HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1960-10-27, Page 8Town Of Exeter
Re Change Of Time
CitizenS are requested to take notice that the
Town of :Exeter will change back to Eastern StAndard
Time at
Midnite, Saturday, Oct. 29
C. V. PICKARD, Town Clerk
4111,11111t11111,1 tttttttttt IIIIIIIVIttittltlfiltititli ttttt 1111#101,110t11111111111111,11f11111111111111111111111111111111,1111110
tier Or
Complete line
of plans,
at Conklin's
for the
Home Builder
Whatever your project,
large or small, we'll
he glad to help you
• , Consult us on your
next job,
wyoff ni.AbTa. 644bitt LINE eett6 APPIOXIMATELY S, PT
cermet AND kirrIl#M SWIM
AN6 trilkILEO 7Q gNe,5
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Monday, Oct. 31 to
Saturday, Nov. •.)
Bedside control,
Lightweight, 2-
Year GUarantee
Mineral Oil
IDA Brand Haan;
Grade, 16 &
Reg, 3c:
t115 '1 09
Thedford EXETER Grand Bond
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Phone 1
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This is the technical name for a very important feature of your
permanent Life Insurance. It guarantees that you can use the
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Pat example. Williat Jones is 65 and just retired,
He %lea to stop paying premiums but still needs protection
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He bakes a "Paid-up" policy for a slightly smaller amount
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Or Arthur Stith finds himself at tetireincht with no
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,Solution? 1-le converts the ca sh values in hiS policies into
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You too Will be glad you have permanent Life inattrAnce
beettuite of these and other ilexible bendts, See the fan front
lanufletUreil today for a full destription rrf their usefulness,
A, f. Oym, C.L.U.
° EXtTtR
Tell 6/1-M
4 TimeA.Advocete, October 37, 19140
T- family hears :officer
Fred liartnern, Staffa, a eus-I
•• • • . •
at U$ may ..be lustifiect e. S • t
Fidel Castro' And his Cuban Over 7(/ attended the third an-
people may be justified in their meal banquet provided by The
anger et the American gov't,' T-15" for correspondents. staff
and _ their friends. Publisher J.
Vies Lt. J. M. Gibson of town. m Sontheott paid tribute to the •
414gesteri. to members of "The community reporters as ' the
11,"--Al family" of correspondents "spokes of a itheel which made
and during its annual ban- the huh strong."
elliet at Armstrong's Restaurant Muskat entertainment was
Provided by Mrs. Beatrice Hess. Setqrday night,
The RCAF officer, who empties Zurich, and her daughter, Mrs. ldeid Simmons, a member of
.ssize-d he was giving his ow n 13e1*- The T-A staff, and by Bill Bat-
:venal views .of the U.S.-Cuba ten, another staff member, who • controversy,. urged the group to led the sing-song.
"reed between the lines" of . Appreciation on behalf of the
American-written newspaper sto- correspondents. was expressed. by'
More aid required
for Asians.: McClure
Fit. Lt. Gibson indicated Cas-
tro's overthrow of Batista and
his subsequent moves to end
U.S, control of the country's eco-
nomy were not unlike the Ame-
rican's own battle for independ-
ence from the British in 17e6.
Saw both-regimes
His iMpieesions were gathered
from a visit earlier this year to
the Caribean island by his wife
and himself, who had also spent
a vacation-there, during the- .Ba-
tista regime, He emphasized the
striking difference between the
obvious,• police-etate atmosphere
.of the latter and the apparent
freedom .now. enjoyed. by. the
people. , towards these people.
' , tery and the service was con-
, was sponsored by Huron PresbY-
The RCAF officer said he : ' Not alone in world
ducked by Rev. Ernest Lewis, found it interesting to be asked "We are not alone in the world Rev. Lloyd Brown, convenor of by Cubans (who felt Canada, • today," Dr. McClure .warned.
too, was dominated by the Miles.' "-- • • .. . These people have a choice be-'the presbytery missionary and
maintenance department rican -gov't: how Canadians are . tween. our a . octrines or the doe; Assisted in the service,
faring under the "U.S. heel." '• trines that are being brought to
bear upon them from China and i "1 hope you Will help us do
He suggested the mass-killings, Russia. We have two methods'more in the medical field," the conducted by Castro's men, we can use to help these pea- surgeon stated. "It only costs
shortly after they gained power,' pie ,se. either through govern- $20 to treat a TB patient in in-which caused : such concern' ment channels or by our own! clia, and a two-year treatment
among other nations, were small'. personal aid through overseas for leprosy only coats $10, but
in proportion to the atrocities .` missions-" : we are dependen• upon you for committed under Batista.•,, "Canadians can he proud of this assistance
While Batista controlled the the work their government is Dr. •McClure said that the state with professional soldiers,' doing in the East,"Dr. McClure form of evangelistic work was
Castro's "army" was made up:stated, "but it doesn't let us out'also rapidly changing in the
of dedicated volunteers whose re-: of own personal. obligations." • East, and that it was no longer
sources were extremely limited. In a challenge to the church, possible . to change a poor, igno-
An indication of their respon-, Dr. McClure stated that only; rant, illiterate, heathen farmer
John Heal, Harold Knight, of
il Herman, and Les Parker, Ex-
. "All • channels of vocational
Both Fit. Lt. Gibson and his ; training are wide open - it de
were impressed by the ex-
treme warmth and friendliness'' •
of the Cuban people, revealing m • •
that in one city the mayor gave rs. L. Hirtzel
an English-speaking clerk a half -1
Catholic nation, they pointed out,
they could not 'embrace the
atheistic philosophy of the Reds.
The complete absence of dis-
crimination over color aed race
411, persons interested please spend the Winter months. ' ti
phone 437. i Air, and Mrs, Harry DeVries, !f.
1 Bart arid Shirley, spent the f
P't1.7eeWeNtVeeR"bio*i.tirsmettei°angtle teams DeVriee' parents, Mr, end Mrs, ' :
weekend In Hamilton with Aire. , i
will be chosen at the arena this martin Dykstra, I -
Saturday, October 28 at 10100 Air, and Mrs, Will RYelstrian _-
o'clock. Youngsters eligible to were in Clinton on. Saturday at ' I pla y pee wee hockey should be tending the Counter • MeNairn i
between the ages of 9.12, but wedding,
they must be under 12 as Of I Mr. Nat Ogden is in St, Jo- I 1 R. S. Hilts, Secretary.
Aug. 1, 1960. s eeph's Hospital, London and was' [ H. Heff"4"'ArCthhauirn"Peininkbitiner, Treasurer
It is expected that oft the fog- tisfactory progress.
lowing Saturday, Nov. 5, rag-
istration will take place for th
youngsters under 9 years of
of the library building and any-
one that would like a ride from
home to downtown or vice versa
need only call 437 or drop by
the library. This service will be
completely free of charge. •
The car club would also like
to thank Lou Bailey of Pearson
Motors for donating a car to
the club. This kind of support
cannot be spoken of too highly.
The club will completely over-
haul the car as part of their
winter program' and poseibly
raffle off the car next stunriler,
ilsosii111111011 llllllll iiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiii ii tttttt ..1111110111,1001 iiiiiiiiiiiiiii 001111 tttttttttttttttttt 1110,10
We Save You Money
Rubber Footwear
Men'S, Boys' And Children's
Ice Skates
For the Whole FarnilY
We Trade-Let's Deal
We feature Bearhug
. Ankle Supports
Shoulder,' Shin and Elbow Pads, Gloves, Pants
"The Store With The Geld Bond Stamps"
ttttt 0 tttttt 1,11110111.1101010,111000001 ttttttttt 0.10, tttttttt 1 ttttttt • ttt i• tttttttttttt 4 tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
Halibut Liver Oil
100's 2S0's SOO's
Keg. $1.15 Reg. $2.29. Reg, S4.27
89c $1.89 $3.49
Christmas Cards
Buy early-Avoid the rush
rie c ndemnin Castro's re- .
s p g Mrs. Ross Love, Shinka. , floor. gime.
"PM yourself in their shoes,"
he suggested, pointing out the
suffering the Cubans expe-
rienced under the former Batis-
ta dictatorship which was smiled
upon by the U.S. gov't and the
extensive control exercised by
U.S. companies over Cuba's ba-
;lc industries,
uggest Luba s anger tom spraying operator, used his
- Continued from page 1 wends on how much you want to
with this progress he has be; help" he said..
come very impreSSionable," Dr,: into a poor, ignorant, illiterate,'
McClure said, : Christian farmer. "If we want
him to be a true Christian we "He wasn't impressionable 30
years ago - he is today - he have to make him literate, so
may not be tomorrow," be said,' he can learn new and better
"If we are going to help him farming methods to feed hint-
we have to try to mold him self. The average yearly income
is from $40 to $72 and, ae Gan-
may be too late." dbie said, to a hungry man, "God
Dr. McClure said that if Ca-, mass often appear in a loaf of
nadians didn't help him today, bread."
their children would look back "If we want to live up to our
and wonder what was the matter personal duty we have to do not
with their parents. "They will the least we are capable of -
think we weee having a depres- but the most we are capable of
sion or else we were merely doing."
showing a grey t deal of apathy Dr. McClure'n visit to Exeter
broke out in the upier floor until
Mrs. :Rayburn, alone in the
llotlae, and her son Ted. outside.
.doing a welding job, were told.
bee passersby. that the top of the
house was afire, The blaze broke
out in an unused section of the
second floor. The cettet was Un-
Kathryn Harbern of Staffa. a
relative, driving by with Mr.
and Mrs. Norval Elliott of Hih-
bert Township, saw the smoke.
Pouring irotu under the eaves.
Actual fire damage was not
heavy hut coesderable amount
of water dripped to the first
equipment to fight a different',
cause of .damaes last Week.
He turned, the machine an his ey 1,.ARRY HRIG4MAN
own house to check a fire which
the Mitehell briga arrived.
The Exeter Junior bowling
league is full swing at the
local alleys. The leagues as the
present time have 28 teams of
boys and girls between the ages
of .8-19. Total number Partici-
pating at the present time is
180, Any youngster that has not
yet registered and would „like
to, may clo so by contacting
Hallowe'en. Teen twenty Donee
Bible attitude, he felt, was the one out of every three 'children e
absence of looting and wreckless . go to Christian schools. but there
damage when the revolutionary; wasn't room for the others: "We.
levees captured Havana. ; can take all three if you want
to give the money," he said, Hospitable country
New district Kinsmen execie year on service work,
CI b '
, eter. 11 etl Installs ! The conference began Saturday.
The Exeter District Junior
Band has progressed wonder-
fulls in the past year or two
and the executive and members
of the band deserve a well-earn-
ed pat on the back for their
efforts. We wish .hem continued
success in this new venture.
Anyone interested in joining
the new class should consult
Mr, Ford at the Exeter Town
Hall Thursdays between 5,30 and
7.00 or phone 375-J or 656.
Square Dance Club
If enough interest is shown, I
am quite sure an adult square
dancing club can be formed.
The necessary facilities and a
members include Jack Drysdale,
eien the Gibscns received Ins • • d ed. from a • trip ' ti . the West
Cube. I just 15 years ago. She remame
I on the farm with her two sons,
Harry. and Meurice,
•t She was a member of the
New regalia, slate Evangelical UB church, Credo
for Hensall 'lodge'
The new regalia for Hensel]
100F was recently dedicated by i
Charles Hutchison and Robert;
Williamson, London, both past
grand masters of the Grand'
Lodge of Ontario,
Ernie .Chipchase was installed'
is noble grand of the lodge in:
another Impressive ceremony!
conducted by District Deputy
Grand Master Eldon Ott, and his
degree team from Harriston.
Percy Campbell, district dep-'
City, was among the dignitaries '
who witnessed the ceremony and
other guests were present 'from
Exeter, Brucefield, Harriston, ,
Mt.:Forest and Clifford_ lodges.
Other officers installed in-
cluded: vice-grand, Ted. Taylor:
recording secretary, Charles
Hey financial secreted-, Peter
McNaughteri;' _ treasurer, Ed
Munn; chaplain, Rodger Veil-.
ner; noble grand right supporter ,
Alex MeBeath; left supporter,
ert Horton; vice - grand right
supporter, Ray Consitt; left sup-
Porter, Jack Corbett; RSS, Re-
ward terrine; LSS, Jack Brint-
nen; warden, Bill Coleman; sen-
tinel, Wes Richardson; inner
guard, Wilmer Adkins; outer
guard, Tom Myers.
She is survived 'by two Baugh-
ter, s :(Laurene) Mrs. 'Emerson .
Wein, Stephen TOwhehip, (Doro-
thy), Mrs. Howard Renney, De-
troit: three sons, Lawrence, Cen-
tralia, Harry and Maurice both
of Stephen; also three brothers
John Treitz, Ridgeville, Edward
London; Edgar, Marsden Sask.,
and eight grandchildren.
The body is resting at the T.
Harry Hoffman funeral home,
Dashwood, until Saturday noon,
then at the Evangelical. UB
church where funeral service will
take place at 2 p,m. conducted
by Rev. A. M. Schlenker, with
interment i n Crecliton ceme-
tery. . •
Threaten charges
if machines moved
OPP here warted farmers
this week to get their equipment
under cover for Hallowe'en.
They also warned would-be
pranksters, that anyone found
towing away equipment this
week will be charged with theft.
PC Cecil Gibbons, in. charge
of the local detachnient, said all
members will be on patrol. Mon-
day night.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wurm, Ex-
eter, MI e, Alvin Walper and
eelr. Arthur Willett. of Dashwood
spent a few days in Ottawa with
F/L M. S. and. Mrs. Slezak.
Miss Alice Claypole, Mrs.
Marion Learn and Miss Maxine
Reeder of South Huron Hospital
and Mrs. Fred Dobbs and. Mrs.'
J. G. Dunlop of the Hospital ,
Auxiliary attended the hospital `
convention at' the Rdyal York,
Toronto, this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor,
Jean and Miss Norma Dearing ,
of Sitnie visited with Mr, and
'Mrs. Norman Ford of Detroit',
over the past weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Tech Wright, Mr.
i and Mrs. •Williem Wright spent
r the weekend in Chatham, guests
of 'Mr. and Mrs. 'Stewart Wright
and Mr. and. Mrs. Jerry Keller
and families and also visited
Jack Miner's bird sanctuary at
Kingsville on Sunday.
Mrs. M. K. Madden of Tor-
onto and Jamaica visited with
Mr. and Mrs. E. Cerson this
' week, •
• Mr. and. Mrs. Harry Fullard
spent the pest two, weeks with
their daughter, Mrss Gorski in
gr. and Mrs. Don Seuthctitt
and family visited in Sirneoe on
Sp ayer .aids
iii Staffa fire Plan teen twenty dance,
A Hallowe'en teen twenty • •
dance will be held -at the arena
on Monday, Octo'. -r 31 from 8:30
to 13.00. All teenagers are wel.
ceme. Music be supplied by
the "Kool ruins" orchestra ,plus
th e latest in records-. Na
costume necessary as the dress
will be casuals Admission will
be 600 per person and 75e a
couple. Prizes and a good time
are in store for all those who,
attend. .Cheperone will be in at-
The dance is being sponsored
by the Exeter Lions Club.
Junior Bowling League
RECREATION r""'"'",'" Shell out to Hallowe'en UNICEF Town topics
..• , .. • •„ ,
at arena on .-,:ailowe,en
made available and all that, is '1,‘Ira, Prown )01 nod her hnshOnd i
needed now is some enthusi 'Ale In Toronto to leave for SePilend i 1
participants, , eailing .911 the Carinthia from'
one night e week and square Mr, and Mrs, Archie W. FAlterJ1
' Aiontrea I. i The club would probably meet
dance for Omit two hears . s ington have left for Florida to 1;
Mrs, Thomas 'Brown .of Weal.
• Sit nun eriende visited with
.• Mrs. Charles Harris ItteadAY •
of this• we*. qualified. instructor nevi- e been and 'Y'r ecinesClaY
skatesNo or slicksbe'operated h his
for the registration. leransputeted. 'fle. is Making sa- • olp.,11 ... .. llllllllllll •11,0111111111,111111111•1111111•1111,1111111111,,,,,
Cash on hand
,y.,,1111111 4 4 1111,041,41114 4111.111111141114111,t111111t1,1/ll1 r,AAoh oil • it 0110 t. II.A1,l w, ommih
tfrinting 290,49
Pion, (Shipki) 10.60
theatre EaReosel 60.00
trucks ($) 30.00
Dan Jolly (wire) 30,00
Denetistni to; 490,09
Bible SocistY 119.00
Gidoons' 119.00
Rese04 Mission, 1..ondon 4. . 119,09
- $1,047.09
$ 25,13
OFFERINGS (9 0Yeninga ) ..... $11073.22
Spielers $ 200,00
MUsis, $111tiare
tarlite Drive-In Gospel SerYices
evening with a chicken 'barbecue
area officials Sunday indicated the clubs spente
and dance. Reports presented,
close to $300,000 during the past;
live under Governor Bill Mickle, Kinetics conducted their own
. }Jensen, was. officially installed b u s i n e a s session, under the 1 . recently. at a.. fall. coeecile meet- chairinanship of Mrs. jack Drys.
'''G'ihs°11s ''' Cr ect it o n :oative ::' :, ::•, : ,,,., .-,, - , ,- orik.• air Stratfordss.. see. e ,... . dale, Hensall, district convenor., day -Oft .- to 'elioise the.
palate • of interest. : i • - • .3eirs.. Laura Hirtiele widow .of , esepresentatives of . 70 of the 74 Attending from the Exeter' club •,. p
The -Exeter couple , 'were sine
fluericed„ too, 'by the Cubans' in .1 the late John' Hirtzel, Creditors,' clubs in southern Ontario wit_ were President Harold Presz-
died - in South Huron Hospital. on nessed .the .ceremony. Executive cator and Mrs. Preszcator, Mr. sistence that they ' were not
Communists.As • • -d i te r i Wednesday, 'October 26: in her and Mrs. George nether and
OVIANtzzikWaVameam M r. and Mrs. Art Clerke. 80th year. She had been a pa- '
tient for the, past five months:! '. i Those who were present from
.Mre. Hirtzel was the former T
Laura Treitz of Creditor, She . • own topics
, and Mrs. Ross oinks, Mr. 'and
the Hensel] club included. Mr.
had made her home on the farm sesesseeseeessesesereeseeesesseeesses Mrs. Bill Clement and Jim
south of 'Crecliton. since, her mar- • Hyde, as well as the members ,
'Mrs. Lillieli Blair has return- . • Was .another favorable mines- riagetoJohn1.1 te 1 . • died sr he who of the district body.
where she visited with her son,
Andrew Blair arid family, New
Westminster, and other relatives,
M d Y
Recreation Office
The recreation office will new,
be located in the .basement of
Ruth Durand. All of the bowlers the library building. A telephone
are under adult supervision and has just been installed And any-
receiving proper bowling in- one wishing to coned tie May
struction, do so by calling 437,
Exeter Junior Band • Exeter Car Club
The Exeter District Junior The Exeter Car Club now call-I
:Baud under the .direction of Mr. e ri "Asphal t Angels" will
Ford is expanding. A new class provide free . taxi eervice
for beginners from the age of the town limits on Saturday,
nine years and up would like to November 5 from 1.:00 p.m. to
be started. 5;30 p.m. for the people of Exe-
. ter The club will operate from The new class will receive in- . the. recreation office at the' side rtruction in the flute, -clarinet,
trumpet, saxophone, trombone,
horns, basses and drums.
Some instruments will be sup-
plied on loan while new instru-
ments may be rented or bought
on a trial basis,
Know your
traffic laws?
One of a wild if questions
on Ontario traffic laws and
site driving practices-, .
What is the meaning of a flash-
ing red signal light et in inter-
1. Step before ontoring?
2, Slow dawn before entering?
3. Wait for green light?
4. De hot enter?'
Presented as a public ser-
vice by your friendly insur-
ance agents
W. H. Hodgson
M. .1. Geiser W. H. Hodgson
PHONE 24 exitrEit.
l'Hiatmasterq- Electric
Hemtino Pad
$1.00 OFF
'3.95 (