HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-1-12, Page 7THE SIGNAL County and District Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Caldwell. of the new municipal council, all :he members 2nd cuneenalo of Stanley, celebrated of the 1W27 council who presented their silver wedding on January 1st. r hemeelves for re-election having been John Mt•iluhls. 7th concession of defeated. W. D. Sanders, who was )(orris. died Det•cnlber :Seto having Reeve for five years. w•as bowled out suffered a stroke a few days writ nusly. He w'aa seventy-three years of age and Is survived by four sister*. Elizabeth ('amptw11, widow of the by Chas. B. Snell. Mrs. \1'111. liawden had a fall in the house. one day last week and fractured a lone in her wrist. • late James McDienntd, of Stonier- Andrew Hackney passed away at his township, Immo! sway Januar)- and, home in Exeter on Deeemh r 38th, in i, his sixty-sixth year. Ile is survived by hls wife. formerly Susan Kernttt of Wawanosh, and by several brothers and 'deters. Mr. and Mrs. (`tea. Way and family lett last week for Ingersoll. where Ile, Way has n taraltlon with the Lon- don Life Assurance Co. John Lore. son' of Mr. and Mrs. a hvo, died at the Exeter hospl- tal early Snndnc wonting. in his six- teenth year. He had been operated on 'u the dayw before for apls•udlcltlx and eowpli"ettious set - in which resulted fatally. • utter a lingering Wiles!! line dello ter, Mrs. 1) A. AIkenhead. of Stanley. s u ry l ves. Robert Kar, of Wroxeter, diel 1n the Wiugbam huspttul Inst Thursday morin- ing. Deeeamel. w•he lived alone in Wroxeter, was Lound to be settouall III at his home with pneumonia and was Susie(. to the ii Altai tie was sixty -Ave years of age. uumarrietL afT is survived by three brothers. The marriage of clan, Marla. young- est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Kuntz, of Dashwood. to Arthur H. Koessel. of Lansing. Mich., took place December 2:ird at Farmington, Mich. Rev. I'. Grammer. who was Castor at ZURICH Dashwood for a number of years. offi- ciated. Mr. and Mrs. Ko•ssel will re- Mrs. Mary Merrier had a bad fall at aide at Lansing. Mich. her homy in the village one dity last The death of John Mri;aw. jr.. of week. and as she is nearing 1110 ninety Kincardine, occurred on Tuesday. Jan- mark it is feared that the result may uary 3rd, atter an operation for appen- br serious. dulls. Deceased was forty-eight Wm. Lamont, who recently sold his -yea map• and slant lib elitTrellte j residence lseeeToi): Koehler. has Isar • In Kincardine, where lie Was enpDRefi chase( the flne dwelling pn.Je•rty in in the fishing indutery, being 1n part- the Tillage of A. A. Wetor. formerly ns'rsilip with bis brother George in the . „word by A. Mellt•k ami wilt by ('. ownership ut the tont lineari 1iireed.. Thomas Welsh. a well-known M*1 Annonnwment was made last week dent of Ripley. diet at hitt home in that ('layton (•'Delo"1 Hoffman: an that village on January 3rd. in his Exeter old. (Boy now living at Galt. eighty-seennd year. Lie w'as 111 poly a had teen appointed manager of the week. his death being due to linen- Galt 0.11.A. intermediate team. movie. Ile leaves a widow and a fain- George Thiel, local liveryman, who ply of ilx 1141tthters_._N_attis•w \%aks. he- been awarded the e.ntract to carry of Huron townehip. iand William ,nail awl express from Zurich to lien Welsh. of Kincardine. are brothers. mall, eenutaetNed Ms duties last week. A quiet wel.1We took ptar'e at the The wedding took pima reeently at United church manse. Henenll. when St. Peter's Cathedral, Londen...1 MIs. Rev.. Mr. Sinclair united in marriage Velma Kelateiu. of London. to Daniel Miss Kathryn Marie ifl+•k. eldest 1 Miner. of the %Awe elty. een of. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Dyck. \I'llliAm Miller of Zurieh. The young near 'Hersall, to Gurdon Daley Cud{ ,•„u14e wih reside at London. more. aet•retd son of the late Mrs. Aliee Zurich had many visitors by automo• (•udmttre. of 1'ab..me. The young ' bile from Detroit during the holiday couple tett on the evening train for ,;Cason. and most of them had to gn London. where they will make their baek by railway. leaving their core until the roads are eiear of snow. -Rev. H. Remise hes resiatwd the torate of- bite Lutheran church here.. after serving twelve year'. and it is expected lie will leave in the spring. . future bonne. K1175-1 Muerte Rtlplerosree tis• s••erhe Of a 0011 westdtng n0 SRtwnlar. De-- eember 31st. when Catherine. youngest daughter of Mrs. Annie Murray, was united In marriage to Th. W. 1►. Mc- Leod of Ripley. Rev. Geo. W. (?on- - sera, -Ph.D_ performed the ceremony. The bridesmaid was Miele Margaret McLeod. of Toronto. •atster of the groom, and Rosa H. Marten was Leat man. Dr. and Mr.. M,•1.eod left after- wards nn.n trip to Detroit and on their return will retlde at Ripley, where the groom carries on a dental practice... lu CKNOW Rave you beard about Pepsi Peps Is a scientific preparation pat op 1■ pastille for, which provides a■ entirely new and ef- fective treatment fur coughs, colds, chest and throat troubles. Peps contain certain sedleisal Ingredients, whiich, when placed upon the tongue, lansediatel tarn Into vapor, and are breathe down the air passages to the langs. On the& journey, they soothe the inflamed and irritated membranes of the bronchial tubes, the delicate walls of the air pas- saaes, and finally enter and earry relief and healing to the luras. II bile no liquid or solid ran get to the lungs and air passages, - thete Peps fortes get there direct, and healing imminence.. 1-,-, ar . [rat testa artleie, w r i t e across H the awe aad late or this paper, ala mail it (with le. salaam to par return postage) Toronto. A fr.. trial All will titer be ,.at yon. All druggists sad stores sen teeps_25e box. Q GODERICH, ONT. $unday Afternoon By ISABELHAMILTON, Goderich, Ont.. No hope can on the law be built Of Juetltying grate; The law that stows the sinner's guilt Condemns him to his fate. Jesus! bow glorious is Thy grace' When in Thy name we trust; Our faith receives a righteousness That makes the tanners Just. • -Isaac Watts. PRAYER THE WRECK[ OF THE "REDWING” (Continued from page 6) basket. and telt her hence sutl-bat Oa her htad, while I was taking a sackful of tins off the larder shelf. 'They al- ways keep kerosene tins down at the jetty tank for water." I said. I saw it canoe moored it the stake fast night lt'e the one I generally take out on the reef. We ,an run it outweivet, and meet Paul touting back. None of them would chat' us on their own authority. but were 'fermi gets well enough to give an' order. I'd not give twopence for our iivt's. Come oil." When we got dc;vn to the jetty. It was near cull sundae: the hints had begun shouting in the bush; the 1011 waters mf the lagoon were silk pearl. pelt of the Island, the Beyond the s et long black line of Herod'' fast lauurlt was cutting a sharp wake lu the open Our gracious, heavenly Father, we sea. To encowuer Ilerod's creature -thank Thee that we have an advocate 'nom, before I'Mui Bowes was on board• with Thee wile came not .Q_Aest-_ro t was the last thing Laurie or 1 desired. but to fulfil the law, and, in so doing. I but we knew we should run no rink by did open a way whereby sinners following le•hind on the track of the might return to Thee and and peers launch: she would be out of sight in and rest. Grant us graee to trust Itlm half an hour. wholly. In His name we pray. Amen. j We wonted furiously; both of us feared lacing found by any of the fleet S. rad, 1928 sen or their people It was too much •rte the bride of the day set sail in a tot into Aki's eager hands. Thursday, January It 1I-'7 McEwen's Every Day Prices Finest Seedless Raisins, 2 Ile fur r 2bc New Seeded Raisins. per pkg ` ISc New Bleached Sultana ltaisita, ier lb 20c ('lean Currants, per Ib 4 lbc I)rietl Apricots, per Ib c Dried Pritchett, per, lb _--_-• - 21cNew Stock ofntDates. Pies and Prunes 2.5cCandied Leon and Orange !'eel. per li . 25c Citron Peel. Iwr Ib Cut Mixed Peel, lemon, orange and citr.•n. per Ib ' c Flavoring Extract, lemon Of vanilla z bottle 10c or 3 for >25c Cocoatlut, per It:r. • _ - McEw'en'a Baking Powder. her tin .---_- 90c and 2&Try our Sac Tea. It ha- leen a winner. A new supply of Oranges, Irina.. s;rt{e• Fruit, Bananas. New Season'' Crop of Nuts m( all kiwis. Olixed. at per Ib 25c Look into our Dry Goods and China Depart- ment. Our prices sell the goods Goods delivered promptly to All parte of the town without charge J. J. McEWEN Phone 46 South Side of Square S. I.ES841N FOR JAN.. 2' to l ';e that Herod's employees would that caught my eye. as I bundled the Les -on Topie lPsus and the Law. Lesson Pasaage--Mark ::18-::: 3: canoe. without coming along to ask -She must be a pretty gird." he 1-6. some queetion about the matter. Ther. cackled, testing rite weight of metal Golden Text -Matt. 5:17. w••nld follow enquiry at the Big House with a swing of his wrists. -Go now. We find this discourse recorded by not au'rtroti who ered esuflkfentlyr utHerod leadtheri blit. d." Iwill be a. l heft him trying to makae !, nem. 4 Matthew, Mark and Luke right after e+,om®sad hie agent x11iLJlja sensitive hlindman's rangers. the feast that Mat- THE Jg 1 gnlre•l t + tet found x de• their aeconnt-ef Its unr • awac, i rnrl The West Street Electrical Shop d hide Laurie the value of a large white token in - BEE'S PART IN maty y Seen _ _ (_Orsi. Pu that It Is quite likely it. ons In the !lettere of the canna, ami nr.ls iy - ., of Merit PRODUCTION OF CROPS would nets r me Haut and mast a That hall f 1 it • livered on that. occasion. The fulloM•era of John the Baptist time the i•huld folk had ween 1111set how." 1 tared to myself. splashing 4Experimental arms Note) „( Jess? and s [nay checked apple or juicy pum. ever were troubled about the different con- forth just as 1 was doing now. in an through the tea -warm Shallows. "AAI'How Homany of u', when eating s - . tttrlggwl stilling ,ans• i. to m {anter 'erit is tieing very eiltttly rewanted duct of the disciples themselves, and they came inquiring about the reefs and Buie Witte by what he has got." twlyin¢ the habits of the sea rwt- (.auric N'As in the calks` before me: think of the forces that combined t" the rcawon for this dlRen•u:r. The a grCutch lUllehlua fruit? We se thlaPturps that formed my aide[ inheres[ U1 -he had eoih.i herself Ilke a young asst the groo Pharisees fasted often. angularly twice . e wing plants, admire their love- hesldee the great gutiott*i dugs life. If we avoid get we should In the hollow of the dug ant keel. and linters whew in mows. and rejoice wi,t wr•ise .n 4_4 fasting. This was the established have all the time there was till late in 'amid not. be. /Peal frnut the shore. wltS Ili. but the fa. i-ustom of the land, and John the Bap- - tits-4-1-ry --I- rh+ir. 14611114.f.14611114.f. No natives Luckily for ber,_tbe canoe was one they. are laden tors which aided to hrinidng about the list did not feel authorized to make so weNbi dare to venture near the Inas that I had often used myeeif. and dual t•hieveuent escape us. One ¢Sint a change as to dispense with 11. tar's carefully (soda and jealously therefore kept well caulked. I ttrkllc, fruitim- portant factor in the production "f '('hey were drslr„ua of knowing.there- gtiard, i ets•Inldou, above all on such a also. i had hail plenty of practice incl fruit or seed is that of cro•P-fertill- lac ua this. Otaw well awac, I thought -II the not too ea?r art of paddling n dug- sation, Experiments have shown that fere, why Jesus led done !t. t'hriPt Ia reply to [beta, used Char we should be sate. I had rapidly cal- mint and wa able to send a1pnR the mart of the fruit, some cezeteble, and illsatrations, all of them going to ett- . ulattal Cite riaanrtla -"1 mahittR- st. 4I1tle axah at a spurt pace. It was a seed•producing plants are partially or tablish the manna thing. that we should eicilhuation and Thursday. .aeon).[ I glorfonw morning now.; one iettTonl observe a fitness and propriety in those of running nut f0 meet vibe meleesnllmelees arch thing?. In a quarter of the Wholly self -sterile and. therefore. un- able to produce fruit of thenselcee. things. The Ann fa taken from a ;fast launch coming iack with Paul , world that cujoya about three hundred 11 1P also an areeptel fact that those , marriage. The children of the bride- and lbe latter seemed preferable, glorious mornings prat of each three fruit .or facade, whit need -producing plautP, w'hlchWe had gut the food and the bundles I hundred and sixty-flcn. but today was are Pelf -fertile, will yield much more i itemiser -that itt, the grooms ';ee,fel into the tone, ' wading out to her j one of these days that might 'air the f ti' while heavIiy because of cross-fertlllzatttn. it_it„ Ti+ -bring about cross-fertitizntioa the pollen or mnle element of one plant or - Sow-er. must be conveyed to 11,e roti tl 1 then will be the proper time of sern,w, of water when without ane warning, or female element of another plant or »Tont teacher i' In captivity and it. i+ from a parkway that cu[ 11te low buaki'', through the middle of a glob•• of warm Sower and the chief agents In such i therefore fitting that you Phou!d mourn . near the jetty. a native man_cameout'' light bite: blue above and blue under - 1 distribution are wind and Insects• it files i Iia s still.all to the beach. death. melting impereeptlhly one into and dust. I am with my I .He was so neer to us that there was I norther•. Gold was 1n the air: gold has Crean shown that wind piaytlltfle 'Cis with the—A-time is or no part in the (rove- the rw Itttttllnatfnn of not proper that they `should show Piens 1 -no time to )o rT can't tell pm Low , dripped -from the (Saddle every time i .the above-mentioned plants. bat that of grief. Whin 1 am taken away. ft I I felt. how I versed him in my heart, dipped and swung it. Behind us. n? Inert* are of utmost important•P.' Of wffl thea be the lifting thing far them when 1 saw hem turn half round, and we tan. t1te barren peaks of Farewell the many Hower -loving Insects the in• to fast." { watk towarcia v?. For the moment 1 island htrtlei from •gold to Twrptt duatrinu* and rtaetfirelieal honeybee to ills,sefond illustration was drawn I forgot •tine• setupies ugaiitst cold- from purple to the same 'bright stills the most eflfelent pollen carrier; and from a well-known fact •showing alsri blooded murder that hail ea troubled blue that painted all onr watery world ell l tae* Laurie the day before: and I blamed At last. they Plowed only as a pale that a 'elf fp fool because I had not mirage on the horizon. and. with an !n• Oen:- aai•so He. . I ty was to I.ttekmrw attending the fua- arable .weather e John Galbraith left last week fpr end of his brother Harry. who had - South Rend, Ind.. on revrlpt of the died suddenly at Chimed. Mrs. W. J. news of the serious Illness of hl* hro- Little. of town, Is a sister. they Nebtna. t Harold Macintosh fila gone to Loa- , - e 10 took are on 1 don to take w ton n the i ve - P at the ,arannnge o n• wenn, e city pan or a remainder filends--do not think o1 ax ng where sale lay swinging from her moor- j very dead to fol and n•Ji wlrea tit . d mourning nin ing -lbeke In shalTuW "water. We were- their err erten[ of earth or watery Muse be -eesticlty, and tieisr world t not *eemly. When ,he is removed ofrerttralitgwater. wttcthertc-arry the drupes; ga n tvintt. never rni ggtI. tt.tcann„ The death of Albert L. - Ji formerly of Lueknow. occurred on De- cember 30th at (`hieage. the r.•snit of a *Croke. Decanted was fifty-three years of age. liboyhood t now. tint had livedf for many years at Chicago. The remains were brought here for Interment in Greehhtll crate- in regions or tieosrns w 1 err c i ' t there- was a propriety or fltpeu •WINGIIAM - tell.Only last Septemier Mr.White- are genres.. or when frequently nntar- th hlrirr the blossoming of things. "None of keit m gun bandy. but left it in detcrlhable lifting of the heart, 1 fel cin mending an old garment would ! I S- new cloth. An ; fisc cahOar- w; •• Pnca "•1 lamp •ef. carol might do it:' I (('ontlnueet reit w•aeli period demands that po11lnation accomplished qul.kly, a few hives of Ie•es in or neer the nreherd or field are a n,.,"Ffty. Fruit rand seed growers re aware of this fac . and if they do hot keep bees themwdves are R a to take a piece of entire _- that we were free. old pica would be better. i. Ile. "My DPW doctrine' do not match thought. .end w'aa 11hupt 161.1111111g to wkh the old rites of the Pharisees. pick one tip. when Laurle'caugit me by T OF' HIHi AtHll'Nih'NTR A quiet wed( R I)1 itT , k f 1 h i; 1 r n Their doctrines required much fasting. the arm. put ber lips to my ear, and }•„r RP,.k ending .louuury :. ltV2S: ,amber 41 t 1 f Wing- t it plant I th alnd r of glad and if my new doctrines were to be at- 1chlaps•red with the utmost caution.Mc- Au- • (hares ham i'younrated church. Miss MarJnnd the winter. !sac„ rte inti flint t the place it tnched to their old ones. it would mole "it's blind Aki.” Still as a little ata WP!l* youngest daughter ..f Mr and Tn. Fred Stanley: left Inst week nplxrie? ?e that the is•e* may visit lr1Ak th [natter worse rale 'he .h,Id, while AAI Total hogs tel 41 l.ttt dents when in blo,m• taken head. turned ft from side l t Idle Aele•t Dncon'.. , ,20 :Slt. Gnap burn Como raised his e e i foie Mr.. Jutish tl,1Ia. becoming the iris' ,m n visit m her old hums 1n England. their trees ori His third illustration [rat it (,„inter seeking game. and opoke in von James Irwin Willoughby, only moll Before her departure a moldier of her It has been estitnnted that beep are of from wine put into Old iottles. Bot- Thick smooth ..:r1 ..f Mr. and )era. 1►. 1Vdlleughby• „f friends met At the home of Mr. and 'mud value as agents in cm*'t,ollinn flee, In Eastern Lauds, were made. and his querulous old -man +voice. Hassles 0 \ A ill \I Ih, her.in h e ro. ucern - "Who is there:" its a,tiiL "Who 1 1 11 14 We carry a good stock a( Electrical Appliances, Fixtures, e1 . We Specialize in Wir- ing of All Kinds Estimates given on application All work guaranteed Franfie M Art ti Telephone 82 West Street J are stet of skins of beast!. liy 11 ll d t l thin n+ the lire as on c p 1 Ii 1 in Arthur. The happy cosi e w res , , Mrs foam an presented (Chop hugs 1' Wingham. behalf of the ladies try St. PPiP► P C. It. G,sodrri•+m, Dominion Apiarist. Crag usage the skin* I' mute tender Po wal'ks fit the newer, sou ea old r m Lights any feeders hada on most modern machinery News wag reeeiced on Sunday of the ,•hunch, with w gold wrist -watch and !licit 1f new wine were mit into them ft •lki. who can macer sleep In the rain lu time because 1t la alw'ai'a night to If you require Hardwood Floors see 30 Judges of Good Bread Agree on Smith's Better Baked Bread The quality is uniform. It never fails. Try our Chop Suey, Whole Wheat, Brown or Hovis Loaf E. G. Smith East St Bakery Telephone 184 '9 Hardwood Flooring 36 swell and _ dootttof Mitts Annie Cumming. A! Fd- ' on address tendering gond whales.• Twins and Tones would. when fermenting. ist •n ♦ li leo the pest Scup( f Mks leirna mRsell, ter a period The twins write vert much ICA horst them 1 i t tit th t nay bra ellen hem la he an unxreliulouto thieving ,•xc.•Ileut method of IdentlfyinR them. old and corrupt doctrine of the Phare „id frllne, with mune of the virtues hint? mum - _Mitts --. - -_ e „ _ n • • - c alike. ,• t * ne •+ year* deepened had made her home o1 nine viars on the Pfaff of the BankIfed Ill the I was afraid of the morn; I knew with Dr. and Mr*. lei -khan at F,d• n{ :Montreal tiers. has resIgnel the hk 1 mnndatnn. Mrs. Lockhart is a Baugh position owing to ill•health. Aft an ,pe explained to an admiring friend ae•s." Thu' did Jeshts make plain 111` usnnlly attributed to the idled; n ter of 1[ne. J. J. Elliott of Wingham. exprwsiop of goodwill. her associates ,•n,' dray that he rnuld always tell the Sansone to Jchn's di•r iple•a unit thrrr?.y nlan who made favor will Herod for The remain* are being brought here for In the think presented her with A ,ilfferener between them even in the relieve their anxiety. his bite and sup he ding Ploy work Interment. {.catty Roll wrist -watch. dark. The method was to_i4Pdt them. As the fame of Jesus spread abroad 01n•,ttg the utiere. 11 ice Mw Mating. CPlix Duphemla. (Ian titer of Jin*, •But .. cried hl* friend. "you Surely and His pxlpearity increased, the crib- I heard at len r father, a piano timer. had an dnctrine should b••• tonne n' 1 RRt' i4F.i14 •tiles. 'Hedley. 1.o. taoe. was rPrently I eonldn't do that? It would make elem and fault falling of the Phnrl*eee-t nny one IOPe. I dadu't welt -to 'newer • oniric•(. at ,Brantford. t„ Albert Rd thAm-ery p)owr little ihinga." grew nlen. An ins:itt -' of til?..i* seen him at all: the less he knew, the less The call rat death eame soddenly to ward. son of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. doer- •'preelacly:e repIh i the father, "that in their Rntching .li us 1n the *yon• he would tell, t thought, rand /O 1 John Lake. of this plane. on \VwtnPw spit' of,that city, lu wifett ihec will Is the idea. i.fsten. This one" -he goune Rhere a man way who hada ,twitched ioaurie by the sl.•t-e and be - The evening. December 25th. He was reside. pis.lied one of the twin. -"Is evidently withered innd. "Anil they watched 1 1" l i 1 1 1' m up gun to ''alk nice. least twice as it a? found demi In the atah'e, where he had Billy, he cries in high C. While this" Him. whether 11.' wont syn 11 ••-\}t. it in the teacher:" he Neel in- cites to attend to n few chores. He ,IS THERE A BABY -he Pinched the other -"is James. the Snhtmth day : Chet they tuight nI'- stantly. "Tenclher, are you going out cnJe Hlm.". to Ihut IMh agwta tki* iror4riag Jesus *peke !Ir.!. to the mon and les I nnsu.nii, "I 'ural in u then to the Mori -eel.. lie e„mmanded. had been enjoying his naffs( good lir f' atwnye n 'Pmt tone lower. health and he and his wife hod re -j turned just the previous day after ' 'sending ('hristnnns rat the he111e of their son in Fergus. i)es *aaed was bnPtt In Morris town*hip seventy-thr+e years ago and lived in that townehip i and In Grey nntll two yore ago. when he and his wife retired to Jtnt.Melt. Tfn1. Lake entre tastily of there eons and two daughter* sin -etre. G. A. Deadman tame left on 11 trip to Jnmalt•n, going by way of Florida and ('nba. Mr. and Mrt. Meg. McKelvey and 'nn, of ('Oman. Rank.. are here visiting Mr. McKetrey'n wither, Mn. 'E. Me- KPlvey. after an absence of twelve years. Mr. and Mrs. W. iL Green. former, m%IdentP of It -owls now ,.f itetrrl' )fifer. last month celebrated the fif- tieth nnniver+try of their wedding. EXETER 1 quiet wedding took pinta at the Mnin street 1'nited ehurch pairsmtefe het, Al- un Senn -day. December Alai, w Al- berto Frnnecs, daughter of Mr. rind Mrs. 'Jittery Herne, of Exeter. be- carne the hritle 4)1 Jame* Harvey Mes- iier of Totennto. Pon of Mr. end Mrs. Jn1 ❑ TI. <+er. lilncc•t1'. The ceretn„ny ens performed by Ref. C. J. Moor - belies. Mr. and Mrs. Meager will re- side at 914 ('n.tnbrnok revenue, Toronto. , Exeter this year has an entirely IN YOUR HOME? • Romaine* of Canadian Trade — (Regina Lender) is there a baby or young , hildrnn In The story of ('anada's trade devel- your home? 1f there is you s4tnu)d "ptneitt is faaeiunting. Forty year* not be without a box of itabc's Owen site Canadian products were Pent Tablets. Chlldhod ailment? come almond to the extent of $$i,(Mt0,1MM1• quickly rand means nhonld nln•nys i , That Included everything. Today the rat hand to promptly fight them. i ihitntnlanit exports of meat. ebeeslr± Baby 'is Own Tablets are the ideal home i anti fish exceed $53.0110,0410, remedy. They regulate the bowels; Thirty years ngo Canadian products sweeten the stomach: impish cinortipa- were Pent abroad to the total extent of tion and indigenion : break rap colds iII ,J.1'24.(MM).000. Today the Dominion's and simple fevers --in feet they -e riteve4i'xports of paper aloneexceed $127,000, - all the minor ills of little ones. Cott- 0011. Twenty years Ago (i.iii tan pen i•Prning thein Mrs. Moles ('atarite. Ma-.4..dui:ta_.Werc--.R. !it__al d to the total kamik. (pie.. write: "Rnby's owe extent of SUS. 00.0 0. Today the Do- Tebiots are the best remedy In the rntnh'n's exports of grain and Iia pro - World for little „nes. My baby suf• (lifts Alone ere nearly twice that , fared terribly from IndlytestIon and fRhtre• 'f '+ (incl, "inning tow•, w•It1. w heel Lander acceded to °M a in n*e inc'tower to h n Iwallh." The Tablets ore afraid by ' the darkened eye?. pmaftee,l » look o` nndir•1ne denlers or by mull rat 27r a She export' as great n value of metnls ten nsc•frl pinrn in seeb,c W.e ser mnderahhudluy sol (en•tty to -8.41:'"14 e• bex from The Dr. Williams' Medhinelend their products ns the wh„Iee voile t„ w'Iett depth the 1'!l'irt ,- < Lal fnl1rn "Ali- -811-4111•" he chnekl'_ "so the r of her exports st the beginning of the In their optsaltion to Chr when we Trnrli- I' nit the den cahhee hint al d:a wn on the w.nSSIOCoI.......................n*- the monto *tura, forth^ And then 11e hurry. ,0 .lh-all- nh "' LI i the blind t stn. seem{nit a (7 itar.' R+ the Phnris 1111 It "iiut w• u) le the Ntoman .dews Ne t no 11M11 :1 maxim with the Io ges with the teacher?' - Jews that rant to do bond when tt.e 1 will swear Laurie hod not mimican npportnnl , it'oe to do evil: ',„Cosi. fie roust have ftmrllyd the not to solve lite aa• In kill or to fie I,rfntne she uwd: t.nnrie hod till guiits of murder, Ian this principle :nn.h i11is►nmon wlttLaur t*Tnnd Ririi'. ohs? pmts this qnc-'fn tin the .ire?thatrheadored •.el.and-generallwhether It was tetter ret Bin hnrnRhaisme about hr ps'rsonthe power to heal till• roan, todm it. or 1-4tmf knave slat. J might hnye'to suffer him t„ i.mits In Chi! *offer- Ans'don'--I . could not at tike down ebllittInOn tin Pharhseelr rcmafnfnk Client. ' 'fennel the w•ay out of tint dltfinitJesus. filled with grief rat their hard- iahrhe. rat thin p•hit. rn!itUrl n suddee p IInia ing condition. "The n y ° rblnd man, andi teouli rant think a'ht gond iminaea 5n ohttfi•ltton Yhrt r -4f-'- ,„ r , Mti . iron -a- ranatt'5 -it near of heart. nlrnen•n t tem a 'k giggle• so exaetly like the tlhr.nty Ihat one stern and severe. 11'.. Pun Innh of n native girt that 1 wonderedto Pin were they when iTT r'd Me se1 IdaTexPorlasmuhodeoon Insensibletothecnnd..i n ..f aicing:rand%nnnw•Illtngt,saeanimr (n to las forn monnenL whence the a itilrl '.all•! mdttha• it the T•it,' 1' itt Pet het ther have comeR6t and Ila• she Is In perfect In 1927 aP the total of all her exports ►tpr111 lual. end tn t r hien Hydro Electric The People's Power Cook by Electricity Wash by Electricity Iron by Electricity IV.• guaranttr Ilc.ln. Iut- for {:,IIsi hhrs not HYDRO STORE North etde of Square Goderich C.. Brockville.Ont. .',resent century. An .lmertenn lft the hulk of hisftYnne to his Inas er. If everylssl5 . ill this, n lot of time would be saved. -ioondon Opinion.• caul Polrets attack upon the .\merfean kate les hd no visible effel\t any rate, there was no rash by *hors to ro)'er. - The New Yorker. Its superior strength makes Purity go farther than ordinary flour. It is perfect for all your baking- cakes, pies,buns and bread — so the one flour sack only is necess yTry Purity Flour to -day— it is certain to pease you. FLOUR uRITs► Srad 3Ar its st4arpr for ern 700-r'pe Parity Flour Crook BnoiW. Cends !Isar Mills Ca. lMsd. Tomato• Meetrwl. 0It.wo. tails Jee► rea *ame ns „cher mon. rd : •Then the 1'hn ri-e; . wenn cutf 1 1rawraI lel n council ngnfn i1 mr usin t Tell” 1 *old ewe w , R retreerre' t•,ngne. wised(I nttderilutal'herowgldy 1. ••i►on't Inll. Aki. sand 1 ionotwonder lint .1 was wilt 'RIYP yv.It uuucb-Rossi etil''t when Wa Treatment •len• hn? prodne,,? enit "'it'll"'it'llThe reit light ea. , hinging to gt,ld Snnlolrfred he Theodor..frank, r in inn i e.. n„• btrk from my little p„•nIe. *nage like this, when in' Pa tl.ht tf ••SIli•er now " I e said. instantly, With n 8 nil thnl had ever hero chat, `••r ml*- ••811.1 It Imide of a'1u-k,•,rc when yeti"?*o” %ions. all that had been done for mise 1urn." • RUBBRO on ehnrneter.gs A)ohlleim sin-'- -n. It rat tiny nomett 11 dilam r might comp wnnld safe 'bMn w.rti the . ‘t'endl- down on the beach to lathe. T felt throat and chest, I tare. It weft thnt deepened religion,. fnualcnli• In til 1..sket*• Intr found Vicks does two life. It was that Inrge settee of merit! no tenth. '.1'e had little are for 1t ..n thin sat once: obligation, end it Ito. tinny Indic.' Verve:ell Saud 1 ?ar,.,l sac .tkt hail net (1 It is vaporized by the body I sense of the sublime. that bade. nl go „[ten h -milled coin. 1 was •nlmoat heat an to in- !n full ennfldence that that Rres' field touched a pote•r ImeAet. and 1 line'- 1 stimulates d inhaled directtheforth a map of the world in his hood. tardy to despair. when my ngera . flamed air passages, and spinal,) he mccnnied In the name .•f his ens *rays( iM went the PtHng• and (- f h i e and draw Torii end (hater -Instep TtetOrie. out into no hotel nimble(' n number of old-fashioned poultice and "draws out" the soreness. M.D. the little %JICKS 2/ VAPOR VB Dorm iMItuoiv. fARSGtYE01't4' Lr ten tooetai% used by mi . -- -- - - Ary f•''k. rind inscribed with different Modern Child pions w•ntlments. 1 remembered now "Take can.. Jimmie de:Ir. '.re !hot tome worthy person in Thursday comes a tore -Poo " • 1.114?? lie.[ •"rat them u. Inc for dlstri "That's no tont-toot - ire it Tflap eon• button among m7" was ere lnecrett rte Antra inner -all de luxe. Coal and Wood Genuine Hard Stove Coal Chestnut Coal Coke Pocohontas (2 by 4 egg) Briquettes Quantity of Good Hardwood in • carious lengths 1 call surlily emir wants In any of the above ([lel t'r,-t11J.t service and reit-onai,le i,rive- L. FLICK i elepitone I i Sj R. STANDISH I'inm,• :ltiltw East Street Goderich J. R. Wheeler Funeral Director and Embalmer All calls promptly attendee to day or night !'HONES Scurf' 335 Retldence 355w Hamilton Street, Goderich 1 Brophey Bros. THE LEADING MINERAL DIRFCTORN ANL) EMBALMI:ftl!l orders carefully attended a at ■11 hours; night or dor GODERICH Good Bonds -Ine11.1 kryll I Int ..1 .-ry n, atl'e ,nt•a'fttniu•nh 1 may ae- ,111ire• sant by v•rnri m_ h"r,ds of General Steel Wares, -ltd. Pin -t mortgage •; sinking fund ht..1.1 is.n.k. Dated Nov. bit, Its_; . .111.• \.,c, 1st ,• 11652 Price: 99 t-2 IIil accnnrt iitmst Fall iub.nnati.m n rcilue?t. NORMAN LEWIS l' •r I1.unilt.ti and Newgate stn. Phone 476 Goderich FOR SALE ,i.„„Rona '4rong driving 'torten andthree 11..4)1 top Buggiesthat have been used ein.e. Also three is ••1 Ceara( Sleighs that have been used. ('1111 11011 see these at tlaste'y•linrri* shop, Hamilton treat, 1;.uleri -h ROBERT WILSON o -