaw officiating. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Pepper, RR. 2 Kipper's, and the groom is , the son of. 'Mrs. Arthur Kendall, Bay- field, and the late Harris Hooey. Miss 'Greta Lammie, church organist played traditional wed- ding m usic. Given in marriage by her fa- ther the bride wore a floor- length gown of white lace. and net over satin, her shoulder length veil was caught to a tiara of sequins and her bridal bou- quet were pink roses. Matron of honer, Mrs. Alex Miller, RR 1 Staffa, sister of the bride, chose a gown- of turquoise blue silk and carried white mums with pink background, Flower girl Linda Miller of Staf- fa, niece Of the bride was frocked in pink nylon and car- ried white mums with blue back- ground. Jimmy Hoag, Bayfield, was ringbearer. Jim 'Kendall. ta.yfield, at- tended the groom, and Bloss Pep- Five pledges join sorority Five members were admitted to the Beta Sigma Phi Warily at an impressive ritual ceremony conducted' after a dinner held in their honor at Armstrong's Res- taurant, Tuesday evening., Miss Jean Taylor proposed the toast to Beta Sigma Phi; Mrs, Joe Wooden, a toast to Mrs. C. Wellington, the director, and to Mrs. Jill, C. Fletcher, the seen.- sor. Mrs, 'Hal Hooke toasted the pledge and Mrs. R,. 'Fletcher re. plied. The initiation ceremony was • conducted by Mrs, R. W. Read, president, assisted by Mrs, Hooke and Mrs. Wooden. The five new members are Mrs. J, Simpson, RCAF Centralia; Mrs, E. Strik- land, ,,Grand Bend; Mrs, R, Schaeffer, Woodham; Mrs, Rob- ert Fletcher and Mrs. Len Vert Exeter. per and Jim' Bailie ushered guests. • For receiving the forty guests at the wedding dinner held in the church parlors, the bride's mother wore navy blue sheer crepe with accessories in white. The groom's mother chose a blue suit, both wore pink and yellow rose corsages respectively. For travelling to Tobermory and points north for their honey- moon the bride wore, A..b.lue suit with matching accessories and a red corsage. They will reside in Hayfield. Another. yule fair .plan.neci by ,Cavon At the meeting; of Cavell Coe- gregational meeting on Tues- day .evening the. date for the an- nual Chrisimas Fair was set for Saturday. December 3. The program was in charge of Mrs. Graham Mason and many games pertaining le lawe'en. were conducted. The de- votional period was taken by Mrs. Andrew Johnston. A nominating committee in- cluding Mrs. Fred. Simmons and Airs. Norman Stanla ke was named to bring in a 'slate of officers 'for 1061 at the next meeting at which there be an exchange of Christmas gifts. Co- president Mrs. Norman Stanlake was in the chair. Host- ess was Alm Jack Pryde and. assisting were Mrs. William. Sillery and Mrs. Arthur Whil- smith, British trip Staffa topic Mr, and Mrs. Stafford. Johns- ton, Stratford, showed colored slides of their recent trip to the British Isles and the Continent at the October meeting of Staffa Women's Institute at. which Hen- sail, Seaforth and Kirkton branches were guests, Mr, Johnston, who is on the staff of Stratford Beacon-Herald, told of their trip and commented on the pictures which had been taken and were • projected by Mrs. Johnston. Mrs. R. Warden commented on the -.motto "Friendship is the golden thread that ties the heart of all the world" and the roll call was answered by 'teling "If -the' house took fire what would be the first thing I would grab?" The program included 'solos by Mrs. E. Butt and readings by Mrs. Wilfred Coleman of the Seaforth branch; piano solos by Mrs. George Hess and readings by Miss MCttie accompa- nied by Mrs, John McGregor and Miss Greta Lammie, Hen- sail, Household hints were pre sented by Mrs. W. Granville and current events discussed by Mrs. J. Wallace. In the business conducted by the president, Miss Vera Hambly a donation was voted to the CNIB, Mrs. T. Laing was ap-pointed delegate to the Landon area convention. November 1 and 2. Directors Mrs. J. Drake, Mrs, L. Miller, Miss Olive Speare and Mrs. E. Brooks were in charge of the social hour. These who attended the aut- umn workshop for church. wore- en's groups at St. Matthew's Lu- theran church, Hano,Ser, on Sat , urday were told that meetings for these groups must be tho- roughly and thoughfully planned.. Rev. Karl Krug 'or CKNX said that the fundamental target of any program is to bring the listener' to that place where 'he ,can say "I see and I think I understand" in fact, he conti• nued "that 'is the virol,e mean- ing of the. Christian message." He told his audience that it took the concentrated and co-ordi- nated efforts of 27 people to pro- duce the program "Story Time" on CKNX which he directs. What makes a meeting Mrs. D. R, Sinclair, Dundalk, :and a former resident of Cavell Presbyterian Mallees discussed the topic "What makes a meet- ing," under three subheads: wore ship, business and program. "Worship in church meetings is much too routine — saying grace before meals, when it's over, the meeting can proceed" Mrs. Sinclair said. The worship period does not have to he taken at the may of a meeting — it may follow the business or may 'follow up an impressive program. Mrs, Sinclair further suggested that an atmosphere. for worship should he created by arranging a worship centre or choosing a suitable place for worship, even going into the church sanctuary itself for the devotional period. She advocated as few announce- ments as possible during the. worship — those taking part should be briefed and.. ready to take their part without breaking the thought with announcemente. The speaker placed "a terrific responsibility" oe the president in conducting the business. Much of 'the tiresome and time-con- suming details. should be taken care of in committee.. Members also have a responsibility in this respect and all need to bone up on business administration fre- quently, Program methods are varied Mrs. Sinclair said and suggested lectures, films, forums, panels. or debates, where one gets dif- in our church )00panta the public and high schools: die carded the antiqtry-,ed lectUre. methods years age, ' R. B. Taylor, representative .the National Film -Board told •ht the sources for obtaining ,tilnts. The ladies bf. the church. served. a noon luncheon which :was fol- lowed by a chalk talk by Rev, and Mrs. J. L. I3nrgesa, Han- over. The worshop was sponsored by the Blue Water Film Fecteratiral, Mrs. Lewis,. Mrs. Arthur Run- dle .and Airs, J. M. Wasted at- tended from .Exeter. Beauty Lounge. 147 MAIN ST. PHONE .64.3 Perms Sets. Tints. 90k.P4 .Manley 10 Friday, 94 Tues, Thurs. .Evenings Only 41,600 Saturday CATHY Prep.. meetings. Get away from routine workshop a dinsestadies Town Topics Items of Social anti Personatintarat In and Around Exeter the 5)teter Times-Advocate t o always pleased to publfah thete We and our readers arc interested In you and your Mends. Phone eliSeC2SX:Segre. • • • • ,