HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1960-10-27, Page 17of hay, best of of straw, HOUSEHOLD Jewel kitchen chairs; buffet; eous items. No Reserve sold., quality; 100 bales EFFECTS: Clare range; tables; other miscellan- as the farm is TERMS: Cash. 1 GORDON BEIBER, Proprietor GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 20:27;3c three cows bred in June 401•„„,„,, July, one bred heifer, threlirt Yearling heifers, three beUer calves, four calves. This herd has produced some • outstanding ROP records ,only because of ill health is such an outstanding herd being dial,' persed, TERMS: Cash. ERNEST- .TEMPLEMAN, Pron. BERT PEPPER, Auctioneer 37:34 Annual .Regional . Shorthorn Breeders! cjue SHQRTHORN SALE Agricultural Fair Grounds, STRATIIROY TUESDAY, NOVEMBER, $ at 1:30 p.m.. 12 Bulls, 14 Females, 3 .Cows:, and Calves, 11, Open and Bred' .; Heifers, W. P. MacDONALD, ° Secretary Treasurer 20:27e Josephine Bolton, late of the Village of in the County of -Huron, Widow, deceased. All per s ens having claims against the estate of the late Josephine Bolton, who died on the 15th day of October, 1960, are hereby reqUired to send them to the undersigned, duly verified,on or before the 14th day of November, 1960. After the last named date the assets of the said estate will he distributed among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. W. G. Cochrane, Barrister etc., EXETER, Ontario. 27:3:10c AUCTION SALES ONTARIO Department of Highways AUCTION SALE OF .LAND PROPERTY SALE NO. L.0227 Approximately 2/5 of an acre of land, situated at Pt. Lot 20, Concession S oath Boundary, Township of Hay, approximately 6 miles west of Exeter on the north side of Highway .No. 83. Sale will take place on the pro- perty at: 1:00 P.M. E,S,T. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8,- 1960 TERMS: "Cash" at time of sale. Further information may be ob- tained from: The Auctioneer, Mr. Alvin Walper, Dashwood, Ontario. OR Department of Highways, 581 Huron Street, Stratford, Ontario, Telephone: 4350 Sale subject, to reserve bid. DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ONTARIO. 27:3c HOW FOR '61... Z TOTALLY DIFFERENT TYPES OF CHEVY, TRUCKS! • 1M e• a COR VAN - Side doors open a full 49" wide, ' Loading height is a low 14". --vsloki„sto,v,,90.0000001446. • ,..--Ksi::••4404*•:•$0..:*im•OVc'' 4. • RAMPSIDE - Roll out the heavy loads - nothing to it in this one I A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE • 0' 4.1 • •• Mb =CR SEE THE GREATEST SHOW OF WORTH NOW AT YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED CHEVROLET Moth)! lilustratedx C8r Cheis Cob , EMIR'S `REAR-ENG1NE CORVAIR 95's - THE,TRUCKS THAT BEGAN WITH 4 WHEELS AND A FRESH IDEA! • Here are trucks that are a full 2 feet shorter than conventional half-tonners - yet hold more payload! (Corvan, for example, has 191 en, ft, of cargo space!) Trucks with one-piece body-frame design, independent 4-wheel suspension and near constant weight distribution. You get light-touch manoeuvra- bility plus the economy of a gas-saving air- cooled rear engine. Your Chevrolet dealer has them, White Wall tires optional at extra cost TORSION-SPRING CHEVROLETS -WORTH MORE BECAUSE THEY WORK MORE! • Chevy's '61 fleet brings you the latest editions of the trucks that proved the overwhelming worth of independent front SUspensidn. They're here with the most advanced corn.-` fort features ever found inside a truck cab. 'And when you add the all-new rear-engine Corvairs, you'll find a Chevrolet truck custom-made for you and your job, - You find new rugged qualities in every size Chevy, - pickups, tilt cabs, tandems - all Of them. See your Chevrolet dealer [May, Try the totally new rear-engine Corvair trucks, and the work-whipping, work-proven Chevrolet trucks for '611 Snell Bros. Limited Ch.v H Ofd's orveir , Envoy « Chev Trucks 'Ile Times Advocate,. October 27 1960 Page 13 NOTICES TO .CREOITORS in the matter of the Estate of the Want-Ads _bargains 'witch' you plan scalps; stone boat; root ptilp.er;' 'sling ropes; Queens oil brooder;- horse .clippers; aluminnm silo rods; pig trough; .quantity of new steel- pests; electric fence Posts.; 2 rolls new barb wire; woven fencing.; .quantity of scrap iron; tractor chains; barrels,t forks; shovels; many other misc, items. CATTLE: Part Hereford. and Durham cow, milking, carrying third calf, due• in February; holstein .cow, milking, carrying third calf, due in February; hot- stein cow, carrying second ran,' milking, due in April; Holstein cow with second calf at feet,. fresh two weeks; part Hereford and Holstein cow, carrying third calf, due in November; part Hereford and tiolstein cow, milk- ing, carrying fourth calf, clue in December; Ayrshire heifer, .due in November; 2 Hereford steers, rising 2 year old; 2 Hereford heifers, rising 2 year old; 5 Hereford spring calves. Cattle all choice quality, vac-. cinated and blood tested, • • HORSES; Percheron work horse. HOGS: 'Yorkshire sow with litter of 10; 'Yorkshire •sow, car- rying third litter; 10 shoats, averaging 140 lbs. each; part York and Landrace hog. HAY & GRAIN: 600 bushels of, Rodney oats; quantity of wheat; 1200 bales choice quality mixed hay. Quantity • of household effects. Border Collie pup. No Reserve - everything will be sold. TERMS: Cash. CLARENCE SMITH, Proprietor GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 20:27c go in ONTARIO Department of Highways AUCTION SALE OF BUILDING FOR REMOVAL OR DEMOLITION PROPERTY SALE NO. L.:0556 5-room 11/2 -storey in s u I brick covered frame house 25' x 30', frame shed 8' x 10', situated at Lot 12, Concession Town- ship of Hay, approximately 71/2 miles north of Grand, Bend front- ing on the east side of Highway No. 21, Sale will be held on the property at; 11:00 A.M. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1960 TERMS: Cash together with $100.00 certified, cheque (cheque to be made payable to the Treasurer of Ontario), as bond (guaranteeing that, work will be completed to D.H.O. require- ments) at time of sale. Further information may be ob- tained from; The Au6tioneer, Alvin Walper, Dashwood, Ontario. OR Department of .Highways. 581 Huron. Street, Stratford, Ontario. Telephone: 4350, DEPARTMENT OF' HIGHWAYS ONTARIO 27:3c Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Household Furniture in the VILLAGE OF KIRKTON on No. 23 Highway on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29 at 1:00 p.m, Dining room table and 6 chairs; sideboard.; china and linen cabinet; wicker rocking chair; small tables; arm chair; VLatnot; occasional chairs; 3 bedroom suites; wardrobe; dres- ser; antique chest of drawers; dresser with large mirror; wash stands; couch; odd chairs; set- tee; table lamps; bed lamp; footstool; sewing machine; 2 kit- chen cabinets; 2 drop leaf kit- chen tables; Westinghouse re- frigerator; Simpson electric stove; stool; Wash stand; card table; kitchen utensils; glass- ware; cutlery; Clothes hamper; mirrors; bedding; liner); pillows; curtains ' ' Coleman space healer; annex; large pine box; books; mats; washing machine; tubs; lawn mower: stepladder; garden tO Is; quantity of wood and coal, reserVe, TERIVISt Cash, The estate Of Mrs.s Milton Gregory- W, EI NAIRN dt SON, AUctiorieera Important AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Real Estate .Livestock, Poultry Implements, Hay, Grain Household' Effects and Miscellaneous Items On the Premises, East Half of Lot 29, Concession Toweline, TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN, 11/2 iles East of Corbett or 11/2 Miles West of Mt. Carmel,. The undersigned auctioneer re- ceived instructions to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28 at1:00 P.M. sharp REAL, ESTATE: Consisting of East Half Lot 29, Con, Town-, line, Stephen Township, 50 acres of land on which is situated a well built stucco finish 11/2 -storey dwelling, Main floor-large sum- mer kitchen, living room, dou- ble bedroom and utility room.' Second floor-2 large bedrooms.' Full basement, hydro through- ' out. Well 'constructed "L" shape barn, 30x50, and 30x30, also small garage and colony house. Buildings all in excellent state of repair with new roofing. Land all under cultivation and of choice clay loam, Well drain- ed and fenced, Oil Head windmill with never-failing water supply. Convince yourself by inspect- ing this farm before sale date. Terms of fReal Estate: 10% on day of sale. Balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reasonable re- serve bid. CATTLE: Part Hereford and Durham cow, carrying third calf, due in February; red Durham cow, carrying third calf, due' in January; part Durham and Hereford cow, carrying second calf, due in. January; Durham spotted cow, carrying second calf, due in January; part Here- ford and Holstein cow, carrying second calf: due in February; part Holstein and Jersey cow, carrying fourth calf, due in January; 2 ,part Holstein and Hereford heifers, due in Novem- ber; purebred Jersey cow, due in. December; Durham heifer, due in December. Cattle all vac- cinated and blood tested. POULTRY: 35 Leghorn year- ling hens; 25 Leghorn pullets; 75 lb. York stocker pig. HAY & GRAIN: 70 bales „oat straw; 20 ton cut 'mixed Hay; 150 bushels oats; quantity bean straw. IMPLEMENTS & MISC. ITEMS: Cockshutt team manure spreader on steel; M-II mower, 54t. cut; set of diamond har- rows; cultivator; quantity• of steel posts; work bench; block and tackle; pulleys; chains; har- ness; lumber; wire stretcher; saws; forks; shovels, etc., etc. HOUSEHOLD s:',FFECTS: Chest of drawers; glass cup- board; oil burner for, kitchen range; kitchen cabinet; beds; coal-oil lamps; wardrobe; tables; stands; No Reserve - everything will be sold. TERMS: Cash. HARRY APPLETON, Proprietor LYLE STEEPER, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 20:27c Extensive AUCTION SALE Of Valuable 100 Acre Farm Tractor, Thresher Choice Livestock Farm Implements, Hay Grain, Household Effects and Misc. Items- On the Premises, Lot 10, Concession 2, BIDDULPH TOWNSHIP 6 Miles .North of Lucan or 3 Miles South of Centralia, thence 16 Mile East. The undersigned auctioneer re- ceived instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2 at 12:30 p.m. sharp REAL ESTATE: Consists of 100 acres of choice clay loam, let 10, Con. 2, Biddulph. Town- ship, on which is situated a well built frame dwelling covered with red asphalt shingles. Main floor-living and dining room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, utility room and large woodshed. Seeond floor -4 bedrooms with clothe s closets, Large hip roof hank barn, silo, garage and poultry house. This is a choice farm in every way with buildings in first class state of repair, Land all under cultivation, well drained and fenced, never-failing water Sup- ply. Inspection invited. Terms of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, Balance in 30 days. Sold subject, to a reasonable re. serve bid, if not previously sold, TRACTORS, THRESHER & MACHINERY: M41 101 Junior standard tractor; Bell 'thresher, 40x24, on steel, completely me:li- ned with cutter, grain thrower and other equipment, in new Condition; Oliver 3-point hitch sprayer with 3-section boom, like new; M-14 No. 28 11-hoe fertilizes' drill; M-It 28-plate tractor disk; Mower,5-ft. cut; hay loader; Massey-Harris 2-furrow plough'; Ceeksinitt stiff-tooth cultivator; M-II binder, 6-ft, cut; COckainitt, bean and beet setiffler, equipped with side disk; MeDdering sctiffler and puller; Cockshutt sugar beet lifter; '1 drum steel roller; 4,Section diernend har. rows; 111-14. inaintre spreader; Cheksh ft 'Morrow ploW; dttiVP rake; set of Sleighs; Viking electric breath Separator: Set of, Important AUCTION SALE Of Modern Dwelling, Auto, Valuable Household Effects and Misc Items , On the premises, in the VILLAGE OF DASHWOOD The undersigned auctioneer re- ceived instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29 at 1:30 p.m. sharp REAL ESTATE: Consists of North Part 40, Plan 30, Town- ship of Hay, Village of Dash- wood, on which is situated a newly constructed modern ranch type dwelling with masonite ski- ing and complete insulation throughout. Large kitchen, living and dining room, 2 bedrooms with clothes closets, 3-piece bath- room and utility room; dwelling nicely situated; spacious lawns; also garden land. Property has to be seen to be appreciated. Inspection invited. Terms' of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale. Balance in 30 craYs. Sold subject to a reasonable re- serve bid. AUTO: Nash 2-Door Metropoli- tan Hardtop Sport Model, com- pletely equipped with radio; sig- nal lights, heater and whitewall tires, two-tone finish, 2,000 miles, in brand new, condition, HOUSEHOLD EFFECT S: Olympia blonde television with aerial; leather trimmed chester- field and chair; large platform rocker; wicker chair; occasional chair; 2 blonde end tables, matching coffee table; foot stool; electric lamps; • chrome kitchen table, 4 matching chairs; Gene- ral Electric refrigerator;, 4- burner electric stove; 2 beauti- ful plate glass mirrors; Westing- house electric radio; electric clock; 2 Axminster rugs, 9x9, 10x12; end tables; centre tables; Dominion electric washer; ma- hogany 3-piece bedroom suite; Duo Therm space heater, &min- ped with electric blower; Fillery combination floor polisher and cleaner; electric toaster; alum- inum kitchenware; glassware; silverware; carving set and steak knives; scatter rugs; toilet set; quantity of new tile; lawn mow- er; garden and carpenter tools; other miscellaneous items. Please Note: All above men- tioned items in brand new con- dition. Plan to attend. No reserve as owner is' mov- ing to Engla:ori. TERMS: Cash. HENRY SIMPSON, Proprietor GLEN WEBB, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 13;20:27c Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Tractors, Truck, Baler Thresher, Farm Implements, Livestock, Hay, Grain and Miscellaneous Items On the Premises,. North Half of Lot 6, Con, 2, HAY TOWNSHIP, 1t4 miles north of Exeter cemetery. The, undersigned auctioneer re- ceived instructions to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4 new condition, FARM IMPLEMENTS: Inter-, national side delivery rake; Int.! binder, 7-ft. cut; Deering mower, 5-ft„ cut; McDeering 13-run hoe fertilizer drill; McDeering 71/2 -.. ft, heavy duty spring field .cel-' tivator; McDeering hay loader; M-If manure spreader; 1-furrow int, tractor plow; 2-drum steel roller; rubber tire wagon and rack; 4-section diamond , bar- rews; 3-section spring tooth har- rows; 2-unit stainless steel milk- ers; M-H milking machine, com- plete with motor, pump and pipes; Int, cream separator with electric motor; circular saw; set of scales; root pulper with motor; gale. water trough; cedar posts; ,iron kettle; single scuff- ler; walking plow; fanning mill; cutting box; wheelbarrow; grain hags; chains; forks, and other misc, items. CATTLE: Part Hereford and ; Durham cow, milking, carrying! i . ,r. ca , blue roan. I ing, carrying second part; Hereford and Durham cow, milk- ing, carrying fourth calf; Here- ford cow, milking; c a r r y.i n g fourth calf; roan Durham cow,: milking, earrying fifth calf; 2; part He ref ord and Holstein' heifers, due in November; 4 part. Angus and Hereford stocker cat-" tie, averaging 700 Das, each; 6; Hereford stocker calves; 2 Hol-1 stein calves, Cattle all of good quality, vac- cinated and blood tested. HOGS: York sow, carrying' third litter,. due before sale date.; York sow, carrying fourth lit- ter, due before sale date. HAY do GRAIN: 500 bushels of choice mixed .grain; 1000 bales log this home before. sale date. Terms of Real Estate., 1C1r;1 on day of sale. Balance in 30 days,. Sold subject to a reasonable re- serve bid. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS in- clude Quebec heater; china cabi- vet; beds; dressers; t a b.l .e s; chairs; cedar chest;, sewing ma- chine; other' misc. items. TERMS: Cash, ORVILLE WITMER, Executor for the Estate of the late Sylvanus Witmer ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 20:27:3.c at 1;00 p.m, shore TRACTOPS: In torn a tional 'W4'( standard tractor, in guaranteed! conditions. Allis ChAllners I Standard tractor, equipped With 1 puller and scuffler. THRESHER: While No, `thresher, ceenpletely equip- 1)ed, its newCeeditien 120 ft. rubber belt, BALER., Massey -Harris hay baler, et:loop:A with thotor, in I Prior to sale date. TERMS; Cash day of sale. ELMIRA FERTILIZER LTD. I ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 27:3c Complete, Real Estate AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Dwelling Main Street, in the VILLAGE OF ZURICH The undersigned auctioneer re- ceived instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER at 2;00 p,m, sharp , REAL ESTATE: Consists of Plan 7, Part B, Knell Survey, Main Street, in the Village of Zurich, on which is situated a well constructed 2-storey dwell- ing, Main floor-large hiving and dining room, kitchen with built- in cupboards, utility room, bed- room and 2-piece bath. Second floor-4 large bedrooms with clothes closets. Also attic and store room. Full size basement with newly installed oil furnace. Home nicely situated, spacious lawns and shade trees. Also small barn suitable for garage. Best of garden land. Convince yourself by inspect- Lien AUCTION SALE Of GMC 194 Tank Truck and Field Sprayer On the Premises, ELMIRA FERTILIZER LTD., IN miles south, of Exeter and 1/2 mile west, The undersigned auctioneer re- ceived instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9 at 2:00 p.m. Upon instructions received by the undersigned lien on listed' items will he sold by public' auction. 1941 GMC 4-Compartment Tank Truck, fully equipped, in fair : condition. Hagie High Boy drop nozzle' field sprayer, equipped with. Wis-; consin air cooled motor, in fair condition. Inspection invited at plant ! PISPERSAt, SALE Of 20 Registere0 Oval- Purpose Shorthorn Cattle for Ernest Templeman, Staffa, Ont., to be held at the fern), Lot 9, Concession 5, HIBBERT TOWNSHIP 2 miles east of Staffa, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER at 1;30 p.m. The herd is accredited, vac- cinated and blood-tested. The offering consists of one yearling bull, three cows with calves at foot two cows due this winter, lllll Fink's Meat Market PHONE 3 EXETER PIMI1011,1111,11!IIM ........ ,ft If t1111111111,M111111MIIIIM1111111/11111$,,,WWWW1.11110, Accounts Please! I Due to the •recent change in management, all accounts due must be paid by the end of this month, Your co-operation is essential. PHONE 100