HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1960-10-27, Page 15mpertent
Of Valuable Real Estate
Livestock, Poultry
Implements, Hay, Grain
Household Effects and
Miscellaneous Items
1 . On the Premises,
aet Half of Lot 29, Concession t
• 'Meinline,
11/2 Miles East of Corbett or
1.1/.2. Miles West of. Mt..Carmel.,
The undersigned auctioneer. re-
'etved instructions to sell by a
ublic auction on c
eti.:00p.m, sharp
REAL ESTATE: Consisting of
last Half Lot 29, Con. Town-.
ne, Stephen Township,' 50 acres ,
land on which is situated a
,e11 built stucco finish 11/2 -storey
'welling. Main floor—large sum-
er kitchen, living room, dou-
le bedroom and utility room,
econd floor-2 large bedrooms,
'Second Section
Seek. $53,000 -froin. Huron .
for new meat-packing. project
Associate Ag Rep
Sonic moisture during the past
week, some inthe form of snow,
should assist ploughing opera-
tions although more is needed.
Harvesting of sugar beets and
grain corn is underway. Bidding was strong and prices
considered "good" by officials at
the Huron County Holstein. Club's
Bids strong
for Holsteins
$4 off per ton
on 'all CO-OP dairy and beef
concentrates and premixes
(This offer expires Nov, 30th)
Cash in on this 'get acquainted'
offer and convert your full gran-
ary into extra profits With. a
Co-op balanced feeding program.
Grains are deficient in seine
tecessery nutrients. Co-op Cen-
,eentretes make up these de,
ficiencies and give you increased
milk and meat 'production --
greatek profits for you.
Late in the Fall
Sold on Order Only
Now's the time to
leave your
CORRECTION PLEASE! The. T-A wishes to correct
an error in last week's Co-op ad, The item should
have read:
17 Cu. Ft, Freezer $269
'Phone 267 Collett Beside thtit $tiotion
hl AND onwrio
.Proteet r h.
Pigs fr. Anemia with
able Pigeinia. Irons
1 bottle 20cc (10 dose) ,. ....
5 bottle special (50. doses), only
fur farmers market
VALUABLE ANIMAL—This mink, one of 2,600 on the Ross Francis, Fur Farm near
Kirkton, will soon be pelted to end up in a valuable fpr piece. Although this is a
white mink that is being held by Ross' son, Stan, it, is only one of the various shades
Fickle fashion dictates F ic kl e fashion
Fieldman comments
Formation of. FAME
biastewfor roducers
Huron county hog producers
wia be expected to raise $53,000
worth of the million-dollar deben-
ture issue required to launch the
Ontario meat-packing co-opera-
tive, president Ross Love of RR
g Hensel]. revealed this week.
"I'm not certain yet who will
be selling the debentures or how
but I expect the ,program will
Further, your fate in market- 'Tbeimgiens-Abedfvoore
catleo-ng," he told The
ing under government legisla-
tion may he determined on an formation meetings will be held
He understood a number of in-
: altogether different question. to acquaint producers with, the
Let us suppose that at an elec- program. First of these in this
tion one party says that if it is district will be a zone meeting in
' elected hydro rates will be cut Teeswater on November' 2, he
, in two but also that it will with- revealed,
i draw the farm marketing legis- The president of Huron pro-
liation. The other party maintains ducers' ass'n supported enthu-
tthena dt edh.yd
creased and that the farm mar- week at Toronto to establish pee-
1 keting legislation should be .ex-
rates should be in- siastically plans approved last
placed 36th,.
In the beef competition. teams
representing Blyth-Belgrave 4.-H„
25th and 35th respectively in 50!
club 'and Dungannon club placed
In grain the Brussels 4-H grain
club placed 16th. out of 38 teams
and in field crops the Tucker-'
smith 4-H corn Club and South!
Huron 4-II white bean club;
placed 4th 'and 6th out of 13 1
uron team
in competition w i t h private meat-packing companies and all-
proved plans to provide funds
"I think it's the. only answer," for the period when.they would
he said, "We have to have some put on the squeeze,
wtoaykeoefpgeptit.iincegsrisdteldsyu.plus hogs A total of $30,000 was raised lat.
the meeting after the delegates
voted approval- lie felt the $2.00 drop in the hog price last week mild have Association President, `Charlie
McInnis said the drive for ftind$ been averted if the producers,
could have taken surplus hogs will continue until the chain a
abbattoirs and packing plants is off the market. set up and the FAME (karma.. Edmond Hendrick, RR 2 Credi-
gate to the meeting, also en-
'ton, another Huron county dele- pears on meat packages in gro-ers' Allied Meat 4nterprizes) ap.
dossed the Packing operation. eery stores.
b"Aenseffitseweillit,bethethemops;tevimenptioorntanat ager of the Quebec co-operative
J. A. Courteau, general mane
federation, s u g g es t e d that
as we had last week, If we can around Ontario with the main
severe fluctuations in price such
level out the price a bit it will packinghouse in the Toronto
be a big help to producers." area,
slaughtering houses be put up
Mr. Hendrick revealed the de- He said the Quebec enterprise
kits are about the size of a
cigarette, They are blind and'
helpless, and are left with the ;
females until weaning time in:
the middle of July. . I The small mink are left in .
pairs until September, when •
they are put in individual pens i
in 'preparation for the pelting,
season which starts on Novern-'
.ber 10..
New method for killing
As soon as the November 10.
daterolls, the
farm becomes a, - beehive ofd
activity and the men work from!
7:00 a.m. till after midnight in;
an effort to get the pelts to,
Montreal by December 1. The'
Francis' hire five or six .men to!
help with the tedious task of
killing, skinning and preparing !
the pelts for market,
In previous years the mink at
the Francis farm have been
killed in a gas chamber. How-
ever, Mr. Francis stated this
year's market herd of 1,800
would . be killed%•by - the .'fieWer,
and instant method of breaking
their necks, ,
Prior to killing, the minks
have been allowed to become as
fat as possible, so that the fur
will be' soft and full. Therefore
it is necessary to remove the
excess fat from the pelts on, a
special machine.
Gordon Johns, Kirkton, who
has been. working :for Ross for
several years on this particular
machine,• is "the best in the
business" -according to the own-
Delegates will be meeting
October 31 and November 1 and
2, at the Royal York Hotel, To-
over 50 resolutions have been
received prior to this year's
convention, from county federa-
tions, commodity groups, co-
operatives, and other members
of the OFA. These resolutions
reflect the seriousness of the
.plight which farmers find them-
selves in,
For example, farmers tradi-
tionally have produced crops in-
dependent of each Other, and
without concert for quantity. A
few short years ago, anyone
who suggested prodUctioe con-
trols for farmers would have
been wise to do it when no
farmers were present. But world
conditions have changed the sup-
ply' picture sharply in recent
years and surpluses have mount-
ed dangerously some farin
products. Now fermers in On,
terio see the Welting on the wall
feed per day The itigredielits and have ‘respended this year
are pot into a large food grinder
that is powered by a 36 horse-
power motor and then it is put
through a large mixer: to• give
the animals a well-balanced
meal. The food comes out in a
heitibtleger-type consistency and•
is placed top of the wire in
tee pens, The mink then Steed,
to and pull th e food down
thrOugh the mesh,
Mr, PranCis said, that: an 06-
rt1 stye Male AMMO wOUld eat
an average of foue ounces per
Meet, while a .female would
tetiethlit ;e0proximately three
o,tieta of the larehatett tet1811,
The: animals are fed onto
daffy, in the winter' months
ft if 'plihend on the cage fir the:
morning SO the Sun thaWT,
the feed, while 'during the sum-I
rrr ,t nintifice the mink Are fed
evening so th e food Will tot
ail doting_ the hot *who.
,the yearly Cycle mink;,
mishit starts in March When;
the aninialS ,are nista Me,;
Freridit bitede One Male to,
every (out females. The
Male ere het:telly horn the:
Middle of MaY, and the young
for beans •at the Royal Winter
.Fair, Toronto. us that in a matter of five or
opinion of the people on an en- Seaforth, showed the best half-
tirely different subject. . bushel of beans at the achieve-
By forming a system of co- ment day contest for South Hu-
operative packing plants we will ron 4-H white bean club last
not be under the cloud of public wet....a. Three McLachlans — June,
Jack and Lois — placed behind
the winter in that order, Filth
prize went to Bill Charters, RR
3 Kippen.
Others competing were Jean
McNatighton, Ralph and Brian.
s under the authority of l e-
gislation may be decided by the Robert Fotheringham, RR 3
political opinion,
This is a big Step for farmers
of Ontario to take as it will pro-
vide for ' the slaughter of not
only hogs but also for cattle and
To give you some idea of the speed with which an organize- Triebner,, William Snow and Ca-
rol Varley.
Lion. of this kind can grow the Several of the top .entries have
general, manager of the Quebec been entered in the open classes
turned $900,000 to its members
as well as retaining $450,000 for
expansion. These figures could
be multiplied by four if all live-
stock had been marketed this
competitive prices this co-op re- represented Huron County at the
provincial 4-H interclub compe-
tition held at OAC, on Friday.
The team representing Sea-
forth dairy calf club composed I
of Wilma Dale, Clinton, and Ken., ,f
?apple, . Seaforth,
Twenty-five years ago, ROss
Francis bought two mink and
started into the fur raising
business. Today, , he has 2,600
mink on his fur farm near Kirk-
Like most other types of farm-
ing, fur farming is highly
specialized and quite hazardous.
Mr. Francis' equipment includes
breeding pens, pelting pens, a
fur drum, meat grinder, drying
boards and a freezing plant.
Each year the price that he
receives for his pelts is depend-
ent upon the particular color
that is in fashion at the time.
Basically there are about 15
varying shades of mink ranging
through blacks, browns ,and blues
to whites, and include some
exotic colors such as violet,
aleution, pastel, sapphire and
er. After the fat has been re-
moved from the pelts they are
placed in a revolving fur drum,
where they are cleaned with a
corn sawdust material. This re-
moves any dirt from the pelts
and gives them a rich shine.
The pelts are then carefully
tacked on drying boards for
three days after which they are
placed in boxes and sent to
Montreal, the fur, capital of
Canada. Here the pelts are put
on the auction block and' sold to
the highest bidder.
Mr. Francis is a member of
the Canadian Mink Breeders As-
sociation and is president of the
St. Marys Mink Breeders. The
St. Marys area is the largest
mink raising area in proportion
to its size in the country.
Both- Stan and. Gerald, sons of
Mr. Francis, have joined their
father in the business, and have
their own breeding stock, Stan
is one of the top skinners .in the
trade, 'and can skin. a mink in
less—than. two ,minutes, -
The 800 mink that will be kept
for breeding purposes at the
Francis ranch will 'be put in
their pens and "run" in, an ef-
fort to remove the excess fat
from. their bodies. They may
also have .to go on a' diet, miss-
ing a couple meals a week,
so they will be ,slim and in. good
condition for breeding purposes
in March. The Francis' hope to
average four kits per litter for
the coming season, and raise
their herd to 3,000,
with. no less than three resolu-
tions asking for OFA help in
finding satisfactory ways for
farmers to employ organized or
planned production control.
But delegates 'to the OFA con-
vention will come back this year
to make a fresh attack on old
problems. The matter of unfair
taxation on land, particularly
with respect to education taxes,
will be debated, and as a run-
ning partner to unfair taxation,
assessment methods and the
Assessment Act will likely come
in for a lion's share of the dele-
gates' wrath.
Significant of the spiralling
costs at goods and services to
farmers:are the reeolutions deal-
ing with the high costs of drugs,
r m machinery, machinery
parts, requests for reduced hy-
dro 'Costs (which Are now higher
Lo rural users than to city
people), and many others. And
on the other side of the ledger,
some resolutions ask for' con-
tinuance of some of the farm
supports, such as that on sugar
Wampum, a kind of Indian
currency, was beads usually
made of clam or oyster shells.
Tribes often exchanged wampum
belts to seal. peace treaties, and
early white settlers even paid
taxes With wampum,
HFA Fieldmin
The big news of the past week
was the decision of the Ontario
Hog Producers to sponsor the
formation of Farmers' Allied.
Meat Enterprises. By taking the
first letter of each word we have
FAME which will be the brand
name under which the top qua-
lity products of this organization
will be sold,
By making this decision your
representatives have made it
• said yo can control. Whether
you do control it or not will'de-
pend on whether or not you are
willing to take an interest in it,
keep up to, date on the informa-
tion, and offer your suggestions
for improvements.
In the past we have relied on
government for the power to
control the selling of our pro-
ducts and in' many cases this
has been a decided benefit. How-
ever it has become' very appa-
rent 'that this 'is not a solid foun-
dation for a long term of years
since governments can change
their policy or even be defeated.
Juniors debate
current topics
Consolidation of rural schools.
the value of deficiency payments
and the effect of unemnloynient
on agriculture are the topics Hu-
ron County junior farmers will
discuss Tuesday night at their,
debating competitions at Sea-
forth HS.
The South Huron group has
been assigned the negative side.
of the resolution that consolida-
tion of rural schools would be
beneficial to rural children.
A social night will be held by
the South Heron juniors Thurs-
day night at, Elimville, A buffet-
style dinner will, be followed by
a dance.
annual bred-heifer sale at Clin-
President Alvin Betties, of
Hayfield, said sale figures com-
pared. favorably with last year.
All the animals, from 14' con-
signors, were good quality.
Auctioneer Robert Shore, of
Glanworth, sold 26 head at an
average of $296.
Top price was $410, paid by
Barrie Walters, of. Goderich, for
a heifer from the herd of Allen
G. Betties, Baylield,•the sale's
largest consignor, who entered
six,-animals. Mr. Bettie's" sold six
head for ,an average of $368.
Among other animals from the
Allen Betties• lot, one went to V.
J. Vos, of Exeter, $390.
Frank Yeo, RR 3, Clinton, was
the top buyer purchasing four
lots at a total of $1,180. He paid
$300 and $295, respectively, for
two heifers consigned by John
D. Lindsay, of Clinton; $285 for
a three-year-old heifer from Ver-
non Hunter's herd, Lucknow:
and $300 for a 'two-year-old
heifer consigned by Archibald
Campbell, Listowel.
In Good •Condition
One row, in very good
They're 'on'
V. L. Becker
4St. Sons
" .•. 'T •,.,
but the board discouraged
the idea because it didn't think
Mr. Hendrick revealed that the
Quebec co-operative, whose offi-
cials reported at the Toronto
meeting, had paid a dividend of
$1.50 per hog last year, as well
as 12.50 on cattle. This was in
addition to paying the regular
market price throughout the
The provincial association has
agreed to seek support for a
debenture issue -of at least $1,000,-
000 — preferably $5,000,000 — to
set up a chain of plants that
would also handle beef, lamb and
Delegates agreed there will, he
stiff competition for the' private
Production controls, taxation,
prices of drugs and farm ma-
chinery, plus suggestions for
changes in current legislation
which places the farmer at a
disadvantage, are a few of the
important matters to be con-
sidered at the annual convention
of the Ontario Federation of
Agriculture next week.
Huron county
crop report
In his 2,600 herd, Ross has an
egoal number of aleutions,- pas-
lela...White, -standard black, sap-
and pearl, He has found
necessary to carry these
,a rieus coldrS se hel''w.iBlier be
caught with, any. colors that will
not sell. In 1956 he was • raising
all black mink and wound up
with '1,100 pelts on his hands-
that would not sell because of
the fashion trends.
Easily frightened
Besides the hazards of change
in fashion the area: 'breeder also
has to worry about disease in
.herd. He spends over $1,000 .each.
year to innoculate the animals
against the/ many diseases that.
are a constant threat to the
entire herd. (Mr. Francis has also
lost a n m, a 1 a when lightning
struck near his' pens, and 200
died when they were scared by
a Iow-flying airplane. When the
animals are frightened, the fe-
male mink will kill their young.
In structure the furry animal
appears somewhat like a low-
slung squirrel with the soft ap-
pealing fur of a kitten. In real-
ity, he is a rugged creature,
vicious and wild. Although mink
are kept in pens and are 'in
captivity for generation after
generation, they never become
domesticated. If they get loose,
they return to their wild nature.
in the short period of a day.
Mr. Francis and his two sons,
Stan, 20, and Gerald, 17, have
learned by experience to handle
the animals with extreme care,
and have many bites and
scratches to prove that you can't
relax your guard for one mo-
When they handle the valuable .
annia.le they wear heavy leather
gloves to protect their hands
froth the four sharp teeth of the
animals, and have learned never
to push a 'tempting finger into
one, of the pens.
13';, cereal. Mr. Francis states
such items as pork liver, chicken
that the "food supply is the coe,
trolling. factor of production".
b'-product, hotsemeat, fish and
Feed half ton daily
Although their diet consists
mostly of food that other people.-
don't want, the mink ,receive a
very carefully prepared menu of
Mr. Francis and his two sons
feed about one half a, ton of
Controls, taxes, prices.
OFA topics next week
More Dollars
for your cream
,We era paying 6 4 for your cream
deli1rered to the plant
Attention Cream Producers:
"Some delegates have been ad-
• • control. You will notice that I duct p competesatRoyal vacating this move for several
Hog Men 3
Take Notice:
ee changes
Purina Inject. ti
.. $ 2.25 I
..... $10,00 I
cision of the delegates to the had shown a profit of more than king plants acrdss the province Toronto •meeting almost unani- $1,000,000 last year and backed ."1
that the farm produces, Mr. Francis started into the mink business 25 years age possible for your products to be ifantastic but the point that I
I agree that my comparison is wh
- bean club
mows. Out of the 400 present, up his confidence in the Ontario
only about a dozen were op- project with a $5,000 .check for
which you, the producer, can would like to make is that our
packing business, However,. with
the producers should be in the
the difficulty we have had III the over plant
co-operative packing plants told
six years this enterprise has
grown froth nothing to the point.
that it is now slaughtering 27
perecent of all the livestock pro-
duced. in Quebec and. within five
years expects to be processing'
75 percent of the Quebec live- cops second
In spite of .obstacles and ton Seven teams of 4-II members 71 5 ,
opp, ,,,,,,,,,,, ................................ .............. t ........ I .............. 1,01,1,11,11.11111111111111i$111.,11ftteiti ,,,,,
marketing of hogs, it became ap-
parent that we would have to The Ontario Farm Products
make the move." Marketing' Board has •announced
that the establishment of a prov-
ince-wide co-operative in the
meat packing industry would
bring about many notable
changes in -the present compul-
sory marketing scheme,
Recent •announcement in the
press that the Ontario Hog Pro-
ducers' Association is sponsor.
ing a co-operative meat packing
plant has brought mariarinquiries
from producers as to the rela•
tionship between the new pro•
posed meat packing co-operative
and the present m ark e ti g
scheme. The board has clearly
indicated, that there is no, con.
— Please turn to page 15
placed second
in the dairy competition against_ s .99 • Pi.' • s 76 other teams.‘ A team repre„ g
sented Hayfield dairy calf club r.
Weaned & Sold
From 10 •
Congratulations To Mr. anti
Mrs. Mark Whitney, RR1 Exeter
490, 9 ,
.3 "
- pigs
at 8 weeks of age
This is 3 pigs per litter over the national average:
Mr. and Mrs. Whitney care for and manage 30 sows.
Presently they have 9 sows with an average 9,7 -pigs
each. One sow has 16 pigs which are now ready to
wean, Excellent management practised by the Whit
neys along with the following feeding program, has
made the above results possible.
mixed with oats and bran.
CHOW "ed at rate of 50 lbs, pe'r
litter in creep feeder, followed by
We know a lot of local sows con-
ditioned 011 Purina. Sow 'Chow are
weaning big litters, too," Ever
figure out what 3 extra pigs mar-
keted per litter would do to your
Cut down on pig losses by disinfecting the
farrowing • pen before the pigs are born. Disinfect
navels and any wpunds with PURINA DISINIPECT-
ANT. 3
16-Oz. battle makes 24 gals, for only $1.10
WOr.111 All pigs at 10 to 12 weeks of Age with
24-ot, bottle ,,,,, ..... , . „„, 3,40
128-oz, bottle ... ..