The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1960-09-22, Page 8Snell Bros.
Phone 100 Exeter
For a limited time only, you
can save a full $10 on all-
wool English cloths tailored
by James Bros.
$69.50 for
$79.50 for
$09.50 for
They're Here!
The new fall lines for Merl
have just arrived, See our
casual jackets, car Coat& top
coats, slacks, sweaters, sport
shirts etc, We invite you, to
drop in and browse around.
Clandeboye comments
1100,1,0011 ' ''' 111,0010111114101111,11.11010 ''''' 1,111111111IN
Sunday And
Evening Service
Open this Sunday, Wednes-
day afternoon and during
the evening throughout the
Snell Bros.
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Middleton Gentttner
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check these important advantages:
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BOLA MEAT & Genttner PHONE 40
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These certificates are approved as trustee investments,
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Et I enelek my cheque !or $ ..... „..„.... ... for investinent for years,
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W. G. Cochronefr Agent
Phone ,4 Exeter
LOST BUT HAPPY—Ann Marie McPhee, of McGillivriY
township, became lost in the crowd of 20,000 at RCAF
Centralia Air Force Day Saturday but it obviously didn't
worry her. She was well taken care of by F/O Joan Bird,
of the infirmary staff. —RCAF photo
Your Car Coat . .
Ladies, choose your new car coat from outstand-
ing styles in Suedella and Dutch, Trenker Cord exclusive
Irving Poslun Fabrics.
17.95 to 26.95
That New Skirt
It's the most useful item in your wardrobe, See
our 100% Botany Worsteds, slim fitting, half-lined to re-
tain shape with kick-pleated backs. Shades of charcoal,
brown, loden and green, 12 to 20, $10.98, 40 to 44, $11.98
Warm and Wonderful
Pretty and practical, too, New styles in three-piece winter coat
outfits, all made of wool with warm quilted lining, fur trim,
loose or fitted designs.
Girls, 2 to 3x, $.17,95 Boys, 3, 4, 5, $14.95
4 to 6x, $19.95
Select The Snowsuit Dresses & Jumpers
for your youngster now. We've a bright Drip-dry cottons, plaids, corduroy or
velveteeth selection Of warm ones for boys and 2 to 3x .... $2,98 to $5.95
girls. 4 to 6x „,.. „,„,„„„„.„ $3.98 to $7.98
Phone 974 Exeter
Oay show
tepolrOnt from the :First World War
transwent bails, An
a es of eaell era were riletlted
the present day, Models of the Best Air Force out-
Noe $ The Times-Advocate, September 22, 1960
AT THE CONTROLS—Youngsters got the thrill of a lifetime Saturday when they were
snowed to sit in the cockpits of several planes on display at RCAF Station Centralia.
At the controls of this Expediter are Robin and Heather McAdam, children of Mr. and
Mrs.. Eugene McAdam of the Clinton area, —T-A photo
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topic "'Are our names written in,
Heaven?", Mrs, Leonard Schenk!
read a poem and Janet. Miller: The fall meeting of the WSWS
played a piano solo, of the Evangelical. UB Church
Mrs. Mired Mane presided was held Friday evening with for 'the business when reports1 the missionary education group
were given on summer activities. ' in charge of Mrs. Sid Baker
Twenty-five dollars was donated. chairlady.
to Concordia College Guild at The topic was "The Responsi-
bility of the WSWS in the local Personal items church.", Mrs. Ervin Schade
Mr. Thomas Klumpp, who was I read the scripture, Mrs. Chas rushed to St. Joseph's Hospital Snell outlined the subject and the
by ambulance last week, was',
able to return. home much im-'
proved on. Saturday via Mr.
Harry }Milian's ambulance.
A congregational supper will
be held in the EUB Church Fri-
day, September 23, at. 6:30 p.m.
Schneider's will show movies
following supper. Automatic transmission,
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Schlutcher tone finish. one owner. of Pigeon, Mich,, spent the
Weekend with Mrs.. Cora. Geiser.
Mr, Bruce Merner and, Mrs.
Lou Sturgethr of Landfall spent
Sunday with Mrs., Matilda, Pie-
Mr, and Mrs. Joe Bruce of
Save '10 ."
On Famous James
Bros. Mode-To.
‘Measure Suits
played in the nude this Year. .11lot
plastic skin revealed the co
Which makes 14. -
The ,calisthenics display, feat,,
uring 511X. program, attracted.
big crowd. Pawls, a machinery
parade, and precision were
other features of the afternoon.
Only dull thing ,about it was
the weather, -
..,aashwood comments
group was divided into three dis-
cussion groups with Mrs. Leta
Taylor reporting. -
Rev. W. J.*Gillings discussed
church discipline, Mrs. Louis
. Weigand led in prayer and. Mrs.
Taylor gave a reading.
EUB Churcr, WMWS
Sacrifice Sale
Simpson, follow-
ing over a week in Victoria Hos-
pital for observation and tests,
underwent an operation Monday,
On Sunday, Sept. 25, Harvest Sept. 19.
Thanksgiving services will be Mrs. Jim Sigsworth is improv-
held at St. James Church at ing in. St. Joseph's Hospital and
11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. with the expects to be home soon.
guest speaker, the Rev. Sidney Mr. and Mrs. Ed Flynn were
Semple of St. Thomas who took guests of Mr, and Mrs. Alex
the service on Sunday, Sept, 18 Flynn in Mitchell on. Sunday and
with the service of Holy Corn- also visited Mr. And Mrs. Lloyd
minion. Elliot and famiy.
On Oct. 2 due to the Harvest Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Ctrter
Thanksgiving services at Holy and Ian visited with Mr. and
Trinity Church, Lucan, the serv- Mrs. Bill Walden of Chatham at
ice at 9;45 a.m. at St. James their cottage in the Beach of
Church will be withdrawn. Pines, Grand Bend, on. Sunday.
At the Clandeboye United Mr. and 'Mrs. J. H. Paton and
Church on Sunday, Oct, 2 the Clare and William Allwright
World-Wide Communion service were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
will bp observed. • Wilfred Logan and. Myrna of
On Sunday, Sept. 11, the Rev. Thorndale on Sunday.
N. D. Hick of Ailsa Craig Unit- Mrs. Mervin Carter, teacher
ed Church was the guest speak- at SS 1 Stephen, attended the
er here due to the Rev. G. W, Teachers' Federation session on
Sach, pastor, being guest speak- Friday in London.
er at Brinsley United Church. The two bowling teams, the
Clandeboye Cuties and the Clan- Relatives live' here deboye Clowns with Mrs. R.
Blake and Mrs. B, Bradley as
captains enjoyed some time on
Monday evening at the Lucan
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Maths
and Mr. Maurice Simpson call-
ed at the MacLennan funeral
home in Ripley where the late Bowling Lanes.
Mr. William D. Cox, 84 years, Blake Beck and sons have
taken up residence in Maurice
Simpson's apartment.
Mr. and. Mrs. Andy Carter
visited. Mrs. Carter's sister, Mrs.
Clarence Lewis, in St. Joseph's
Hospital where she has been. for
four months. She hopes to be
home soon.
spending 19 days . in St. Joseph's
Hospital following the flash fire
while burning grass at home
Reception for newlyweds which caused extensive burns to
A reception and dance was his hands and arnts. Mr. and Mrs. Rea Neil visit-
held in the Memorial Centre in. ed the former's brother, Mr. for Mr. and Mrs. Keith Simpson, nee Jeanette Blake, and Mrs. Alton Neil and Donald
last Friday night. of Whalen. Mr. and Mrs. Rea
An address of best wishes was Adams of London were also
read by Clarence Car t er with guests on Sunday,
Mrs. Will Flynn of Kincardine Tom. Tomes making the presen,
tation of a gift of money on, be- spent a week with Mr, and WS,
half of the friends of the com-
Dancing was enjoyed.
Church news
RCAF Centralia played host to
the biggest crowd in its history
Sa turda y„
And the spectators, estimated.
at between 15,000 and 20,000
strong, were treated to the sta-
tion's best Air Force Day show
The combination made every-
body happy. Even the weather
co-operated — the rain held off
until the famous Golden Hawks
bad completed their aerobatics.
Station police reported close to
1 4,000 cars jammed the bilge par-
king field for the Saturday after-
noon program, Another year,
I they say, .they'll have to provide
more accommodation for the,
growing :crowd,
Now the only flying station in
the district, Centralia' is attract-
'ing spectators from a wider
area than ever before. They
'flocked to the station Saturday
• from Windsor, Chatham,..Kitch-
, ener and other distant points,
Despite some curtailment in
the flying show because of a low
standing picture display Also de-
. ....„ .. .„ . tions were the beet ,yet, So was
pitted the RCAF'S prPgresS,
RCAF Cliiiton!:s radar .exhibi-
. fe
the guided missile :display,
"Sgt, Electra" Clinton's fa-
mous meeltanical robot, was dis-
ceiling, the 'station presented a
sparkling three-heur show which
clicked off like precision clock.
The Golden Hawks, of course,
highlighted the program even
though they had to cancel. their
vertical manoeuvres, including
the epectaeular "boinburst," be-
cause of low clouds.
Equally as fascinating was a
dim-doodle display by A Hu
Scorpion helicopter. Although it
was as slow in the air as the
Hawks were swift, its amazing
.ma.noeuverability thrilled t h
crowd almost as =eh,
Centralia's own fancy "Smoke-
Eaters," the "Red Knight" T-33
jet, Dakota paradrop and the
Canso with its jet-propelled take-
off added to the thrills.
It was almost too thrilling for,
some of the kids, especially the
younger ones. A few bawled lust-
ily When the jets bellowed over
the field.
Although the air antics of the
planes were more exciting, the
Air Force Day - crowds' facina,
Lion for take-offs -persists. Fen-
ces along the tarmacs were
jammed with spectators while
crafts of every description roared
down the runways.
'Matching the excellence of the
air show was the ground display,
Two hangars converted into ex-
hibition halls were crowded most
of the afternoon with people fas-
cinated by radar, missile, wea-
ther, and many other exhibits,
One interesting display showed
the development of the RCAF
of Huron township, who died on
Saturday, lay at rest.
He is survived by his wife,
the former Martha Collins, a
daughter, Mrs. John (Mary)
Scott, a. brother, Rev. Benson
Cox, Hollyrood, and a sister,
Mrs. Alfred (Ada) Hodgins, De-
CENTRALIA ATTRACTS RECORD CROWD —Attendance at the combined Centralia- trait.
The funeral service was held
Clirit011 Air Force Day at Centralia. Saturday was estimated between 15,000 and 20,000, on Monday afternoon from, the
the largest ever. Parking officials reported nearly 4,000 cars jammed the field pro- funeral home. Many relatives
vided. Part of the trowd is shown in this shot of the tarmac. —RCAF photo and-friends of the family are in:
this community,
Personal items
Mr. And Mrs.. Joe Lucemore
and daughter Amy Joe, of Lang-
ton, spent the weekend with Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Simpson.
Miss Elizabeth Mains Of Dor-
chester spent Sunday with her
aunt, Mrs. Emily Tomes,
Ladies' Aid Windsor spent Sunday with Mrs. The president, Mrs. Chas Snell, Mrs. Edith Worthington of.
The Ladies' Aid of Zion. Luthe-' Bertha Hayter. presided for the business. Used Conn, Ont, spent the weekend
1 girls. ran Church met for their first; Five ladies from Zion Luthe.- nylons ith Mrs. Murray Hodgins and, are still needed in Sept-Sept-
. fall meeting Wednesday evening,Iran Church attneded the Luthe ember and used clothing in Os-I
September 14. ran Woman's Missionary League tober. A fall, rally will be held' Mr. Murray Hodgson returned
Mrs. Clifford Salmon read the Convention at Fisherville on September 28 in Zurich. Lunch home on Monday afternoon after
was served by Mrs. Wally Wein,
Mrs. E. Schade and Mrs. W. J.