HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1960-10-27, Page 6• !< t4 -.
EE 2-.10uA
t a
• .777 I . . . . • . .
d usti le
s . and Wednesday of ti; is or!, laKursso oventnos7
4f 4 '$ 200.00
.0 .attended the third an-
tiquet provided by The
correspondents, staff
it friends. Publisher J.
hcott paid tribute. to the
y reporters as the,
of a 'wheel which made
/. entertainment was
by Mrs,. Beatrice 1-Jess.
And her daughter, Mrs.
Simmons, a member of
staff, end by Bill. Bat-
other staff member., who
elation. on behalf of the
mints was expressed by
oss Love, iShiPlea.
t .dance for .about two hours.
All persons interested please spend the winter month s. • I .rucks, (1)
phone 437. Mr. and Mrs, HarrY PeVries P.""ell Y (*Ir.)
• Wee ROOtrotiort Bart and ShirleY, spent th4
Weekend in. Hamilton with MrS. pino tie-h4 to
111;9 00
ViltRie „4 Wialitge li0,1, wcei.
He turned the machine on his!
own house eneek a fire which
broke out in the upper .:floor until
the Mitebell brigade arrived.
Mrs. Harburn„ .alone in the
house, and her :HO Ted, .outside,
doing a welding JO, were told
• by' passersby that:the top of the
house WaS, „Oil* The blaze broke.
out in an uptts.,ed, section of the
seem" floor.. The cause was un-
Kathryn Harburn Staffa,
relative, driving by with Mr.
and Mrs. NOrval of.
beet Township, saw the smoke
Pouring from under the ,eaves.
Actual firi damage was not
heavy but a coosderable amount
of water dripped to the first
giblet SoClOty
4050.6 Mission, Londeo
DeVries' parents, Mr, and MrS.
I Martin Pykstra
Mr. and Mrs. Will nyckmarti
.trere to Clinton on Saturday at- s -------- $1 047.0,
:041.7.1 ta:itkei of , 1000 r
Olen° (Shiokis)
Maori itaisenses
Mrs. Brown joined her husband' i
in Toronto to leave for Scotland I 1
salting -oft the ,Carinthia, from. " -
`Mr. and Mrs. Archie W. Ether- li
lgontreal, • I:
Ington have left for Florida 01 E
qualified instructor barie. been'
made available and all that is.
needed now is some ,.entlinsiestie
The ,club, would probably meet
one night a week and„ Square
1,,ARRY -Htt.P.4.MAR
Hallowe'en Teen Twenty Penee
A Hallowe'en teen. twentY.
danee will be held .01 the arena
on Monday, -Oeto'd ,r 31 from "8.30.
to 32.00.. All teenagers Are wel-
eome, Music will be supplied by
the •"Kool stuns orchestra plus
the latest in Hi-Fi records, No
costume necessary as the dress
will be casual. Admission will
be '500 per person and 7b70
couple. Prizes ,and good time
are in store for all those Who.
Attend. Chaperons will be in at, . , tendanee„
The dance is being sponsored,
by the EXetor Lions 'CIO,.
Alnior Bowling lettagoie
The Exeter junior bowling
league is in full swing at the.
focal The leagues ak, the
Ft. $. SeereSta 02,513
Pee Wee houseleAgne teams
will be ..chosen at the ,Arena this
Saturday, October. 2$ at 3.0IW
Youngsters ,t„„o.
play pee wee hockey should be
between the ages of 9,12, -'hut
they must :be under 1.2 as 01 1
Aug. 1, 1960. •
No skates or sticks w,ill be
required for the registration, I
It is expected that on the fol-,
lowing Saturday. Nov., 5" re7H
tendin 6 the Counter - MeN'airn
: Cosh en bend
Ogden is in St. Jo- H. flefftelOn• Chairman
Seph's Hospital, London shel' was i
operated on FridaY haring his 1,
Arthur Finitheiner, Treasurer
tiSfactory progresS.
-qium!,,pnw $$ uomIminmin.01.momil .,...vuommommmummtittifiotnttltuuntilliOnnfluotr $
1,N( 'aMPtItilted. 14,0 j. Making sa- .• r uouoillotigoolimmilmoulmusounwaroulanumonaumonimiumiumiumli'mftlimmumis,
: s
present time have 28 teams of istration will take place for the I . I
. F..
of 849. Total number partici- age,
pating at the present time is
, boys and girls between the ages youngsters under 9 years of f
.I.k), Any youngster that has not Recreation Office
yet registered and would f bike The recreation office will now,
Know your
traffic laws?
Town .0f Exeter re aid' req.uired„
r Asians*: McCture to, may de so by contacting be located in the basement of s
Ruth Durand. All of the bowlers the library building. A telephone _ . On, of a seriii if quittlena
on Ontario traffic lows And
safe driving prictirii• , • •
are under adult supervision and has just beets installed And any -
receiving proper bowling in-
need from page oends on how much you want to
is progress he has. be- help" he said.
tsiery impressionable," Dr, into, a poor, ignorant, illiterate,
e said.
wasn't impressionable 30,
;ago - is to-day. - he'
of be tomorrow," he said.
Are going to help him •
ve to try to mold him
because in 30. years it
e too late,"
McClure said that' if Ca-
s didn't help him today,
children would look back
ender what was the matter
their parents. "They will
we were having a depres-
r • else we were merely
g a gret t deal of apathy
s these people." .
lone in world •
Christian farmer. "If we want
him to be a true- Christian we
have to make him literate, so
he can learn new and better
farming methods to -feed him-
self. The . average ,yearly income
is from See to $72 and, as Gan-
dhi said, to a hungry man,. "God
may often appear in a loaf of
"If we waist to live up to our
personal duty we have to do not
the least we are capable of -
but the most we are capable of
struction. -•-•
One wishing to .conapt ihaY •
do so by calling 437`.
Exeter Cog, Club
The Exeter Car Club now .call-
ed the "Asphalt Aogels"
provide free taxi service within -
the town limits on: Saturday,
November 5 from 1:00 tO.
5:30 p.m. for the people of Exe-
ter, The club will operate from
the recreation office a:Vibe side.
of the library building: and any-
One 'that would like a• ride from
home to downtown or vice versa
need only call. 437 or drop by
the library. This service will be.
completely free of charge, -
The car club would also like
to thank Lou Bailey of Pearson
What is the meaning of a flesh- i
ing red signal light at in inter.
section D i • •
1. Slap befere entering?
2. Slow , diwn before orifirino?
Exeter Junior ,Band
The Exeter District Junior
Raed under •the direetioh of 11,Tr.
Ford is expanding. A new class
for beginners from the age of
nine years and up would like to
be started,
The new class will receive in-
Etruction in the flute, ,clarinet,
trumpet, saxophone, trombone,
horns, bass-es and drums.
Some instruments will 'be sup-
plied .on loab while new instru.-
merits may he rented or 'bought
on a trial basis.
The Exeter District Junior
Band has progressed 'wonder-
fully in the past year or two
arid the executive and members
of the hand deserve a well-earn-
ed pat on the back for their
efforts. We wish ,hem continued
success in • this new venture.
Anyone interested in joining
the- new class should consult I
Mr. Ford at the Exeter Town
Hall Thursdays between' 5.30 and
7,00 or phone 375-J or 656.
Squirt Dance Club !I
If enough interest is shoWn,
3. Wait for green light?
4. Do hot enter?
Presented as a public lir*
vice by your friendly insur-
ance agents
Re Change f Time
Citizens are requested to take nOtic 'that the 7:
Town of Exeter will change back to Eastern Standard
Time at
Dr. McClure'n visit to Exeter
was sponsored by Huron Presby-
tery and the service was con-
ducted by Rev, Ernest Lewis.
Rev, Lloyd Brown,. convenor of
the presbytery missionary and
maintenance department also
assisted in the service. •
Motors for donating a car .to
the club. This kind of support W. H. Hodgson ,
cannot be spoken of too highly. , LTD. ' , i
The club will completely over-
1 • l th car ' part• - GENERAL INSURANCE
winter program and . possilsy M. J. Geiser W. H. Hodgson i
raffle off the car next surirrier. PHONE 24 EXETER
, s 4 ,....., $$ 1 ttttttt 11111111 ttttttttttttttttttt 1111144% .21
. • :
are not alone in the world
" Dr. McClure .warned.
e people have a choice be-
our doctrines or the doc--'
that are being brought to
Ton them fro. .China and i
a. We have two methods!
an use to help these peo-1
either through govern-'
channels or by our own
nal aid through overseas
Indians can be proud of
ork their .. government is
in the East." Dr. McClure
, "but it doesn't let. us out
in personal obligations."
a challenge to the church,
McClure stated .tbat only
'ut. of every three 'children
,Christian schools. but there
t room for the others'. "We
We Save You Money = 5.
Rubber Footwear II
Ice Skates
Men's, Boys' arid' children's
am quite sure an adult square
dancing club can be formed.
The necessary facilities and a s •
members include Jack Drysdale
John Heal, Harold knight, of
Hensall, and Les Parker, Ex-1
The conference began Saturday.
evening with a chicken barbecue!
and darite. Reports presented;
Sunday indicated' the clubs spent;
close to $300,000 during the past!
year on service work'.
business session, under the:
chairmanship of Mrs. Jack Drys;
dale, ,Hensall, district convenor..
44 lll l P lllll 11411114 tt I ll ll 41111111211112111p11441tIllit1 /111111114141111111 111111 1.11 PIP 11 011 I”1144144411111/111111,11fid
For the While
W6 Trade-Let's Deal .1 • s
ake all , three if you want
e the money," he said.
I channels of vocational • •
g are wide open -- it de- area officials
"I hope ypu will help us do
more the medical field," the
surgeon stated. "It only costs
$20 to treat a TB patient in In-
dia, and a two-year treatment
for leprosy only coats $10, but
we are dependen;. upon, you for
this assistance "
Dr. °McClure said ttiat the
form of. , evangelistic work was
Also rapidly changing in the
East, arid that it was no longer
possible, to change a poor, igno-
rant, illiterate, .heathen farmer
Club installs
Midnite, Saturday, Oct. 29
C. V. PICKARD, Town Clerk
We teaturi Bearhug
Ankle Supports
rs. Hirtzel
iative recently at a,, fall council' meet- lediton-n •
- Laura Hirtiell, widow „Ot Representatives of 70 of, the 74 Attending from the Exeter club' " Shoulder, Shin and Elbow l'ads", Gloves Pants
in South Huron Hospital. on nessed 'the ceremony .Executive cater and Mrs. Preszcator, Mr.!.
New district Kinsmen ex.ecii-
tive under Governor Bill Mickle, • Hensall, was officially installed
Kinettes conducted their own,
NEW! HOCKEY EQUIPMENT 1 'rig lir ;Stratford:7 . •-•
ate John ' Hirtzel, Crediton,, clubS in southern Ontario wit. were President Harold Presz-I
"The Store With The Gold Rond Stamps" i
.4esday, October 26 in her . . .
and Mrs. George nether and i • , , • . :
!•1!,Year. She had been a pa- **,ii'il;D: ' ' 1Mr. and Mrs. Art Claite. , : .
. , for the past five months:) pi Treitz of Creditor'. She' ;
s..1lirtzel was the former! Town tocs the Bensall club included Mr. PHONE 252 EXETER WUERTH S Those who were present from
•". • -". t tt .4* REPAIRING & SKATE SHARPENING (Strictly Cash) and Mrs. Ross Jinks, Mr. .and
Mrs. Bill Clement and Jim
Hyde. as Well. as the members
of the district body. •
000 oo oo 0000 00000 1111 000 1/411
Made her home on the farm ;
i of'Crediton since, her ,mar-;
to John Hirtzel who died
-15 years ago. She ,remained
Monday, Oit. 31 to
Saturciay, Nov. 4
JIB oLkott4 etionata 414 come, Aoseeximaystx SO PT
Mineral Oil
IDA Brand Heaq
Grade, 16 & 40-ox.
Reg, 5 g
• Mr.. and Mrs. Ed Wurrn., Ex-
eter, Mrs. Alvin Wilper and
Mr. Arthur Willett. of Dashwood
Spent a -few days in Ottawa with
F/14 M. S. and ..Mrs. Slezak.
Miss Alice .Claypole, Mrs.
Marion Learn and Miss Maxine
Reeder of Seuth, Huron Hospital
and Mrs. Fred Dobbs and Mrs.
J. G. Dunlop of .the, Hospital r a
Auxiliary attended the hospital'
convention , the ROM York,
Toronto, this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor,
Jean and. Miss Norma ,Dearing
of Sarnia visited with r. and
Mrs. Norman -Ford of Detroit'
over the past weekend. i !
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Wright, Mr. ;
and Mrs. •William Wright spent ;
the weekend in Chatham, guests
of Mr. and Mrs.! Stewart Wright
and. Mr. and Mrs. Jefty Keller
and. families anti also visited
jack Miner's bird. sanctuary at
Kingsville on Sunday. •
Mrs. M. TK. Madsen of Tor-
onto and Jamaica visited with
Mr., and Mrs. E. Corson this'
Mr. , and Mrs. Harry Fullard
spent the past two weeks with
their d.aughter, Mfrs. Goriki in
Mr. and Mrs. Don Santb.cott
and family visited in Sirritot on.
ANA NAILIES 16 1114155
Complete line
of plans,
at Conklin's
for the
Home Builder
AIS $11 09
Roclaido control,
Lightweight, 2-
Year Guarantee
Mrs..Lillian Blair has return-
ed frOm a trip ' to ' th W t
lie farm with her where ,she visited. with her son, ! two sells,and muurice. ; Andrew Blair -and family, New
e was a member of the Westminster, and Other 'relatives.
Ligelical' church,
e is survived 'by two clau.gh-
:.(Lauie:ne); Mrs. Emerson.
Stephen Tewhship, (Doro-
-. Mrs. Howard Renney, DO-!
three sons, Lawrente, Celi-
a, Harry and Maurice both
tephen; also three brothers
Treitz, Ridgeville, Edward
Ion; Edgar, Marsden Sask.,
eight grandchildren.
.e body is resting it the T.
7y Hoffman -funeral home,
"wood, until Saturday noon:, I
at the Evangelical 'Ul3
chwhere funeral service ,will!
place• at 2 'p.m. conducted
Elev. A. M. Schlenker, with
'meet i n Crediton ceme-
ireaten charges
"Heatniastie- Electric
HeAtinn Pad
S1.00 OFF
'I' here warned farmers
week to get their equipment
cover .for Hallowe'en.
ey also warned would-be
ikster,S, that anyone found
lig' away equipment th is
c will be charged. with theft,
Cecil Gibbons, in charge
re local detachnient, said all
ibers will be on patrol Mon-
$3 95 viTANAN
Whatever your project, .
large or small, well
be glad to help you
Consult us on .your
next job.
Halibut Liver Oil
100's 250's 500'4
Reg. SI.15 Reg. $2.29. Rog. $4.29
894 $1,39 43.49
B Buy oielly-Avoid ruth
1XPE131 ADVICE 9Etz •
y important feature of your
ntees that kit) can use the,
to meet changing )(feeds.
and just retired,
but still ode& proteetieni
him. Solution/
(lightly smaller 4111601A
th rio MOO, dOpOsitS,
retirement with fto
He also Wants to Sthp
Mote ineome 'or life,
ids in his policies into
tittatitti.t Lift Insurante
benefits. Set the Man ftofit
niption of their usefultiesse
A, Own, cul,