HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1960-11-03, Page 5EXETER
-moot .1
tost, safe tee,
Sugar and spice
Continued from page 4
soap opera, predict the Broad-
way critics will have the hides of
its producers.
However, that's their worry,
I have enough troubles of my
own. My leg is black and blue
where my wife kept pinching
me to keep me awake oe. the
long, cold, dreary drive home.
And she's still sore as blaze's
because she hadn't tithe to fin-
ish the lobster dinner the
'tackled just about the 'time
should have been heading
the theatre.
Side Bacon 9
" l ll ........... non ......
1 aiamilfalaiyeactamoiminatio
Ask To See Our Plans For The
Economy Plywood Garage
Only $258.00
Nothing Down, Payments As Low As $12.00 par Month ti
HENSALL WINNERS—Rain didn't danipen the enthusias.m of the 150 .cliildren who
attended the Hensall Kinsmen Hallowe'en party in the Hensall arena' on Monday, The
children enjoyed treats and the showing of several cartoons, Some of the pri2e win-
ners„ shown aho've, include: Arlene Chipchase, Cheryl,Little, Joan Simmons, Bever-
ley Clark and Kay Davis, (front). In charge of the program were 'Bill Fuss, Hebert
Raeburn, Jack SirnmOns and. President Bill Clement,
t.,::'''''',•':'.ritmreIP.r,.leeeeee'"e"e1teeeetieMeeeeee.e'efteeeeeAeHEette;ee?eeStttt'eeieeeeneeeeetF,eeeMe Weeleteeee=neetteleleMetereten
On04. $ Neyernher 3, 1960
lefeeteenefeeteiteceMeeteleeletieeeeeneeteerestexemeeirreeeteeestelieeletierneemegestree, iol 'items
and Mrs. Sim Roobol
s,pereg, Sunday with their (laugh-
ter and son-in-law, Mr. and
rs. Don Dodds of Winthrop
and attended anniversary 'serv-
ices in Caven United. Church,
Pupils of SS 10 Hay enjoyed
a Hallowe'en party at the school
on Friday afternoon, Highlight
:•!.Iieeteeeteee:t 4"XeriA
and with their (laugh
who is a patient
• Mr. Frank Stage
Houghton were
with Mr, and
school''The punils with their
teacher, M ss Wanda McLaren
enjoyed hallowe'en party at,
'the s ol on Saturday • evening.
M .Tames Aikenbeed lege
dville was a euest with Mr.
Mrs, T. Laing over the week-
by the Marian Ritchie Auxiliary,
and the Ladies Aid is set for the
afternoon of November 24,
The thankoffering service of!
the Woman's Missionary SocielY 1
will. be held next Sunday at 2:30'
p.m. with Mrs. ,Wilson of Shaker t
epeare as guest speaker,
Mr. and Mrs, 'Eldon !
Nancy and Frank, vifiec.'4 on
Sunday afternoon with Me, an d
Mrs. Anthony All en in Stratford
er Janet
d Mrs. M.
ncl V visitors
.s. Earl Rose,
Tuesday night,drew a good f•AntoMn Blake pupds , ais on timer and Mr. and 4Vrs, Moss
crowd and was quite eeceessful lic speaking in Graee and also We eds" wOn the pub Haugh and family.
13 Mr, Cliff Kenney sprained financially. The boy's choir under Mary Eileen Carey, who chose his arm putting in a culvert last
, Thursday and is 'Under the doc- enjoy party the leadership of Mr, P011eY 01 , as tee subject, "John
Stratford, delighted the audience. baker.
talement wbith was held on . •
J u dges weir' Mahn McCarroll,i tor 5 care' By ELIZABETH FIN LAY
Norman Rickert, held a birth- Daefep day gathering at the home of
west .speakers at the LAY-
meres service, i which Was ob- i
served :at Cronlarty Church on
r,Sric,l iViek' wwer ewhMo r.gaTvoern apricekosoornt con, Khiva, Sharon, rairfiew i at Ridgetown,
of the men's Conference which: and Mt. Carmel, competed •int '0'fiss Sandra Finkbeiner who twith
ShpeiPePhaerd selections Th*o'rnMplesonw'se erlevialltot laal- H‘eVrts. at
was held at Keswick in eleieeo- public speaking, verse speaking' is. taking a course At andon?.11.,d,„Marlene ai rldAparlene 'Frao"'' he received injuries to his bec4i. ea in September, and Mr, ifallY and in spelling, mt., craendnitnoand, syzet4nnerier4,at chologeowitisipeAnItr. and
pa,,i sei4v,eerrea
a vailable
ieuets leaetfreishh; eelays were ta k en on iondp.
Nickel also of Llstowel who gave, event is sponsored by
a stirring address. The service IW:;nceonn'stesitnewtaitsaime.axiene Denorri!(Mrs, Alvin Einkbeiner and fain. canteen.
was conducted by Mr- Floyd' Winners in the gra d e 7 spew'fly, I Gaines were lo Progress hi the Vairvtedof sieleeronbclocid;,g.rWehe enblitellarrs Ytt914
1 On SaturdaY, Mrs. Verbeek, r
Next, Sunday the church sor me, 'Oliva and Carol GlanVittfe, on‘l'yjCeieviPil Itilet"beelldasssetSartg lalgis• 44;lerT eanntd Mrs. Wilfred mackhaathliee"ihele smaller allbcreirltildwraer 411 vice will be held et e:30 in the; Crediton and in grade 5 ere day night, Nov. 2 in the Com, were chaperons,
held At the same hair through ‘avnodre ficwa.etnhy.Psinok:lieai nnnerei Cc:redit:aerie:II 13:;'70,rpsopreanit :nt hewt, :ay$Mboiveer 4:1:1:i
the winter .monthe, I•einners Mrs, Larnbie put family, North ..,.. , berships are now available,South Heron Hospital, :xator
Ion FriclaY night, The :Gans. of Exeter had her taken t
me next
meeting w$1111.50borrIbeemld. 1, shllereadbaaonidnetrihe awnadterbrweael ppverr, afternoon and will Centime to be GJarnael:18cC‘a:rn;Mstp.CaAkirothgel S heel enntutY Centre at 8.30 0 einek-
of Ste lie schools inelnding cre. the Ontario Agriceltural school.' OWn. accompnieeent on the gut- on „Hospital, Exeter,
;where she was treated and '010 Personal items
The turkey supper and enter' mel. time. I ents, Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Fink-
Mork 90th birthday
mr, Jack Dienert, of Harriett:Mt
Mrs. M. Dickert, rhother of Mr.
The immediate families of
with their 'program of choir
!GregorYnee% numbers, solos and duets, h and "Wesley Hey.; Attend fetnitrol The Blake school The annual bazaar, sponsored nreckeTeactiers of JAD McCurdy i Those who attended the fu- their hallowe'en party on Mom •
p upils held the occasion being Mrs. Diclo.
.errs 90th birthday.
and Michael Gla . 1. erev"-ni eet, C r weekend with the latter's par- 1 to return home in an ,110 WA
Mr; and Mrs. X. Wallace and
Debbie visited on Sunday with
Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Kerslake,
St. Marys.
Mrs. 'Belle 'McEwen of Exeter
and Mrs, Horton McDougall,
visited en Wednesday with Mrs.
Sadie ,Scott
r I CI,
Miss Brenda Bomuth of Clin-
ton spent. the weekend with. Miss
Alice Walker. -
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scott and
daughter Dorothy accompanied
by Mrs. Eva C,oloehoun and
daughter jean and 'Mrs, Hazel
Deleorge of Winnineg visaed in
per at Dashwood last week at, table manners hook.semee and ills life
after being, run down pear and on the corner of Main
Street there is now
Many attended the fowl. sup-! from home table Clinton on Thureday wile Mr.
and Mrs. M. C,orlies and Mr. and by an automobile while riding and Huron. ..
Mrs. Elmer Colquhoun.
Layman talks Top sp
at Cromarty hear antsmans I su ff er i n jury
in ed, on con .estithe CornmOnity Centre.latt Wed-1 MRS. togmAhl 0,NG Ay MRS, KEN .teckELLAR r it ' t . Crediton Teen Town. met ill . . . ' ' • ' ' ... • .
Sy MRS, hi, FAIST Mr, Bees woe and Mr, Don . nesdaY, Octobet• 26 with an at -.1 Mr- IL Vorbeck of RR 3 'Kt
On Friday evening in the cre. aid Hendrick were home over tendance of 66. pen Was taken by Beath-Ton I
(Men Community Centre mile the weekend, They are attending, Gerald Hartman sang to his i ambulance Sunday to South Httri
SC4POL Awards were presented' neral of the late Mrs. Laura d a y afternoon, A program,
1jediton school, and Mrs, W. D. John Treitz of Ridgeville, Mri !joyed by all,
The table was attractive .auf.,
Mrs, It, Molitor, teacher of flirtzei were. two brothers, Mr. games and contests were en-
kack, WI president, and Mrs. Edward Treitz, Doe-,
the form of an open Bible. Some
centred with a birthday cake le
very nice gifts were presented
were colore
and Marion of Len.' Personal items .'"' Other features of the program aid,Dorothy
d slides on Rome, don, Mr. and Mrs, Ervin Trolls,' Mr. and Mrs. Keith Gingerich, 13Y the family, Personal items shown by Robert Larnbie, North' Mr. and Mrs. Howard Heist all Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Gingerich
Finkbeiner, piano solos by char. Mr. Louis P. Hh-tzel, Mr, and a
atnd tiflaernaillolemse woerfe mSur,ndaanydgul‘eirstss On Sunday Mr. And. Mrs.
Harry Van Merrell and femily
Bay, accordion solos by ;Judy of Ridgeville;
maine Fuller and Marie Powe; Mrs. Robert Longmate, Mr, Peter Gingerich.-
vocal duets by Karen Finkbeiner Arthur Lengmate, Mrs. Irene
of Wilid, accompanied Mrs, Sehoorel Bose
Mr. Lloyd McBride, hoop of Holland to her I:laugh!.
and Margaret Heist accompanied Weitieg, Mrs. Joseph Goetz, Mr, sor, spent the weekend in this ter's home in London. She halt
by Mrs. Freeman morieck, quip. end Mrs. Lester Hirtzel, Mrs, vicinity, beest visiting the past week wits
school and a woodwind orchestra Mich,; Mr. Hugh McBride, of London, Mr, and Mrs. Van Wierren, tot of sailor girls from Sharon Walter leirtzel, all of Detroit,
by Mt, Carmel school, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford spent the weekend with his par. Weekend guests a Mr. and
'I 'elee of ' ents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy _me n Mrs, John -Pepper included Mr,
was chairman.
Ray Morlock, area trustee, Birmingham, Mich., :Mi. and
Mrs. Wes Winer and son, Mr,
! Wesley Pepper and family of
were' Mrs. Molitor Mes. Ross, Witter of Morrieton; Mrs, Emma Bride. and Carl, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Niagara Falls and Mr. and Mrs. Program committee in charge William Winer, Miss Mabel Mr. andMis. LloydPfeifer Barry Walter of Benmiller.
,, Pfeifer and Mrs, Adolphe Pfeifer! Mr, and Mrs. john Doig o Haugh, Mrs. Al Smith, Mrs.! Bartels, Mr, and Mrs, Norman
Aaron Wein And Mrs, Oscar 1 ilea of liesneler; Mrs, Wilbert. I Ernst, Mr, and Mrs. Ross Arm- of Brodhagen and Mies Eliza- beth Finlay were. Sunday guests Grand Rapids, Mich. spent the
strong, Preston,
weekend with Mrs. Lydia. Dole
J ' t
Mr, and .1)1re. S. S. Wuerth 4•H Club . (trick, Harold and Irene, Owen Sound, visited .over the
and. ane .
Mr, and 'Mrs. John Long, of Personel items with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ben-
the summer with their daughter,' lion Colleens held their third
•weekend with. Mr, and Mrs. Nor-
man Long.
1 returned home after spending, On Saturday, Oct, 29 the Geed -
Mr, and Mrs, Ken Baxter And i meeting of the year. i/AS jottings
family at Lefroy. The topic was on suggestions
Mr. and Mrs, Lewis Feist and , for meal-planning and a well —Continued from page 4 -the horses have disappeared
boys,. of. Toronto, spent the, week-I balanced meal, A demonstration
from the farm and tractors have
end with Mrs. M. Feist who re-! on how to set a table was, given took over the blacksmith bum-
In 1933 Mr. Hillary Morten taken their place,
Exeter which once boasted oe
spending last week at Toronto. l
turned home with them after! by Judy Boulainoe and Kathy Buxton, Everyone read a part ness from the Dignans and a at least a half dozen blacksmith number of years later he lost shops has seen the last disap'
day. • I ward her guest.
Mr. end Mrs. Art Mitchell
visited with Mende at Stratford
on Sunday.
Visitors on Saturday with Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Woodall were l
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Andrews
and daughter Elizabeth and, girl
friend, Marjorie Meleeil and
Mrs. Wilson, all of Leedom
Mr, and Mrs. Ed Valender
and children, of Barrie, visited
with Mrs. Margaret Clark and
Ruth over the weekend.
Mr. and, Mrs. Bert Pascuzzo
returned 'home froth their honey-
MOO and .have taken. up resi-
dence in one et Ross .Haugliet
The meeting of the Ladies'
Aid and WSWS• of the HUB
church will be on Thursday eve-
ning In the Sunday School rooms.
Mr. and Mrs, Woodrow. Macke,
missionaries in -Africa,- 'who are
home on furlough. at Port Elgin,
are th e guest speakers. They
will show pictures of their work
in Nigeria,
the .E1113 church. I The next meeting will be held a bicycle on the Main street. a large vacant lot. Rumor, hew.
Mrs. Cliff Hill, of Exeter, eau.; on Saturday, Nov. 5 with''' roll Mr. Tom Jolly succeeded Mr. ever, has it that a new business
ed on friends in town on Sun- call, one duty of a hostess to- Horton and carried on a dwied- block with offices in connection
ling business as yeAr after year is now under consideration.
st,eakers .Crediton: Youths Kip-pen pair
Ceseryes 80th birthday
Mrs. Catherine Heckle/1. Hen--
tall, observed her 80th birthdey
en Monday, Oct. 31,
Site has 90 descendents' includ-
trig 10 sons, two daughters, 40
grandchildren, 35 great grand-
children and three great-great
Celebrating with her over the
ireekend were some of tee mem-
.. beree of her family including
Russell, Lloyd, Oreille and Ver-
nereliedden, S1,, Catharines; Har-
old HecIden, Dresden; Mrs, Ruth
Tarter, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs.
Alex' Shortheute. and, ....family,
Personal items.
Hensell Women's Institute will
hold its November meeting in
the Legion Hall Wednesday, No-
vember 9 at 8:15 p.m. Guest
speaker will be Mrs. Harry ,Cald-
well .arid Mrs, Clarence Snuffle
will give a demonstration,
Members o.E Kippen East Wo-
men's institute and guests nurn-
bering 37 enjoyed a bus trip to
Cellitigweed oh Tuesday and
and during their itinerary toured
the ship yards. The Blue Moun-1
lain Pottery, Geotgian China
Shop, Smart Canning, fureiturel
and Velment factories.
Mrs_,. Leonard Noakes attended!
the Lake Huron Zone Recrea-1
tion Council annual conference!
at District High School, Walker-,
ten, Saturday last, as a repro-
eentative. of Hensel Redreetion
Mr. and Mrs. William Mickle
Attended a Kinsmen banquet in
Tillsonburg Thursday, October'
Mrs. Gordon Ilium, Mrs. W.
J. Canierote Mrs. A. Clark, Mrs,
Garnet Allan, Mrs. Howard
&nate, Mrs. Wm, Smale, Mrs,
Don Havens, Mrs. Harold Camp-
bell, Mrs,,Mary Taylor wore
guests of linton Legion Ladles
Auxiliary Wednettlay evening,
October ,26 at a Hallowe'en par-
ty held in the Legion Hall, Olin-
The ladies of Carmel church !
sponsored a turkey supper mil
Friday 'evening serving 250 pco,
pie ,
Mr. ,and 'Mr's, .George Parker
And . Mr, And Mrs, Bill. Baker
epent the weekend in the Vetted
Dte and Mrs. D, McKelvie,
ef Essex, were weekend guests
with Mr, and Mrs, Jack Drys-
dale, and called on blends' In
the village.
Mrs, Pearl Shaddick and Pill
spent Sunday in Sarnia,
Hensall Women's institute Ate
holding one-dey short course
'Ho* to COnclect leifentings", in
the Legion Hill, Wed-
nesday, NOVeniber 19 from 10 to
it. The eatifee is open to anyone
who would be inter etted in an
tencling. G. Maynard, from
the Extensity& Branch, Termite,
101 eoecluct the short coarse.
Tie. will be served at the noon
hour to theet bringing a box
Kinettee held a successful
Mintage sale in the town hall
Saturday -ifterreitiii, it *At a eell
out within an hour, the pedeeeds
for Servied work,
Mr. and Mrs. Elkin Hendrick
Arid family of 'Grand tend were
reeent visitors' With gra. Hen,
&kit's Parents, Mr, And Mrs,
Stanley Mantle%
Mrs, Edna Corbett, Vika
guest With Miss Vein
.Stowe, Exeter,
Mee, leAkeld Parker Mite.
Weed A iluttlItt, of friends at
brush deinenstration, At het
ati ThurafaY iVerlint• 'S1101i-
toted MrS, MOJA MbertSen
el Clinton,
Give prizes
for costumes
Hensall Kinsmen sennsored a
hallowe'en party at the Comm
nits Centre Monday night as
"reward" to public school chn.
dren who collected for the
CEF Children's Fund in tee af-
ternoon, with gredes -3
towee par-
ticipating in the canvase which
amounted to $96.78.
Parade planned was/cancelled
owing, te...eame coste ae winners
Were six and Under, (Bo-Peep),
Kay Davis; (angel) ,Julie Heal;
(ball player), Bra. Baker; 10
and tinder, (Indian ), Bev Clark;
(witch), Arlene CI ipchase;- (Chi-
.namaril, Janice onthron; •
10 years and ov er, Cheryl Lit-
tle,- Joan Simmon. , Al Kyle.
judges were qrs. M. G. Drys-
dale, Mrs, RaYt Paterson and
R. H. Middleton
Several care ene were shown
and the childr rl were treated to
two free trots ee either hot dogs,
pop, potato dips end pop 'corn.
hledrre eewaeatidalefirfotywdatotlenadninnge. two
-Chairman ,,,-0' f the entertainment
committee lea.s Bill Fuss.
Auxiliary filans activities
The Leelion. Ladies' Auxiliary
at their neeting 'Tuesday eve-
ning 'Plan' ed hobo parties-. ill the
homes fot the month of Novem-
ber with proceeds for _ Legion
service itork,
They will canvass the village
this sat; relay, November 5 sell-
in; Po pies; will entertain sev-eral. vi nine. auxiliaries to a so-
clot e v ening next. Tuesday,
Nove-ember 8 and will provide
lunch ."or the Remembrance Day
Paean ., NoVeneber no
t7, and Mrs. Don Rigby, Mt.
Hill ; Mrs. Lloyd Murdock of Bide
eodit, the weekeed with
and Mrs, Harry Sncl.
Eleanor McKenzie has tee
eftet a week's vaeatien
petit with relatives and friends
in „Oraveriburst.
eatw and Mr's. Harvey Keys
spent the weekend in St,.1COthe-
Mines ' and Niagara
Lidyti Nombre M
visiter.n' id father, .Mr, Jelin Pass-
thorn butt the weekend.
MlAgi Jane Horton of tiniVer-
,s,,ty Weeteee. Ontatie. spent
e frne, weeekted with her patents,
4.111%,01 1 Mrs, H. Horton.
lulte Ietti Goddard of Mao.
Donald'. College, Guelph, Wee a
C. Goddard, Mrs.
, entS.
Goildaf And faitilly.
Id WA. VVrlliarii taker,
Mr. And MI, G600 Bake And
Mett, Dave Mereisteee 6/ Mr, - Off
.Park 1 Went 'the Weektil iii
and district news
Mn,s Maude Heckler), Phone S
Mrs. Archie MacGregor, Phone 56
Iles' Gordon Munn presided for
„,,,LB' go winners were Mrs,
.neetinn, Mrs. William Smale (4),
Garnet Allan, Mrs. Mi-
ni . Brown, Aire, Don Havens,
Earl Zimiller and Mrs.
Her Horton.
Pe soma( items
„ ,A4ttie whiners at the Legion
1,),-1„ngo S 4. at d A y night were
are the Wealth", Mrs, G.
tiger; door prizes, Miss
ray arid Gordon Oke. Jack,
this Saturday will be $105,00
calls with two door prizes
2.60 eaell,
Mr i 'i Earl Zimmer, Zurich was linitinted into membership
r8. • Forrester was accept-
or membership, Nornina.-
were Onducted by the
lady, Met, A. Clarke,
mystery prize was won by
Maude liedden.. President
The 'dull' pot
needs water
"Tap the 'pot
To see if it nettle teeter—or clot,"
This may be peen poetry, but.
it gives the clue :for the water-
needs of your house plants.
When a dry pot is tapped, it
will give a clear, ringing sound,
While wet pot gives a dull
Ontario Department of Agri-
culture horticulturists offer these
suggestions for watering house
Add enough water to wet 'the
soil to the bottom a the ,pot,
the plant is growing rapidly, it
may need water every day, es-
pecially it is in the' sunlight.
Plants in cool, • darker locations
May need water only once a.
week. Water plants early in the
day, so that they 'are not satu-
rated over-night. • ;
Sonic homeowner's like to •
place the' pot in a pan of water
and water them that, way. This .1
is all right if harmful crystal.
deposits on 'the soil surfeed are I
avoided by watering from Above
of the party was a white ele-
hant sale from which $6,10 was
realized for the UNICEF.
every two weeks. Remove the
flower pot froni the pan of Water
When the 'top of the soil is moist,
Don't use cold tap Water, ,be-
cause it has been known to harm
certain plants, And don't use
water that hat been treated
with sodium softeners, The
sodium softeners may ptove
toxic. Use rain water er melted
811 c. Remember that filo much • I
Lack Of water may result in
water is at had as not enough.
poor growth, shedding of leaver I
and dull leaVeS, but too much
water will smother the plant 1 And decay the roots.
sfi una Aveohigoo
AtrOgaiL.44c140,,040"10**914,14461411,11,4104611011. Si 'Willi ttinfl LIMY itiliti
Mr. Robert Gardiner returned
Dome on Sunday after spending
throe weeks in the .west.'
Mr, end Mrs, Carter Kerslake,
Joyce, Brenda end Craig, Mr.
Andrew McLachlan and Mrs.
Grace. Scott visited on Sunday
with Mr. And Mrs, Will McLach-
lan, Brucefield.
Little damage 'for helloween
Chid Constable E. It, Davis
reports very little damage done
hallowe'en night, the children,
fewer in number than last year,
who called at the homes for
candy were a well behaved
bunch of youngsters. One amus-
ing note was' the fact that one
of the boys calling at the homes
for candy brought a pillow slip
with him to hold the treats,
451111111,11§111/1111111111111/1 llllll 11111111/M11,11111/1111MIII! lll 111/11111111.11M.111,11011 lllll
Stewing Beef
Beef or Perk
Rose Brand
Ca teipbell's
omato Soup 2,
Apple Juice
• 29'
• 49'
• 29'
3 LgeS. 69'
Item tins
c 25
4142. tin
Taylor Made Garage Doors, all steel
Conklin Lumber Centre
Winter is coming = = Protect your investment
ONE.PIECE DOORS — 8' 1 8'8"
8' x 8'
x 5'6"
x 6'6"'
i 7"L
11Lp. -A .HOME
Suggest that now is the time to
We Still Have A Pew
Special Sizes
Nothing Down
Payments As Low As
$17.00 per month
12' x 20'
Only $359
Low Price