HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1960-09-08, Page 1414 StilltStinblir 11, 1940 Lucan Correspondent: „Miss Line Abbott Phone AA 7-425S and district news. Iginfield crash,. Sunda teacher of music Mrs. Clarence Hardy of .14- can, will succeed. Mrs. Alex Sangster as the music teacher of the wean Public School, teach, ing two afternoons .a week, Mrs. Hardy was a former leacher in the Ltican school for a number of years. She also AS- sisted Mr. Ken Clarke as organ- ist of Holy Trinity Chnrch,and had charge of the junior choir Prior to Mrs, .Tack. Arnold. She had a large piano class which she had to turn over to Mr. Philip Squires of Gleneoe, to tahe this newposition, Sunday at HOY Trinity Mr. Ray Simpson, Huron Col- lege student, was the guest speaker at Holy Trinity Church' for the 11 o'clock service Sun- day. The flowers on the altar were in loving memory of the late Mr, Jack Sprowl. Sunday School, junior choir, junior congregation and League of Loyalty will all re-open Sun-. day ' Sept. 11. Ho ly Trieity Church has been . . assigned the following speakers for the next three Sundays, On Sept. 11 Rev. W, J. H. Morton, Professor at Huron Col- loge,will administer Holy Com- munion. On Sept. 18 and 25 Rev, 1 Sydney Semple, chaplain at the • Ontario Hospital, St. Thomas, will give the message. Personal items Jerry Kehl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kehl now of Strat- ford, has returned home after spending a few days with Mich- ael Murdy, son of Mr. and 'Mrs. Tack Murdy. Ay MRS. ROSS SKINNER . . . . . Personal items Miss Shirley Jaques of Zion visited last week with Mr, and Mrs. Ross Skinner. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Morgan, Mrs. Vera Williams of Toronto attended the Ronnie-Routly wed- ding in Elimville rhurch Sat- urdey 'and spent' the weekend, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rout- ly, Mr. and. Mrs. Routly 'OS- ited on Monday evening with! Mrs. M. Routly who is a pa- tient in St. Marys Hospital.Ati time of writing Mrs. Routly is: still quite ill. Mr. end Mrs. Dan Whetstone and Merrill of London visited on Monday afternoon with Mr, and; Mrs, Harold Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Fulton and Larry spent the weekend in. Sarnia with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jewitt. Mr. and Mrs. Sanford` Hutton and family spent the weekend at Listowel. Mrs. Franklin Skinner at- tended a reunion of former choir members of James St, Church the church service they were en- on Sunday morning. Following tertained to dinner in the church parlors. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Shore, London, were guests at the Ran- nie-Routly wedding on Saturday and spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Skinner. Elimville community and The On the bus, "I'm sorry, but my little d seems to have eaten my ticket. , "That's all right, Ma'am; just buy him a second helping." P... names .new 'Sunday S chool picnic will b: he'd on SatnrclaY al, Riverview Par:, Topics from in Pmter ,with. dinner At 1 P.M, Sports commitee will he Elimville .Brian Montmorency, Al; s s „ ..„. , Frances. and. Shirley Johns. • ' • commenced day ,with several new pupils .1)-, .gi18.c111ill ,n09. 8. i on 'tot:, Miss Flaine Johns visited 3. feN.Av14-... dayszigiwnit.shicinlieSes rCeatgromieBoelti.. l some h is t eachi ng Toronto. last Wednesday to re-, duties ....3 ! c.,,,,,,..,.:,,.,,..,,,,,.. ,-..,e..m.rei.t.:•,P:q.err.4:,*,,,,,R.,1 Simcoe. on. Monday to resume her teaching duties. Miss Anna 'tautly returned to Comment% about Crediton East By MRS, W. MOTZ ." ",...,:'17.02Mtneztagm Personal items Richard and Murray (=Ian- ville have returned home after holidaying in Manitoulin Island 1 and the United States, I Air. and Mrs. Marvin Wein and. family of Parkihll and Mr, and Mrs, Jim , Edwards and (laugh- kers of Walkerton visited. with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wein, on Monday, Mr. and Mrs. William Sims and son of Exeter spent Sunday 4• with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Sims. eft taigool Specials BOYS & GIRLS CCM BICYCLES (Assemble Yourself) They Come Packed In Boxes q N LY $39.95 3-Good Used TV Sets For Sale Wraith-Storey Hardware "Harry Wraith and Steve Storey" PHONE BA 7.4732 LUCAN Children's Lunch Kits clerk of Biddulph township, a position he held for 30 years. His loss will be greatly felt, He was a member of the Gran- ton Lodge AF & AM No. 483, _ Mr. Hudson was unmarried. His only survivors are his broth- er, Launce; two nephews, Mr. Ak William F. Hudson of London. I- and Mr. William W. Hudson of Granton and three nieces, Mary Frank Hudson, 65, '3 Gran- ton,. dropped dead at his home Friday :September 2. Mr. son was the son of the late Mr. and Airs. William Eudson. A former teacher, he was a well • known Biddulpit farmer but was probably hatterknown as the School Daze are here again. I guess the spelling may he con- sidered right :for the first few days until the summer vacation wears off and things settle down to a semblance of normality. I In the meantime, your director is busy making plans for the `fall and winter seasons, plans for ice in the arena, hockey, figure skating, square dance sessions, crafts, teen town and so on. • Orville Motile) of St. Marys. The body rested in the Murdy funeral home, Lucan, until 2 p.m. Monday, Sept. 5 when the Rev. William Maines of the Granton United Church conduct- Mr. Austin Hodgins, reeve of , Anthony Graving. driver of At a draw, sponsored by the ed funeral services, Interment Biddulph, last Saturday received one of the cars, received a brok- . Lucan , Firemen, in the Legion was in Granton cemetery. a. sprained ankle and badly' en left arm, facial cuts and in- Hall last Friday night, Mr. J. Pallbearers were Messrs. Joe bruised leg when the leg of his ternal injuries and Dr. Fred C, ;11HueeiknylatiNevkinhoefr Sotf. tI\hi c.,ar),$',51,0‘0v0as the Haskett, Lorne Barker, James Les- take-off of a forage harvester, , broken ankle and cuts. Mrs, „,,,Mnr's1030aefkor Arnoldhavil g, ofhis IhAsiematei lie and Cliff Abbott, Ryan, Harold Wallace, Joe Les- Overalls caught in the power Pritchard of Teknosha, Mich., , home 'Pritchard is in a critical condi- '"`" On Sunday evening a Masonic Be . is confined to his , tion with internal injuries. Mrs., drawn first. Twenty-five dollars memorial service was held. and was unable on Monday to t act as pallbearer for the late i Mae St. Clair of Kalamazoo,' was given to the following own- • Legion Auxiliary bingo Mr.• Frank Hudson, Biddulph's Mich., received facial injuries, : ers of each fiftieth ticket drawn: Legion Auxiliary • including the loss of the tip of , Mr. Lloyd Mason, Mr. Karl Though the . clerk for 30 years. . O'Neil, Mrs, James Leitch, all jackpot was not wonlastiurs- Tl Sehool-mates meet .; her nose, day yet duplicates and split bin- to, ; has returned home after; Ernest Carl Laws of Aladsor,!Makonecznv (joint ticket) of the spending a few days with her' suffered a broken; pelvis and un- London Fire Dep't and Mr. Bill cousin Miss Lina Abbott. determined: injuries; his father, Atkins of Mooresville. They were raised on adjoining1Ernes:t Laws of Goderich, bruises , his wif e , Stewart reunion farms on concession 4 Bidduph,; and internal injuries; Si miles north of Lucan and' cuts; his brother, Sidney Laws The Parks family of Lucan attended the • s a m e country, of Brittania Road, possible skull , made the necessary arrange- lichool, SS No. 2, Biddulph, A I fracture and cuts; his wife un- ! merits for a reunion of the de- of Clandeboye) who also won the great number of the pupils from I determined i n j u r i e s. Robert ! scendants of their grandparents, 4th bingo and Mrs. Joe Haskett. this school settled in Lucan and Grant Laws, 23, and Deborah! the late Mr. and Mrs. James The latter also split the third ire still living here. Laws, 6, children of Mr. and I Stewart, formerly of Granton, part of the consecutive with Mr. Last Wednesday in honor oft Mrs. Sidney Laws were unin-' at a smorgasbord at the Knotty her cousin, Miss Lina Abbott en-ljured, ;Pine Inn last Sunday. There tertained a number of their oldl In the third car Mr. and Mrs.; were 63 members present from school-mates at a dessert, pro- John Robert Dobson of Toronto Toronto. Sarnia, Petrolia, Mark- gressive euchre at her home.; were unhurt. The Graving arid ham, Brighton, Hanover, Port Also during her stay Mrs. Ma- ! Laws' cars were wrecked, Four I Credit, Corunna, Birr and Lu- WI visited many more of her ambulances conveyed the in ' can. and. Mrs. Gordon Brooks of Te- Mrs. Lankin and Mrs. Ri- , cutnseh Ave., London, invited chard Davis, Mr. and Mrs. C. Murray Rut- ledge of RR 2 Thamesford on Thursday, September 1 enter- tained in honor of the latter's Miss Geraldine Kayes and friend i On Wednesday evening sh e parents, Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Mr. Jim Drummond of Toronto, was the guest of Mrs. Harvey, Thompson, who were celebrating Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love of Ship- LeRoy and Fred Reving- their 45th wedding anniversary. a, v iss May Hodgins and,., r. ; ton,p°11' Mrs. Harry McNaughton, Mrs, Thompson was the. for- Mansell Hodgins of Parkhill. i Mrs, J. 0, Andersen, Mrs. Don i finer Gertrude Eliott, daughter Mr., and Mrs. Lavelle Ellison Karen Henderson, 13-month— , Ankers and Misses Rose and of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. H. and family of Listowel were Sun- old babe of Mr. and Mrs. Dwight i Ann. Revington, Marilyn Brown- Elliott of Princess St., Lucan. day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wil• Henderson, underwent surgery lee and Barbara Marshall, at a 1 She attended the Lucan High Nam Aylestoek. in St. Joseph's Hospital last, dinner party at . the Iroquois Schooli and the London Normal, Mrs. Kay Egan and sons Tuesday and was able to be Hotel. During the ' evening she I While- teaching at Cedar Springs Frank, and Pat have returned . brought home on Sunday, was presented with a parting; she met Mr. Thompson. Prior to tram a week's vacation at Math- Mrs. Lionel Kendrick and Mrs gift from her friends. their wedding at her parents' toulin Iiland. Warner Mci oberts attendeda , Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Wes home, September 1915, by the, Mrs. 'A. K. Hodgins, who has shower given by Atkinson also entertained ;bliss Rev. R. H. Barnby, she was been, a patient at Parkwood, has McLeod Thursday , Hodgins by inviting in nine of 1 t e a c h i n g in Lucan's "Little recovered sufficiently to return 1 Kennedy prior, her neighbors for a little get- I Brick" school, lko the McCormick Home. to her marriag to Lucan's con-'to -gether before her departure They have one daughter, Mrs. .Mr. Don Ranting has returned stable, Malcolm Lamon . Mrs. on Labor Day for Kitchener. C. Murray Rutledge and three twine 'from a week's vacation on McRoberts pour( tea, grandchildren, Marilyn, Cattle- Georgian Bay. Mrs. Benny Sa liner, as sere- WI rally rifle and Jane Rutledge. Mrs. Isabelle Underwood, now ice convener, was Lucan's repre-1 airs. Murray Hodgins and After their marriage they ow- ed London, was a Sunday guest sentative of the cai.cer society at. Mrs. Benny Saulnier were the rated a fruit farm near Cedar of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Ryan and ' the CNE on Wedn sday, only members of the Lucan WI Springs and were active mem- family. The executive of he Lucan; who attended the fifth Middle- bers of the Cedar Springs Uni- 'Miss Bonnie Arnold, who has United Church woman Associa -! sex County WI rally held at Fan- ted Church. On retiring, three been working with the Huron & 1 tion met in the churc. , school-; shawe, last Tuesday. years ago, they built a home on Erie Trust Co. for the past two ; room ast Monday to iscuss 1 The guest speaker was Miss their son-in-law's farm and years, has decided to return to plans for the coining s'ason.1 Angela guest mitt of London and a moved in. Mar 1, 1957. They now /kfidway school and prepare for t President Mrs. Murray Hoc gins tour of Pioneer Vilage was one, attend the Thamesford United she teaching profession. ;presided. h-hi -bights of the rally. Mr, and Mrs. Bill Kilmer and' Mr. and Mrs. Henry 'blue Chureh. familY, of Kitchener, were Labor; and daughter, Deborah, of W Day visitors of Mr. and Mrs. terford, Mrs. J. W. Jeffrey, La. Louis Kilmer. don, Rosemary and Brian Vane Mr. Ed. Pattison, of London, of Byron were weekend guest: called on Mr. and Mrs. Henry of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Crozier Trodgins on Monday. celebrating the joint birthdays On Labor Day Mr. and Mrs. of Julia Crozier and Deborah Lorne Sholdice and Jean Atkin- Mueller. son of London picked up Mrs. Dr. and Mrs. Marvin Smout Clerk dies • in Biddulph Activities Recreation By SAM •5DRAATON Director of Recreation kilts woman, ures nine (Mrs. Jack Bacon) of an- c Guy er ; Jean • ( Mrs, William . . . . ... .. .. , . . .. ... - .. _ - .• - Pickett) of Paris and Eva (Mrs. The intersection of highways Biddulph reeve 7se eahned 0;1 saht0telf three 0 amr,a se r.stbsfis. t Marys man last Sunday killing Mrs. Anthony , injured by PTO Graving and th wins $1,000 Battle Creek, Mich. ! of Luean; Mr. J. A, Scott, Mr. Mrs, William Mason, of Toron-i The driver of the second car, , Al Siegel of London, Ragin end gas seemed to be the order of nM By a strange co-incidence all winners were Lucanites and for- mer Lucanites hut one, Mrs, Roy Pepper, who won the third bin- go. The $5 consolation was split between Mrs. James Avery (now tl Harry Bond. Mrs. Jack Lankin and Mrs, Wil- The second part was won by liam Mathers and the first part by Mrs. Jack Hensen who also; won the 11th bingo and Mrs.' Doug Ewen, who won the sixth; former school mates. jured to St. Joseph's Hospital. After the smorgasbord Mr. bingo and split the first with Lucan personals guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar , . her duties on the Kitchener McFalls. , ! teaching staff, Miss Joan Hod- Sunday visitors with Mr. and gins was honored by a number Mrs, Clarence Hardy included; of her friends miscellaneous Mrs. Harold for Miss Car etetiVentiM. Mrs. Mel Culbert.u and family, he mother; Mts. , Patrick of Litesin, and Miss Cathy Parkin., tiOtt Off London spent the heliday *esicenct ift 'Mende, the guests fief Mr. atid WS. J6191 Bighaft. Me. and Mr's, Shin Sereatets filt4 returned front a their grantiParefits, Mr, and ilikkethelte Ittettich at TlMiegy Mrs. Wilbert Glanville of Staffa. end guests of Mr. and Mrs. R, It, Crozier. Bruce Kayes, 11-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Kayes of Toronto is holidaying with Tom- my Hardy, son of Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Hardy. calling on many old friends Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hodgins among Whom were Mrs, Billie and babe, Lorraine Marie, of To. TWeddle. 'ronto, spent a few days with Guests with Mrs, Will Isaac. Mrs, If. S. Stanley and family included Mr. Reg Hodgins arid last week, Their son. Neil is in daughter Mrs. Leonard Winch. the Children's Hospital, Toronto, And ton Gordon of Windsor, over- with eczema, night on Monday and Mr. and Miss Bette /eke of London Mrs. Gerald Isaac and Mrs, An- and Mrs. Ciarenee Ifardy visit- &my Isaac Of Toronto on Wed- ed Miss Maude Hodgins at the resdaY. Green Gables Nursing Home, Mr; Ron Crozier' returned from Parkhill, leg week. Dante, Teats, by plant last Wed- Mr. and Mrs. Russell SaYn. Malay night Where he Was a ham and family of Shipha were fotiti‘ditf gueit the. Bolin Deere Sunday guermt of Mr. and Mrs. Wes Atkinson and all spent the day with Mr. and Mrs, Charles fisher of Exeter. Mr. James Henderson and Mrs. Robert Morris of Both- well were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Henderson, coming up to see baby Lennie Morris who has been with the to secure workmen over the holi- liendersions -for two weeks and day weekend. will remain another two weeks LAC Bud Cooper now stationed while Mrs. Morris is working. at Cold Lake, Manitoba, came Mrs. Harry McFalls and Mrs. down by motor for Mrs. Cooper Grace Welbourne of London were and family, Prior to their leav- Sunday guests of Mr. and. Mrs. ing for their new home a num- Sheridan Revington. bar of the neighbors held a fare- Mrs.Warner McRoberts and well party for Mrs, Cooper and Mists Lim Abbott, called on Mrs, presented her with a gift. Clara Abbott of Centralia Sun- Mrs. M. Hill and Mr. slay evening. and Mrs. George Lillie° of. To- Mr, and. Mrs. Calvin Haskell ronto were Sunday guests of Mr, and family' who have, been holi- and Mrs. A. M. 'Haden. daying at the Cummin's cottage Mrs, Sam Angold, of Hamil- In Muskoka, returned home on ton, is holidaying with Mr. and Sunday. Mrs. Eldon Hodgson of Alice Mr, and Mrs. ,Toe Hodgins and St. family of Owen Sound and Mr. Doris and Linda Forbes, of Milton Robinson of London were Harriston, are vacation guests Labor Day visitors with Mr, and of Mr. and Mrs, James Sigs- Mrs. Wes Hodgins, 'worth and family. Mr, and Mrs. Ned liodgins,1 Mr, -and Mrs. Don Spicer and of Chicago, is visiting Mr. and Susan,' of Milbrook, were week- Mrs. T. A, Hodgins. Mrs, Joseph Grigg of London bag returned home after spend- ing a few clays with Mr, and. Mrs. .Thomas Lee, On Tuesday Mrs. Ken Carter took a'll of them for a trip through McGillivray 1301 Riley, of William St. Mr, and Mrs. R. X. Mentgent• ery and family have returned home from a month's vacation at litanitettlirt. Donnie and Ronnie Riley have returned homd after spending their •sintiter •Vatatidit with and family and Mr. and Mrs.! Gerald Atkinson and family were I Sunday guests of Mrs. Wes At- kinson. Mr. Jack Arnold expected to have the bowling lanes ready to open on Saturday but is now doubtful owing to the inability Acouple :,ats a go, dirty 'Robbins was the big attraction who entertained a large crowd of people m the Lucan Arena. On Thursday, September 29 next, at the same place, Marty Rob- bins, supported by Bobby Helms and an All-Star Revue will again entertain a large audience from the district. This time, al- ; though Saul Holiff is the man ' responsible for bringing Marty and the group, this is not just a straight money malting ven- ture. The Crippled Children's Fund of Rotary will be consid- erably enriched after the show, for that organization are to cut lin on the profits, so for a worthy cause such as this, it is hoped the arena will he filled to over- ' flowing that night. Personal items Mr, and Mrs. Fred Ford and Robert, of Detroit, spent the hol- iday weekend with. Mrs. Irene, ; Coursey and family and. Mrs. L. • P. Edwards, Fredericton, NB., mother-in-law of the former Mar- ion gilestCoursey, was a Tuesday Mrs. Edgar McFalls, Mrs, Walter Rice and Mrs. Jack Sprowl spent last Thursday in i Kitchener the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Sprawl. Mr. Sprowl is still in very poor health. Rev, Ernest 0. Lancaster, of Woodstock, new rector of Holy Trinity and St. James churches, expects to move to Lucan around Nov, 1. IU and his wife, the former Mi's's Inez Salvadge, of Milverton, have two sons, both married and both teachers. Be- Snipp & Style Shoppe LUCAN MAIN STREET Individual Hair Styling Phone BA 74467 DIANE BOWMAN, Prop, 141111NRIM11.1•••••01.1111.11. ONE-STOP BANKING He won't be long. In one brief visit. to his local bank, he can do all his banking, even if it in- volves sending money half-way round the world. He can handle money matters this easy, con; venient way because only a chartered bank provides a full range of banking' service& all under one roof. e• Day-in, day-out, in more than 4,800 branches in Canada, bank customers are making deposits, putting valuables into safety deposit boxes, buying or selling foreign exchange ... using all sorts of banking services. At your local branch bank, you can count on prompt, courteous and personal attention to all your banking needs. '(1 THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY the party to their home, Some "Share the Wealth" went to of the group later had lunch at Mr. H. B. Langford. Miss Eve- the home of Mr. and Mrs, Bob lyn Whitehead split the 3rd bin- t sides serving as rural dean of Wookend visitors ami and were guests at the Hamilton of Hale St. go -with Mrs. Wade Zigler, Vic, Kent, Huron and. Oxford, Mr. Mr.and Mrs. Percy Lyons, of 1 The oldest guest present was Neil, Mrs. Thomas Weller and Lancaster is a past president of cottage of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. visited Dr. and Mrs. B., W. Sal- , Mrs, A. K. Hodgins of the Mc- Miss Mary Young each won a Cormick Home, formerly of Lu-isingle bingo, ( the ministerial associations at Detroit, with Mrs. H er m a ri Ratcliffe. On the way home they Young.l Thamesville, W i n g h a m and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Freeman mon at Huntsville. , can, who is 87 years old. 1 The jack-pot remains un-1 Woodstock, and faintly, of Burgessville, with Mr. and Mrs. Lang De Cour.: Teacher feted changed for next Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. James Freeman. sey and Marilyn were weekend ) prior to kovio , t take it 45th wedding anniversary Mr. and Mrs. William Schilder and family, of Ingersoll, with Mr.' and Mrs. Austin Hodgins. 'Miss Margaret E. Pepper, of Sarnia, with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. E. W. Pepper of Fran- ces St.