HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1960-10-27, Page 7LAST WEEK of the HAPPY HOME Sale Act Now and KITCHEN Specialist AT YOUR SERVICE A Leaver Kitchen ,SpedIaiitt I§ t your service blarinInti help and ettimateS are Ytiiirg for the asking. et 0.,11. PHONE 974 Take her y alll-Lt BATTEN As every schoolboy knows, one of tlio favorite English essay topics is "a trip I took", klefortulletele during My days at school, a trip to St. Marys 'London, was a highlight to me, but it didn't appear to have too much value as far as writing a ,500-word essay,. However, now that I have ter- minated My schooling I have I ad the opportunity to take a )ew trips and decided that I thould take this opportunity to try my hand at writing an essay on "a trip I took", On Sunday, September 25, Bob russell and MyStelf started out ior an extended trip to Califere nit. This trip took us throtigil 15 of the states in the United States and through various weather conditions that ranged from 20 degrees to 95 degrees and from clear blue skies to skies that were covered with snow clouds, The firstpart of the trip through the central states un- folds a terrain much similar to what We are • accustomed in Exeter. However, travelling through the states of Illinois and Missouri, one is confronted with field after field of corn• Although this seemed rather monotonous as we drove along, .j, actually turned out to be very ir:enie in comparison to some of he sights that you see in the Foitthern States, Oil wells start to appear on the hOrizen as you cross oletahoma, and the cities of "ulsa and Oklahoma are the enaior oil refining centres in the ,state.' However, travelling across route 66. through the states of "oxas New Mexico, Arizona and 'evade, the land is very deso- 'ete, and sagebrush, cacti and email mountain ranges are the -1-•,in focal points for mile after Siang everywhere Because our itinerary was mostly made up for sightseeing in Las Vagts and California, we i'idn't stop to see the local at- 'eactions as we passed through 1 ,,e Southern States, so all we e'd was read the signs that en- f'ce the tourist to view the at- tractions. Sign after sign tell the travel- ler that he is 30 miles from the lergest snake farm in the world --that Indian curios can be pur- e-lased at the next gas station nor that he can see real live buffalos at the next stop. - For any one who has travelled through the States, one of the most significant differences he sees is the number 'of signs ^long the roadside. Although there is really nothing of im- -rtance to see in the surround- g countryside, it would be ale most impoesible because of the eenglomeration of signs that are aced, along the highway. These •11ns are placed es far as 100 '-wiles from the attraction that 1 1,ey proclaim, and are placed fter that at five-mile intervals eetil you come to within five miles of the attraction, and lhen they are placed every half mile or so. • Our first stops included a trip in the Painted Desert and the T'etrified Forest in Arizona. where attractions are included ''n most travellers' itineraries, 1-et if you visit the Grand. Can- een, then they are actually nerfluous because the same P-ings can be seen en a much 1,eger scale at the Grand r Leaves you breathless Called one of the wonders of the world, the Grand. Canyon leaves one breathless al he views the wide expanse of canyon walls and mile deep ravines. Fontunately we arrived at the canyon at sundown, and the e-hole expanse of rock was e')Iaze with color. A trip around i'-e canyon walls would take a .1-',rson. over 200 miles, so we merely 'viewed the scene from several vantage points on the southern rim. We don't know who first dis- revered the canyon, but it must 1, eve given him quite a thrill as ,he came through the forest and t"en stopped at the edge to view the scene before him. The 'terrain ,around the canyon would pot give a person any idea of the sights that would unfold be- ;fare him as he stepped out of the first. In fact, if he had heen running or riding through the forest lee could. easily have dropped right off one of the high Peaks, es they start right at the very edge of the %surrounding forest. Sightseer§ may take a trip hwn. to 'the floor of the canyon 01 sure-footed donkeys. These einkeys follow a trail that looks like it was made by a large writhing snake. Although there wore no' donkeys on. the trail at the late time we arrived, we mold see sever who hadeleseended to hikers the bottom of al the canyon On feet. These people were just titan. dots as they wended their way slowly to the iv of the canyon, Two yoart cement The next point of interest was. FAST REILIEF. FOR RHEUMATIC PAIN Hoover Dam or Boulder Dam. This large structure is built on the ..Colorado River at the state lines of Colorado and Nevada. -To, give a person some insight to the immensity of this struc- ture, we were told that it took two years. to: pour the cement for ite...dam, This was .a maim- al pouring, both day and During the construction of the dam,ilo less than 99 Mellt, lost lives, and s , ince its com- pletion four men have died in Accidents while they have been maintaining the operation. of the dam. • There are 15 large generators. in the electrical stations and each is capable of supplying a city of 300,000. people ,With elec- trical power s Tourists may take a 30-minute trip. through the dam and a guide explains the construction and operatiOn of the structure, Lake Mead, the largest man, made lake in the world, was formed when the dam was constructed, It is. here that several of the world speed 're, cords have been attained 'and several of the major power boat races are conducted each' year. Gambling centre 'The next point of • interest along the trip is the . world- renowned city of Las Va.gas. Built in the middle of the desert of Nevada, it is• the gambling and entertainment capital of the world. During our four-day stop here, we saw several of the top-rate entertainers and visited most of the plush hotels along the "Strip". All these hotels feature unimaginable luxury, and were constructedAat a cost of at least four or five million dollars. The large banquet rooms will hold up to 700 people, and they are just a small part' of the struc- ture. Some of the entertainers we saw were: Sammy Davis Jr.. ;Connie Francis, Dan Dailey, Red Buttons, Mills Brothers, Ray Anthony, Billy Williams and the Folies I3ergere. • Las Vegas never closes down. It goes - 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In fact, some of the gambling casinos downtown don't even appear to have doors on them. Except for the early morning hours (we were told this), the casinos are a hive of activity as people try to • win their fortunes on slot machines, dice, black jack, roulette, wheels of fortune and keno. Prices range from the, penny slot machines to the black jack tables with a maximum bet of $500. Adults of all ages and frOm.; every walk of life can be seen 'at any time in -the gamb- ling casinos Women who would appear to be grandmothers can be seen,§itting on the stools feeding te slot machines. While men dressed in fine dress „suits can be, seen at the .various. other gambling, games. Any type of dress is -suitable for a tour of the Strip, as you see women in mink stoles and evening dresses mingling with tourists with 'their slacks • or shorts on, Each of the gambling halls has a bevy of beautiful girls who wait on the needs of the "paying" customers. These girls deliver ' free - beverages; .sand- wiches and cigarettes to the patrons in an effort " to keep them at 'the tables or the ma- chines and net have to go else- where for meals or refresh- Meas. C h,a n g e girls walk amongst the ,players and they can be summoned to a slot machine by merely pushing a. button. So, you can see where there is very little effort at all while you sit and lose your money. . See Hollywood shows We motored to Los Angeles where we stayed with. Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Dennis. Mrs. Dennis is the former Norma. Wilson of town, and they had several tickets for TV shows and some helpful 'euggestions, for sight-seeing around the town. We visited the large NBC and CBS studios and saw the live TV .shows: "It Could Be You", "Truth. Oe Consequences" and "The Tennessee Ernie Ford Show". . After watching the Ford show on TV., Mit are- amazed at the surroundings at* the studio, The stage is much smaller than you would expect, :and is surrounded by a battery' of. cameras lights, The background :scenery is all sitting at one side, ,and is moved into place as it is need-- ed. The song and dance routine. that WAS put on by the "Top go.- had been previously record- ed and as the .dancers moved About the stage,. they Merely. "mouthed" the words ,of the. song, We Ariv.ed at Norma's. in time to see it on TV, after hay- ing been at the studio, - and this was not in the least bit notice- able to the. .audience,. Disneyland .highlight , A trip through the fabulous grounds at- Disneyland would Certainly have to be called one. of the highlights of our trip. We toured the groUnds for seven hours, but it Would take at least three times that much , time to. do justice to such a trip. Unfortunately, words would not be enough ..to describe the sight's that are enjoyed as one travels IhrOugh the various .,.qands 4 at Disneyland, A trip on a jungle cruise through water infested. with alligators, snakes, warring head-hunters or a bobsled ride through a miniature replica of the Matterhorn, a trip on the first monorail system in.. North America or train ride through a ghost town and the desert will thrill both young and old. Our guide told us that Disney has stated that Disneyland will never be -. finished, , so if one expects to visit the sprawling village in the future, it would likely be necessary to plan at least . a two-day visit to the enchanted spot. Another interesting visit was to the ,set of the Perry Mason show. Our host, Robert, has written several of these shows and was able to get us in to see _them filming one of the hour-long shows. We were at the studio for nearly three hours, and in that' time they film'ed about four -minutes of the show. The actors had to rehearse the few lines for a minute take and then - the -cameras had to be set up. Then • the .actors went through their paces with the cameras and some of - the shots had to be retaken four times before they passed sanction by the director. I - • 0Y-11151V4, 1FIFIA..i.rkrft Fili-s,ork ir • CREMANtalKAMENCOMMEMI Porsonal •items, .and Mrs,. -..Cbordas. and family, of London, were. Sunday visitors. with Mr.. and Mrs.. . Jack Kern, 1Wrs, EdgarRodd, f Exeter spent several days. .the end a the week with Mr, and Mrs. La Verne Rodd.. Mr, and Mrs.. Lawrence. Reek, .ett and girls. And Mrs. Dave Shavahlaw„ of. .Kirkton„ were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. William Smith of Belmont, Eddie 'Road has returned home from St, Joseph's Hospital, in London where he spent the Past week. Mr, and Mrs, Alec McL•aren, of Exeter, were visitors ,with Mr, and Mrs, Hugh Berry on Sunday.. Janet Janet Horn of Winchelsea vis- ited with Karen Hern, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Jack Hern, on Saturday when they celebrated Karen's hirthday. (Intended for last week) Personal items Mr, and Mrs, John Coward were visitors on. Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs, Philip Hern and family at Winchelsea when they entertained members .of the Coward family to a turkey die- ner bonor of Mr. Coward who celebrated his birthday that .da.Y. Mr. and Mrs., Harry Webber of Woodham amt. Mr, and Mrs. Jim Wilson of Exeter were Teies- day evening guests last week with Mr. and Mrs. ..Clarence Johns._ • Mr. and* Mrs. Wib, Coward .and Susan of' London were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Coward. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ford and Jenny of Kitchener .were'vis- itors on Sunday at the Dickey prayer at the top in hopes that your brakes are still working. The police in the city give parking tickets to anyone who does not turn their wheels in when they are parking. A guided tour ,through the city by Jean Soldan of Hensall and Anna Messner. of Dashwood, Who are nurses in Frisco, in- chided a tour of China town, a trip across the Golden Gate Bridge and the Bay bridge, a view of Alcatraz and several other points of interest. Our trip home started from San Francisco on October 9, and we took the north route to Reno. We passed through Lake Tahoe and were met by a small snow storm. This is near Squaw Val- ley, the home of the 1960 Winter Olympics. When ,we reached Evanston, Wyoming, the temperature was 20 degrees and we heard on the TV that it was the coolest spot in the 48 states. We passed.- through the Salt . ' Flats where the world land speed records are set and sew the many salt mills. We arrived in Exeter on "Fri- day night and are now recuper- ating from a very enjoyable trip through 15 states and one province, and ,still found Ontario the "nicest spot we saw" of the entire 6.500-mile :journey, BEAVER 0 !MX... V. ',PI ,. service was held on Sunday morning, Oct. 23 at 3,1 Lin. A large crowd attended and the Pulpit was adorned with autumn brown and golden mums. The Rev. J. IL Wareham RA I of Woodham was guest minister and the choir -rendered an, an- them. Visitors in the .community were', Mr. and Mrs, Donald Crich and family, of Clinton, with Mr, and Mrs, Howard Pym. Mr. and Mrs. Maynard J• Margison and family of London, Mr, and Mrs. Alien Johns, Shir- ley and Marilyn, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Johns, d war d and Larry, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley, Neil of Kirkton, Mr, and Mrs. Art E. Vogt of Burlington, with O SCOTIADEBTZENLUMPER?* *'0wiaocost debt con feel the need for through Watch for author For any persons who are in- terested in watching mystery shows on TV, it might be in- teresting to watch for the name of Robert C. Dennis, who has written several shows for the more popular TV series that are on CFPL-TV." The. Dennis' live on Mulholland Drive in Hollywood,. and for these who watch the Bob Cum- mings show on. Sunday, night, will recall that that is the street where he takes all his beautiful models to "see the lights". Al- though. we couldn't find any models, we did take a trip to the top of the street, where you can see the whole city of Los Angeles lit up at night. During our stay at Los An- geles, we had to get up at 8:00 te a.m. to see the world series as it started at' 9:00 a.m. in Los Angeles. due to the four-hour time difference. , On to 'Frisco town Our trip up the coast was very exciting as we were about one mile above the ocean as we wound our way, through the mountains. Fortunately we were, On the inside, but we came to, places 'where the outside of the road had dropped away into the ocean below. A traveller going ; the opposite way would probably;. have' some scarey moments, as he came to groups of Workmen who were rebuilding the road., where it had dropped away. The only thing that I had ever seen about San Francisco was on. the TV show "San Francisco, Beat." In that show the police , were always driving up or down hills, and after reaching the city, yeu come to the .conclusion! that it could have been on any street in the city, Some of the hills appear to be on 75-degree angles and you say a little S S DEPE.NISA Mr.. and. Mrs, Delmer Skinner, Edward and, Frances. Mr. And Mrs.. Beverly Skin- ner, Noel and Laurie of Exe- ter, Mr. and Mrs,. Gerald Shore of .London,. Miss Margaret Brock of. Zion with Mr. and Mrs, Frank- lin Skinner, Mr, -and Mrs. Russell Morley and family, of Exeter, -Mr, and Mrs. Donald Parsons, •Susin and Gall of Hensall Mr. and .Mrs. Floyd Cooper and . Kathy with Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Cooper, Mr. and Mrs, James - Earl of. m Woodham on Saturday after- noon. Mr. and Mrs, La Verne Rodd were at the ploughing match near Springfield on Thursday of last week and also called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Knox in Springfield, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hem and family were - visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Johns, Zion. Mr. and Mrs.' Clarence Johns, also Mrs, •Mae Horne of Toronto visited Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hodge and Judy at Ripley on Thursday of last week, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bec- kett and girls were at Bayfield on Sunday. Mrs. Harry Ford visited with her sister, Mrs. Harry Sparling, and Mr. Sparling in London last Saturday. Clip Out for Emergencies Ambulance Service DAY OR NIGHT. Properly-equipped vehicles with oxygen Drivers with St. Johns' Ambulance Certificates' T. HARRY HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME, DASHWOOD Phone Dashwood 70-W or Grand Bend 20-W 2 DOOR 42" Single Sink, reg. $99.50 „. . . ..,.$ 88.50 4 DOOR 54" Single Sink, reg. $114.00 .. 99.50 4 DOOR 72" Single Sink, reg. $134.50 „,.„„,.„ 116.00 4 DOOR 72" Double Sink, reg. $161.30 145.00 , Available with MATCHING CUPBOARDS Also U-Shape and L-Shape COUNTERS To Order One Week Only . Order Now Precision Made Natural Birch Sink Cabinets NON DRIP CONTOURED ARBORITE COUNTER TOPS • STAINLESS STEEL SINKS CHROME FAUCETS WARP FREE DOORS PRECISION FITTED DOORS AND DRAWERS ttUALITY AND SERVICE LUMBER Kitchen Remodelling Made Easy Completely assembl- ed Hanover sink cabinets in standard sizes make it easy and economical to remodel your kit. , then. Machine sand. ed smooth these cabinets are ready to stain or paint. For full details see page 42 in , your Beaver catalogue. Pemmican, a very high qual ity, concentrated food made by Indians from dried, shredded buffalo meat mixed with fat, was used extensively by .Euro- peen explorers, particularly in the Arctic where it could he kept indefinitely. Johns. Mr: and Mrs. Gerald liannie of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. RoutlY- Mrs. Thos, Bell, visited on Sun- day with friends in. Woodbain. Mrs. Alan Somers of St, a- rys visited on Monday with Mrs. Wm, Routly. Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Fulton and Larry spent the• 8, eekend dith Mr, and Mrs. W. II. Wood row of Toronto. We are on Air Heatin Canada, PHONE 18 Limmmommmomt, NEW RIME Be Prepared! LADIES' OVER-FOOT STYLES Shearling lined ,„„..,.. $ 8.95 Style model $11.95 PLASTIC OVERBOOTS $1.98 Gould & Jory Driven the new Volkswagen yet? She's loads of fun.. More and more people are having the time of their life driving the new ,, VW. There's 10% more power, The new Volkswagen leaps away at lights as if it was going to a fire, You con put your foot down onytime you like, in any gear you like, and really take off, The engine torque is increased too. There's more power to coil on in every geor--passing issofer clod foster. And now that first gear is synchrohized, the Volkswagen's easier'than ever to' drive. You can shift straight down to first gear without stopping the car. This eliminates a lot of unnecessary stopping and starting. (Women drivers home. Mrs. Harry Ford returned' sChHeIal.glIngENc'uSffS: wYrOapU,TarHoSu'nPd PULL-pOINsS3,45 home 'with them for a two week visit. Lawrence Beckett was a MEN'S PULL-ON BOOTS $4 'guest of Mrs. Alec. Gartenburg RUBBER BOOTS, knee length, $4.98 to $8. Low 12" boot, $4.49 and up SPORTSMEN BOOTS, laced top, olive, $6.9 INSULATED BOOT, 12", $12.95 pair