HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1960-10-27, Page 10• ei1e1V.'le •,eeeserie eeeseseeeseerere'eeereeeerseeseeeeee . elite., ,OctOber 27 1060 Hensall FOR SAFE, DEPENDABLE HEAT GEORGE VRIESE Pliono 110 -Exeter or. ein your Hpiedeciteurn. tittedo OFFERS YOU PROTECTION AGAINST THE UNEXPECTED EXPENSE OP SICKNESS OF ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE PREMIUM H.C.M.S, IS AN OFFICIAL COLLECTOR YEARLY Famil- The Government's B 14, Steederd Ward ies uals HesPital Pie' l llll $ 50.40 $ 25.20 MAJOR MEDICAL PLAN When included with Surgical Piers, pays 00% of meat expense!' not cOvered by 5urgit al Contract the first $100 and •up to $3,000 in any tveelve month period . : .. 10.00 3.00 SURGICAL CONTRACT 'Cutting orocedures, fractures, dislocetions, X'rayt o anaesthetist's services! childbirth' expenset, hernias, tonsils and adenoids, RH• ad after a welting period . 18.00 I?.00 TOTALS—$ 11.40 $ 4?.20 OPTIONAL — Term Life Insurance Protee• iron evaileble ler both the member and spout, elf they have not reached age 3$. NO physical examination • required at this time EACH 24.00 * TOTAL ANNUAL COSTS —$ 122.40 $ 73,20 W.8 PAV CLAIMS IN ACCORDANCE WITH "rim PDP.8 AS SUGGESTM BY TI-IF! SCHEDULE Or FEES 1055 AMtNI5141tNTS ASS, AO, 1958) Huron Co-operative Meclkai - Services Iter Further Information, Write to Or rheilet 6. M. WEOLOCK—Secretary•TroatOror Phoneh HUnter 2.9/$1, P.O. flex 256, Clinton RUsiell tiolton, RIk 1>v SoiAlarth Esso HEATING Olt refined and proved for your heating unit 24.00 r !lila/60 '11060111t, tii I iffff I OM MIRO fai I t Smoked Picnics Wing or T-Bone Steaks Cooked Ham Rolled Pot Roasts FROZEN FOOD VALUE Kernel Corn reeiev Hunt's Tomato Juice $uper Save, Big 8-Oz. Size 49c 40-oz. tins FIL1 37c 69' Le, 39' Instant Coffee MOO Henley, 20-Oz. Tins Fruit Cocktail 29' HENSALL llllll llllll Lmmttivit,mstitiiiie”mmit "PAY TO THE ORDER OF...'-' It tool only moments to write Jim's cheque from' home; it will take him only moments to turn it into cash at his local bank. Jim's cheque is only one of 2,500,000 handled every day by a. clearing system operated by the chartered banks that reaches into every corner of the nation and runs around the Clock.. This vast and efficient system which enables Canadians to transfer money simply and conveni• ently from person to person, place to place, is one of many ways in which the chartered banks keep pace with the needs of a growing, expanding Canada, THE CHARTERED BANKS 'SERVINC- YOUR COMMUNITY -11•Zet, 'Cromarty auxiliary 1,41tforir?m. entertains society' Kippen of Staffa line, and Mrs. Cottle- 'ticketdrawn William secretary Grandmothers were special Vests. of Kippen East Women s s Institute at their October meet- leg held in SS 10 echoolhouse,• Tuckeesmith last Wednesday f with 65 member:, and guests in attendance. Prizes for the eldest grand-'. Mother went to Mrs. John Mc- Gregor; most recent grand-, pother, Mrs, Campbell Eyre, most grandchildren, Mrs. Earl Kinsman.; birthday nearest meet- , tug, Mrs. William Brintnell; grandmother wit w ' es a , Mrs. William Cole, Hensall. Family night will be held in the Legion Hall Fridae. Nevem- ) Mx 4 and the group accepted an invitation to Hurondale WI December 9. Members answered the roll call by bringing a grand-1 mother and introducing - her. A game of "Live a borrowed life"! was enacted by the granclmoth-• ers of the Institute, Mrs, Camp-' bell Eyre read a poem "Grand- ties Shop". The program in- . eluded a pier() duet by Mrs.' Boss Broadfoot and Mrs, John; Sinclair; piano solos, Donna.' Whitehouse and Katherine Mc- Gregor; vocal solos, Diane Mc- I Kay and Joan Sinclair; recite- Eon, Joan Sinclair; accordion selection Helea Vanloon. Some • of the numbers were given by, request. President D• Mond presided and hostesses were Mrs. Campbell Eyre and Mrs. Ken McKay. Lunch con- veners were 'Mrs. Alex AlcGre-' gor, Mrs, Ross Broadfoot, Mrs. Winston Workman, 'Mrs. Robert Gemmell, Mrs, Robert Upshall, F'n1 • l. Community Centre Saturday eve- Presbyterial, outlined Mission I Mr, Honsinger sold his busi- part in the meeting, Lunch was Hall on Friday veiling. Aliss lea Scott was home from Band work. She was introduted • nees to Mr. Ed. Burnes, end ---- served under the direction of London for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. K. McKellar were guests at the Exeter Tines- Advocate annual staff and re- porters banquet which was held at Armstrong's restaurant, Exe- ter on Saturday evening, At the communion service on Sunday, three new members were received into the church on profession of their faith,- Mete Alice Walker, Miss Joyce Kers- ko celebrate. the birthdays of Mrs. Alex Miller by letter, The family of Mr. and. Mrs, Otto Walker' gathered at. the home of ther parents on Sunday to celebrate the birthdays of their mother, Mrs, Walker, also Alex's and other family birth- days. Mr. and Mrs, K. MeXellar visited en Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Allen at Riverside Rest Home, Mitchell, and also with Mrs. Christina McKellar. 'Mr. and Mrs.. John Wallace and Debbie and Mr. and Mrs. George. Wallace visited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs, Gus Ha.- ge_y of London. Mrs. Grace Scott visited with Mr, Jas, sal- lantyn.e and daughter Miss -Janet Ballantyne, London, on Sunday, d Mrs, Miller, A Speare, Mrs. J. Kemp, Mitchell, , •Messrs. Frank Stagg and Bob splendid topic "Facing Life with Aiticellar attended a barber shop Thankfulnesr" was given by Miss • quartette entertainment in Lori-Olive Speare. Sharen and. Karen don on Saturday eight, Scott favored with a duet with' Many of the Dalrymple clan, Carol Ann Dow Accompaning Mrs. Carter Kerslake thanked and other friends attended their l thoset ' ' annual get-to-gether at Staffa Church of Winni eg The Mission Band of Chisel-, • - • . Laing, as sisted by Mrs, J. Teel- Mrs. M. Houghton, Miss Olive Stoneman graduated from the Baby Band into the Mission Band. Ruth Ann Coleman and Patricia Harris favoured with vocal duets, with Mrs. A. Ross accompanist. and members of the Mission. Band sang. Refreshments were served by the Mission Band. Attend services for bank manager Mrs. James Smillie and Clar- ence, Mrs. R. M. Peck, Mr, and Mrs. Delbert Geiger attended the funeral of the late Alexander Robertson, held Wednesday, Oct. 19 from the Miles funeral chapel, Toronto,St. Clair Avenue, • h interment in Mount Pleasarit cemetery, Toronto. Mr. Robertson was a retired bank manager of the Royal Bank where he had served for dale district. Surviving are his widow, the former Dr. Jennie Smillie, of Hensall. In July this year Mr. Robertson attended the Smillie reunion 'at Seaforth, Personal items Reeve V. L. Becker, Hay Township, and Councillors John Soldan .and Delbert Geiger, Mr. R. Black and Mr. H. Zehr at- tended the telephone convention at the Royal York, Termite, on Thursday and Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Bedard arid family, of London, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Nor- man Matson and family. Members of the curling , club and guests enjoyed a turkey ban- quet in the Legion Hall Friday evening last. At the conclusion of dinner a brief meeting was held and Howard 'Scene was elected president. ten Thursday evening, October 27 a meeting will be held in the COmmunity Centre with all of the curling club to elect the rest of 'the of- ficers and their committees. Binge Winners of the Legion bingo Saturday last were; Share the Wealth, Mrs,e' Norman Baird, Brucefield; door prizes. Mrs. Clarence Reid, Gordon Love. Other winners were: Thelma Baird, Mr, Schwartzentruber and Patricia Harris, Patricia Harris (3), Mrs. T. Coates, W, Parker. Miss H. Murray, Airs. 'Flee schaurer, Mr, Schwertzentrulsere Harold Kerslake, Mrs. Tay. lor, Mrs. Garfield Broderick, moved to RR 3 .Brampton a week age with his wife and son Phillip, Mrs, Honsinger was for- merly on the staff of South Hur- Mr, John AicAlurtrie was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don on. Saturday, where he, is receiving x a mee Mrs. Edna Corbett visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. George Parker. Ricky and Cindy, Miss Bernice Diking, of Lon- don, spent the weekend with her parentS, Mr. add Mrs. Wilbert Dilling. Mr, Earl Bell, of Toronto, and Miss Marion Bell, of London, were weekend visitors with 'their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Taylor, of Varna, were recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs. George Park- er. Airs. Sarah Glazier, who is in her 94th year, is a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Alford, Brantford, Mrs. Ruesell, Redden, Exeter, Jack Hedden and grand.- son, of London, visited on Sun- day with Mrs. Catherine Hed- the former's I mo- ther., Mrs. Alice Jayne Weekend guests with Mr. and Mrt. N. E. Cook were their daughter, Dr. Norma Hopkinson and family, Joan and Bruce of Lian's•Head. , Airs. Fanny Clark spent the 'weekend in London with her sis- ter, Mrs, Pearl Nichol. Miss Ruth Anne' Traquair of St. Thomas, spent the weekend with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. MeQueet. Dr. and Mrs. W, R. E. Sproat of Windsor, flew by jet; to San Francisco to attend the Ameri- can College of. Surgeons annual meeting. Dr. Sproat received his fellowship in the American Col- lege. He is the son of Airs, Sproat of Hensall and the late Mr. Earle Sproat. Dr. and Mrs. W,' C. Sproat of Stratford also attended the Convocateit on their Way home, froM a surgcal meet- ing in Hawaii. Mts. C. I. Gaiser of Toronto visited the pest'week with Mrs. Earle Sproat. Mrs. Garnet Allan, Mrs. Gor- don Munn, Mee W. J. Cameron, Other if we ere ping to win the ] world. for Christ. , howl's sister, Mrs. H. De Forge Devotions were led by Airs, R. . pleman, Mrs. G. Laing and Mrs. the and Mrs. John Miller and Mrs. Har- old Parsons, t Personal items Mr. and Mrs. George McKaig of Vancouver are guests this Mrs. Mary Taylor, Mrs. Harry Horton and Mrs, R. Vanstone, motored to Lucknow last Wed- nesday evening and were enter- tained by the Legion Ladies Auxiliary. Each came home with several prizes won at the Penny Sale. one of the highlights of the evening. Mrs, William •Shedick, of Clinton, was' a guest this week with Mrs. Pearl Shaddick and Bill. Miss Mary Gibson was taken by Bonthron ambulance to South. Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Thursday. Miss Gibson who re- centlylb td her 90th birth. day 'resides with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John MeMurtrie in town, A turkey 'supper will be held in Carmel Church this Friday, sponsored by the ladies of the church, Mrs. L. SiMP80,11 spent. the weekend with. Mfr, and Mrs. W. D, ,Simpson and fareily of De- troit, Mich. Mrs. Catherine liedderr will observe her 80th birthday this Monday, October 31. Because Of the dry season lots of wells in ;the Community have gone dry. Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacMillan and David spent last week :he' lidaying with the latter's pare ents, Mr. and. Mrs. Laird Mic• kle and family. and visited in London and Ridgetown, The. Womans missionary So. ciety Thanksoffering service will be held in the United 'Church Sunday morning, October 30, when guest speaker will be Rev, William J. 'Moore of Parkhill._ • Mrs. Laird Mickle, Mr. .and Mrs. Rose MacMillan And son David visited in Ridgetown last Tuesday with Mrs, MacMillan's grandmother, Mrs. Geo, T. Mic- kin, Jack, lean and Sylvia' Hender- son, attended the performante of "Camelot" at O'Keefe's .Cen- tx.e, Toronto, Saturday "afternoon and saw the NFU hockey game at Maple Leaf Gardens in the evening between the Detroit Red Wings add Maple Leafs. •Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McEWee spent a few days this week in Detroit. Br MRS" NORMAN LONG Mr. Norman McLeod, of Dear- born, .Mich., has been visiting several weeks with, his niece and nephew. Mr. and Mrs kyle, :and other relatives, St. Andrew's United Church WA ' are holding their annual bazaar and -tea on Nev. 19 at 3. pee. I Miss Marlene McLachlan, of 1London, spent. the :weekend with her parents, Air. and Airs. Wit. ; liana McLachlan. Mr. Don Bell, of Burlington,. visited over the weekend -with ; his parents, Mr, and Mrs. ham Bell. Mrs, Norman McLeod, of Cookehire, Quebec, and her son,. Bud of Ottawa, visited over the ; weekend with friends in Nip- ' pen, Recent visitors evith Mr. and Airs, Harry Van Wierren and ifamily were Mrs, Tony Ver- •!).eMeeeereee=e;se: News from North osanquet ,e•-eeseseee..'eeeSeefeeSiseeMeeze:•••=e-e The floor of the new bridge, townline north, will be poured this week and completed short- ly. A bus system from the camp via Grand Bend "' eat points north has been inaugurated. Mr. Melvin burr attended The T-A banquet in Exeter last Sat- urday evening. Mark battle of Gibraltar The. Korean battle of little Gibraltar was commerated at Camp Ipperwash on. Sunday in divine service with Padre Capt. L, C o 1 e in a n in charge and organist, William Foster of Exe- ter, followed by a march past. Acting CO was Major Freele, The new CO, IA, Col. Johnson, is expected to return from course in Washington, shortly, The first census taken in Can- ada, in 1666, was the first modern census, taken anywhere in the world and the population then was 3,215, exclusive of In- dians and Eskimos. boc5in and Mrs, Bank Smith. of London. Mrs, Sceeorel Betkeep Of Holland who is..spending a • few months in Canada is a pres- ent :guest, A number from Kippen attend- ed anniversary services Sunday at Brucefield. United church. Rev. 1).. A. 'MacMillan and Mrs. MacMillan recently visited ,Mt1111111101111111111.1111WIMMMIIIIM11111111111111M11 frienclt in the village. Mr. and Aim Norman Pie ert accompanied. by Mr, anCl Mrs. Robert McGregor spent 'Sunday in Kitchener. Air. and Airs. Norman Long attended 'The Times Advocate banquet Saturday _evening at Armstrong's Restaurant, ..f4xe- ter. band cousins, air of as theirguests held fallCouncil Conference and key of 'Stratford who used As belie, Airs. ZVti COICrnhQ1111 and Josephine N.E. al McTaggart's • parents,with? the Tatter's Mrs. N. Baird. last with chaprons, Mr. and Mes,I e this Saturday will Jackpo t Cecil. Pepper. This week they will $95.00 in 56 cans, two_ door pre.' held a Hallowe'en dance in the, z es tee eee ke ring from 8 to 11:45 pen. Ten! • new records will be purchased' It's easy to put a Classified 1. this week for the dance, I Ad in The T-A. Just Phene 770, now en Peel Bensinger, a former • , 40 years and after 23 years he 'Harry, Caldwell and Mrs. John. was called to the head office in Sinclaue Toronto and placed in charge of Capital Stock for Ontario. lie Mrs. John Bolton was a past elder of Deer Park den and Herb. Dr. and Mrs. Harry Joynt and United church, Toronto. He was native of district year and in Judithaieelc d of with e Rose- by Mrs. Robert Boyce and thank- ed by Mrs. Beatrice Munn. The president of the Mission Band, Ruth Ann Coleman, pre- sided for the worship service on District Hospital, Exeter. assisted by Patricia Harris, Eric The race was rim Wednesday. Ross and Janice Wright. Joyce Ferguson and Donald tion exercises when Donald - items Cole assisted with the gradu.a- 4 O 1111tIttl MI MI11111111111 eeee It timmittimmi Hill,1111111 illtiniuttititomitithiesiteittillitimiimetitlittitiliiisma,, Sickness Can Cripple FINANCIALLY AS WELL AS PHYSICALLY Huron Co7operative Medical Services 111111111111,11111101,111111111, llllll llllllllllll 11111111111111111. 11111 lllllll 111111111/11111111111111111,111$111111111111,11 111111111 Curlers! CURLING MEETING AT HENSALL., ARENA Thursday Night, October 27 — S p.m, Anyone interested in curling, please' attend. Those who cannot be present but Wish to curl should call Don Joynt at 62, Hensall, • Illitt1111,11!111.11111171111111[11t1,1/111111111(111tIMMtillillIfl!!!11 41 E11t11111:111{1211 i1:1111 MIllt! 11 .:MA/WWI It .. e l . . a. m ., e l. *. 44 4 44 4 ti t ° 4 4 44 4