HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-1-12, Page 44-4111aia;, hml$ry 12, 1928. - r THE SIGNAL, GODERICH, ONT. JANUARY SALE OF WINTER OVERCOATS Blue Melton Overcoats REGULAR $25.00 for $19.50 Blue Chinchilla Overcoats REGULAR $30.00 for $23.00 Boys' Blue Chinchilla Overcoats REGULAR $ 10.00 for $7.50 • W. C. Pridham & Son arrived on Saturday to visit their Johnston. mother. Mrs. Win Stirling. Mr. John Falconer took a sleigh The annual nu -t ting of the Bayfield load of young People to Bluevale on Cemetery tui. eel Is- held on Monday, January 16th, lu the town hall et 2 o'clock. for the purts.se of electing offi- cers and dlrach.ra for the ensuing year I red receiving the annual report. Mlaa Mary Stirling returned on Fre- day to resume her *utiles. Mr. finny Raker underwent an operation in London for appendicitis last week. We are pleased to report that he is getting along nicely. Mr. tend Mrs. Jas. Sturgeon returned on Tuesday train London. where they were visiting We A. Wtgle. Miss ida held left on Thursday to visit friends In Detroit. Mrs. M. Brown and John returned Inst week -Teale Owen Sound, where they spent the Christmas vacation with the former's daughter. Miss Susie Westlake, who was vlsit- Ing Mrs. W. Westlake for a few days. returned home on Tuesday. Mr. W. L. Cameron, who spent aev- erol month, at his home, returned to Detroit on Friday. The Agricultural Society will hold its annual meeting In the town hall on good time. Wednesday. January lSth, at 2 o'cltick. to elect officers and directors for the l GODERICH TOWNSHIP en 1 '•'T1 a -gtore With the Mock" Men's and Boys' Wear Phone 57 Monday night to visit with his ne- phew, Mr. Will Falconer. Mrs. Jack Henderson and family agent a few days last week with her slater, Mrs. T. H. Moore. Mr. Geo. Clinton Lockheed, of Bran- don, Is vielth,g with his uncles. the Alexander Bros. KINGSBRIDGE KiN(1SRR11)GF. inn. 10. -Mr..'. 1P Sullivan spent n few days nt the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Messrs Bcrt Martin and Gerald Garvey. have gone to Trlrnnte for-ebt winter months. Mies leant:1h Hogan Is visiting friend* In the hurt. Mr. Edwin Garvey has retnrhed to his *tallies In Tenser., The Leap Year party held nn Mon- day night was n sets ea .r-eu though the crowd was .11131!.ilt owing to the had roadnm s. All the con, cu report a as ng year. )[ism Jean Harrison. who has been Gopsatic I TOWNSHIP. Jan. 11. visiting friend' in this vieinity, re -The Dlsftiet Cha1No•r of the Orange to --bac ossams a t-(:aAsel Tuesday. WHITECHURCH ASHFIELD A$HTIELII, Jan. 9. -Mr. Finlay Cook, of Owen Sound, spot 5 .few day* lust weed with Mr. Howard );lack- and otter friends here. Miss Tena F. Hawkins. of the teach- ing staff of St. Thomas puhlte chools. lata returned to that city after a plea - wint visit with her sister. Mrs. W. 11 Gray. Miss Ksthleen M.Kelz.ie •peat New Year week with her grandparents. Mr and Mrs. T. Louglterty. Miss 1'. Cawphell, after spending her holidays In Toronto. retuned tu•r duties as teaeher 4n *tetl.an 6 the be ginning of this week. Miss \\'tunifred M, -I rthe. has 're- turtned to Detroit utn`r a hotidaT- eis- at her home here. Mr. Archie Johnson is slipping two carloads of buckwheat from Luckpow• station pnrrhased from farmers here this week. We are pleased to stole that Mr. 1 Thomas ltichardsoi, is able to be up and around the house again. after lc lug confined to bed for s,ttue time suf- fering from the effects of an accident eu*taerind a noup'c of mouths ago. Mr. Richardson. who Is well over the four- score -year spam. is stili actively en- gaged In farming, and drives his motor -car with all the enjoyment of --youth. femme ,mete t. West Street Hard EDISON MAZDA LAMPS Inside Frosted -Reduced to . 4(T -watt 25 -watt 100 -watt 60 -watt . 33e > It) -watt 3.2e Clear -25 -watt 3.r 30e 50e fin -watt 3 c Alf. Tebbutt a Son Hanlware. Paint (hl-. Phone 486 We Deliver West Street part of Bruer yore also asseI',rl by• the .\shtield assessor. However. actl- vlties in Haat line soon ceased on Bruce bring ,urveyed. At .Sharp's hotel. fort Albert. on Jane:try 3rd. 1612. township eltleers erre elected by "town meeting" Mr. Maurice Dalton was chairman. Sir. John Hawkins. sr.. was elected eonneillor. W. E. Iliggins clerk Minute' Healy ,ot'tetor• Thorium 1naLt McCrae AnT1Ur field Its annual meeting am Ae'tlon of oflkera on Tuesday Jap- the Great Lkcs during the pats( sea• John Dean township %van efts. 0 van..10. at Rlventnn T..O.T.. 145, son, returned home last week from the four common s;hax.l mmmlr', The Colon Cashed ehun•h will hold Fort William. the boat on which ba sinner" were Thomas Hawkins and thennnnal meeting and election of of Iled being I al l lip there -for the John Bion.. The sro ;popnhir election f biter r eared it of liar members tat , c ubers ,a• - w 1 o an ,• Wi!1TE('rl rRCII. Jan. 9. -Wedding liters for the year in t bells are ringing 1n Whltechurxh. Friday evening. .Tan.x,ry . Layers of school section \o. 18 was F. Miss Kate Smith. nt Galt. Is visiting nual msseting and eleetiun of olseera held e s •Boar section The trustee was boners: Wiliam exit nu. Colin Me with Mrs. Andrew Fox. for the Sunday *•11001 and Young Pen lased of last dear. Messrs. Wm..Cro• Kenzie. Jeremiah Flynn. John MIA sent Dorothyweek- Reed. has Cartnts me s Society leI will nl<., be held at this clew W.Hasty and Bert Treleaven- kips. (Thanes Girvlu. Itohen LMcI a{swt ,flee week-4'u,i with. Des parents meeting. Instead ..f. ns previnn.ly• ter last named. eln.we term 1rf olAce sen licrnard .1 COLBORNE TOWNSHIP M0DELTHEATRE (OLB(tRNlr TOWNSHIP. Jan.10.- - WEEK OF JAN. 16 TO JAN. 21 M and Mrs Oscar Forster have re - Entries are wanted fur Amateur Nights Monday and Tuesday COLLEEN MOORE j madcapping comedy climax of her career. See tier put the finishing touches to a finishing itehotd. Is she nice? Yeah! Is she naughty'' "lint esk See "`Naughty But Nice" Mermaid Comedy, "Sure Cure" Wednesday and Thursday CLARA BOW the meteoric "It" girl. bite lir bell again as the lxlle of Broadway. Other stars nifty be pretty and taecinnting, but CInra--sir knows her "`Rough House Rosie" Christie Comedy, "Gooseflesh" turned home after a two weeks vis t nt Toronto. Mr. Blake Schwanz. of Rmm�rflle. ioskntehewan. Is visiting his uncle and aunt. Mr. atul Mrs. L. R. Snyder. NILE he chnreh on' w aster. 13. The an- The annus: meeting of the rote I carted on January tub and ith. 1!l3O. Eleven candidates o i,ired to mnnlel{late here. Miss Co �tlnnee i)1.•11. of i)Unn•vl11P, vlsltwl laat‘cee•k nt the home of Mr. and Mr. Hector Mackay. ' Mr. Gordon Mnrkny has purchased) the'ntuevnde erettmery;- Mr. and Mrs. Russel Reid. of Brant- ford. spent the holidays with his per- - eats here. - . NILE,. .Tan. 10. -Mr. and Mrs. Sam- Miss Beatrice -Johnston, of Stratfntd, ' url Anderson and won Kenneth. of Ar- is visiting with her 511111. Mrs. Thos. rola Snsk.. are ?telling rr:xtivP5 and MiCreight. - friends in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson. of Auburn. Mrs. Jack Conne It Miss Merle Wllann spent n few days n town with her graadtti ther. MM. R'ilson. Mrs. Fre11 linens and children. of St. Marys. are visiting with her par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. John t'lnhb. Mr. and Mr. Harris are moving to Toren tn. Miss iia M.Quoid and Mrs. Patter - eon. of T.ncknnw. are spending a few dads of this week to Toronto. Master Johnston Moore, who spent his hotidnvs in Toronto with his Isar- eats. ha: retnrneri to the home of I11e' Igrnndparents. Mr. and Mr.. John Friday and Saturday "The Devil's Saddle" portrayed by ail -star cast, is tons of the' outstanding outdr ,r pictures of the year. j It's a First National. Juvenile Comedy, "She's a Boy" -, Matinee Saturday at 3 p.m. Winners in the laPt "GIFT KITE" held on January 10. E. G. Scott; Percolator, Mona Harrison; AUBURN ■ Table Lmp, John A. Magill; C loco a Set, Mary Tobin; Bread Tray, Mrs. Wm. Taman; Saucepan, Betty McKenzie; Flashlight, Mrs. Wenger. iI TM daughters spent New fear's with Mr. and MM. Helen and Jean. who were visiting It F., vin Gaunt. the'home of MPP' Connelrs mother, Mrs.'Jno. Taylor for the pont few weeks. returned tg,thelr home in Gnit on Saturday last. We are pleased to report Best Mrw. Gen. Rutledge. who underwent an operation In Alexandra hospital. God- erieh. on Monday of this week. is doing nicety. - Mr. and MM. Albert Thain and dntighter. Betty Jean. of Toronto. re- turned there on Saturday after spend- ing ,eteral weeks at the home of Mrs. Tllaln'e nnrentl. Mr. and -Mrs. Angus )L•IHarmid. • MN. Wilbur Johnann spent a few days during the pant week with her friend. Mee. Geo. Hnrsely. at the Annie of Mr: Jnaeph Thompson. (:oderlch. haring them at a different date. A cordial invitation is extended to even'. bode in the congregation to attend this meeting. LEERPTRN LFEBT'iliN. Jan. 11 -Mr. G. Ban- nister. from Ansa ('rang. spent lest week vislting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gen. Freemen. Mrs. Asch. 'Horten Is visiting her daughter. Mrs. Fitzpatrick. in Detroit. Mr. Hugh ('filahnlm has .taken a pnsttinn in Simla 'for a time. We are plPaael to hoer that Mrs. R. lakin_ly given their servic,•s In of tl.e men w•hu bei. -Glidden. *ho at present teat the home shaping plans 'ami gnarling tear triter- • ernmentt-le-,mr-muni.41m!t r'wrtei't of her danihter at Mltehnll. is felling eats of the mnntettwality. It is, imps- reviewed. tlf'aueb is the fibre from anmew-hat stronger and Is able to take Fibre for the people to express thanks which n nation is woven. nourishment. for the services that have been per- e s n \ el'ab.. Thomas Joni. hnd expired. being rerlectnl-will son. ICeuneth McGregor. Charles Wil et Il • trustee board for 19n� son Mr. Charles Glrvin was Reeve lu a nptse a• Mr. I. Gouley was re-engaged -as rare- 11.11. . Mr. Robert iMridson held that taker end the contrail ofsupplying otheee daring ls52. '::t and ':i$. The wood was: let to Mr Bert Finnigan. Reeve's chair was held during the in - Some )funiripal History. -thee iervenliir all 1,1r - Three ' n..e again the municipal ele•tott have ''ears by Mr. John Hawkins. eluting made their choice with regard to who In 11.511. in which year the township *ball is members of slur dime govern- elected its Ser deputy reeve-. Mr. Joint ment. with the result that one new King. In 1S112 and for the live follow - member site at the \shtleld council Ing wars Mr. William Mnllmn;h was card for 192'4 To Mr. Sherwood. Reeve and Mr. Mimeo- itul en ear 1 emtgrntu{ations \s we look hack and Deputy Reeve. In the )ear iW17 'nee. Iry to recall the names of the many - side wards were -abolished. And se, on men who have Iso freely and latlwa down thrnttgh the years the activities v r:•tb= of ¢et• ■ ■ ■ ■ r1 Motor Rug, Phyllis Martin; Silverware, T8 RN • A Big Special itGift Niter willllibee held on Tuesday, Jan. 24th It might be your night , Millinery Sale AT Half Price Of Hats representing the best values of the season in style, trimmings and materials. You will surely find just the Hat you want in this collection at ! 2 price. Miss MacVicar Kingston St. (iodrricil For Service and Quality TRY Sparr's 6irocery "The Sten.... S..tisha ti•• Hamilton St. Phsr 146 We nirliver in town AT'RT'RN. Jnn. 10. -The recent thaw caused tilt slush ice to gather in 1114' mill nice. necessitating the work , of mnnv amen to erne it out last week. One of the men decided it was more Take a dip to thfrwater to lime than in Jannary. rovelred by Mr_ Jas. Muteh of the ,tendon death of his +h ter. Mrs. \W. Kin:. Ih Clinton 15.1 week. A number of old friends end relative. atlwotei elle fniwe'+i on Fri - tInc loaf. The Women's institute well has! l it -- next monthly meeting nt the hnme of . Mot. A. Ferguson (text Tuesday. The 'tV \1 R. of the Preshyterinn church met nt the home of Mr.. W. T. 1tidile 1 this week. Some of the dogs Amend Auburn went for n ren on Humbly ntel ordered` chlckcn for sapper. Mrs. later of Itlyth. I. visiting Tela, rives In Aadotrn at preeent. ., ■ LOYAL ■ IN Death of Nes. Julia Green. -in ji ]fnnitnwo..f1W1S., 1'.S.A.. •inntvtry bth. ' 111214. there peseed nwny peneefnlly to the great beyond Mrs. Jelin Green. ■ bort the prlvIl.g, of her neettelntnnce Po iQ 1 while she resided In this rnmmunity. f'nminr bele. n stemma'. from Wt./eel r sin, with her hnsbnnd and two ehlbl ■ ten. she soon by her (Mita rad neer ling gnnittlos of -hart and mind wen 1 for herself n hest of friends who held ! ■ her In the blithest esteem. .tient nine j . yens ego her husband, ifr. Allan Green. rafter it short tlinees was roiled 1 a away and she with three small oh1T :-I in ren was left to raters on maser: hit ate I . never faltered Her f'Uh was firm'y placed neon Him who Is the widow's 1 Rtes. and the orphan's shield. Two .. 1--rdit, ynnra nen she left Canada for Wisnon- 1 -where her parents, both advanced In 11fe. live. end she pnrpr.ard to rare .. far them In their Inst tiny.. Tint God ., ..villed It ntherwiae and the mice strong yarns life Is gone Into the h1¢h11 - rr service 'While here OP wns n mem. . hor of the Smith's 11111 chnrrh and it teneher in the Snndey ,'heel for soy- OE orni veers. neer. nn net!vn member of -I r 11,0 W.M.S.. and seldom its. lily aehr.i. 1 taint nt. seri-i', If It w -ns of a'1 this- ' I- s!Idr far her to he there with her little 1 ones The levier symptthc ..f her ■ mangy fri.nit' erten hast to the r!'flltrrtr. ■ Mary. i1rriert and Dorothy. the per- . snits ami other friends In this their time of lnnellne•* and sorrow. ■ RAYFIET,DIII ■ 11 1YFIET,l). .inn 10 -Mrs. 1,. 1'. ` 111 a,nt111 and hobo, tr1••t 11-31 been vis'tic' ■ no, tidy'. ntrents Mr. and Mrs Cha• 1.7 Part -or. reterned home to Tendon nn al Frl.ln). low?. ■ The nnmr•1 treetlee nr the mernee-• ea of the narllehl Tillie Ilhrre wiil he held on Monitor. salutary loth. at 2 1 -.'elerar. le the Ilhrate tom. Members ; ■ •1 re 'netted to attend. Mr*. F. W. Raker Is vlsltlne her i 1111 ,trnighter. Mr.. V. Mitt et London. ' 1 IMIs. Mand attrflnn. of Owen armed. 1 a etid Men. Rethert Wallis slid eons Thal►- ...mm ■. ■ aid and treawr�isss, of T)arsey. Ma*. m. •re Mrs. Thomas Jewell h9s re•t•ivM word thatcher mother pns.ed away 00 Wednesday of last work nt Tees - water. We extend to Mr. mid MM. • Jewell our deepest• sympathy. Our madennster ha• been alone with formed. To our knowledge the first municipal Demme -lions date from 1612. Ashfield. not Ming Included In the ' Meek of land pnrehtesed hr the f anadt • Company. was s„mewhnt slower In he- Inr aettlPll than other tnwnshtpa in ' the road machine an • men with their Il'iron county. IVawanosh w•aa at tPa that now the cars are run r t fi s attached to Aahtleld and eettiera' .\t a. Mee tlnL- atitute board. held on Friday last. ter. mei nation of Mr. \\'m Lane as treas- urer wsa- 1,44•144•41' and accepted. 10 take effect January- :11.e. Mr. 11. T. Edwards' wa• appointed treasurer. The board decided to purchase for the haul the new edition of.thc Enyclo 'o1legintr in - ms. an ning again. - . along iter boundary on the anllthern Isiia itritan'6hi . Thanks for Past Favors Let us serve you in 1928 A With best wishes for a pros- perous and happy New Year Blackstone'* West Street' • Rat041"CteletetttC10004 Rummage Sale a of Hats Frontfto1, I. ., ,.1.1' Saturday, January 14th Positively no exchanges on this vale d Universal Millinery 1 North Si.lr Situate G, derieh ■■rill\■■r•ltrrrRR■■■■■r■1[rrI[r■■rr�R�l[rl/11rr11r■■rr11•■r11r�I11r•rrRr��r■ ■ J. B. 1 ■ Phar ■ • x ■ X 1 X ■ x a ■ 1' • ■ • 1 ■ ■ 1 1 1 r • • ■ 1■ • x • x 1 e ■ ■ • ii■ • ■ let. Clearing fie • I■ ■ ■ 11 x II r • ✓ 0 ill 1 X laf •IV • 0 • X 11 Ii ■ X �■ X ✓ X IR NI GO SPRUU UTT, NA OT MEAT F 15 ON SOME 1 -THAT ALL !, We hav, Nor sent But apt its w Whoeve Folks inside down gets! F ANNOUNCING Huge Price Reductions on All Ready -' and Many Other Lines Stock Must Be Reduced Before Stock -taking Dry Goods Ready -to -Wear FUR COATS 2 only French seal. Regular $85.00 $125.00. Clearing price e�U 1 only 1st quality Beaverine. Regular 6100.00. Clearing price .. $69.00 1 only Northern muskrat. Reg. $225.00. Clearing price.. $149.00 1 only - Persian lamb. Regular $300.00. Clearing price $`2OtOO Ladies' Winter Coats Have now been grouped into lots at ridiculously Ioav prices. Many of these are the season's best garments and the prices considerably below mill cost. It is your opportunity to save. 4 only -to clear at.. • $7.50 each 7 only ---With fur collars and cuffs. Regular to X22.00 Clearing price $12.50 each 11 only --Finest garments. Regular 526.50 to 538.00• Clearing prier $17.50 each 11 only -The season's 1,(•st. Regular 534.00 to 542.00. Clearing price $23.50 each Two Weeks of $$ Saving Commencing Now Children's Winter Coats Any Garment at One-half Former ?rice Ladies' and Misses Dresses These also are now grouped accord- ing to prices and they are the best bar- gains we have ever been able to offer in Ready-to-wear. Choose yours early. SILK DRESSES CLOTH DRESSES 14 only Silk or Wool Dresses Regular $8.50 to $15.00. Clearing $1 �(lC price, each .... ....... 1 .757 12 only Wool Dresses- -Regular $8.50 to $12.00. Clearing price, each.. e3r95 10 only Cloth Dresses Regular $12.50 to $18.50. Clearing price, each $750 20 only Silk Dresses Regular $ 19.50 to 525.00. Clearing price, each $13 .75 We have other exceptional values to clear before stock -taking Other Bargains for January -'. grneTrter erearn Cretonne, :1 4 - i 7l e h 3(1.1111, yard _ 20c Lathe,' \\'on) Nrr•e- Regular 1 '!:, and idl low... heir Harvey Silk Hose. IG g 1 tr s1.:d1 ('Learing prier $1.20 pair Flannelette. 31;-irrs. a i lth. January special, pi24C Ileavy Factory Cotton. Reg - d at '..1 -. .lanuan' vpeial tan) 22c Ladles' 14 neater ( na1- 'pceial rain, ,each ... $3 7 5 Children's Vool 1 ) r2i11 .Ilits ((nr witater wear). ��j.0 it.a.rg.) 1 111.2,. Special now J J t r,•pp-de-chine Regnlar $ v I :.11. Clearing now at, ('11 X10 c SEE THE MANY OTHER BARGAINS ON DISPLAY IN OUR STORE The S. A. GRAY CO. ■■■■■rrt■■irrr our rrrr•wit $$$Ilea■ Wall Papers House Furnishings ■ •■ ■■ ■tt■■rr■r■r11111/rr1111111111■■■.■■■■■111