HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1960-09-08, Page 10Percygeliter.?assmore. were ale ent. This is. an annual Ares. get:hof V, L, ..Oecker 6F, Sons offer Awl Used Farm Machinery 1,-FARMALL CUR TRACTOR with .6..foot mower, 1,FARMAL.I., "A" with two- row and four-row cult', vator. 1 --,FORD TRACTOR With. loader, new rubber, 1 —NO. 64 P.T.Q. COMBINE With bean cylinder. 1-16-RUN FERTILIZER DRILL—It's OK! 1—FARM ELEVATOR In good shape! USED 3-FURROW TRACTOR PLOUGHS In good condition,. V. L. Becker oft Sons PHONE 60-W DASHWOOD Associate- Member*, National Warm Air Relating and Air di:mentioning Association indentiai Ltd. 'PHONE 111 IXETER. Autumn Arrivals NEW MATERIALS Cute cottons, striking silks, wear-well wool- lens—all in the season's new colors • and patterns. Best array ever! •t• Lay away now Men's & Boy's Suburbans, Carcoats, Duffles Hydro Parkas etc. They're all new . . all "sharp" ,1 and you'll want yours saved for oncoming fall and winter. Select now. Corduroy Continental Pants FOR MEN AND BOYS $5.95, $6.50, $6.95 nancigome and Hardwearing — Another Best Buyt ,.zoimmnuoamime•fframm ase keep a- ,s;if Highway Safety Branch ONTARIO DEPARTM ENT OF TRANSPORT Hon. John Yaremko, Q.C., Minister•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ENJOY COMPLETE HEATING SERVICE FROM Middleton Et Genttner YOUR B-A SOLAR HEAT DISTRIBUTOR check these important advantages: 4 B-A SOLAR HEAT—scientifically compounded to give you maximum heat value and clean burn- ing efficiency. B-A SOLAR P.A,C.-free anticorrosion trOatment of your fuel oil tank. • I3•A BUDGET PLAN-easy payments for heating oil spread over 10 months, ANNUAL TUNE-UP PRO GRAM—Iseeps your heating unit in peak operating condition, DEPENDABLE D E LIVE RY-a utomatically ad- justed to weather conditions. B.A HEATING FINANCE PLAN—for both new furnace installations and conversions, Lew down payment—small tarrying charge—five years to Pay. Middleton di Genttner 'PHONE 40 tXtItOt Immommillmilmilommtlitilcommlimmktimmi,,,,Ammlmmitillitioltigott/trommtAmmitoomilfitromet Your co-operation will be appreciated. EXETER PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION MIHIM.10,,i1 flill'UltIM 00.0,/,1.101.4!,,,,M,,,,Mi141411100111.M1W1114 ..... !1411,01 .......... ..... .. 10,“ Notice To Public Utility Water Consumers Due to the extremely dry weather and to ensure an adequate supply of water for fire protec- tion, the Exeter PUC is forced to curtail the use of outside hoses for the watering of lawns and gardens. This ruling will be strictly enforced until our new well is connected to the system or the dry weather abates, 1.0 Tirnes.A '°.141004.,er 1.9 a ,NEW KIN, KINETTE OFFICERS—District officials install- ed new officers of Exeter Kinsmen and Kinette clubs Thursday night. Seated, fro'm left, are Ron Latimer, •Lon- don, deputy governor; Mrs. Betty Clarke,. Kinette regis- trar; Mrs. Marion Sherman, vice-president; Mrs.. Dorcas Wein, president; Mrs. Jane Robertson, past. president; Mrs„ Winona Hoffman, secretary; and Mrs. Helen Drys- By MRS. PRANK SQUIRE • Personal items 111r. and Airs. 'McCleorl Mills' -and family spent the holiday weekend at Kingston with riends, Topics from Whalen District officers install ter Kinsmen Club for its corn- readings. mtmity service work Thursday night when he assisted at the installation of officers for the new year. "Your club has an excellent reputation for its service acti- vities," he 'stated. ''This is in the best traditions of Kin." District Kinette convenor, Mrs. Helen Drysdale, Hensel', and Mr. Latimer installed the offi- cers for both the Kinsmen and Kinette clubs at a joint meeting at Armstrong's Restaurant. Kinsmen officers are: President, Harold P'reszcator; past president, George E. Re- ther; vice-preside nt s, Art Clarke and Cal Wein; secretary, Tom Vickerman: treasurer, John Pastorius; registrate, Claire Morley, vice president, was in charge. The theme of the meeting was "Our needy brethren". Mrs. Trousseau Iva Dirs. Jack Essery entertained last Tuesday evening in honor of her daughter Karin Anne,. bride- elect of September 3. Miss Beverley Smyth showed the wedding gifts, Miss Gwen Lightfoot, the shower gifts and her twin sisters Jean and Joan Essery showed the trousseau, Mrs. Don Maguire, Mrs, W. R. Essery and Mrs. Alvin Essery served refreshments. The guests were received at the door by Mrs. J. Essery and Karin. Personal items Miss Sharon Lightfoot visited for a few days with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs, W. Baker, Grand Bend, Mr. and Mrs. C,' Rowe, Linda and Carolyn, of .Windsor, were weekehd guests with Mr. and Saturday. Mrs. Alvin Essery and attended the Roger Essery wedding on Dennis Shoebottom, Of' Lon- don, was a visitor last week with his cousin, Danny Shoebot- tom, and Miss Greta Lammie of Hen- salt were recent visitors with Mr. and. Mrs, Ray Lammie and family, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Robinson and family have returned home following a month's vacation with relatives in New Bruns. wick. Mrs. Warner McRoberts and Miss Line Abbott of Lucan were Sunday evening visitors with Mrs. E. Abbott. S,L J. L. Andrew, Mrs. And drew and Georgia of Camp Bor- den were weekend visitors with I Mr. and Mrs. George Hicks, Phillip Andrew returned home after visiting for a few days; with his grandparents. The An- drew family will be leaving later 'in the month for their new post- ing in Edmonton. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Morgan and family of Melbourne were Celebrate golden anniversary Sunday visitors with Mr. and District Deputy Governor Ron Duffield, Mrs, Finkbeiner and Mrs Lloyd Morgan. Cheryl Ann ?Air, and Mrs. Merton Thomp- Latimer, London, praised Exe— Mrs, William Morley Jr. gave n Cr and Bend observed their remained for some holidays. Kin, Kinette officers photo The story in Grand Bend dale, Hensall, district Kinette •cOnvenor;* standing; 'Neil Campbell, Kinsmen director; Claire Hoffman, registrar; Walter Westbrook, director; John Pastorius,, treasurer.; Harold Preszcator, president; Art Clarke, first vice-presi- ' dent; Tom Vickerman, secretary, and Cal Wein, first vice- president, I Whalen W14IS received an in-, I vitation to attend the 50th an-1 .iiiversary of the Zion WMS..Sev— eral items of business were dis- cussed. The travelling basket was brought in and Mrs. Ray • Parkinson read verses accom- panying the basket. Proceeds were $16.75. • At the WA business meeting it was decided to hand a 25e gift wrapped for bazaar and also; small articles for fish pond. The, date set for the bazaar was November 4. • "We're doing our arithmetic. He had six bullets; fired two, and that leaves four." • , • , golden wedding on. Tuesday, The neighbors gathered at their home as .a surprise in the eve- ning d presented them with two framed pictures. Lunch was served. , Mrs. Thompson was the for- mer Bertha Webb and the mar- lige took pier" at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sa- muel Webb, near Corbett. For a wedding trip the happy cou- ple visited with relatives in Tor- onto and took in the Toronto Ex- hibition. The weather on their wedding. day was ideal, much like the weather on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson farmed on the 16th concession of McGillivray until their retire- ment to Grand Bend 14 years ago. They have five children (Ol- ive) Mrs. H. Peake, Parkhill; (Viola) Mrs. Fowler, Windsor; (Alice) Mrs. Buchanan, Wind- sor; Stanley, London and Bruce, Grand Bend. The family will gather at the Bluewater Restaurant Saturday to celebrate the occasion. • Baker reunion. ' The Baker reunion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Man- Mrs. Lloyd Vogan, Sharon and Heather have returned home to Listowel after spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cunnington. Mr. Vogan spent the weekend her. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lammie, Robert and Jean spent Sunday at their cottage at Grand. Bend, Mr, and Mrs. Reg Hodgson and. Kay of Waterloo were Sun- day visitors with Mrs. L. B. Hodgson who accompanied them home and remained a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Richardson and family of Campbellford were weekend visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Frank Osborne. Mrs. Rich- ardson and girls remained for a vacation with her parents. Miss Helen Macaulay has re- turned to her home in Montreal after, visiting with her grand- parents, Mr, and Mrs, Andrew Hicks. g 9WP. . • ..'n•'; • :i4,7;r7 Mrs. Lorne lit*S, resumed her teaching duties, following the l summer vacation, with the open- ing_of school on Tuesday. 'Miss Joan. visited for a few days last week witli her cousin, Miss Georgia Andrew in Camp Borden, The annual Rally Day service be observed in the United on Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. (Sept. 10). Sunday School will meet as usual at 3.0 a.m.. Choir practice will be held on Friday 'evening. and you'll 'fall' too for the wonderful new season fashions now in stock at Gould and Jory Joint celebration for .area couples Mr. And Mrs. James. ZarL.Fd,, Ed- ward St., entertained. on Friday in honor of. a number of friends. who :celebrate their .?ath wed- ding anniversaries within a few months and who were married in Whalen :United Church. Their own anniversary falls on September 381 Mr. and Mo. Thema5 Cunning's Grantor, in October; Mr, and Mrs. Alex Whalen, September 3 and Mr, and Mrs, James Ander- son's Thames Road, .Spring, 1961. Mr. Walter Gunning and Mrs, bell, Ross Dobson and Walter Westbrook; bulletin editor, Joe .Gunn... Kinete executive includes: President, Mrs. Dorcas Wein; past president, Mrs. Jane Rob-i ertson; vice-president, Mrs, Ma- rion Sherman; secretary; Mrs. Winona Hoffman; treasurer, Mrs, Betty Clark; bulletin edi- tor, Mrs. Florence Genttner, A past president, Gordon Baynham, chaired the meeting. Guests included Jack Drysdale, district secretary, Hensall, and Mrs. Latimer, London. in - a game of court whist Which followed, prizes were won by Mrs. Judy Kieswetter, Mrs. Hoffman and Mrs. Robertson, John Pastorius, Les Parker and Walter Westbrook, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bantle were Friday guests of Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Earl, Exeter. Mr. Don Pullen spent a few: days during last week at the CNE. Mrs. Ethel Squire, Granton, and Mr. and Mrs. Norman liod-1 gins attended the funeral on. Wednesday of the late Mrs. Josie Squire of Oscoda, .Michi-' gan, Funeral was from Big Beaver, Michigan. Allen Johnson, London, holi-' d.ayed last week with Mary and. 'Carol Johnson. Misses Carolyn and Kathleen Morley, also Mr. Chester Brown of Hazel Park, Michigan, visited. on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. William Morley Jr. Mr. and Mrs. F. Squire were' 'Saturday guests of Mrs. Blanche Hodgins, London. •-• Mr. Ron Squire was a week- end visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. ;Beckett, Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Toni SimpSdn, ,Tom Jr, and Miss Marine King of London were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Beane. Mr. and Mrs. William French, •Laura and Joe, were Sunday -guests of Mr. and Mrs. Art Hod- gins, Clandeboye, and also at- tended decoration service at St. James cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. William "Vol.- ..ley Sr. visited on Thursday with .Mr. and. Mrs. Howard Morley and family and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neil at their summer home, Southcott Pines, Grand Bend. Mrs. Florence Johns, Exeter, visited on Sunday with Mr. and /Airs. Cleve Pullman and family. Joanne Finkbeiner spent the weekend at Listowel. Michael and Heather Davis, Saintsbury, visited with friends, .Roy and Ronnie Pullman, on 'Tuesday. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Sherwill and family, London, called on Mr. and Mrs. William Morley Sr. on Tuesday on their way home from a vacation at Bruce Peninsula. Mr, and Mrs. William Rodd and Mr. and Mrs. E, Squire, Exeter, were recent callers on Mr. and Mrs. Alex Baillie. WMS and WA Twelve members were present en. Thursday evening at the September meeting of the WMS And WA at the home of Mrs. Gordon. Johnson, Mrs. William Hoffman; directors, Neil Camp- I We're Experts at Solving Heating System Problems! INSTALLATIONS AND REPAIRS Is your heating plant adequate? Would you like to extend heating to your attic, garage, porch'or recrea- tion room? Want to convert to a new kind, of heat? Call! MONT ON YOUR JOB Fashion For Misses She'll adore. them . . . Choose now! DRESSES ....Infants to 77;1.98 to $3.90 $2.98 to $8.80 \JUMPERS 2 to 6x . CO-ORDINATES, 8 to 14x $8.95 to $15.98 BLOUSES, 2 to 14 .. $1.00 to $2.98 PULLOVERS $2.98 to $4.98 CARDIGANS $2,98 to $5.95 Best Buys For Boys -4 LINED JEANS, 2 to 6x, $2.98 to $3.98 PULLOVERS, 2 to 6x, $2,98 to $3.98 CARDIGANS, 2 to 6x, $2.98 to $3,98 T-SHIRTS, long or short sleeve, 4 to 6x $1,98 'ford Luther, Grand Bend, on Sunday, September 4. Families attended from Blyth, Parkhill„ Exeter and London. The gathering also marked a family birthday and a wedding anniversary. There were 33 at- tended, •,;:” ..... .... ; . .. ; .. Centralia comments 11111101111111,11.11,1111111$1111,11MI,[1,111111.1111111,01111, Garage Sunday And Evening Service 0.4111111111111.1111a111111,111,14111;1111M11011~,W110 Open this Sunday, Wednes- day afternoon and during the evening throughout the week. Exeter Motor Sales Goad time to check your hoiting system', make stirs it's working properly. ...287.10VM.W.WeN,..=.31230461231tittlett. NEW DRESSES Skirts, Pullovers, Cardigans, Bulky Knits, Slims. We want you to see this wonderful collection, You'll choose an exciting new wardrobe quickly. But do it now . . , our selection can't last long. 4/4 co) W.:02132413altrittLi-,. GOULD & J Phone 974 Exeter MRS,