HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-1-12, Page 8•
S -Thursday, January 12, 1928.
Offe SupIies
Secure your new Office
Supplies now and start the
new year right with
Blank Books -Journals,
Ledgers, Day Books,
Cash Books, and Memo
Books of all sizes
inks, Mucilage, Paste and
Oleo. Pent:, Ink Stands,
Files in all eizea
New Canadian Almanac
for 1928
Cole's Book Store
to suffer from 'tore throat, bron-
c • asthuns
Catarrh, head colds, adrnoi,ls and
tonsil trouble", when 001)L) results
are guareneeed by using Mrs. Sy -
billa Spahr's Tonsilitis. Try itt.
Goderich Druggists.
Euchre and Dance
under auspices of Goderich
Women's Institute in
Thursday Evg., Jan. 19th
Cards at s 1.i o'eloek
Tickets - 5o cents
very satisfactory and amicable ar-
rangements Our fire-fighters have
rendered excellent service In the past
and, although ditltculllea have at times
arisen, now, with the proffered help of
(Continued from page 1) the byre Marshal'. departntent, and
Suture which wan a credit to your with a little diplomacy and guvd
judgment on the part of the commit -
cemetery and perks committee.
Work for the New Year. tee, 1 !aye no doubt that the problem
For the coming year, a great des' of tau and- will be solved at a very early
work confronts this year's cotinell. date. Undoubtedly, our citizens have
The roelerich Trotting and Pliant
mean auawhilt-dlafuata:d and alarmed.
Willi it will he up to the committee to
Association buys the council to, allay any auziety on their part by
submit a bylaw for a new grandstand
prompt and early action.
at the Agricultural Park. This will Our tows band, which has rendered
therefore, be up for cut rlderation at
an early date.
You will be naked. telso, to go ahead
with the construction of sidewalks on
hopetnoxi ld bclirve that their showing at
a number of streeti that have been the tlo Exhibition t6114 year *111.
Petitioned for. A set of new steps exceed their highest hope*. A good
will undoubtedly be required at the band is certainly one of the beat ad-
_ t. Waterloo street. The par- tea tuwu.can possibly have.
dial. of the cork
house yroloerThis year we should also make ear y
other properties overlooking thee lake
preparations for basing an outstand-
and river will demand }our attention. 1
tug celebration of Dominion Day. Let
it 1* truly Uoderich Day and let a
make a real holiday for the whole
county of Huron.
Il)uring the year a public'avatory or
room should be provided if suit -
quarters canfoundand
such commendable servive during Cen-
teu:ial year, must be eneouraed and
fot+tered during the year 1928. We
Applications will be received
by the undersigned up to noon,
February 7th, 1928, to fill five
vacancies on the Brigade.
Applicants must live within
the fire limits.
Sec. of Fire Dept.
Certain properties will have to
acquired now or the chance will be
lost for all time.
Some additional laud ut Maitland
cemetery w111 have to be purchased or
frontpart of the
Dead Body Left at Door of Ills
Parents' Holme
On Wednesday. 1►eeember 14th, John
Brown. aged twenty-six, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Moat Brown, of Eliot. Mich.,
former residents of the 12th a netess'on
of Ashfield. near :1mieriey, wean done
to his death In some yet unknown man-
ner. MrT Wrown wee a valued em-
ployee in the experimental department
of the Buick Motor Company at Flint
and in tions of rush would work over-
time,and not eome home for his supper.
Be bad not come home that evening
and at 11 o'clock the phone rang. Nis
mother answered and a voice asked
Mrs. Brown if "Jack" had arrived
home ver. She replied fn the nega-
tive, but the person at the other end
of the wire insisted thnt he had. as he
out_in Profit of the house.
Mrs..Bmwn went to the door and on
opening 11 found the body of her son
lying face dow-nwnrd on the step. She
at once secured help. but the doetnr
stated that the young map bad been
-dead at least two hours. A gaping
wound was found. in the neck. which
else the or southern ab$ be if the also Mrre•stgns of strangulation, and
cemetery will require to le arrang4lve nn each temple was the mark of a
into plots, trees set out and arrange- i�More t he rstreet( ot eeatlights should 1e fur- blow. 1Vitifnit n doubt the uufortn-
meuts made for the sale of lots In that nate young own hod been murdered.
niched in certain sections of the town, The telephonevun!I was traced and the
section. Ase rate "ha and out" road pee movements n the murdered man were
pa also, n. It is b - all odds the Chea t
-dtould nil ibeger 4,0delayeel- "stye-tu },slice levee. tion whi. h caw be ,Rerwl. t Up To rite rmw hP weitYlnr
the carers caused by the almost ex -
This Tis matter, however, is also some I suptlerttt a pines he often frsgnented
elusive use et automobiles. The fence ' what dependent on the amount of Two. men have been placed under ■r
front -t --lase prs9p sty should also 1 fuocwe antielde for aApijal_ t<liendl__�e nits of the tnotseat and
1w completed as 140011 as possible. taw T•�
tures. Investigation are not yet `known.`.
No opportunity should be lost in Our finance committee should make Has Relatives Here
importuning the Government to tee an Immediate survey of the town's
that harbor Improvenw-rta - are pro finances. This work should be done
seeded with. as over fifty per tent. of
our labor finds employment at our
waterfront.' .
1ntr Reeve and Deputy Reeve should
make it a }sent to ecce that money to
our credit with the county for highway
purposes is made available for use on
our street-. We also think that Cam-.
brta road as a c•onnecting link should
be again assumed. In fact. we never
could_uuderstand why it was dropped
as a county rood after being taken on
by the county for • year or two. They
should also see that the widening of
the hill road. leading to Saltford. is
proceeded with as soon as w�'ather con-
ditions permit.
Our idle factories must engage our
serious and immediate atl:ndnn.
The contents of the National Ship-
building ('o. should be sold. and as
noon as this Is done we shall be In a
pontoon to know jnst what we eau do
with the buildings themselves.
Any help we may be able to render
Mr. I"helacker should be forthcoming
at once in order to get the Artcraft
Furniture Co. under way once more.
It is unnecessary to point out what
a tremendoks asset these faetorien
would be to all the cltlsens if they
were employing say 100 or 1501work-
Reorganization of Fire Brigade
The first duty of our tire committee
will be the reorganization of the fire
brigade. While this task is a pressing
one, we do not :see any serious ole lose one per, cent. of our coal a month.
atacles in the way of arriving at a That's practical chemiatry."
forthwith, and should not be left nn -
til the end of the year is los.mlryt up.
Our overdraft must be very materially
Arrangements will also love to he
made for the issue and sale of the de-
bentures to take care of the town's
the H❑ road
c pa
This is. at present. being borne by the
Provincial Highways Department. but
Fannot longer Ile carried In this way.
May 1 ask that all our members 1*
prompt in their attendance at all meet-
ings and let us make It a point to 1*
through with all our deliberations not
later than 10.30 p.m.
My best wishes are with this council
for 1928.
His New Chemistry
"Young gentlemen." said the lecturer
in chemistry. "coal exposed to the ele-
ments Iowa ten per cent. of its weight
and power. This Is due to the action
of the alkali constitueutr of-"
"But what if there b a dog sleeping
near the coal Profeesorl"
"None of your levity. young man.
This Is a serious matter."
"That's what dad thought when
seventy-two per cent. of our coal pile
disappeared during three nights of ex-
psure.' Then he asked my advice. as
a student in chemistry, and I told him
to buy a dog. He bought a dog, with
large-sized teeth, and now we don't
011e Motto Is :
Our entire stock of ladies' and
misses Dresses must be sold. To
do this quickly, we have made
wonderful price reductions on
our entire stock
Dresses, regular $21.00, for $13.95
"� $17.50, for $11.95
" $15.00, for $ 9.75
" $14.00, for $ 8.85
All Children's Dresses at clearance prices.
ular 85.50 value for
Reg- $2.25
A few of this season's ladies' and misses' Winter Coats
left. These will be offered at greatly reduced $18.50
prices. Coats regular $27.00, for
Sale Starts Friday, January 13th, and Will
Continue for Two Weeks
"Good Service, Small Profits and Big Turnover"
$aunuIe%' Ready•toWear and Dry Coods Store
The funeral of John Brown took
place In Flint on Friday. December
18th. and was. largely attended. es-
pecially by the ltniek employees. as he
was very popular among his fellow -
workmen. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Brown. of Amitertey. attended. the lat-
ter being a (lister of deceased's. Mr.
Walter Brown. of Amberley, 1a a con -
sin. It nose with a feeling of shock
and sorrow that the community around
Ashfield end Amterley learned of the
untimely death of this young man
noels -tragic circumstances.-
Kincardtne Reporter.
Contributions Acknowledged by l'hlld-
ren's Aid Society
The monthly meeting of the Huron
County Children's Aid and Humane
Society was held in the office of the
superintendent on Tuesday afternoon.
There was a good attendance. Some
interesting lettere were read and cares
discussed and advice given the super-
intendent as in how test to deal with
them. Accounts amounting to $77.88
were presented and ordered paid. The
superintendent reported tive children
In the Shelter and none returned dur-
ing the month; a very desirable baby
boy, eight months old, for adoption.
and one two year- old. Also u Uethulic
home 1s wanted for a girl of fourteen
where she could hen helper and attend
low List of Occupation Compiled by
the Britiab Ministry of Labor.
It the average man were asked to
Mats how y ways there were
makl g a lliivng. he could el ubtlees
semptle • pretty long list; but 1t
would tall very far short of being
Complete. Many of our experts to
statistics, even, would fall in the
teat, because there are altogether
Nome 141,414/4 forms of employttt
t in
the Britlsb Empire, says Answers.
The 14tatlrticxl experts of the Brit-
ish Ministry of Labor have just com-
pleted a five years' eompilatton of a
dictionary of occupations which,
when published, will consist of over
300 pages. During their task they
have brought to light many trades of
which ,the majority of people have
never heard until now.
know, for instance, what ti
school. Do you
Thetol14wIxL ouutributiuus were r- "Mrs shifter" Isf No, it is not a
ported and am gratefully acknowl- gentleman who turns his wife cut of
the house, but Merely the name ;Iran
to a woman who works a shilling -
machine Donations machine In a jute factory. An "eye -
Mrs. James ('lark. 32: Mrs. B. 11- aper" sounds ratter sinister and
Evans, 31 ; Dr. J. C. Candler, Clinton,
$2; A. Whiteside, $2; Itev. D. Me-
'ravlah, Exeter. 31; Mary E. Hale,
Exeter. $1; Mrs. A. G. Gamble. 310;
MISS Ethel It. Finch. It -Ingham. fl:
Jos. C. Carrie. 11; Mrs. E. W. Carrie.
$2; Stanley township, $10; Mocha
Temple, L"n4nu. $•25- Mrs. 1'. E. Stile.
31: W. R. Archibald. Seaforth, $1: E. slops. "11.., :acs" IS Auothe: ..-
.. Dean, $2: the Millers, Detroit. !'::r` zlu.;; tern. [cid is o--wrrtio .. wh
50; F. Woollcombe. g'_; \Its, Sarah moulds 'and cn[; halibut, .n +p;, -:-
Bentley. t2_; A. Friend. Belgrave, 35; tial eump:r tttac.
Ws stfielt Itstsehnll Chic, k t : Robert ' are ' bU14U twatmen " apt ut:
Scott. Brussels, 31; Wm. Price, .1: In B. iia
Benmlll, r Sunday w boob $.'..72: O. L. own
Parsons. 310; Goderich Elevator &
Transit Co., 325; A. M. Rohertaon.
310; Thames ltoad Sunday wilted. $10:
(`reliton Evangelleal Sunday school.
31.5; 'town of Clinton. 325; McKillop
township, 320; township of Usborne.
$10 village of Brussels. 310.
Other Donations
Swills Coal CO., load of chestnut
roil: rs. Carrie. sr.. oranges and
bananas• Mrs. Foster. potted meat;
Mrs. B. A. Evans! jar of fruit ; Home
e resaes. bloofn-
I iris 1
and Schon Cub, g
er. undereteer. stockings and baby.
dresses: Mope Leaf ('hapter. 110.1).E..
two tables, 4 chairs and rocking chair
e Society's wards not
reninlaceut of some e� those d, lighl-
tul people connected with the Span-
ish Inquisition; but it only retets to
those who earn a weevily wad,• b3
Sittig the eyes lit needles.
Aro you a "higgler" This 1s th,
tecanical naw. tar a pedlar or 11.tv.k
er alto m k s a Speciality et pr�.vu.
TW-Holhorne township nowt) met
January Oth. at I1 a.m.. as per statute.
Members all prelent. the whole coun-
cil of 1927 returning by acclatnatiob
as result of the nomination meeting.
Minutes of De ember 15th .meetlug
adopted. on motion of Councillors
Thom and Wilson. On motion o
Councillors Young and Goldtho
the clerk was instructed to order 11
moles of The Municipal World and
fire copies of 1927 Consolidated Muni-
cipal Act for use of members of coun-
cil. On motion of Councillors Young
and Goldthorpe the auditors' salaries
were raised to 39. Bylaws 1. 2 and
3 of 1928 were passed appointing all
Officials the same as last year and sal-
aries the same as last year, with the
exception of auditors'. On motion of
Councillors Goldthorpe and Young the
collector's time was extended to Jan -
nary 19th, when the roe moat be re-
turned to the treasurer. The clerk
was Instructed to ask the Highway De-
partment for a grant according to re-
port of expenditures as sent In from
township. The elerk was Instructed to
advertise for tenders for welghmaster
at McGaw. The clerk was Instrueted
,to get supplies from The Municipal
World for officials. The treasurer re-
ported receiving 3292.71 from the
county for taxes uncollected by town-
ship. On motion of Councillors Young
and Thom bylaw No. 9 of 1917 WA. fin-
ally passed as corrected au,t revised
by clerk acenrding to decisions of
court of Ilevlsion on proposed Toung
['reek drain aewssment. The road
snpertntendent's Touchers were-ptpswF
'Ind signed by the Reeve and the treiu-
nre•r, nn motion of Cmrneillors Wtlwn
and Young. Council adjnnrnel to
meet February 14th at 2 p.in.
Tewu-hip Clerk.
and to one of
In the Stetter, e
Mrs. W. J. Taylor,
basket of apple.: A
D. E., toys and ran
l'hrletta. cake; Misslon Band, Pres-
byterian church. flint an. four &scrap
books and 'Stables' boot s: Miss Me-
Vieer, two new bats; a Friend. one
goose; Cleveland's Bakery,'one Christ-
mas cake and some fruit lo WIN: Rev.
Mr. Armstrong. from Wrozet United
itnnday school. box toys, dolls. litotes.
shoes. mitts, aweeter, caps, babes bon-
net and muff; ladies' Aid. Taylor's
Corners. bag of apples; Menesetpng
Canoe Club. tax of toys; n Fri
basket of apples: S. A. Gray Co
child's clothing; Sheppard and Cle-
ment. pail of honey; Miss 1 -`air, nuts
and candy; Sparr'a Grocery. fruit,
outs and candy; Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Price. fruit and candy; Mrs. K. C.
(',ark. rake and sandwiches; C. A.
Robertson. barrel apples.
rf. gloves end hose:
three jars fruit and
meek Chapter. 1.0.
: E. G. Smith.
Mrs. Wm. Tait spent Christmas
visiting relatives at Detroit. ,
Dr. W. F. Clark returned on Tues. -
.from his visit to Michigan.
Mtas Vine Lurton spent Christmas
and New Year's with relatives in
molt. -
Mrs. Sneyd has gone to Toronto.
where she will spend the winter
Mr. J. ('. Blacketoa-e, of Owen Snnnd,
rislted his brother and slitter In town
this week.
Mr. D. E. Holmes was at Stratford
or pilot scavenger beat` cant!
remove refu;c from larger v• a. its
Somettntee a bt:::[boat tar.) n'su b
used for unloading perishalh• tat
goer from ships which are unable it
get Into port. •
"Cuff -button folders," "v:hip-tai n -
makers," "Quilt-p'n cutters."
"chair -nail stamper•"--ier«-al"-' ' L•
red to is this dictionary, ono
terms wh?ch explain tlt,•tnseleo:: ' 01.
I n.
rh•t set..
"petty cltapnnen." '"puk
"ruileym-n.' and p..nuera" s..
prove rather more pout 1e..
will sell by public auction at Mr.•
Janos Blair's farm, Cut line, Goderich •
township, on
eommeuctng at 1.30 o'clock, sharp:
(Inc bay horse, about 1700 lbs.; 7
Meek boo*, alo0ult 1?f00 MCI 1 eow, tl
years old, due .111 March; 1 cow, 0.
years old, due In March; 1 cow, $
years old due 1n May; -1 cow, 7 years
old, due in May; 1 heifer, 2 yeah old.
due in March; 1 heifer, 2 years old.
due In April; 3 heifers, 1 year old 1' 2
broad sows. doe aloof April 1s1: 3
stone ides, about 190 tbs.; 10 Oxford
and Lelesler ewes; 1 purebred Shrop-
shire ram: NI young Barred Rock
haus: 3 geese and 1 gander; 3 turkey
hens and 1 gobbler; 1 Massey-Harrty
hinder. new; 1 Massey -Harris mower.
5 -ft. cut : 1 Massey -Harris hay. rake; 1
Massey -Harris 11 -disc fertiliser drill:
1. set of disc harrows; 1 cultivator; 2
set' of harrows: 1 walking plow; 1
double riding plow; 1 single riding
plow: I Rain wagon; 1 set of Bain
sleighs: 1 buggy; 1 scoop hay reek; 1
Hat hay rack; 1 wood flay rack: 1
Gray gas engine, 41•i h.p.; 1 Primrose
cream separator: 1 spray pump, 200
tt.', pressure can he attached to en-
gine. Numerous other articles.
Ever( thins must be disposed of. as
tuoprletar has hit his barn and out-
buildings by are. and In ease the weo-
he held inside at Mr. Blair's.
TERMS -Ail ,sums of 310 and
under. cash; over that amount nine
months' eredit will be given on furnish-
ing approved joint notes. A dlacount
of 4 per cents straight allowed for
casts on creiit amounts.
Proprietor. Auctioneers.
Mr. Iteg. Williams has returned to
Toronto after spending holidays at the
home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. A.
A. Williams. He was accompanied by
his stater, Miss Ina Williams. alto will
visit In Toronto for a few weeks.
ALLIN.-At LueLnow, on Monday.
January Dth, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Aloin, a son -
Tenders will be received by the clerk
op to January Slat, 192fs. for weigh
master at McCaw (Township scales).
Highest or any tender not neces-
rily accepted.
Township Clerk.
Telephone No. 119
Saler a:tended to anywhere and every
effort made to give satisfaction.
Farmers' sale notes discounted.
The Auctioneer,
will conduct and arrange any sale 00
the latest methods to get the best re-
sults. See him or drop a card and be
will give it Immediate attention.
Farm sales a specialty. Eldon 9t,
MR. 'B
will hold an a
and grain at hi
eesedoti 7. F D.
commencing at 1 o'el k.
Everything mast be Id, es farm Is
rented. PRANK P. 018138. CHARTERED
JO PURVIS, Accountant. 102 Ontario strew
nctloneer. Stratford. Phone 1580. Res. 1330J.
Ion sale of farm stock
premises, lot 7. con -
field. on
Equipped - with elsetromagnetle
baths. Electronic electric treatments
and chiropractic. Chronic organic and
nervous diseases. Lady in attendance.
Office hours 2 to 5, and 7 to 9 p.a.
excepting Monday and Thursday af-
Lternoons and evenings, aad by ap-
Residence and orate --Corner of
South street and Britannia road.
grocery or office. Also apart-
-oa Saturday taking yt-nese In const M -ascot. ave rooms with bath.. Immedl,-
f,re Judge Killoran.-_ 'ate possession given. Apply to ALEX.
Miss Verna -swum*. of Bryan, SAUNDERS.Ooderieb.
' (►hiu. was a reenr suitor at the hen*
of her ':ether. Mr. K. ows.
Mra. It. Henderson, East street. was
at London this wick attending the
_ - Spirella New Tour's demonstration
Mese. '
(7(1LRORNE Rev. G. and Mrs. Jewitt were called'
('hrlstmns testa: to Brussels on Tuesday by rho sudden
death of Mr. Jewitt's slater, Mrs. Wm.
Jr. IV. -Kathleen Williams RI per hall of that place.
ctrl. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Graham left
Sr. iii. Keith Fearnn 83 per D'e'nt.. yesterday for Efts Angeles and will
WilmerRntledge 70. Eileen rowan spend the remainder of the winter in
(/t. Merle Kerr 4R. California. visiting at several points
Sr. i1. -Kenneth \Vllliams 85 per- yb lie State.
cent.. iteusnn Feeean 74. •Benson Mrs. W. Donaldson and baby Katie
Kerr 42.
Daily marks for November and De-
Jr, IV. -Kathleen Williams 1.:49.
Sr. 111. -Keith 1'engnn 12\2. Witmer
Rutledge 1130, Eileen Fewgan 1128,
Merele Kerr 512.
Sr. il.--Kenneth \Villlnms 1R13. Ing the holldoys with relatives at
pennon reegan 1011. Benson Kerr 73.i. 1\•Inds"r and Detroit.
1.-i►rrnaid Wttlfams 1445. Winntfred Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Williams with
Wntson 10CA. Kenneth Kerr 732. their daughter. MIss Edith, returned
Rr. Pr. -Gordon Williams 920.
on \lnnelnc rfrnm indlanatynlls,' where
Jr. Ph -Phyllis Kerr 430 Arthur
.lnnea 300.
-teen have returned to their home at
Stratford after a ten dnye' visit with
the former's mother, Mrs. Stokes,
ltroek street.
Mrs. r Hamilton and daughter
Evelyn and Mrs. R. Arnold and daugh-
ter lteatri,•, have returned after spend -
Those marked • hare miese t days or
Number on roll, 14; eremite, 12.3.
MABEL. L. worms. Teacher.
Wiping Out the ('ern -honer
(Whitby (layette-('hronicle)
In view o' the spread of the con -
borer to South Ontario and the reeent
appolntmeni of an inspector who is
new en the job, farmers. seed men and
other type' of agrirulturiets in On-
tario orlon tv will be Interested in
learning that the corn -borer has been
erasiIeateel from the county of Eases,
where at one time It was a colossal
pest. That Is lint another step in re-
setrrh work in this Province. Inspec-
tor Hedrick has Informed the Eimer
county -canon tbst the corn -borer ham
been definitely defeatvel In that part
of the eonntry, and time it can be In
other prods as well. But the inspector
Is urgent in deelartng that the great
seen* of doing SO Is that the farfiere
mutt keep their lends clean. Tits,
says The Cohourg Sentinel -Star. is a
newlt,1 lesson. There are .1111 prate
wMeh naght to he got rid of. and
whkh rnshl 1* got rid of. fir tt Mitt
very greatly dlminiehed. by nnited
action of the farmers. Selencr hum
told them what to do in a great many
of these cash, In order to effect this.
they sp s'ts vthree weeks with their sols.
Mr. G M. Williams.
Mr, T. H. Mitchell, of the ikrrntnion
Road Machinery Co.. who hos beet
etntdned to his hone by illness for
several weeks. Is Improving sntisfac-
torily rind will soon he able to return
to his oflk'e.
Mr. Ed. G. Prldhnm, after a visit of
two or three weeks here with his par-
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Welter C. Prid-
ham, left on Toesdny for New York
City M spend n few drys with his sis-
ter. Mrs. Hoglund, before retnrning to
Mr. M. C. Swensen received word
last week of the death of his brother,
George A. Swanson, which oecnrred In
1Mnthern Cnllfornin after a year .rent
la hnnpltnl. The deceased left Ond-
Pvich about thtrtr tire years nen and
for the lust thfrtr-two Test', hod Tired
In California. His last visit to (lnd-
erieh was seven years ago 5Rd he was
planning fn Pomo Again In lOt4. fie
was not married. H. la snrrtved M
one slater, Mrs. David Cantelen. of
V.neonrer, R.0 , enol three hrothefie.
Indite John D. Swanson, of Kamtospe,
R.C.: William, of Hamilton. and Mag -
nn. C., of lloderlch.
Late (louse Surgeon New York Opa-
\tbalmlc and Aural Hospital, assistant
Moorefield Eye - Hospital and
den Square Throat Hospital, Loa -
FOR SALE don. Eng.
• :.?\>L'aterloo St. lie*.Stratford. Tef-
U1 wood for sale. BAXTER & TUR- At Hot
TON, R. R. 5, Goclerieh. Phone 17 . eserine o
Carlow. `
t Bedford. Goderich, on the
third Monday of each
• month till lite following day, Tuesday,
SALE. -in first-elass condition.
Apply to DONALD MacKAY, P. 0.
Box 457. Goderich.
TY FOR SALE. -At corner of t Barrister and Solicitor
tennla road and William street. TenT1, - 10 ling Street east, 1
rooms besides bathroom, clown. etc. Telephones Elgin
Good furnace. All conveniences. Toe IiUDLEY E. HOLMEB
terms and further particulars apply to Barrister, Etc.
Omce-Hamil ton street, (loiterllb
Phone 27.
DONALD MacKAY, P. 0. Box 41,
Goderich. tf
8. BEDFORD, Cohourg street, j' R. DARROW, BARRISTER, ETI
Goderich: tf /Weenier to J. L Killoran.
Phone 97.
Office -The Square. Oodericb.
The annunl meeting of the ('olterne
Muni1ipll Telephone System will he
held in the Township Hall. Carlow. on
Thursday. January 10, at 1.30 p.m.
The annttel stntntory meeting of the
Goderich Industrial and Agri, nlnurnl
Society will 1* held in the town hall.
Goderich. on Friday afternoon. .fan -
nary 20th, at 1.30 p.m , for election of
officers, receiving hinnpclal statement
and general bnsinese.
The Connell of the Corporation of
the County of Huron will meet In the
council ehamtw'r, (ioderieh, fit 2 o'clock
In the afternoon of Tuesday. the 24th
day of Janntry. 190 A11 neronnts
agsln5t the County most he in the
bends of the clerk not leiter than Mon-
dey preceding the meeting of Connell.
080. W. 11(11.MAiN.
County Clerk.
Goderich, .Ian 1901. 1928. 2t
*'tape a 'lave
k.C.HAYS-R.C.HAYS is.. R.A.
Hamilton St., lloderien
SURANCE CO. -Farm and iso
hated tows property Insured.
Officers --Jas. Connolly, Fres., (lod•-
ertch P. 0.; Jus. Evans, Vice -Pres..
Beechwood P. 0.; D. r. McGregor.
Sec.-Treas.. Seaforth P. 0.
Directors -A. Broadfoot, R. S.
No. 3, Seaforth; John 0, Orteve, Ns.
4, Walton; William Sinn, R. R. No -
2. Selatorh ; John Bennewles. Brod-
bagen ; Geo. McCartney, R. R. No. 8.
Seaforth; Robert Ferris, Harloek;
Murray Gibson, Rrnce4eId; James
Evans. Beechwood; James Commit,.
Agents -J. W. Yeo, tloderleb;
Alex. Leitch, R. W No. 1, (Uintoe
Jobe Money, Ssefortb ; le. Riaehloy,
Seaforth. Polley holders ran sake all
payments and got their cards receipt.
ed at R. J. Mnrrlah's Clothing Stora.
Cliutos ; R. H. Cwtt's Grocery, Kiss-
able street, Ooderteh, or J. R. Roid's
General Stara, Rabbit